Android Netrunner General - everyone's invited to *that* party edition

>Question of the day
What's the card you think had been unjustly left on the way-side?

>What is Android: Netrunner?

>Android Netrunner Official FFG News & Spoilers:

>Official FAQ (post-MWL), Compendium on rulings, and common mistakes

>NAPD Most Wanted List

>Netrunner Card List and Data Pack Details: (You’ll need to build it yourself)

>Deckbuilding Resources: (not recommended)

>Articles and Blogs:


Try "Why I run", great for prospective Runners looking for a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace the spaces by dots):
www nagnazul com/whyirun/whyirun.html

Other urls found in this thread:

And to answer my own question: Forged Activation Order.

Card I hadn't seen in a long while, and replaying it this week-end, I had a hard time explaining why.

Really good card. Devastating when timed right.


Cards unjustly left by the wayside?

Flare maybe?
It's a stupidly good sub and it's such a cool flavour around it, but it doesn't feel like NBN ice, other than being a Tracer - hell, it's their ONLY AP ice.

Oh, it's too big, too clunky, but I can't help but like it - I just have a soft spot for big impractical ice, like Flare or Swarm

Forgot to finish my post - are their any other cards you can think of that to your mind really belong to a different faction?

Pic related is to me - well, half of it.

I think the effect would make much more sense for criminal - getting cash from runs, precision strikes, and I'd theme it around using criminal leverage to make cash through a steal - Fisk making a killer play for his company through stealing an agenda (seeing as it's from his pack) for example

The theme/name I think should go to a different effect, given how they're cool as fuck

Definitely agree on the Crim flavor. Love the card myself, put it to great use in my so called "mean" Kim deck. I understand why it's not played much but what's criminal is how little it's seeing play.

Flare really suffer from the big ICE issue. Definitely a card I've way overlooked myself.
Just mentioning it makes me want to play it though. Going to slot it somewhre as a wild card.

I think PttP is meant to go against Weyland's Public agendas. You can even see the Expo Grid from there.

Works pretty nice with GlobalSec Security Clearance and decks that force mass trashes into Archives too.

Power to the People -> Public Agendas
Film Critic -> Sensies

>to go against Weyland's Public agendas
I guess, though they're on the nicer side, mostly - I think a "Power to the People" card should exist, and that it should have that art, but I think the effect feels Criminal

I'd say a PttP card in a world where that effect is on a crim card would feel more suited to trashing something, or maybe derezing a bunch of assets or something

I like it, although I think it would work better as a Current. Like Sunny's.
On the other hand, I think Sunny's card would work better as a Human First on steroids, as a resource.
Meanwhile, Human First can certainly do better if it wasn't unique.

Yeah, don't know it would have been too excessive for Human First to have been non-unique to be honest - I'd like to see more of them as a group (and the totally non-affiliated Humanity Labor , they're certainly the sort of people who have and pay runners

I think it fits, a single Human First card barely scraps for you 11 credits if you get it out early enough (assuming nobody is trashing agendas and the match is close with both sides stealing 6 AP, it goes up to 17 credits otherwise in a regular 49 cards deck).
But Human First activists may act in bigger numbers, making it a scary proposition for any Corp, going to 22 and 33 credits.
Honestly, Another day, another paycheck is even more brutal in that regard. I don't even know math enough to calculate how much can you gain in a regular game.
(Actually, I do, but I'm too lazy and tired right now to think about it)

I think the best ADAP results come from letting the corp build up a lead and then coming back - which makes sense, seeing as that's what Sunny's good at, and thematically it could be seen as the corp doing enough bad shit that Globalsec goes from monitoring to investigating

I think the basic answer is 56 - the corp has 6 points, you score 6 times.

I'm also sure there can be more points on offer if you hit a news team or something on the way

>I think it fits, a single Human First card barely scraps for you 11 credit

What do you mean "barely"? There's lot to be said about the trigger conditions or Human First, but from a pure return on investment standpoint, it can be pretty good.

11 credits for one invested is nothing to scoff at.

When lots of ICE seeing common use are cheap (sometimes even free) to begin with, it's a lot less effective unless you guess right for that one awkward ice they won't rez for some reason.

