What is the most grimdark thing in 40k and why is it the Thallaxii?

What is the most grimdark thing in 40k and why is it the Thallaxii?

And grimdark things thread, I guess.

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I can imagine that the Dark Eldar are more capable of inflicting a pure, miserable existence than the nature of the Thallaxii, but they're pretty high up there on the grimdark scale.

That's pretty grimdark.

The Dark Eldar do it to save themselves from Slaanesh. The Mechanicum do it to reinvest assets.

Can I play as one?

ORKS. ORKS are the MOST GRIMDARK because they KILL PEOPLE and TAKE SLAVES. Just look at the SPACE MARINE VIDYA, they KILL INNOCENT CIVILIANS FOR SPORT and it's TOTALLY GRIMDARK. People who say the Orks are a comedy race for light relief are WRONG AND FAGGOTS. Read THE BEAST novels to see GW finally getting behind HOW GRIMDARK THE ORKS ARE with their totally Orky power-sharing sextuplet Warlords who SPEAK PERFECT GOTHIC BECAUSE IT'S SO GRIMDARK and have exceptionally good GRIMDARK LOGISTICS. Orks are so badass they LOOTED GRIMDARK and made it into GRIMDARK WITH ORKY BITZ and it's fucking HARDCORE. Even MAKARI DIED, that's how GRIMDARK the Orks are. Fuck chaos fuck deldar fuck minotaurs fuck nightlords. NONE OF THEM COMPARE TO THE ORKS.

Found another highlight-worthy line.

Dark humour is a thing.

Is this pasta or am I just being retarded?

So its not! necrons?


This, also Slavers and Halo Devices.

"Us Orkz iz da grimmest and da darkest!!!"
"Na-uh! We'z da darkest and da grimmest, ya git!"

Yeah that kinda can't be beat. Sorry Admech hater guy, we got nothing on Chaos.

The Daemonculaba is fucked up, but I think you could argue that it's less so Because it is Chaos. They do fucked up things by nature. The Adeptus Mechanicus are humanity and the Imperium.

Just because they do horrible shit by nature doesn't make it any less horrible. In 40k EVERYONE does horrible shit by nature.

Reminded me of this.


Grimdark = not humourous. The clue is in the GRIM part. Otherwise it would be called fundark.

So your saying your knowingly excluding a large amount of information from your data set because it doesn't fit with your hypothesis?

The most grimdark thing in 40k is the virus bombing.

Remember Istvaan III. The Life Eater accelerates the degradation of all the
biomass on the planet. All life rots so fast the atmosphere becomes flammable,
the suffering of all the vicims truned into fuel of the nightmarish
firestorm that follows the ignition of all the gases released by the victims.

Basically if you somehow survive the ultimate bio bombardment you end up burned
to ash by the firestorm, the fuel for which are the bodies of your brothers.

And at the end, the god of pestilence and despair sends his daemons to
eat the souls of the few unlucky surivors.

Welcome to 40k

The Old Ones

No, I'm saying I find forced cyborgs scarier than forced birthing chambers. Partly because it seems like a more closer and realistic scenario.

Space Marine recruitment, it takes about a 1000 children that die during the physical or genetic tests or the gene therapy to fill a normal company.

Your initial question was "what is the most grimdark thing in 40k". You then proposed a hypothesis, that it was the Thallaxii. When evidence/ data was provided which seems to discredit your hypothesis, you rejected it off hand. That's just bad method right there, we'll never get anywhere if we arbitrarily ignore data because it doesn't prove what we think should be right.

Dude. Have you never seen a "What is the X and why is it Y" thread before? It's basically just a meme/topic starter. My apologies if you took it for something that serious.

Or maybe you're just trolling, in which case good job.

Hive worlds.

I'm familiar with the format, i happen to have problems with the format actually as i find it to be patently ridiculous and inane.

And i'm just pointing out that disregarding data that disproves your hypothesis is stupid and doesn't produce results.There is a reason that the scientific paradigm works of disproving hypothesis rather than looking for supporting evidence.

>"What is the X and why is it Y"
The oldest version I'm familiar with is:
Who are you going to vote for the upcoming election and why is it Communist Party?

Well, that's your opinion then. I apologize for ruining your evening with my incorrect scientific methoding of toy soldier stories. Which is kind of putting words in my mouth, but whatever.

Oh how i love tests intentionally designed to convey a bias. Such terrible operating procedure, such wonderful deception of the sheep afterwards.

Oh my evening is just fine, not ruined in the least don't worry. My apologies if i have tainted your evening with my autism. Also, nice jab by the way.

So it's a human who has been completely converted into an emotionless robot?

Why don't the Iron Hands use these instead of being space marines?

A few chapters suffer from this syndrome where they try to be something that isnt a space marine.


you don't understand the grimdark/noblebright dichotomy do you?

the grim refers to the people, the dark refers to the world they inhabit. It can be payed straight or humourosly.

m, yes, patently ridiculous and inane.

Because they were already difficult to produce, even before the mechanicum was restructured into the admech. Nowadays the nowhow on making them is carefully limited and there's probably a restriction on the admech lobotomising space marines.

>Iron Hands chapter
>When meeting other chapters they wear their armour and act all stoic
>When they're alone they're actually just super physically fit computer programmers


>super physically fit computer programmers
this is the best description of IH I've ever seen

That's pretty bad.

I think some of the scarce fluff about the Ghoul and Halo stars is pretty scary, though less directly so and more in the cosmic horror stuff. I'd love for GW to flesh them out, but I suppose 40k fluff is supposed to be vague on many things to keep the mystery of the archaic far future.