Should I live just to play Tabletop Games?

Hi Veeky Forums, new fag here.
For the past two years or so I've been diagnosed with depression and minor psychosis (voices in my head and seeing dead bodies of myself everywhere). Along with this, my family and friends haven't been very supporting of me and I have trust issues. I honestly thought It wouldn't get any better until I got into Tabletop Gaming (Malifaux, for anyone interested). The people at the local store have been so nice to me for the past three months and I've actually started to feel joy and happiness whenever I go down there on a Friday or Saturday to play a game. But times have been tough lately..I have wanted to die more than ever because of my family and friends making life a living hell and the visions getting even more disturbing.

Now I know this might not be the best place to post this, and you might think I want attention or something but you guys seem genuinely nice and wise so Im asking for your advice. What do I do?

Tl;Dr Should I kill myself now or should i continue living and try to enjoy Tabletop Gaming and hope to god I get better. Also post Malifaux stuff if you want to I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:

Firstly, killing yourself is never the answer

Two, don't just get into one board game; malifaux is nice and all, but test the waters before getting mad devotion with one board game

Three, Veeky Forums as a whole may seem toxic at times, but there are still people behind these keyboards that aren't complete psychopaths. Just remember that Veeky Forums cares.

Four, how are your friends and family making things harder? Are you also getting any meds AND sunshine to help with your visions and depression?

Friends are basically the equivalent of fedora wearing racists who only live to make fun of you. They constantly make fun of my depression and say I should just end it all. Family wise, my first older brother is selfish and only cares about himself and his Girlfreind, constantly goes out of his way to make my life shit, despite knowing how bad things are for me. My other older brother is 7 years older then me and he is alright but he can have quite a temper and is living in Canada atm (Im an Australia fag) My Mum is rude and selfish also and when I open myself up to her or tell her im feeling horrible and sad, she tells me to suck it up and be a man. My Dad basically disowned me when I was 5, said I wasn't his son because I played videogames and didn't like playing sports, went off and started his own family.

I take meds but they can only alleviate so much, I still feel this emptiness inside my chest and body, like I have no one who I can be happy with. I take Vitamin D tablets as I don't go out ever only if I'm going to the local game store.

Along with Malifaux, I've been thinking of maybe picking up MtG and I would totally pick up 40k but I don't get alot of money and I only really like the Sisters of Battle fluff wise.

Thanks for replying to me user

Talk to your doctor

Also, post your crew list

hey this might help m8

50 ss Crew list Incoming

Sonnia - 5 ss Cache
- Counterspell aura - 1ss
- Cherufe's Imprint - 1ss
- The Mask - 1ss

Malifaux Child - 3ss

Samuel Hopkins - 9ss
- Witch Hunt - 2ss

Ryle - 10ss
- Pieces of myself - 1ss

Witchling Handler - 8ss
- Disrupt Magic - 2ss

Witchling Stalker - 5ss
Witchling Stalker - 5ss

ty user

If you hate yourself, be someone else for a while, someone you do like.

Tabletop will help you. Even wargames, and cardgames will get you into the mind of a tactician.

>They constantly make fun of my depression and say I should just end it all.
Those people aren't your friends, judging by that.

>Friends are basically the equivalent of fedora wearing racists who only live to make fun of you
These people are not your friends.

Actually, the line after that is the more important one. I'm just too damn tired to highlight the right one.

Be someone else? I don't know how I'd go about doing it but I could give it a try

>Those people aren't your friends, judging by that.
They aren't my friends but they are the only people who will let me hang out with them. Without them I would just be that one kid that everyone talks about and who makes fun of and who sits alone during class..I hate school, everyone is so judgemental

How old are you OP? Do you have a job or a source of income that's not related to your family?
If you have some steady income, I'd honestly recommend getting out of your family's abode and move in with some people, not your friends though if they're like that. Family is family but at the end of the day if they're like that you don't need that in your life. Wargames and other Veeky Forums shit can help you find better people.

