Imperial Guardness

OK, let's make an Imperial Guard Regiment.
Someone roll a d10.

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Disregard rolling, I want for us to choose our own destiny for once.
Regiment classification: Rogue Trader Retenue (pimpin and explorin)

Sure, why not. Pretty much just a variant of Navy.
Next, let us roll a d100 to see who the Rouge Trader enjoys fighting alongside.

Rolled 9 (1d100)

A space Canadian Mounty regiment.

Riding land bikes with moose antlers on the front.

Looks like we have an all male regiment.
Wonder what sorta Rogue trader we're working with here...
Next, roll a d10 to see how we recruit these sorry bastards.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

All aboard the pimp retinue sausage party

So, just standard conscription, nothing unusual. But where does our Rouge Trader get their forces? Let's roll a d100.

Rolled 41 (1d100)

Jeez, a Death World? This Rogue Trader, at least, knows where the best are made.
Let us see how f*cked up the terrain of their world is. Roll another d100.

Rolled 38 (1d100)

A desert world. So, what, an Arabian themed trader and his private army? Neat.
Let's roll a d100 to see what kind of units are their main deal.

Rolled 3 (1d100)

Desert death world could also leave them African or Western themed, just throwing out variables.

An infantry regiment. Like that isn't real vague.
A regiment of Zulus, cowboys or sheiks? Decisions, decisions...
Roll a d10 for their tactical specialization.

Do Australian gurkas.

With full in Bowie knives and everything. And mutant koalas

Let's see what out combat specialization is first.
So, please, someone roll a d10.

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Bust out the power-Iklwas, Commander Shaka!

Close combat, hell yeah! Orks can taste the balls of steel up close, along with the Chain Axe!
How loyal to the Imperium are we? Make 2d10 rolls, actually. One roll for our loyalty to the Imperium, the second for the loyalty to the Rogue Trader.

Rolled 2, 10 = 12 (2d10)

What does that mean? Are they fanatical but serve a heretical Trader? Is the regiment fanatically heretical? Or heretically fanatic?

Ohhh, snap. We will give our lives for the Rogue Trader we serve, but appearently space Zulus have issues with the Carrion Lord.
Roll a d100 for our gimmick!

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Since we hail from a Death World, maybe the Rogue Trader is a deviant and preys on the fact we need little/nothing about the Imperium, in order to ensure their vanguard's loyalty. If anyone finds out though...
Also, we need to work on our Rogue Trader. Someone give me a name and gender, and I'll work something out.

Traditional Weapons.
We are the Zulu- IN SPACE!!!
Someone, quick, roll a d100 for our Regiment Creed. And pray we don't roll a 50-60.

Rolled 7 (1d100)

The Space Zulu will show you they are the best at what they do, for the homeworld!
Now, what organisation have these near-heretics get along with? Or at least, their boss does.

Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Weird. Maybe they're from a Knight World or something. They've seemed pretty primitive and deviant to be AdMech allies.

The... AdMech? get along with these fleshy primitives? I can only guess that the Rogue Trader picked up a lesser STC or something and bought themselves the techpriests' favour.
Roll the d100 for the enemies of our proud warriors!

Oh, someone rolled a 70. I'll take it. Seems we pissed off a Daemon Prince at some point. This may not be the most fun for them in the long run...
Now we must do some writefaggotry/fluff and colour them, figuring out where the hell in the galaxy these guys are.

I'm guessing they'll be on the fringes of the galaxy, maybe in a northern part, so they can be close enough to the Eye to justify their relative anonymity and demon prince pissing off tactics.

Space Zulu retinue of a heretical Rogue Trader. Said Rogue Trader dug up a shiny schematic or two for the cogboys, and pissed of some Chaos followers somewhere down the line.
They're not Chaos worshippers, but the Rogue Trader is motivated more by his wallet than anything. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he picked our spear-happy regiment as his backup because they were so primitive and warlike it was cake to draft them into his service.

Just wondering, but I wonder how interested Demon Princes would be in old tech... Like, maybe a Demon Prince who was a Dark Mechanicus pre-ascent, and still loves picking up tech. This rogue trader and his savage guard manage to cheese their way through his cultists and lesser demons, grab the STC, and get out. The STC means the AdMech keeps the Inquisition and their forces calling, while the space Zulus (they'll need a name) and their captain/captainess just loot and show off throughout their sector.

Maybe the Pride of Gygas (name of their homeworld). The Rogue trader, though.. Anyone hear play Rogue Trader and have experience in the matter?

Rogue Trader Frere Melmoth, conqueror and Duke of Gygas, Lord Commander of its Pride, and explorator of the Omnissiah.

Sounds... pretty neat. A guy who doesn't really care about the Imperium or the AdMech, just pays lip service, and tries to keep them out of his area of control. Would have been taken out ages ago if he didn't find the STC, snatching them from under a Demon Prince's nose, and gaining the eternal favour of the Techpriest, especially those of a world near his. However, he now has a cultist (either demonic or genestealer) problem, that the Pride is having trouble dealing with but he can't ask for help from the Imperium without risking them discovering his heresy, and the AdMech couldn't be trusted not to mess with his soldiers if he asked for some Skitarii or something.

Guardsmen of the Pride are known for being exceptionally aggressive and primitive, but also rather creative. They're able to make the most of limited resources, and though they vastly prefer their bread-and-butter of power-spears and storm shields are more than happy to try out any requisition Duke Melmoth can "acquire" for them.
They worship the Emperor, but not in a complex manner. The concept of the Emperor is used by Melmoth as a way to ensure his soldier's obedience, sort of like how Ogryns view the Emperor, but without the severe mental degradation.
The Gygas people are hot blooded on and off duty, and love nothing more than tests of strength, skill, and bravery. They're hard bastards tempered by the conditions of their death world, and if any xeno or heretic is stupid enough to stand between them and something Frere wants, they'll be in for more than they bargained for.