It cannot be beaten...

It cannot be beaten, a person at my local games workshop store has about three of theses along with an on mass region of plasma wielding troops and tanks.

How do you beat plasma players?

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Plasma siphons?

is this the same plasma player who adapts? Do not battle him if he is.

Pray to the Omnissiah for Gets Hot?

Apply Trojan and tech priest.

You let them take three Lords of War? Don't let him fool you into thinking these are Heavy Support options, user.

But if you want my actual advice, then ally an Inquisitor with a plasma syphon. Laugh.

Is that the same plasma IG player, still at large?! Wouldn't lots of flyers hurt him?

underrated post

Would be, but plasma siphons are faggy shit.

You tell him to stop being an arsehole and stop using 3.

Troop tax to take three CADs isn't that big.

an equal number of points of star phantoms combi-melta sternguard

Don't let people use Forgeworld rules
Problem solved

Ork. Bikers. Jink if he even looks at you funny, and be sure to turbo boost. Bring a painboy.

Doesn't have to be nobz. Regular bikez on orks work just fine. Protect da Nob with Klaw leader of the squad, or take a warboss or somesuch.

> If I can't beat you - you should start playing weaker list. Rinse and repeat, until I'll be able to beat you on regular basis. I'm not gonna change anything in my list - you should.
Reminds me on why I dropped 40k. One of the reasons at least.

A dozen flying hive tyrants

Deep strike nigga!

>"We are coming. Look to the skies for your salvation." —Captain Kayvaan Shrike

Literally never saw that tank. What is this ? in which pdf ?

I give them my dice and watch them kill themselves

You stop being such a monumental faggot and play better,

It's called the Omega Plasma tank, It's the poor mans version of the stormblade.

Requires patience, Help and get's hot easily but if used correctly can easily work in any formation.

I have a few of theses with my guard army, granted i've got three Trojans and Enginseers just to repair them but they are worthwhile.

What tank is that?

>tfw you own 20 magnetised crisis suits just for the occasion

Greater good and fusion.

>> If I can't beat you - you should start playing weaker list.

You're kinda missing the point. It's not that the other player should change, it's that if he wants a game, he needs to play a list that is fun to play against. If you play a list that's just unfun or steamrolls 95% of the things it fights, the other player isn't going to have fun.

The point of this game has always been to have fun playing pretend with your little plastic space men. If you want a hyper-competitive environment, go play a video game instead (MOBA's are more that style).

>until I'll be able to beat you on regular basis.

It's not even that, it's "until both of us can plausibly win a battle." Again, there's no fun when there's no competition.

> I'm not gonna change anything in my list - you should.

In high model count armies, changing even a single Troops choice can require multiple kits to perform (Especially Guard), and that shit adds up fast. Enacting massive changes to a list to tailor to different opponents is something not many people can just do at will - it takes time and money to get the new things they would need to beat that.

Again, this isn't to say you should cop out and not play a game that doesn't have a 100% chance of you winning. I'm saying that this is a two-player game that relies upon agreement from both parties to play, so you should be playing a game you both enjoy.

>Your blast will get by-pass my flareshield

>I'm not gonna change anything in my list - you should.

Are you implying you list-tailor. I bet you weren't missed when you left

Depends on the context really.

If somebody is coming into a competitive local meta, they should probably step up if nobody really wants to play down to them.

On the other hand if you are a competitive player coming into an environment where players care more about theme than composition then you should play the same way unless people want to try more competitive lists.

With CQC hordes like tyranids and orks.

With the odds.

Seeing that FW stopped making those things, I'm sure in time they stop updating the rules and then his army will be short on 3 super-heavies.

Play a better game

HAHA was going to say this

>Reminds me on why I dropped 40k.
Ever game has this, it's a human effect more than anything else.
Then again if i was play infinity and if someone suggested that then i would get angry.
But that's because the game's design is different than large scale war games.
Also you got to be able to let your hair down, i hate playing the same list when i could branch out and try other units.

