Mouse Guard supers

The Souther Grasshopper mouse is immune to poison.

It eats scorpions.

It lives in the Wild West.

And it has a battle cry!

Other urls found in this thread: Guard.pdf

The Jaculus can jump 0.5m high.

That is comparable to a human leaping 3 floors off the ground.

The OP is a faggot, and sucks numbers of cocks which scientists don't think should be physically possible.


Damn I gotta look this one up

Dormouse best mouse. Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't.

There IS a Mouse Guard RPG right? I've never actually seen it on sale anywhere, so I feel like I just imagined the entire thing.

mfw I see this thread while battling a mouse infestation in my kitchen

I've killed seven so far

>There IS a Mouse Guard RPG right? I've never actually seen it on sale anywhere, so I feel like I just imagined the entire thing. Guard.pdf

Yes, it's pretty good.

Thanks bud

They are raising an army.

You are at least a Nature 8 threat.

CAN you do superheroes with Burning Wheel (and by extension Mouse Guard)?

My first thought is having powers as traits.

>I've never actually seen it on sale anywhere
I've seen hard copies of it at every Barnes and Noble I've been in over the last year.
The book it small and thick. It's hard to catch where they stock it in the D&D section. It looks like someone just shoved a thick hardback book into the shelve that they were carrying around and said screw it I'm not buying this.
The books are sturdy AF too by the way.

I'd say homebrew the magic system for it.

I mean the magic burner sounds like it'd come in handy then.

Why does it cry?

Now that's just anime-tier animal cuteness.

To advertise its victories.


Man, I feel lucky my GM picked up the mb before it went out of print. Shit's expensive now.

I have never played a role playing game but I have been eyeballing the box set for a while. How easy is this game to play/gm? I hear a lot of good things about it.

Eat the dormice, food war now!

Degus are a pretty neat type of mouse. They're one of those moisture-sensitive types that need to bathe in sand, but they're basically downsized chinchillas and are much cuter. Also, they live in communal burrows and have up to 15 unique vocal sounds for communicating specific messages!

It's definitely a better intro than DnD.

As systems go, it's one of the more defined ones, very mechanical. That is not bad, and MG actually does it very well. But it means it has a bit of a learning curve. That said, it is made for children. You'll manage.

Barnes and Noble carries the books, but I couldn't find the most recent edition of the box set outside of PAX

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?


The hero shrew (Scutisorex somereni) is basically the terminator of the rodent world.

"During an expedition to the Congo region in the 1910s, the natives demonstrated the remarkable strength of the hero shrew to naturalists Herbert Lang and James Chapin. After some mystical preparation, an adult male estimated to weigh 72 kg (159 lb) stepped on a shrew and balanced himself on one foot. After several minutes, the man stepped off and the shrew left unharmed.[6] The combination of animal's vertebral strength and its convex curvature behind the shoulder kept its vital organs from being crushed in the demonstration.[7] The feat represented a weight of roughly 1000 times the animal's body weight, the equivalent of a human holding 10 elephants.[8] Relative to body size, the hero shrew's spine is roughly four times more robust than any other vertebrate (excluding its sister species).[7]"

In German it's called "Panzerspitzmaus", this tells everything about it.

Pictured on the right.


It's sad how the can be so cute yet such a plague.