Im sixteen and a half. My main source of income is gardening for my Grandma. I was gonna get a job soon, I just need to get off my ass and make an resume. I want to run away from home but where would I go?

No problem, man. Didn't know fedora cucks lived in Australia. My advice to you is not burn the bridge between you and your past "friends" and family, but severely neglect it. If any of them try to cross that bridge, however, then freaking punch them in the jugular... Figuratively, of course.

Also, if you want to get into magic, start with:

>Starter deck (the free 30 card deck, make sure someone else plays some games against you with another starter deck)
>Borrowing cheap standard decks
>Your own standard deck.
This way you can bail out at any time and you'll only spend money on sealed/draft and your own standard deck, but at that point you should be confident enough on on spending 12-30 dollars on cards.
Once you get the ball rolling (by playing draft or buying singles), play against more experienced players (this is true with any game if you want to git gud at it.

>sixteen and a half

Keep tabletop gaming. It gets you out of the house, and socializing with other people besides your family and friends, and it sounds like you really enjoy it, so it can only be a good thing. You should talk to someone with a medical degree about the halucinations. The only advice I can give you that I haven't already seen in this thread would be to do something creative you want to do. Anything. I don't care. Even if it turns out complete shit, do it. You don't have to show it to anyone.
Just don't kill yourself, okay? For me?

They didn't all use to be racist and cancerous, but one of the "leaders" of the group introduced Veeky Forums to us and while I came to Veeky Forums and read some fun stuff there, the other 5-6 went onto /b/ and /pol/. Thats when the racism, sexism and constant n*gger jokes came in, along with telling me to kill myself to get a good chuckle

>mfw my friends are basically marionettes and the leader of the group is Collodi

I have been seeing a psychiatrist but all she is good for is supplying me with drugs. Whenever I try to talk to her about my problems, she just pushes it under the rug and pushes me out of her office

>thinking of killing yourself.
Generally I thought that was sort of a rite of passage for internet dwelling teens.
Depression shouldn't be all that abnormal either, you're in a weird hormonal time and shit.
Also you landmass hates human life.

Oh god, they're /pol/fags? Seriously, leave. Hanging around with them is likely going to get you associated with their behavior, and that's going to make it even harder for you to interact with other people.

Thanks for the help user, I've been meaning to ask some people at my gamestore how I would get into MtG so this helped out alot

yeah I was worried that someone would say that. All I can tell you is that It feels genuine I guess, and the bodies and voice in my head are legit fucking me up. I thought the same thing two years ago, that it was just a phase and I'd get over it. I still hope it is

From what i remember that's actually her job, she's a medical practitioner and not a clinical psychologist.
What you should consider doing is combiling a dream journal and a normal one no matter how gay it sounds.
Then again I'm a jungfag.
Pic related
>Thats when the racism, sexism and constant n*gger
never heard of "sexism" from /pol/ nor do i like the term, there are from what my limited knowledge of biology tells me clear differences between men and women.
Biological assumptions based under one's sex, has far more basis then race

If it weren't for the fact that my friends enjoy the games I run, I probably would have killed myself years ago.
The idea that what I do brings enjoyment to others helps me ignore how fucking sad I am, at least for a while. Weekly sessions give me something to look forward to.

You shouldn't be posting here, but trust me when I say your emotional state when I was sixteen and your emotional state when I was eighteen were different.
As for depression et al, medicine really helps if you can get it.
You should really talk to a doctor.
The best advice I can give you is to not run away from your problems.
That's just how teenagers are. They stick to one charismatic person and mimic them to feel cool and important.

>From what i remember that's actually her job, she's a medical practitioner and not a clinical psychologist.
Fair enough I guess. I probably need to take that into consideration
>What you should consider doing is combiling a dream journal and a normal one no matter how gay it sounds.
Hey, if it helps it helps, gay or not

Is there any FLGS's nearby where you live? If there are go there and look to see what the games are being played. Malifaux is cool but if no one is playing it around you there's no real point in getting into it unless you like the models a lot and want to build and paint them without playing them which is also a good hobby to get into. Malifaux is in 32mm heroic scale so it's a bit hard to proxy them in other games
You could also try to find a DnD or other roleplaying game either on a Gamefinder thread or at your FLGS. If it comes down to it you can even start your own campaign and GM to try to rope in some people.

