What kind of quests would you run in a Fallout setting centered around the Mojave Wasteland, Veeky Forums?

What kind of quests would you run in a Fallout setting centered around the Mojave Wasteland, Veeky Forums?

Creative liberties can apply.

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Fallout 3: New Vegas

Port the "A Night to Remember" quest From Skyrim.

Just do the Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven.

>A traditional "raid the market" however the place is staffed by robots, both security and cashier, and the players can use pre-war money to buy items from the store.

>Restore a car to working condition

>Help a local faction gain wastelande-wide appeal

>Restore a car to working condition

Nothing can stop a Highwayman.

Ghoul biker gang vs. a small settlement on the fringe.

Mad Max. 3:10 to Yuma. Sanjuro. Cowboys vs Aliens. Literally anything.

Fiend Wars

Either form a gang of fiends, join an established gang or go in solo. Your backstory can be whatever background you want, but it must come to the conclusion that you get fucked up on one, some or all the various chems the wasteland has to offer. You become a fiend living in north/west new vegas, where you must compete with other drug addled crazies in the post apocalyptic.

Create your own drugs, this can come with extreme highs or have devastating side effects if you mess up the mix or the ingredients.
End game is taking over the drug trade, eventually rivalling the Kharns or perhaps pushing your merchandise across the new vegas wasteland.

Combat would be as crazy and drug fueled as you could imagine.


Lets see what Veeky Forums does with this.

We're running out of water, plz help find a way to make more.


Imagine a Joshua Graham-type mixed with Christ Chan

I generally have ideas set in Indy Vegas (With a sliiightly better peace and trade with the NCR and many of the smaller factions allied/absorbed) The courier is never seen and may actually be a team of two or more. Yes Man essentially upgraded into a Victor duplicate, either the Courier(s) is/are on new adventures, busy partying in the penthouse, or they're dead and Victor/Yesman is really in charge.

I like this idea.
Alternatively, a campaign where you service the Legion by dealing with what The Courier left in the Mojave would be choice.

Always felt they didn't get the fleshing out they deserved.

I am glad to hear you like it. Mind you it got a little TOO utopian because I hate conflict sometimes.

IE the courier saying "I captured House's technology as a mere initiate, I am going to appoint the next head of the BoS" managing to get away with it

>Thinking this is a quest thread
>Thinking Op just doesn't want to work on something for his RP group

I think he means for an actual round the table game.



That's Joshua Graham with less facewraps.

>Not Mormon (probably Catholic)
>Modestly dressed young woman
>Probably speaks Latin to an extent
>Probably wouldn't mind a new Holy Roman Empire

She'd probably get along even better with Caesar's Legion than he did, even given that she's a woman. Maybe try some kind of slow reform from the inside. Shack up with some successful soldier "MY WOMB WITH BIRTH YOUR CHAMPIONS" and influence from there. Just an idea.







>there are people who genuinely believe fallout:nv or any fallout game were ever good.


What's wrong with finding games fun?


I DM'd a Fallout game set in and around the Mojave and the Shi. I took some creative liberties and had the group run the job that left the Courier with the codes for Hopetown



Would it be wrong to REALLY slowly ramp up the tech if the weapons? Make .22s useful for a while. (Especially Remington nylon looking guns because they are super americana with that diamond..)

Here's an idea i have

If you've been friendly to the Legion then you should be able to travel into deep legion territory. While there you can see some non-military legion culture and also show some good sides to it (some traders at The Fort say how good legion territory is due to no raiders).

However due to the mass amount of slavers, you can have a quest line of freeing a bunch etc. If freed then some slaves will reference the Lincoln Memorial from Fallout 3 saying its a safe place for ex-slaves. (Hell even a cameo from Hannibal Hamlin trying to help would be cool). This can lead to another quest for helping the slaves gather provisions. This can include a sneak quest for stealing from a legion camp.

Another idea I have is going up against a crazy Mr House AI

If you kill Mr House, then an AI based on him is activated. It see's you as a major threat and uses its upgraded securitron to attack new vegas. You have to find its bunker (underneath New Vegas) and destroy it. Have it reference Fallout 3's President John Henry Eden as being a failure and is too smart to self explode. defeat it by either psychically destroying it subduing it in order to give to a faction like the followers of the Apocalypse, brotherhood of steal or NCR

We did that to a motorcycle once, got a town economy set up around it too

A horror/suspense themed campaign centered around the first signs of a new irradiated creature...but one with a higher level intelligence than most wasteland creatures, so it's also a murder mystery mixed with the Witcher.

Trying to open up a new casino and make it big and all the difficulties that would entail.

Somehow, you've made an organization that has ALL THE SPIES from EVERYONE in it. Try to stay alive!

You found a recently excavated bunker! Its basically a lab from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!

What system are you using?


Final idea

>Meet some chick in an abandoned church
>Says she wants to start a marriage business
>She need pages from a bible (or a religious book)
>The more pages you get the more her church/community grows
>She keeps asking for more pages
>You get her the last page
>youre knocked out from an injection
>wake up to become a sacrifice
>turns out you have been getting pages from the Krivbeknih (from Fallout 3 Point Lookout)
>The sacrifice goes through
>You wake up to being on a cross crucified and a marriage happening below you
>Wake up again far from the location with a Trait that brings down your luck but able to attack with higher damage (a curse)
>you can go back to either save Rex or ED-E or just revenge
>Save another person being sacrificed
>Or join the community

during the whole quest i want the player to get an eerie feeling from the NPCs but have the rewards too good that they follow it from. I also want the main chick to be very charismatic so it feels more like a cult

Sphincter Shattered quest fag detected.

I'd more likely believe that a Brotherhood of Steel order would go Full Catholic.

Possibly they might even get a protection racket going on the lines of

>We extend our aegis over you and you provide us with food, water and dibs on any high tech salvage.

The Holy Vegas Empire would be an unintended but unavoidable by product of the deal gathering momentum. Eventually they spread their effort too far and too thin and are forced to start recruiting outsiders. BoS brothers become a warrior elite and officer class of the HVE

So like Nuka-World but not shit?

>DLC that's a literal themepark

I thought that angry was just the general feeling you get from having played Fallout 4 at all.

No, this is what you feel.

Obsidian, come back. You can blame it all on me.