Why are so few girls into trading card games?

Why are so few girls into trading card games?
Is it the community, or is it the games themselves?

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I came across the same problem when I was getting my degree in astronomy. It's the tedium and math that tags along with the game.

That or the neckbeards.

protip: it's the girls.

Plenty of girls are into MtG and the like. They just don't leave the house, because it means getting off Tumblr, and raises the possibility of encountering an untagged trigger.


Still saging this shit thread because it's about 10 posts from becoming an episode of "rabid /pol/tards and smug liberals shitpost at each other for 2 hours on a Friday night"

For Magic? the community. I've seen seriously probably the worst in TCG players in MTG. On the other hand I've also seen the best.

I've seen girls play Yu-Gi-Oh. Mostly their boyfriends getting them into games.

LCS has a pokemon TCG scene and these twin girls tend to smash face at tournaments. The scene is also kind of cute seeing it's a lot of kids and parents also participating in the events. I've seen dudes at the same shop who show up for MTG draft just throw shade at the Pokemon players just because it's kids though even though everyone playing pokemon looks like they are having a good time.

Magic players fucking suck, yo.

I have seen the exact opposite at my local store, and I'm there almost every day because I know the owner and work under the table sometimes.
Friday Night Magic has some girls and nobody makes a big deal of it.
Thursday Night Yu-gi-oh is 90% black and literally 100% male. I've never even seen a woman try to get into it.
The random surges of pokemon is mostly kids with the occasional parent showing an interest in their child's hobby, but there are a couple girls here and there who aren't the mother of another player.

yeah i dont get why but black dudes seem to love yu-gi-oh for some reason, might be because pretty much every black nerd is super into anime but apart from that no idea.

well in magic its because 97% of players are giga autists who sperg out when a vagina is near them

For whatever reason, anime and yugioh are acceptable, while other, similar media is seen as "too white" to a lot of black people.
The one black kid who played D&D with us in High School had to hide it from his family because they would literally have beaten him for it.

we have this girl who comes to the EDH night at the LGS who is ugly as sin and nothing special as a player and every male who goes there absolutely worships her. its surprising that more women dont play magic when i see that kinda shit

Most women I know who play MTG just do it between friends and don't give a shit about the events largely because the community is so shit.

>the maths
Your field is 50/50 gender wise in most countries.

>implyign women want to be slobbered on by unwashed lgs crowds

>implying women dont like attention from anywhere

He's right, they really don't. If she's really that ugly then she's probably settling for this instead of zero attention. But women who are actually attractive do not want anything to do with that sort of shit.

source: A lot of attractive women work at my firm, and often complain about ugly short poorfags hitting on them, whereas they only want 100% certified Chad dick.

Sorry, incorrect. The answer we were looking for was: Maybe next time don't be sexist fucking assholes, and think with your brains and not your shriveled micropenises.

It's an extraordinarily toxic culture. It's just gross as fuck. It's A) for children and B) for manchildren. Why would anyone, male or female, want to be associated with it when there are A) better gaming hobbies and B) better gaming cultures?


>Why are so few girls into trading card games?


>Still saging this shit thread because it's about 10 posts from becoming an episode of "rabid /pol/tards and smug liberals shitpost at each other for 2 hours on a Friday night"

But user

That's my favorite show.

Why would you pretend to be a girl?

>inb4 hurr durr grill here
I am actually female.

As most of you are saying, you are correct, a lot of girls don't get into it because: A. Nerd shit. B. Neckbeards. C. Math. D. Strategy is haaarrrd

I just got into Magic and I'll admit, I can coast on some of my friend's talents sometimes to help me deck build but it's mainly because I'm such a fucking noob. The one thing I take extremely seriously is Pokemon, I love that shit. Been in tourneys, placed, everything. But damn, you attract a whole bunch of autists, especially if you know what you are doing.

The same reason so few girls go into natural sciences and engineering; they're interested in different things.

inb4 "but it's individual, user, some girls do go into engineering". Yes, of course it is, but we can still empirically prove that those aren't the majority, or even half, of the women in the world. The fact that we can make a general statement based on statistics does not mean that outliers don't exist.

Maybe it's girls

>I'm a girl

>girls automatically don't like math and nerdy stuff and strategy

Take off the wig, Bill, and drop the lotion too.

I'm a girl who had a mom who really wanted me to stay away from "boy stuff", so I didn't really get into Magic until I was like 18. I'm not saying that's what happens to every girl but it's a thing at the very least.