>yeah I was worried that someone would say that.
Why it's not abnormal, not only because of the last stage of human development but because the sedentary lifestyle people live doesn't really help.
It's not major depression for most people or psychosis as you indicate.
>All I can tell you is that It feels genuine I guess, and the bodies and voice in my head are legit fucking me up.
you are still having psychotic breaks despite the medicine?
You should really talk to you doctor about that
> I thought the same thing two years ago, that it was just a phase and I'd get over it.
well the psychosis you won't get over, that's what the drugs were for. Depression yes, i know a number of schizophrenics and other psychotics that leave rather normal happy lives as long as they are not over stressed and are on meds.

Just a reminder that shit follows you even if you kys. Kick yourself in the nuts, solve your major life problems, by the time you do this it's not as shit anymore.

>inb4 banned
shh be careful

also that really puts the:
into context. High school (or whatever the Australian version is called) is shit-tier.

if it's worth anything, I'd suggest taking whatever advanced or elective classes you can get your grubby hands on, if you've got the mental chops for it. Any class where people actually want to be there is considerably less full of edgy fags. Not really useful Veeky Forums advice, but that's all I've got.

>introduced Veeky Forums to us
>the other 5-6 went onto /b/ and /pol/
I can almost hear the constant memespouting. Teens and Veeky Forums go together like grapes and milk: they're not fucking mature enough yet.

>look to see what the games are being played.
Malifaux, MtG, 40K, DnD and Warhammer Fantasy are the most popular games there, I play against alot of different people when I go down there for a game.

>popular here.
Damn I've been away awhile back then it was like infinity. namely good luck getting a game.
Here there is only one store that actually has a group.

> shh be careful
I know but I wanted to be honest, didn't want to be a liar

>I can almost hear the constant memespouting.
You have no idea. Its a living nightmare. I wish he never found Veeky Forums. It has been funny sometimes but to say that it has corrupted my friends and their moral views on everything would be no exaggeration.

They were always shit
Frogposters merely revealed their true nature to you

>Damn I've been away awhile back then it was like infinity. namely good luck getting a game.
Here there is only one store that actually has a group.

Sorry to hear that user. I guess im super lucky then. We have a dedicated community of about 10-15 people per different table top game with facebook groups made to help set up games and such.

>Friends are basically the equivalent of fedora wearing racists who only live to make fun of you. They constantly make fun of my depression

M8 those aren't friends they are cunts, dump me for being pricks if they refuse to take shit seriously and get new ones who will support you but not indulge your deppression

You have no idea how many punk zombies i want to see on my field.
Or how much i want to try hard with mcmourning.
Instead there are idiots telling me to support BLM in fucking canada of all places.

Im sure one day you'll get the chance to field as many punk zombies as one could dream of. Also, just try hard my man. Who cares what people think. It should be a learning experience for the both of you

OP here, on a seperate note, I've been thinking of picking up Toni Ironsides next for some punching shenanigans, any Malifaux friends have a clue what would work well with her besides her thematic crew?

> Stop hanging around your "friends"
> Spend more time at the FLGS
> Try to get out of the house at least once a day, play some PoGo on Ingress or whatever
> Talk to your psychiatrist about the fact that you still get psychotic episodes
> Go see a therapist
> Try to suck it up at school, concentrate on actually learning things if you can

Being a teenager is hell and having mental illnesses is one of the worst things that can happen. But trust me, it will get easier. Once you get out of that shithole of a school and get to concentrate on what interests you will make things a lot easier. And when you manage to gain financial independence and don't have to put up with your family's shit anymore, you'll be a lot happier.

Veeky Forums understands and supports you, hang in there.

The Emperor protects.

Joss and howard for the positives from hand picked men, well anything m&su really. The Emmisary I've heard good things about. Do you have much arcanists? December Acolytes are a great buy for anyone.