Eh, in a roundabout way expose is seeing its first ever prominence with snitch - sure, it's not much, but I've definitely had games where crims have known everything I have, even though it's unrezed.

No Snitch art, so have it's weird alternative brother

Not to mention, I don't know how it's been elsewhere, but decks composed only or even mainly of cheap, pure gear-check ICE have been on the down here.

Granted, big ICE still being so rare, and probably doing so for the foreseeable future is going to hurt that card yeah. But even a Ichii 1.0 can make a big tempo difference (Imagine with Sandburg), and that's not an uncommon target by any means.

Most AR decks are rich enough to not be bothered much by big ice assuming they can get set up. They are also pretty tight in slots for such a niche event.

coolstuff has a sale with the core set, the upstalk data pack, and the source data pack, all for 40$. I've wanted to get into netrunner for a while; is this a good way to start? Anything else I should add to the cart, like recommended packs or something? I don't really know much.

The championship decks are a decent addition for the collection, the corp one at any rate.

Other then that, the ones to go for first are the big boxes, and/or the packs for the latest cycle.

The two datapacks have a few cool cards - some I actually like a lot like a Utopia Fragment or, say Lamprey- and some actually good stuff (cue NEH).

That being said, while a nice bonus don't let it tip the scale for you.

If you want to give the game a try, lookup With a few tutorials, you can give the game a try online (if that's something worthwhile, I know without face-to-face interactions the game loses a lot for me). Might be a good way to see of it's for you mechanically before committing to anything.

I mean, always cool to have new players, but better to know what you're getting into beforehand.

Looking at the reddit link in OP, I notice there's a buying. Quick glance, I don't know that I agree with everything, but it looks like a decent starting point.

Be warned though, in case that sort of things matter to you, the first two cycles are rotating in a little less than a year for competitive play.

Thanks for the input. I've taken a quick look at the mechanics before and it seems like I'd be interested, always loved playing card games and I like the LCG format. My only issue is being able to actually play with people. I have a game night once a week but it's usually me and 2 other guys, occasionally a 4th, and we'd rather play other games than do a 2v2 or a 1v1v1 free for all in a game like this. I'm also not sure there are really any tournaments around without having to take a train into the city (meaning new york, I'm about an hour train ride away).

The sale goes on for a week so I got some time to look into some of the sets and make a decision. Is the core set being cycled out as well? If it is, is it required to play, or do any of the big box expansions fill the same role?

I sincerely doubt the core set itself is going to see any changes in the foreseeable future, so getting at least one is probably the best. Getting a second one may be desirable for extended deck building options, but again can be sorta substituted by the champ decks (which contains really good cards from early cycles, particularly for corp but somewhat less so for runner).

The big boxes are also good as supplements depending on which factions you play.

The core and the big boxes are non-rotating.
At least that's what's been announced so far. So getting them, you're at least sure not to have compatibility issues along the way with any other local player.

Honestly, just give the game a try online, if you like it, one core should be enough to get you started (unless what interests you is to go full competitive right off the bat). Generally, if feeling like upgrading, the usual advice is to go for the big boxes for your favorite factions first.

Not going to lie, one issue you're going to have if playing with an already established community is that, given the amount of bluff in the game, you *need* to know the cards, even those you don't own, to be able to play correctly against someone that has more cards than you.

Me I prefer to make some core-only decks to play against new players and ease them into the game. Not always an option, and when it's not possible, I make it a point to show my whole deck to the new players so that they have an idea what they're playing against. Don't be afraid to ask.

Other looking into any local scenes near where you live, do ask if any of the other guys are interested in getting into the game too, learning the ropes is always easier if you have a friend with you.

The core set is non-rotating and isn't *quite* required to play - however it's got some amazing cards and comes with all the stuff - it should always be your first buy, even with the stupid 1-ofs and 2-ofs (which kinda make sense for a game that stands on its own, but otherwise is just really really annoying)

Geez, how late is Escalation now?

That said, maybe I'm just too hyped. Looks like a very fun pack

Coming 6th October

Then where the hell are the spoilers?
I thought they're usually 2 weeks ahead of the pack dropping

Yeah well not this time. That's the official street date.

