It's "My setting is dark fantasy, so adventurers are treated like shit" campaign

> It's "My setting is dark fantasy, so adventurers are treated like shit" campaign

it's a dark setting, man

everyone's treated like shit

>mainly because GM likes dark souls and feels guilty that the last campaign was done wrong, so that all the players were OP.

Adventurers don't seem to be particularly treated like shit in Dark Souls, everyone's too busy going hollow and practicing their creepy laugh.

>It's "My setting is dark fantasy, so adventurers are treated like shit" campaign
Translation: "I'm a colossal misanthrope and I'm going to inflict it on you whether you like it or not."

If the PCs weren't treated like shit, they'd take 8 hour rests until they died of old age saying things like "I'm sure the town justice system will work it out, we know we're innocent." and "Wow that dark sorcery dude sure seems evil. Someone should stop him."
If I don't light a fire, often literally, beneath their feet, they aren't going on an adventure.

I think he means that everyone acts like a dickhead towards them without any justifiable reason as to why.

Well to be fair, adventurers have a tendency to burn down taverns and kill people with little reason, so more likely these poor sods just wised up to the idea of travelers being generally shitty people, if, that is, they aren't straight up bandits

People generally treat roving bands of homeless murderers like shit.

What actually sets an adventurer party apart from a band of mercenaries or explorers?

As in murder hobos are treated as murderous hobos? or as in knightly hero's that save the day chivalrously get treated like shit?

I've been in campaigns of murderhobos who would've justifiably been hunted to the end of the earth by any reasonable society but who got away with shit in game.

I've also been in campaigns of normal people getting ostracized and chewed out by NPCs before doing anything because the DM is a shit head.

maybe Veeky Forums will be able to have a thread discussing how to meaningfully distinguish between these situations and how to rightly set up an in-game justice system that targets wayward PCs instead of bitching about strawmen

But that's fun, especially when the PCs get some power and becomes assholes themselves.

Adventurer is a gross, muddy title with no meaning that gets used because players generally don't cooperate when making their characters and end up with a mishmash scooby gang of random motherfuckers with no relation to each other and no reason to be together who travel around sleeping in on soft dirt in their armor and killing things because they can. You can't call the party anything specific because it probably doesn't apply to all of them and most people would look at them and have no idea what their purpose is because they have no goal and nothing that makes them official.
Example of the average party:
>LG Tiefling Paladin of the god of Mercy, whose doctrine emphasizes that everyone has a chance at redemption. Adopted and raised by the church because that's what they do. Wants to protect the innocent without taking lives.
>CN Gnome Assassin nicknamed "Knee Bleeder", kills people for money. Steals shit a lot. On the road because they were caught murdering someone and had to flee their home city.
> Bob, Human Male Fighter. He's the son of a farmer.
>LN Dwarven Wizard, official member of the court of dwarven wizards, he was sent to retrieve a specific ancient magical artifact but did so before they had any idea where it was and they sent him alone to get it entirely by himself
Why the FUCK are any of these people traveling together? What are they even doing? Who knows, call them adventurers.

They a complex characters, bout to level up and turn their lives around.

>default assumption of an adventurer is murderhobo

when will this meme die?

Because it's completely true and not a meme.

It's a "I haven't even done anything worth mentioning yet but still want to be treated with respect" character.

>Bob is traveling with the Tiefling because they're seen as a bastion of good, he possibly aspires to be a knight and pretty much acts as the paladin's squire and/or is the first semi-attractive female that actually pays attention to him for reasons other than his gold.
>The Paladin is traveling with Bob because he's the closest thing to a sane person he/she has.
>The Paladin is traveling with CN gnome in hopes of bringing him over to the good side or is at least trying to aim his greed at evil things when they are unwilling to be redeemed because of her oaths not allowing her to take a life.
>Bob is traveling with the gnome because the paladin is.
>The gnome is traveling with the paladin and Bob because the paladin gives him a shield against the law due to her trying to 'redeem' him and Bob makes an adequate meat shield.
>The Wizard is traveling with the group because they were the first people he came across that were willing to put up with magic and he's smart enough to know he can't undergo his quest alone.

Not that hard, /user/.

Paladin on a pilgrimage found Gnome and took him into custody to attempt to redeem him. While traveling they stopped at a market where Bob was selling whatever it is his family grows and the wizard was looking for leads on the artifact. Bandits or something happened to draw their attention to each other. Wizard asks to travel with them since he has no specific idea of where to go and could use the help if shit happens, and Bob does the same because wanderlust/treasure can help his family stop being poor farmers/bitches love adventurers/he's annoying and his parents want him out of the house/whatever else the player can think of.

you're the type of DM who eats his players' spit in his food

most people don't treat each other like shit as the default setting in a world where a fucking beggar might be a fireball shitting wizard who curses your family forever

if magic men were real bad manners would be less not more you autismos