As someone with mental illness, I just want you to know: it never gets better.

The best you can do is run from the demons as long as possible. You'll drop from the exhaustion eventually.

This was the banner add that I got

Remember OP, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

How are you still here then?

As a different someone with mental illness, there's no particular logical progression of from good to bad or bad to good.

But I'm pretty optimistic that you have a bunch more good days than bad days awaiting you.


As someone who isn't an edgy cunt trying to murder someone by proxy, fuck you.

Don't listen to people like the above.
It does get easier, but you need to realise your friends and family want to help.

Maybe you will never be 100% better, but you will learn to cope. The truth is that life is only ever snatching brief happiness where you can.

Some get it through tabletop and that's healthy.

Be glad you aren't getting happiness like this sick parasite, who only feels joy when others suffer.

It won't be easy, but life never is. So live the very best you can.

Thank you for the advice user, I will think about trying to live through this hell

Actually ensuring you die cleanly from most suicide methods is surprisingly difficult, for one thing. I do not own a gun for another.

I guess when you've got the mental equivalent of AIDS, another day without a new opportunistic illness is something to cheer for.

Gold Star.

Go back to /b/ or /pol/.
Trying to encourage a person to literally kill themselves, wow, you're so cool.

Ironsides and her box set will be my first arcanist models. I've heard some good things about december acolytes, they look pretty cool too

I think you're just not trying hard enough

I can name three suicide methods that would be less than $10 that are far more guaranteed than a gun an much easier to get.

You're talking shit, son. Go back to your kiddy pool.

maybe you guys should be arguing about suicide methods on this particular thread.

Don't lower yourself user, this is Veeky Forums. We're better than that.

Hence my not explaining further. The point is, that if you really want to die, you can die.

OP shouldn't see this as an endorsement. Suicide is, this

I'm sorry
I just couldn't resist

It works on so many levels I just couldn't stop myself

Look, you two idiots seem to not realize that depression and psychosis to this, or any level is incurable. You don't "get over it", you don't even beat it into remission like cancer. It stays with you, eating you inside for as long as you live, and the only way to get away from that is to run from it. It may be into a bottle or a bong or the couch of a psychiatrist, but it's maintenance on a broken engine. Anyone who says otherwise is lying either to you, themselves, or both.

The only one who can decide if the kid lives or dies is him; nothing we actually say matters but we say it anyway so we can feel like we did our good deed for the day.

Cannot speak for myself as I do not have and never had mental illnesses, but as someone who knows and has supported people with clinical depression, I can say that no matter how shit you might be feeling right now, you will get better eventually if you yourself will work for it.
It might not be next week or next year but it will alleviate.
You are not even 17 yet. Go see a therapist, find things you enjoy and do them. Take solace in that your highschool life is only temporary. Sever contact with your cunt "friends".

I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you need to speak with a therapist if you have such a negative perception of your coping strategies.

But honestly, you're transparently just trying to get your jollies by trying to convince OP to off himself. I'd pity you if you weren't so vile.

And you do not seem to realize that people are different. If you haven't been able to find help and make it all more bearable I am sorry for you, really, no one should experience that, but do not go telling others that they have no hope just because you feel so.

We're all a little broken you self centered idiot. The trick is to be able to still contribute and get by.

And you can jam your objectivist view of altruism up your ass. Rand deserved better than you.

In my territory, the act of encouraging a person to suicide, in person or online, violates the law.
Just a heads up.

snap snap bitch pudding

There is no hell but the one we create for ourselves. You are stronger than you know.

>Be someone else? I don't know how I'd go about doing it but I could give it a try

There are other tabletop hobbies besides war and card games. A suggestion would be for you to also try your hand at good ol' TRPGs. Hell, you don't even need to pay anything for it as long as you have a computer.
The regular PDF Share threads on here has a titanic load of game books for you to peruse, and there are the Gamefinder threads on here to help you find a group to play with. And with the miracle of virtual tabletops like Fantasy Grounds or Roll20, you can play games with friends or assholes from all around the world.