Also I've had dudes be dicks to me at FNM because they assume I'm just there for attention or have no idea how to play. I'd say thats pretty rare though and barely anybody actually cares.

I'm not super /r9k/ personally but this is a pretty /r9k/ opinion.

Most people play these things as escapism or a surrogate for a life.

Average-hot women live life on the tutorial mode and have no reason whatsoever to want to escape it.

That's why you only get the insane/fat/ugly/mentally ill women in the tabletop hobby.

Honestly, I feel like it works pretty similarly for men too desu. I mean, if I had awesome shit going on all the time I wouldn't look forward to gaming so much.

because women are often much more pragmatic than men, thus less interest in hobbies in general.

Also, kill yourself.


Found the beta-cuck

I'm not sure you know what the word pragmatic means. Most women can't peel their faces away from their cell phones long enough to speak to someone. Much less do a hobby.

It's got nothing to do with pragmatism.

I don't want to play mtg cause its fucking expensive and I'm poor. Yes I am grill.

walk into a card store sometime.

now ask yourself, as you see the unwashed masses with their Loli pedophile deck mats, would you want to go into there on your own free will?

No, I know what pragmatic means.

Do you know a lot of women that spend time thinking about things that don't directly involve them?

Women don't have much of a flair for the philosophical either if that's any indication.

(it is).

I knew a group of six girls back in highschool that played among themselves and only among themselves. They never took the cards to school or even talk about it in school, they sent one of their boyfriends or their little brothers to the store to buy their boxes, they gathered to play usually wednesdays, they would gossip while deckbuilding, they would make up dumb nicknames for certain cards, they would talk mad shit after winning.

They weren't even ugly or fat, they ranged from average to pretty cute. The girl that played W was pretty fucking hot even.

I'm not sure I'd consider a woman's vapid self-centered ramblings to be pragmatic. It's more like their brains never progress past the age of 3, it's all mine mine mine and now now now.

Mostly the community. Half of my playgroup are girls. We play kitchen table magic because no one wants to spend hundreds on a deck and they are really invested and competent as anyone. However, it is impossible to get any of them to go a draft at our LCS because everyone smells, is rowdy, spouts may-mays and has one of the following attitudes:

>"You're just here because of your boyfriend? You will be drafting mono green, right? I suggest you do, it will be simple enough for you"

Nogs are really into asian culture. I do MMA and there are so many delusional black guys, who love "the arts" (non practical shit like Kung Fu).

This post is why females don't play MTG.

If you cut the bait off of this hook, its actually a good post. Most female and gay nerds tend to congregate in different nerdy communities than straight dudes. I bet you could find tons of fanart of sexy Tsabo Tavoc on tumblr, entire communities built around groups of blogs that just don't intersect much with Veeky Forums or the main MtG forum communities.

Hey go eat a dick, when you grow up poor and surrounded by garbage both literal and human wuxia and anime are godsends.

>If I can just cultivate my chi, I can defeat the corrupt magistrates and the Triads that plague my beloved village with opium!

Didn't mean to ruffle your neon blue gi.

It's because women are generally in it for the attention. When you get seriously into card games, it's very competitive. A guy is not going to give you slack just for being a girl, he's going to gutterstomp you and cheer about it afterwards.

Women can't bear it when they can't leverage their status. And there's nothing more sexless and hell-bent-on-winning than your typical MtG player.

This. I ain't even black but I can relate to this. When you're 12, and find out there's a whole new culture that isn't centered around being poor, it's like a revelation.

>And there's nothing more sexless and hell-bent-on-winning than your typical MtG player.
There's viruses. Or virii.

Anecdote here, but you can have it anyway. Do with it what you will.

Most of my female Veeky Forums-related friends either think MTG is the tits but find most of the community to be horrible dens of autism and poor hygiene or don't like MTG for these reasons. While most like the painting and customizing elements of my wargame hobby, only one of them has actually gotten into the gameplay aspect of wargaming. Most of them are pretty much just RPG nerds, and like those games more for the characters and storybuilding than for beating combat challenges and dungeons.

Many of my male friends share one or two of these traits, sure, but "most MTG players are fucking gross", "I like the models but I don't really want to play the game", and "I play RPGs for the story" are almost universal among the feminine part of my circle.


