Alright Veeky Forums the Imperium has decided to form a "Team Rainbow" out of Imperial Guard Regiments

Alright Veeky Forums the Imperium has decided to form a "Team Rainbow" out of Imperial Guard Regiments.

Question is how do you form your ideal Team Rainbow in 40k?

Mine has to include


Speaking of this why hasn't been there been a story where guardsmen from other regiments work together or interact more?

Step 1: Make sure they're all on the same page of the Imperial Creed

Step 2: Make sure their personalities work in such a way that a natural hierarchy forms

Step 3: Select only the people who're too unorthodox in their regiment

Step 4: Put an inquisitor in charge

Step 5: Take lessons from the All-Guardsman Party

Step 6: Pray to the Emperor that this works

Because Munitorum doesn't want it's bureaucratic nightmare turning into eldritch bureaucratic nightmare.

>Not just grabbing all the ace loose-cannon guards one step away from a firing squad for disobedience
>Not putting them under the command of a by-the-book commissar
>Not having them argue during training before finally coming to respect each other before an epic climactic battle in the secret cultist headquarters deep behind enemy lines

Be right back, off to make a Dirty Dozen themed guard army

happens fairly often in Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts series... thing that springs most clearly to mind are the Ghosts and the Vitrian Dragoons comparing their equipment but there's *lots* of other, more in depth examples throughout the series and indeed the stress of integrating vastly different cultures into just one regiment is a core component of the later books

Pic related. Three of the best 40k books.
They got rules and minis in 3rd ed., too.

>off to make a Dirty Dozen themed guard army

You mean schaffers last chancers right? Or are you noob?

"Alright which one of you guys wants to be a Lord General."
"What kind of a Lord General, sir?"
"Just a plain, ordinary, everyday, Emperor-lovin' Lord General."
"I'd rather be a civilian, sir."

>No Steel Legion

Good luck.

Patrol scout (defacto leader on patrol). Combat shotgun with exterminator flamer pack. Democharges, smoke grenades.
Assault specialist. Grenade launcher and twin laspistols with 2 hotshot packs.
Lasgun wep-spec. x4 rechargable hotshot packs, scope. Frag, Krak. Chain bayonet.
Stormtrooper advisor. Hotshot lasgun w/ backpack ammo supply. underslung grenade launcher. Melta bombs.
>Steel legion
Operator. Autogun w/ manstopper bullets. x6 clips in webbing. Handcannon.
Heavy weapons team. Sustained fire H-Bolter w/ preysense sight, gun shield and tripod. Sidearm, a carbine that can fire H-bolter rounds one at a time. Lasgun.
Sgt. Shotgun & power fist. Laspistol as backup. Frag grenades.
Sniper. Longlas w/ x4 hotshot packs. Scimitar.
Engineer. Heavy shotgun and gas grenades.

Salvar chem dogs
Penal legions
Kanak skulltakers
Necromundan spiders
Blood Pact

>Sergeant Valkam Brears, Cadian Kasrkin
A decade of being shipped around the galaxy (and defending against pirates and insurrections back home) has molded Sergeant Brears into a experienced and decorated servant of the Imperium, though he is loathe to brag or even talk about his countless successful operations. Brears has always demanded (and received) unquestioning loyalty from his team, which has put him at odds with Fulman. He drives the squad onward, determined that they don't measure up to his fallen comrades.

>Corporal Ayash Ta'lik, Tallarn Desert Raiders
Brear's right hand, Ayash is the most level-headed of the group, often acting as a second pair of eyes when assessing a combat situation. As an experienced ambusher, he is proficient at finding the best place to cause the most damage to the enemy, and often accompanies Fulman on guerrilla operations, when he can stand his chatter. Ayash's faith is as strong as steel, and he will not take an affront to the Emperor or his shrines lightly.

>Trooper Jerrak Fulman, Catachan Jungle Fighters
Fulman is an expert tracker, marksman, and survivalist, and he'll make sure anyone around him knows about it. His brash nature and disrespect for authority frequently causes him to butt heads with Sergeant Brears, but the two begrudgingly respect each other nonetheless. Fulman relishes a challenge, and is determined to prove himself the best at everything he can, whether that's disarming a bomb or taking on a Kroot in unarmed combat. Most of all, Fulman's life goal seems to be to make Kurn laugh.

>Trooper Veich Kurn, Death Korps of Krieg
Kurn is, above all, ruthless and efficient. More than willing to lay down his life at any point, Sergeant Brears has on more than one occasion personally dragged him from fighting in a hopeless situation or slammed him down on a medic's table and demanded they stitch him up. As a result of his injuries, he possesses a robotic arm. Despite (or perhaps because of) his disregard for his own life, Kurn has the highest kill count of any of the other squad members. Kurn generally ignores the idle chatter outside of a firefight, but the fingers of his prosthetic arm noticeably twitch when Fulman starts talking.

>Trooper Feynal Tremlok, Brimlock Dragoons
The youngest soldier, Tremlok is doomed to be overlooked in most situations. Being from one of the lesser-known and less-famous regiments, his suggestions tend to fall on deaf ears. Despite this, he is an excellent all-round combatant, a fact reflected by the test scores that got him placed in the squad to begin with. He idolizes Sergeant Brears as a true hero of the Imperium, and desperately tries (and fails) to get him to tell stories of his previous missions. Naive to a point, Tremlok is still in the mindset that war is a glorious activity, and hasn't yet seen enough of its horrors to realise otherwise, which is at least partially because the others (apart from Kurn, who just does anything required of him regardless) spare him from the grimmest duties.