My first recommendation for a first game system would be Don't Rest Your Head.

>My first recommendation for a first game system would be Don't Rest Your Head.

Sounds interesting, I'll give it a shot. Thanks user!

>Don't Rest Your Head.
You're either stupid or deliberately trying to hurt the guy.

No really, don't.
It's themes are about waking nightmares.
It may be bad for you.

Okay just read what its about. Maybe i shouldn't play this for several reasons
>The startling realisation that I am living through a nightmare everyday
>The assumption that other people I am playing with would also have to go through some of the things I imagine

Yeah.. I might pass..

I don't even know this kid, why would I be happy to see him die? You can't see anyone over text anyway you twits.

Not every distasteful thing said on Veeky Forums of all places is fishing for (You)s. This is what I've learned from living with bipolar disorder and mild psychotic episodes for twenty years. What I said, in less colorful language, is what multiple therapists have told me.

Mental illness, at the current level of our medical understanding, is incurable. Psychosis specifically gets worse as you age, blossoming in your late teens to early twenties. Depression is something you fight every morning and eventually lose to. If Robin Williams got beat by it, what gives you all the goddamned temerity to think some fucking well wishing and pats on the back can?

I know you neurotics have to do something in order to not feel impotent in front of something bigger than you, but you can't fight City Hall. The only thing you can do is delay the inevitable.

Do you own a projector? This isn't about you, you sanctimonious prick. Saying "oh we're all a little broken" to a major depressive is like saying "rub some dirt on it" to a leper.

And I'm the vile one. Take your narcissism and choke on it.

That's a good idea.
Trying to find groups online is also a good idea.
Also, ignore this desperate bait


I... Am really sorry. My recommendation came from my own personal experience with the system when I last played it when I was in highschool...

While yes, the system itself lends itself very much to horror, the fact that another human being is in charge of it means that it can technically go in any way. When I played it, it was very much a game where we all played characters in a living nightmare with special powers born from their psychosis, we still pushed ourselves through and in the end we completely destroyed the entire Mad City.

I will also admit that my second reason for suggesting it is because I know nothing about Malifaux and the OP image looked like a similar aesthetic.

So OP, instead of people just throwing suggestions at you like I foolishly did, what kind of things are you into, in general? Genres, videogames, anything that could give us a better idea of what pen and paper systems you would like?

>Do you own a projector?
Absolutely Savage
I'm going to check myself into a burn ward while you tell the thread about the specifics of your experiences.

Your understanding of psychology is about 20 years out of date buddy. They don't even talk about cures any more because we're all a little broken, there is no such thing as a psychologically ideal person in the real world. Treatment these days is focused on getting people to live happy and fulfilled lives despite their issues, not eliminate them.

Stuff that I'm into..I think steampunk is pretty cool, cyberpunk is also pretty awesome. When it comes to games, I played heaps of League of Legends before I got into Tabletop, my fav character was Ekko (I liked his own personality and style [may or may not have had a crush on him]). I also enjoyed playing Monster Hunter on my Wii when it came out ages ago. One movie that I do like it Scott Pilgrim vs The World and as you could probs see from the images ive been posting I like anime too, preferably cute/shoujo shit. Well, thats pretty much all I like user so if anyone could help me find a RPG based of some of the stuff I like I would appreciate it heaps!


To be honest OP, if you're as financially strapped as you say, it might be more worthwhile to go for another Guild master - that way you expnentially increase the number of crews available to you, rather than Guild-Sonia OR Arcanist-Ironsides.

Also your Sonia list looks fine.
What do you have besides her boxed set?

Also, play moar Malifaux, and get demos in every system going, especially the ones with big (but non-dickheaded) local playerbases.

Also, this:

Based on the fact the thread has at least one person actively seeking to hurt you for his amusement, I'd honestly recommend trying reddit forums on traditional games too. Moderation there tends to weed out the kind of scum you don't need right now.

You are so sixteen it's just fucking adorable!