In high model count armies, changing even a single Troops choice can require multiple kits to perform (Especially Guard), and that shit adds up fast. Enacting massive changes to a list to tailor to different opponents is something not many people can just do at will - it takes time and money to get the new things they would need to beat that.
making it even worse is this shit is from FW.
Not every army is balanced to be able to stand up to some of these units, worse yet given some of these units span entire editions and could be balanced for other time periods.
Shit costs money.

>If I'm not allowed to use a list that's objectively superior to anything I know my friends are able to field, then I'm quitting

That's you. An entitled WAAC faggot. I'm glad you're not cancering up the playerbase any more.

60 Multimeltas

Not him here's the fun part faggot. I don't play WAAC my lips are so powerful they might as well be. I'll keep playing and I'll keep winning 90% of my games. With nobody complaining about my list. I hope I get to sweep the floor with you someday.

dat desolation


English isn't your native tongue is it?

Your attitude is why I and many other people are leaving 40K.

Rather than coming to a gentleman's agreement over the nature of playing a fair game people want to have an arms race over who has the most money.

40K has the balance of Michael J Fox on rollerblades, people who actually try and play competitively must be autistic.

> My lips are so powerful...

Go on.

I think you've got the wrong post user

Use shit that plasma isn't good against.
FFS. It's incredibly easy to beat someone with no diversity in their list.

I have indeed.

meant for

Oh, I'd almost forgotten about that autist. Thank you for the giggle, been a shit day. I needed it.

Can someone explain this 60 multi-meltas may may.

Doushio SoB.jpg

iirc the tl;dr was some autist/troll refusing to put any antiair in his list and bitching about how many shots it would take from non-AA weapons on a statistical level to down some flavor of the month nid flier.

>In high model count armies, changing even a single Troops choice can require multiple kits to perform (Especially Guard), and that shit adds up fast. Enacting massive changes to a list to tailor to different opponents is something not many people can just do at will - it takes time and money to get the new things they would need to beat that.

This is probably why bigger games like 40k are seemingly in decline. You can't expect to change your list when doing so takes time unless you're the type of person who buys and models everything your army can take just in case.

These pair of threads.

Just kick back and enjoy.

Oh, shit, sorry, no. I forgot the original.

3 threads total.

Machine virus
Plague Marines
Obliterators from behind

WHFB was in decline, and it was huge. 40K is not that big yet, but it's definitely in "stasis" or a slow decline. It's more so that 40K growth has slowed drastically while skirmish and competitor wargames have grown exponentially that makes it seem like 40K is "dying" when it really isn't. 40K is actually thriving and doing better than it ever was with all the new savings boxes, beginners' kits, new factions, new accessories, etc. Ironically, the rules are also the shittiest they've ever been.

Boooo, give gud rules GW!
>Only one meltabomb per turn

Cheers, yes he did seem rather autistic.

It's a great read. Just. Fun to relax to.

pretty much desided the way GW model plasma is shit Image how much better if this was like the kreig leman russ plasma turrut. this realization has made me decide to get shadowsword as my second super heavy. not sure why people fuck around with this model of tank only good version of it is the gorgon transport. fill it with dudes who can carry the same said firepower. this guy has no options drop melta on him or flyers. you just need to buy some new kit or counts as some toy planes you have laying around home. just basecoatthem buy a flying stand for 2$ and then progress the meta and continue playing 40k as intended where every thing might not be good but at least once you overcome it you have some thing els to crunch.

So basically you hate the boxy Mars pattern plasma and prefer the round Ryza pattern plasma?

Don't post drunk dude.
Your post is a fucking mess.

I wish they had plasma guns for knights.

Some FW knights get a plasma gun on the shoulder.

It helps to know what his victims are playing. There are a variety of standard options, like droppoding meltaguns or escalating your own imperial guard force to include a Shadowsword that can't be hurt by the plasma tanks but will kill them with ranged D.

masses of genestealers, get close, rending claws 'em. Combine that with some zoantropes, vanilla canifexes for bullet sponges, and a broodlord.

Underrated post.

>smug, theoryhammer circle jerking

Where do you think you are, user?