>Catachan demolitions expert who can make a joke in any situation
>Thrill seeking Elysian who in reality is a total nerd
>Catachan and Elysian are the best bros
>Catachan always butts heads with the Storm Trooper advisor
>Storm Trooper is either an OG one or a Scion specifically the Deltic Lions
>Death Korps grenadier is actually a girl but no one really bothered the ask
>Usual Kreig grimderp and efficiency
>She has a tendency for liking to follow orders by the book is great when paired with the teams Cadian or Mordian
>She actually speaks the most regarding the Teams Catachan and his aggressive and rebellious nature
>Tallarn and Steel Legionnaire always recommend a plan including alot of armor
>Steel Legionnaire is the teams defacto Ork expert having served on Armageddon has a deep distrust of the Inquisition
>Cadian is a by the books no nonsense veteran has been shipped and fought almost every enemy known to man
>Tallarn is the teams head mechanic expert and always has the teams armor and equipment up and ready to go
>Valhallen is a big friendly Russian bear who is always there to make sure the team kills heretics and xenos and not themselves
>Vostroyon First Born is the teams medic she is quite snobbish when it comes to mundane things like Barracks maintenance and hygiene issues but shes the best the teams got

Wasnt Kreig obsessed with the idea that he always drew IG for that reason?







Do they wear the same uniform or wear their home regiments fatigues?

I'd say the same core uniform, with small elements from home unit uniforms.
Let them take pride both in where they are now and where they came from.

Catachan must have ripped sleeves and keep their bandanna

>devoted Krieger commisar
>bloodthirsty Catachan scout
>coldblooded Cadian sniper
>daredevil Elysian pilot

Instead of Team Rainbow

How about we go Expenadbles on this shit

All nameed IG characters formed into one team

See we did something like this. It was basically an inquisitors off the books black ops team that he could throw under the bus.

We had a Krieger engineer who was autistic for vehicles and artillery, a Harkoni Warhawk hotshot who had a thing for improvised weapons, a Savlar Chem Dog who managed to produce exactly what we need exactly when we needed it, and a Catachan who was a bro to everyone even after we found his collection of Xenos feet.

>Xeno feet

Most of it were eldar wasnt it?

>Catachans like explosives
>has a certain affection to one body part
>to the point just cuts it off and keeps it hidden


Tau actually, although catabro did start talking about how the Three Eldar feet were his favorite of the collection. I'm sure he was just did it for creep factor

R-right? ;-;

Fuck I didn't watch JoJo at the time but... The character makes so much sense now. He kept going on about how he was totally normal and shit.


>Xenos feet
W-were they preserved or something? Or were they just bones?


Preserved, what do you think he was some disgusting animal?

Half of the members would be Catachans and Commissars

I have a better idea. A team entirely made up of Commissars.

I would've preferred it if they were bones, reeeaaaly would've cut down on the creep factor. Still, taking trophies from the enemy
>pic related

>Select only the people who're too unorthodox in their regiment
So no Death Korps then

I was playing the Chem dog, and the guy playing catachan really didn't do much to dissuade the creep factor at all.


Kriegers would be really bad at a multi-cult team, and not in a fun way. They're joyless and wouldn't be able to effectively connect with their team members, and would most likely throw their life away at an early part of the mission to achieve a minor objective.

and thats why everyone loves him! The Catachan always pull pranks on him too

But that's a great opportunity for roleplay. The Krieger starts off Krieg-y, but as he spends more time with the team he begins to get a personality (not much of one though, life time of dehumanization does that to someone). Perhaps he gets a small hobby, like drawing, or tinkering with bits and bobs to create useful gadgets. Bonus, make him a medic.

Isn't that just the Inquisition's killteams?

I thought they were raised for the inquistion

Inquisitors take what they want from what they have from nearby planet's PDF units or from a schola.
What on Holy Terra makes you think anything in the Imperium is standardized? The Munitorum would have entire planets worth of bureaucrats committing suicide after the downsizing, at least they would live long enough to see their dream realized.

What do you mean?
>Wears gas mask tube to the right, instead of to the left.
>Immediately get categorized as unorthodox, shipped off to rainbow squad.

>Teaching Krieger how to read!
>Teaching Krieger how to laugh!
>Teaching Krieger how to eat something that isn't a ration bar!

>Catachan and Kreiger adventures

Aren't Vostroyan firstborns all dudes

If a family has no sons they'll send their daughters instead.

Key word of first born

Though ill admit maybe the female kreiger is pushing it

Keywords are first born sons m80.

I dunno both lexicanium,FFG,and 1d4chan said both

But believe what we want it is 40k

>comic like this never ever

If its any firstborn then that implies the regiment is fucking 50% women.
If that's the case they'd never win anything ever.

More likely that the forced conscription applies to firstborn sons. But other children can choose to volunteer, so females could volunteer and get into support positions like medic or whatever.

Well, a Krieger would already know how to read and write, as well know how to eat something other than a ration bar. Although, I don't think a Krieger would enjoy eating something other than a ration bar.

Maybe rat stew

>If that's the case they'd never win anything ever.
Well when you fight tyranids and orks, the physical differences between genders become all but insignificant.

>Game like this never ever


I'd buy it

I believe that although first-born daughters are not compelled to
join the guard, some may still volunteer for it regardless.

Now we need to come up with a good reason why they're formed, and how they are selected. I assume we're using the Deathwatch as a base for how it should be structured.

>tfw no vostroyan gf

So no one from the same regiment on the same team?

thank you user
>the bestest specialist in the local regiment get selected for a black ops type missions since they can't afford a full scions team

That's what it sounds like to OP

There already is a "Team Rainbow"

Can we give the Catachans phospex?

>The were totally not sleeper agents for the Alpha legion or Ishas children

It makes they even better

>In the grim darkness of the far future, some folks are born made to wave the flag, ooh they're red white and blue

The Krieger's abilities for reading and writing are probably limited to military-specfic stuff.

There's no need to teach them much else, really.