ITT we worldbuild. All posts are canon unless obvious trollings

ITT we worldbuild. All posts are canon unless obvious trollings.

I start: It's a very small planet, the size of the moon.

There are a multitude of other nearby planets.

Rabbits are the most dangerous predators of this world.

one of the poles is colder than the antartica. The other is temperate/hot

And bear-spiders are a close second.

Yes, but they're much smaller. Some of them don't even have a king

The core of the planet has been replaced by machinery, how and why is unknown.

The predatory rabbits are thought to be failed genetic experiments created by the same people who converted the planet's core.

This world has a pantheon of unforgiving gods, whose ultimate goals are to turn its populace into a darwinian fever dream.

All punishments for breaking laws more than three times or recieving a sentence of more than 50 years is cause for being indoctrinated and turned into a cyborg for the military.

This is why the colony is nearly crime free.

Which hunt upon DropBears in their caves

Wizards and sorcerers are much rarer than usual. Bardic music is the most common type of magic.

rabbits hunt by explosive immolation. They have to hunt great prays so it pays for the death of a pack member; and all the pack can eat for at least until another kamikaze is ready

As a result of the hot/cold poles, a major religious cult of the world is that one is born on the heated pole, then moves across the world over the course of his life to the cold pole, where his soul is laid to rest.

A local moon is heavily populated by humans. Human's are not the main race.

This moon is actually a larger planet orbiting the smaller main world. It is suspected that the machinery in the core of the smaller planet may be responsible for this odd situation.

Braille is the most common written script. The most common language is interpretive dance, of which there are several "common" forms and practically endless local dialects.

As a result, debates often take place at the local disco, and libraries aren't silent -- they're unlit.

The most common form of currency is written poetry.

And when spent, the poetry is destroyed, meaning that the biggest mints and banks are mostly just warehouses full of poets desperately coming up with new works.

The primary race of this world is a group of translucent, pale skinned humanoids, who float through the air by inflating themselves with air, then, using a specialized organ, super-heats it. They use this as their primary method of travel; their legs would be vestigial were their primary language interpretative dance.

were their primary language not interpretative dance, gah.

Anal sex is the most common greeting

these are due to the god of music being very influential in the setting, as such bardic music is very effective and dance is a universally understood form of communication

This leads to debates becoming violent, and a capoeria-esque fighting style developing as self-defense.

Philosopher-hermits are masters of the art, able to read body language like a book in more ways than one.

I have 100 bajillion gfs and I always kiss them and they're anime

The remnants of a Berserk Von Neumann, a self-replicating warmachine, orbits the planet.

All the planets are contained within the bounds defined by the Six Unblinking Eyes. These eyes surround the known universe at equidistant points, and are widely presumed to be the eyes of the Creator. They are vast, and many cults hold that existence is defined by observation; when they blink, the worlds will end.

The braille writings of this world were the direct result of the Six Unblinking Eyes being visible at all times; studies of language indicate that the use of braille was some superstitious effort on behalf of the natives to prevent the Eyes from being able to read their literature.

The distance of the Eyes preventing them reading anything that was written was, of course, not taken into account.

It is made up of the crystallized ash of dead biomass, instead of a core, a dense gravitational anomaly gives it a rather strong pull

There are no plate tectonics. All mountains, volcanoes, and tectonic phenomena are the result of titanic beasts writhing beneath the surface of the earth and rock.

Legend says that these monsters would rise up and destroy the planet if the populace ever stopped dancing.

Painting and photographs have been outlawed.
Due to a magical curse placed on the entire planet, paintings are now gateways to other worlds.
The surrealist invasion 200 years ago almost wiped out all life on the planet.
Some criminals hide away and paint pictures of gold and poems then when it's completed they quickly snatch it out of the painting and destroy it.

A group of sentient machines were able to kill a minor elemental and forgotten god, they captured its soul and with it turned one of their own into a divine in order for them to have an afterlife, they now are blessed and pray to the newly created god of fire and industry.

It was once inhabited by a race of humanoids know only as the Pillar men. They are the progenitors of vampires, due to their creation of stone, masks that were supposed to help them conquer the sun.

Monetary value not only depends on the number of verses, but also a sort of "Divine Truth" of the poem that becomes immediately aparent once it is finished (or sometimes unfinished).
What this means is, once a poem is finished, a number value appears next to the title indicating how much it is worth.
Much of society centers on catering to poets when they need "inspiration."

This gives bards not only heavy magical power, but political power. The artists control the money, they control the government