Hanjin problems looks like. Criminal stuff hasn't been spoiled yet so it could be good, but Weyland doesn't look like they have any new ice, Boom is meh (in Weyland) and Door to Door will be either terrible or amazing. At the very least this data pack will be interesting, and Intervention probably won't be too far behind, though to be honest I'm more excited for the Arkham Horror LCG.

That's so last year

Last year we still had snow_jax IIRC. A different era.

That's a high possibility, although given that Mumbad 6 was fully spoiled early on in that cycle, there is also a chance all those later packs are already in the warehouses, although why they aren't getting releases beggars the imagination.


I swear I thought it was 2 years ago, last spoiler I remember was Faust, SanSan cycle, which makes it last year, you're right.

Snow_jax died for our spoils. RIP

You know they ship all the packs in a cycle together?

Sadly true, but on balance knowing the cards, and then a delivery fuckup occurring is just really annoying

I was thinking, this could have been a lot better runner side, given the 6 off cards.

Too good?

Too good might be the case. It's basically a one use Replicator for any card type. Instant Au Revoir rig, instant 3x Lockpick, etc.

Is there a way to play netrunner online outside of something like vassal or tabletop simulator? Or if those are the only options, is there a community for it? Something like a MTG online situation.

Yeah, I think so - still, I want to try and do something with it, but I'm not sure where - maybe Titan - tutor it with Consultants?

Perhaps in Custom Biotics, maybe with Reclamation Order to play something like 6 times?
Though that begs the question, sure, you can fit it in easily enough, but what do you use it for?

I do like trying to see what I can come up for for localised product lines - does Weyland order up certain types of munitions for the job in hand, for example?
Or they might just launch a range of financial services targeted to a specific market

Custom Biotics makes thematic sense - they'd obviously be the division given the task of developing locale-specific bioroids, such as Jeeves models

Are you not familiar with Jinteki dot net ?

It's great

Lots of card automation, a casual and competetive room, most things are easy to undo if you mess up

You mean

I'm brand new, don't even own the core set. I'm the guy from earlier in the thread asking about if the coolstuffinc bundle was worth it or not. I knew about the site but I thought it was basically a tutorial. Do you have access to all the cards to try various decks? If it's basically just the full game but online, I'd probably rather just do that than get wrapped up in spending the money on physical cards since I don't think I'll have a lot of opportunity to play.

I'll still probably grab this bundle, because I have a friend or two I'm sure I could get into the game now and then, but if I can just play online I may not go beyond that.

Yeah, it's the full monty, every card in the game - even some of the previewed cards, but they're mostly not coded yet

>sure, you can fit it in easily enough, but what do you use it for?

That's the thing isn't it? Needs to be a high impact card for which you want multiple copies in HQ as soon as possible.

Consulting Visit alone fits better than this for most Weyland kill usage (though you're right, there's something hilarious to this + Consulting).

Other easy suspect is Ambushes. Like a big "leave that HQ alone" signal.

Some mass Asset set up? (with Shipment from Mirrormorph for good measure)
Aryabhata Tech doesn't really seem to need this to me. Though it could be amusing.
Bioethics in IG? Encryption Protocol?

I think the problem is that there's several cards with which that would be cute, but none that make you feel like you need it.

Mark my words, I WILL make deva deck that works.

>with Shipment from Mirrormorph for good measure
I like this one. Not sure what for, but damn it if drawing and installing 3 of something for 2 clicks (and 5 credits) doesn't sound awesome

Also really wish artists wouldn't put just 1 thing from their netrunner work in their portfolios


You need some Modded to install it for cheap. Maybe, Multithreader to pay the swaps.
Panchatantra and Deus X for flexibility.
Console, I'd say Mirror.

I like Multithreader for the swaps. And if going Panchatantra, the now classic silver bullet suite (Deus X/Sharpshooter) seems indicated (and that's where things start falling apart if you ask me, that base set up can be so good you barely need the daeva).

Or going anarch build with Xanadu and Rook for Aghora support? Headlock style. Use the other daeva as bluffing tool of sort...

Crim just doesn't look like it can pull it off to me.

Yeah, Crim's first AI is certainly a weird one


It's not even the weirdness. Weird is the deva suite.

It's more that, with the two others, you have some synergies with existing cards/play-styles. Vamadeva is just narrow (though less so than the two others) and self sufficient - little to no intersecting with other cards.