>spouts may-mays
We need to crack down on this, the rest I don't mind but we as a community desperately need better bantz

The playerbase.

You need proof? Magic is becoming more popular with the ladies according to the numbers, but the go to fnm in groups with each other.


OP, go b8 elsewhere

>"most MTG players are fucking gross", "I like the models but I don't really want to play the game", and "I play RPGs for the story" are almost universal among the feminine part of my circle.
These are all commonly held understandings among my circles regardless of gender. A lot of gamers are absolutely toxic people and when you put a lot of toxic people in one place you end up with a community that would make Nurgle proud.

Nope. Virus reproduce.

>as a girl
>C and D
As another girl, fuck you, you dumbass cunt. Go back to college and do some damn calculus. As for me, I'm going back to my well-paying job as a software engineer, followed by a few games on Starcraft.

Have fun with your shitty tumblr-pandering trading card game, spergs.

Autism diagnosis accuracy is tremendously gender biased. Medical professionals fail to identify symptoms in girls due to social attitudes.

Like the normalizing of spergqueen fandom of bands among girls.

user, the number of women in science and engineering has been steadily increasing for 20 years and is estimated to even out in 30 to 50 years.

Male nerds are the original SJWs - assholes with a victim complex.

They don't want to get socially accepted, because if the "Chad/normie/gurl gamers" boogeyman disappear they no longer feel like martyrs.

Do you play zergs?

>I am actually female.
>I don't know that most science degrees are 50/50 or majority female
Literally the only math fields that are majority male are pure maths, comp sci and engineering.

Part of this is fewer men going to college. They don't fell welcome.

Outside the US it's already a slight majority in the pure sciences (chem/bio/physics) and I don't consider the rest of stem to be science.

>men are such whiny crybabies that they start thinking the girls have more speaking time in class even when they have a third of it
>meanwhile women bear it because that's how it always ends up
Maybe if young men didn't have such easily bruised egos they would do better!

What was that quote..
>hard times create strong men
>strong men create good times
>good times create weak men
>weak men create hard times

This is what happens when the average white male is a skinny-fat shit obsessed with video games and jerking off.

Girls don't play in the LGS but at someone's house, partially because of autistic neckbeards.
I don't even like playing at my LGS because of the autistic neckbeards and over 90% of players there are perfectly normal guys

Nope, those are outlaw bikers, who are also the original spergs.

The generation that fought the Great War weren't bred to be the ultimate warriors. They grew up in an age of comparative decadence and wealth. And then? The apocalypse.

>Outside the US it's already a slight majority in the pure sciences (chem/bio/physics)
Is there? I definitely notice it in biology but chemistry and especially physics are still mostly male around here

>less interest in hobbies in general.
But this is wrong you fucking idiot

>It's because women are generally in it for the attention.
We got mind readers over here

>This is what happens when the average white male is a skinny-fat shit obsessed with social justice and being progressive.
Let's not mince words here all modern men, and I include myself in there, are soft-handed self-important pansies.

Men need to be men again, how we do that I don't know.

>waaaa! I don't like feeling rejected!
>waaaa! The world is hard and full of hard choices!
Go back to college, sperg

>people who play traditional games aren't awkward only toward women, they are awkward toward everyone
this is blatantly not true or at least they are even more awkward toward women

I mean, why WOULDN'T I play zerg master race?

And because my two best friends play Terran and Protoss respectively. We balance each other out.

Kill each other while shouting about honor and other patriotic things? Apparently that's the way if I believe my books.

shit, even as a dude I avoid LCS as much as possible. The community is legitimately embarrassing to be around, I do as much as I can outside of it and only come into it to buy stuff I need or participate in the occasional event.

It's a meme about women liking Zergs and/or Tyranids. Probably because it reminds guys childbirth or shit.

Zergs are just plain fun because you can go from 50 to 200 in the blink of an eye. Fuck yes ultra 3/3 zerglings you're so cute and deadly.

They are probably awkward to women in a different way, and they're probably used to dealing with other males for Veeky Forums purposes and therefore slightly less awkward while doing so.
Anyone who is that off-putting to women because of awkwardness is gonna be awkward towards men.
You get borderline sexual harassment with non-awkward jocks too, but most sports are segregated and it's less awkward harassment.