I know right?

I want to protect your smile

If you like anime, you may like BESM or Exalted.

> Also your Sonia list looks fine.
thanks user!
>What do you have besides her boxed set?
I have the Lucius box set, Death Marshals, Guild Riflemen, the Viks box set and Hans.

>To be honest OP, if you're as financially strapped as you say, it might be more worthwhile to go for another Guild master
While I would like to expand my guild collection, the only other guild master I like is Hoffman but I don't even like constructs that much..I'll probs buy a brutal emissary at one point for some Samuel/Ryle shenanigans and maybe get Nellie when she comes out in December (according to my LGS manager thats when he said it should be released) but that'll probs be it for my Guild collection. I really wanna branch out into Ironsides and maybe Colette. Also, I plan on getting Hamelin and Parker eventually (going to run a child-themed gang with Hamelin and a fun on rootin' tootin cowboy shootin' posse with Parker)

Now don't take this as a full-hearted recommendation, but Maid RPG can be fun in a really stupid way. But as you can guess, not everyone is into it.

See if you can hunt down a copy of Tokyo NOVA off the JTTRPG Trove: it's anime cyberpunk. Failing that, Tenra Bansho Zero (think FF7 meets Nausicaa) and Double Cross (X-men: the Light Novel: the Game) also have man meeting machine and the interplay of what it means to be human . Golden Sky Stories and Ryuutama are also cute, comfy JTTRPGs you'd probably dig.

uhh..thanks guys >//

MAID can be played completely clean and is great for goofy one shots. Just...ignore the example of play. Or play Golden Sky Stories, which was made by the same designer.

okay, I'll give them a quick look. Thanks user!

Bro please don't waste your hard earned money on shit like 40k or MtG. Not that those are wrong, not at all but they are infamous for being expensive as fuck hobbies not just to get into but also to maintain.

Is it possible I could get a quick rundown of what MAID is generally about?

Exalted can be a bit of a clusterfuck, but I would probably suggest OVA instead of BESM.

That's a decent collection actually, I guess you probably can expand into a new faction.
I'd still suggest one of hte factions you already own - so Outcasts - but if nothing really takes your fancy until Parker, then sure, go Arcanists.
As a Colette player, she's awful to learn but great fun when you get a handle on her.
Ironsides does look great fun though.

No problem OP
Hang in there okay!

I can't say I know OVA, but I've had fun with BESM is all.

It's a really easylight system that's made so that besides the very core concept (Maids, Mansion, Master), it's open enough to be played in any setting, with any tone and mood you want.

5 days ago I ran a one-shot where the players were servants of the Demon King, and they all worked together to control the world. Another completely legit game could be as vanilla as "The Master's Birthday is in one week, prepare a party and buy or make a present for him from each of you!"

>seeing dead bodies of myself everywhere

Repeated visual hallucinations are not "minor psychosis". Either you're bullshitting or you need to see a real doctor.

MAID is a game where you play maids. Well, it's a game where you play silly anime cliches that wear maid outfits. Your goal is to garner affection with the Master (played by the DM) and succeed at household tasks. Like exorcism. And ninja attacks. And cooking.

The other maids are there to help or hinder you, but they're all angling to get the most Affection, since if you run out, you must leave the mansion. In the mean time, you take Stress. Take enough of it, you explode and do something rash like illegal street racing.

The system is a d6 times your modifier, vs either another maid's roll or a set DC. There are tables to roll on for all sorts of stuff to make your character or make something random happen. It's pretty crazy, but pretty fun.

>As a Colette player, she's awful to learn but great fun when you get a handle on her.
I thought as much, thats why I'm thinking of getting her after Ironsides. On a side note, have you got a chance to use the Ice Dancers or Carlos yet? They are the two models that got me interested in the idea of a showgirl sorta crew

>Repeated visual hallucinations are not "minor psychosis". Either you're bullshitting or you need to see a real doctor.
I wish I was my man. All the people I've been to have all said the same thing, even the people in the psych ward.

Okay nice user person!