So you can build a deck around Aghora or Sadyojata, with all they entail, and then add the other deva programs as back up support. Not so much with Vamadeva.

I guess there would be some weird case to be made thematically with breakers that get rid of all subroutines (Switchblade, Sunny's - the B&E to a point, maybe) and it as complement, but from a utility (even ignoring efficiency) standpoint, it doesn't hold up I find.

Actually, Geist *could* probably pull that out.

I hear people are trying to make them work with The Professor.

That or the good ol' Grappling Hook/e3 combo

Professor seems like a trap build to me. The one influence hurts a lot here.

Heya! This is my first time posting in this thread, im usually in board games general.

However, ive recently purchased netrunner and after playing one game, although i made a shit deck, i immediatlry knew i had made the right choice in getting the game. Its a pretty great game. Im not looking to get into it competitivley or anything, just gamimg at hpme with my bro.

I have the core set along with the trace amounts and what lies ahead data packs. I made a shaper deck using just the core set and it was absolute shit because i never had a chance to install amy ice breakers! I had 2 of the same type and they didnt help one bit haha i definitley felt stupid.

Anyways! Enough rambling, my point is im hoping to get aome advice in building a deck. Im.not looking for links to premade decks, im more hoping to get some advice on what to focus on or some guidelines in building a good runner deck.

So im not sure which faction i prefer but the one im building now is anarch. What do you guys think is a good way going about it? Should i pay attention to certain types/costs distributions?

Coz i know for mtg for example theres a rscommended number of land to creature to spells ratio. Stuff like that would be helpful. Hope im not being annoying lol thanks in advance! :^)

Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it.

Personally, unless I have a very specific game plan, I tend to go with around 1/3 of the deck in econ and draw, then optimize from that.

That can change A LOT from deck to deck though.

Specifically for the core set (things change a lot once you start adding expansions):

- Criminals can tutor breakers. Should help you solve you issue.
- Tinkering allows Shaper to give any ICE all the major types (Barrier, Sentry, Code Gate) at once, meaning you don't need all breakers to get into a server (one and two deep ICE you can go with just one icebreaker... which should carry you to the late game pretty well if used sparingly).
- Anarchs tend to brute force what they need with draw, and destroy troublesome ICE with Parasite (which they can tutor with Djinn if things should come to that) - which they can accelerate with Datasucker and Wyrm*.

*: though remember that a breaker needs to be of equal strength to interact with ICE, so you need to raise Wyrm's before you can use it to lower the ICE's.

Here's something I used for my first few decks. Runner tips are down towards the end of the article.

Do keep in mind the recommended card counts aren't set in stone, for example recent decks can go as low as 6-8 ice cards, or have 17 agendas. So don't be afraid to experiment with anything you think of.

>genuinely interested in the backstory and world of Android:Netrunner
>love the card art
>buy the base game
>hate it
This is suffering.

So this game is dead right?

How shit is the meta now

It was shit for a good chunk of the year but the release of temujin contract has brought the importance of actually running back into the game. Plus museum of history was made unique in the new mwl which crippled those really obnoxious never ending decks.

It's actually looking pretty good at the moment, although glacier are dead as a dodo thanks to the release of rumour mill. There's some definite power creep happening alright, which has me worried...

Play Mainframe or wait for New Angeles?

You should definitely try the original Android boardgame. It's pretty dense but set aside a day with a few friends to play through a game and treat it like a sort of set RPG. I enjoyed it a lot and it really details the world nicely.

Don't play Mainframe, it's just a nice coat of paint on a game you'd play with squared paper in school

Someone did share the lore (what little there is of it) a while back.

New Angeles looks very cool, though being a negotiation game you'll always need 4 players

Didn't know it existed, thanks.

Chaos Theory has a full name!

It's Chaos Theory.

Noise not scanned for some reason. Probably because he's a dick

Also consider getting Worlds Of Android, it's a setting book with a ton of lore and art

It's a little pricey though, especially outside the US

I can post some scanned excerpts if anyone wants? (not mine, I haven't bought it yet)

Well, I'll welcome anything with joy.

Go buy the big fluff book, keep an eye out for the novels and novellas? I've read all the old stuff and everything was entertaining at the very least. Got my hands on Monitor, but I've working through the Worlds of Android first.