Well that and because Kerrigan is:
>a massive female power fantasy
>a great villain
>hot as fuck
>a great character overall

As a neckbeard in recoovery I can tell you we're awkward with:
>authority figures
>"superior" males

In my experience, girls don't have fun when they lose. For me, half the hobby is the game, and the other half is hanging out with my pals. My gf doesn't have a group of friends who Veeky Forums, and doesn't like hanging out with my friends. Whenever she plays with us, if she's not winning or otherwise invested in the game, she loses interest immediately.

Females play games for the social aspect. Males play games for the competitive aspect. It's all biology, and since TCGs are typically hilariously competitive at most LGSs, it attracts a male crowd eager to pit their wits against their peers.

it's the community. Bunch of dudes who smash the panic button when a woman is in their vicinity.
Went to board game shop with grill because she thought we'd find cards against humanity. There was some kind of Veeky Forums related tourney going on at the time. Fuckin gross how we could feel them leering at her. 2 autists at cashout counter talking to the cashier turn around and check her out. Don't even bother to be discrete or anything. We left there and she admitted it was fucking horrible in there

Why are so few men into trading card games?

There was 10 grills and 15 guys last night in Friday mtg

This. Ignore most of SC2 past HotS, and Kerrigan is great.

Storming your opponent with a steady stream if lings at about 1:30 feels fucking great. I fucking love it. Like I said: Zerg master race. Also,
this. Absolutely this. Aside from the bullshit in the epilogue and some nonsensical crap from HotS, she's pretty great.

Most girls aren't nerds.

SeeSmug liberals can barely string a sentence together, so it won't be much of a contest.

1) many girls are discouraged from partaking in "boy" hobbies (a lot of which happen to be synonymous with "nerd" hobbies) at a young age which is also why tabletop & DnD are more popular with guys and 2) like everyone else said, the playerbase.

games, men don't really play games. children though...


>astronomy degree
What Starbucks do you work at?

Care to elaborate?

here this man gets it, fuck the sissified present, I wanna die in my 20's as a warrior or my 40's as a hearth attack victim. I've been working for a decade and I have no black lung no sliped disks and I'm generally comfortable, do you know what our grandparents would have said about that? fucking pusies the lot of us. it doesn't help that we are all complaining about shit online, you know when my father complained? when he got shot and when he broke a bone, then he went back to work. pansies

Ain't nobody stopping you faggot. Go get a labour job in isolation, legal surveying or slashing for seismic or rigging.

You live in an age of unparalleled self determination and you're botching about your personal failings.

This shot is why the closest to a community I'll join is an anonymous image board. You aren't allowed to smack puking and puling little bitches like yourself that don't actually ever DO anything.

God I fucking hate your coasting mediocrity.

Although getting black lung and broken bones is just fucking stupid. I mean, use your PPE for fucks sake.

Mmmm. I still crave frozen fire sandwiches. Ham cheese and mustard, still cold in the centre and crispy on the outside.

this is my experience bringing girls to lgs, every fucking time. the 3 asshole who are taking rapey shit amongst themselves. the socially awkward guys spilling their spaghetti all over, the 2 or 3 gentleman who get over excited because they are within 20 feet of a vagina, and the /pol/tards who think is ok to talk to women or at all the way they talk on the Internet. oh and the toxic avenger looking and smelling doods. they are mostly interested in the games but horrified by the spectacle. so we buy games and go play elsewhere, we're we get weird looks... life sucks.

Astronomy, not Astrology, you sperg.

It's largely just that females tend to not be into competitive games as much.

I'm largely analayzing based off of this article medium.com/@increment/the-first-female-gamers-c784fbe3ff37#.xr6926hkd but historically wargaming was very, very nearly 100% male when it started decades ago and continues to be a male dominated hobby. Card games are similar with their heavy crunch and strategizing so I can only assume that they have the same reasons for a gender gap as with wargaming.

It just is not as appealing which is why you see a lot more girls in TRPGs because those games are by design cooperative and social. World of Darkness has a huge female base because the game has a large focus on social situations and "storytelling." As is seen in the linked article once women were working together with the people they play with, had a character to identify with, and a human element added to their games a lot more joined the hobby, but card games totally lack that element so I think that's why there is still fairly small proportion of females in card games.

>Why are so few girls into trading card games?

They don't wanna get fat, duh.

eh, i live in Portland, its true the male population heavily outweighs the female, but if you go to Guardian Games youll find plenty of women who play card games. both owners and many of the employees too

You gotta admit that the thought of astronomy major working at Starbucks is pretty funny though.