Beekeeping in D&D

How would you make a beekeeping Druid in 5e?

Maybe with a bunch of those beehive boxes on his back and a small hive in his beard, it would make for a really cool npc, but idk how well gameplay would go

I was thinking something along those lines as well, couldn't find any rules for anything involving beekeeping beyond animal handling.

Ranks in Profession (beekeeping)?
Also, transporting bees constantly en masse is a real easy way to spread hive parasites and cause colony collapses brah

>Bee druid
>Anything but chaotic evil

This monster of a man visits courts all around the land, always leaving behind a single solitary bee. You think "it's just a bee" so you leave it alone. But after a while its loud buzzing and unpredictable flight pattern gets a bit worrying. So you try to swat it but it expertly dodges your swat and stabs you in the ear. Well, that was annoying but at least it's over, right? Wrong. The next day, there's another fucking bee. But why? It's winter, isn't it? And this bee is fucking pissed, like he knows you tried to kill his homie.

Fuck bees. Seriously, fuck 'em.
>B-but they're indirectly responsible for a third of the food you eat


Bee Bee Evil Guy?

Animal companion is The Hive. Gets to take one roll for anima handle checks on any number of bees.

Probably going to keep a whole give box on his back instead of a backpack. Weapons would be a spear and spells. If these are bumble bees you're probably NG. If they're African killer bees you're definitely on the evil side of the spectrum.

Man, 3.5e's Vermin Druid would actually be perfect for this. Look it up on WotC's archives and see if you can convert it to 5e.

In 5e numbskull. There are no profession ranks.

As said, build a bee box on your back. Take proficiency in beekeeper's tools.

Fluff all of your spells as bees. Fog Cloud? Bee cloud. Plant Growth? More like "Swarm of magical bees pollinating"! Entangle? "Coated in honey"!

For archetype, Moon lets you turn into a giant bee, Land (Forest) lets you command bees better. A homebrew circle might bee best, check the 5e general's mega or the dmsguild spotlights.

>Insert Oprah webm BEEES BEEEEES

Like this!

>the file name

I understand the pain....

It mostly seems like a matter of a tool proficiency, and maybe a made up background feature if you feel it's important enough

What's the problem with metal gear pachinko? Is it like those castlevania ones that are a huge waste of a good ost?

They did loving renders of MGS3 scenes with modern graphics and fine music too.

For a pachinko machine.


You know I was trying to figure out how you could actually justify this spell the other day. Carrying a beehive full of potential meatshields makes it a lot more interesting.

i hope someone gets this


Drow priestess of beekeeping. I wonder how many bees can fit in their orifices.

i LOVE wasp swarm druids. we were adventuring in a big city and i had to miss 2 sessions, so i went down to the bar at the inn where my character was "camped" at while waiting for my party to come back. group of thugs come in with crude drawings of our party looking for us, it looked like they were gonna search the place, so i go in back, attach several swarms to myself send one out into the main room and run out yelling "BEES BEEES BEEEEEES!" frantically swatting at myself and run right out the front door past a group of half freaked out half stupified thugs. Using swarms became a bit of an obsession for me after that.

Background: Guild Artisan (Specialty: Beekeeper)
Have his bees be a Bond, and one of his Ideals reflect him empathizing with them and perhaps projecting their structure and interconnection with nature as an ideal world.

Ex Apiarist here.

This dude is right.

Unless bee's swarm hives are sedentary and are best left in our hypothetical bee druid's grove.

Just take the profession, and it would only really work if the party returns to the same region where the druid's grove is near by.

OR is there is teleportation OR

You keep your bee's in a pocket dimension as per that neat spell which is like 5th or 8th level or something.

Did you know that bees aren't stinging as a suicidal move ? They only die because mammals skins are so thick and they get stuck

Campaigns with a home city are the best campaigns by far. You'll always need to travel at some point or another, but there should always be a place characters call home, which they operate out of and care about.

The druid should come home from saving the world with a magically preserved bouquet of exciting new flowers for them, and he'll whisper to the bees tales of foreign lands and the strange bees that occupy them as he tends the hives.

Yeah I always organise home bases for the games I'm in or provide for the ones I run.

Also neat idea on the bee flavoured druid there.

Oh man, I'm just thinking about what fantasy honey from a druids grove would taste like now...

The most perfect blend of fruits and flowers magically enhanced by nature magic...

And made by the most contented bees imaginable.
Maybe it's an ingredient in Lembas-tier food?

Idea stolen for my fantasy setting that's bloody brilliant.

Near magical honey.