After that, maybe try running an RPG in the setting?


>Got my hands on Monitor
Digital or dead-tree?

I read the free bit you can get from Amazon, it wasn't awful. Was a little ham-handed (the reference to MaxX was as subtle as a brick), but it seemed okay for a light read.


Heinlein (still a part of NA) not pictured

Would be interesting to design a cyberpunk RPG where the players are meant to alternate the two sides, so to speak.

Or something like Ryutama's dragon-DM characters; the sysops, that color the type of adventures the players are having...


I don't know about alternating, but the Android setting seems very applicable to the players being cops, prisec or what have you.

Infiltration (sadly OOP, though I have rules and component scans) shows that meatspace heists are a thing too - and has a fair amount of cool gear in the items cards


Also found the transcripts for these on 4plebs, I can link or copy them over if it's too blury

Dead tree hardback. Was suckered in by the promise of extra fluff in the back and the NBN spiel the author wrote a while back. Also interested to see what the Roija book does, given that there's not much fluff on her.

I figure the Android setting is pretty open to different types of games/groups. Not sure how an all hacker game would work though, given that runs are usually solitary affairs and focusing more on the social aspects feels like a cop out given the wealth of material we have about runners, ICE, breakers and all that.

Did someone photograph the entire book, or just the choicest bits?

Silly of me, but I just love that aspect of keeping the opposition a play.

Generally in games of the genre, you're just part of the underworld in one way or another.

Thanks by the way.

>Was suckered in by the promise of extra fluff in the back and the NBN spiel the author wrote a while back
Yeah, I found that tempting too. Worth it?

It was at last year's gencon iirc, where there were a few available to youtubers to whet appetites - the special editions went on sale up until christmas

How would you run that - a split party maybe?

The extra fluff bits certainly look pretty, pretty much Worlds of Android extra content but in a smaller format. The novella itself is just over 100 pages. $4/£3 for the digital version, ~$15 for the hardback. Digital is probably worth a punt, dead tree is only worth it if you want an actual physical thing.

Thinking about it, I can probably photograph the fluff bits when I get home. Should only be a dozen pages or so.

What was different about the special edition?

Last one.

I swear to god I'll get the damn thing before christmas

Honestly don't know.

Running various systems I've played in my head. Modified Ars Magica company system maybe? With players playing a cast of characters instead of just one.

Many solutions, problem is finding one that fits and works well enough...

>What was different about the special edition?
Came with a poster or three, but you were also paying to get it months ahead of everyone else

That'd be amazing - I can sell myself on buying a story for a couple of quid, but 3 or 4 times as much just for lore and a physical book is very eh

It's $30, which is pretty good for a huge hardback. $40 after postage and customs for me (in the UK), so something like £31? Amazon handled all the fees, just showed up at my house without the usual ballache of paying the customs office.

Immortan Jane?

>I swear to god I'll get the damn thing before Christmas

Given the mess with my Premium edition and customs, I'm mad enough to be tempted into buying a normal edition and then gifting it when I finally get the things sorted.

>What was different about the special edition?
4 art prints and a playmat in bonus.

Direct from ffg, or via Amazon?
I've got some Amazon vouchers coming, but because they're a promotion they can take up to 3 months

Have to say though, while Monitor looks okay I'm really hyped for Monster Slayer and finding out more about War in the Android universe - the author is one of the setting's creators and the extra lore is on the military stuff, Reina's unit and things like that

Amazon. Always Amazon. FFG's delivery rates to the UK are INSANE, since it's courier or nothing. Amazon, I believe, mass ships stuff over periodically, which means you pay $10 rather than $50, most of that probably being customs charges. The only downside is that they Hermes/Yodel stuff once it's in the UK, rather than their usual delivery force handling it.

Can you make the MWL nerf to PrePaid Voice Pad worth it in this day and age? It's been, what, 2 cycles since it was put on the MWL, surely the expanded options make it worthwhile, in Kate or otherwise.

>since it's courier
Fug, that explains why it would have cost more than the goddamn special edition of the book to get it shipped

Yeah, it can be worth it - especially when you remember that it can be used to pay currents as well

Could Null make this work?