Please tell me if it is actually possible to make 10-20x gains before the end of Q2 2018...

please tell me if it is actually possible to make 10-20x gains before the end of Q2 2018. Some of the coins I have and am going to buy:

monero or NEO
Social Send

also i will probably go travelling between january and march, how possible is a total crash before then?

I'm really hoping to make it and pull most out Q2 2018, but i'm worried about a craaaash

help me biz

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please tell me, i feel that i've done my research well, but i'm worried

i'm mostly interested in hearing people's opinions on the low market cap coins

It is possible to make 10-20x gains before the end of Q2 2018

what do you think about the coins i've listed?


XBY and REQ have high potential. OMG/NEO are probably sure gainers as well

yea, i can see it

but is 10x too much to hope for?

ok user,
the coins don't matter. as long as theyre gonna receive volume and go up at some point. the question is are you capable of having your satoshis put into the right coin at the right time?

probably dude, unless you get lucky
4x is pretty reasonable if you choose good coins

i try to buy at dips lol

and yes the coins will matter

damn 4x is not enough

Heres a hidden gem: RaiBlocks

Other than that, look to buy REQ, LINK, and maybe COSS for 2018.

>quadrupling your stack with no effort at all
>"not enough"
Jesus christ dude

lol i'll buy raiblocks if it dips significantly

haha i know, but it's not enough for me, i only have 3000-4000 euros to put in

Remember, if you're greedy you'll lose everything. And you seem pretty greedy to me.

Stop investing randomly and just follow the money whales invest, check for advice on timing to step in and out.

people like you should loose all your money on a confido and then be denied internet access forever

all i want is to pull out 30k euros

i REALLY want to do that

you have to give it enough time then, know when to sell and don't chase profits


So borzalom was right all along? How is this meme still up?

but if i give it enough time, i guess the market will crash

that's why i want to pull out Q2 2018, i'll pull out of anything i have if it goes above 10x

buy XRB if you want a 100x

Exactly my thought.

XBY massive potential
REQ even bigger potential

>4k on black
>black wins
>put 8k on black
>black wins
>put 16k on black
>black wins
Theres your 32k, user

>monero or NEO


80% XMR 20% NEO

PFR can get you 10x once it moons, very small marktecap, at a great price right now. Working product

i made 2x in 5 days so by end of 2018 sure