Can someone tell me the difference between wisdom and intelligence? I still don't quite get it...

Can someone tell me the difference between wisdom and intelligence? I still don't quite get it. How can you be wise but non-intelligent or vice-versa?
Any examples?

Int is STEM
Wis is Humanities

Int is book learnin'. Wis is street smarts.

Intelligence is knowing how to make mustard gas in your house, Wisdom is realizing that would be a bad idea.

Don't look for reason in game mechanics. Especially not with D&D.

I think you mean Wis is the inverse of Humanities

Wis is your ability to observe and pay attention.
Int is your ability to retain knowledge.


Ever heard about people being "book dumb, street smart"? That's what low Int, high Wis is.

I second. Some of the thickest people I know are also the smartest.

"Could I?" - Int
"Should I?" - Wis

I don't, actually. It's just curiosity, and I want to see what does Veeky Forums thinks of this.

The old hobo who has learned a lot about life has a high Wisdom. He's the one who talks about lessons he's learned, through broken, nicotine stained teeth. He doesn't always have the right grammar, but what he says makes sense.


Sooo... int is culture and wis is common sense?

>Le wise hobo meme
I guess you must live in some very secluded greenhouse your parents are keeping you in if you are capable of using this meme

Intelligence is mental capability and processing. It's the ability to build great machines and solve math problems.

Wisdom is the "having good ideas" stat. A character with high int is more trouble then he's worth if he can't put his skill to a practical use.

INT tells you how to do things.
WIS tells you if you should.
High INT low WIS = mad scientist
High WIS low INT = Forrest Gump

No difference, it's one of the most idiotic things ever introduced to TTRPG. Probably only the "plate armour is heavy, because we need to balance out something that was unbalanced IRL" was more damaging.

>who was diogenes


And it's more science vs philosophy.

Strength is lifting a crate of tomatoes.
Dexterity is cutting them up neatly.
Constitution is taking a bunch of tomatoes to the face without injury.
Intelligence is knowing that tomatoes are fruit.
Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't put tomatoes in a fruit salad.
Charisma is the ability to sell a tomato-based fruit salad.

If you've never talked to a quasi-homeless ex-drug addict with the intelligence of a 12-year-old and heard him say an astoundingly concise, useful, and relatable thing or two in the middle of a mostly nonsensical and annoying diatribe that doesn't belong in its social context, I'd suggest it's you that's been living in a very secluded greenhouse

Not all homeless people are coke fiends, dumbass.

The original /b/tard.

Obligatory "a tomato-based fruit salad is just salsa"


Intelligence is knowing things in the setting.

Wisdom is knowing things about the setting.

well, not coke specifically. but where I live, most of them have had hard drugs in their lives at some stage.

anyway, the point wasn't that most homeless people are like that, or even that a lot of them are, just that some people like that exist

intelligence is knowing the speed of terminal velocity, wisdom is not jumping off a plane

>Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't put tomatoes in a fruit salad.
That's called "salsa."

You got beat to the punch... or rather the salsa

My tomato fruit salads use all the secret fruits. Get some peppers and beans in there.

Int is your deduction, reasoning and studied knowledge.

Wis is your intuition, senses and experience (some overlap with int in say survival).

The biggest mistake in 5e was making medicine a wis check.


When I got up this morning I had this weird feeling, like "today is nacho day."

Guess I was right.

INT is logical processing and slow thinking. The sort of people who are capable of locking themselves in a room and studying for hours. Data is probably a good example of a INT-focused character, since he does everything through logical problem solving (it's just that's he's super fast at them due to his computer brain).

WIS is intuitive and quick thinking. The sort of people who subconsciously detect danger based on circumstantial evidence and then dodges the bullet (assuming they have the DEX). The old grandpa who knows how to hit his TV to fix it is a good example, he didn't take the TV apart to figure out the problem, he just figured that would be the right spot to knock it. He doesn't bother proving that it makes logical sense, it just works and he rolls with it.

You never see an intelligent, magic black man in movies.

good bait

moralfags get out

Plate armor hindering your movement wasn't part of D&D until Wizards took over.

Healing, on the other hand, was based on wisdom ever since AD&D.

hahaha yeah the deformed meth-riddled retard who constantly talks to himself and can barely walk straight is actually the fucking buddha

I bet you don't even have homeless people where you live

>I not only have sufficient free time to go around talking to homeless people, I'm also braindamaged enough to think they have good ideas

Get off of my board and then kill yourself.

Intelligence is knowing how to do something
Wisdom is knowing when to do something

Every single one of them.

So according to this post, intelligence is everything that is useful, and wisdom makes you into a touchy-feely fruitcake. Oh well, at least it improves your saves.

No he's right, some of them are meth heads.

>and heard him say an astoundingly concise, useful, and relatable thing or two in the middle of a mostly nonsensical and annoying diatribe that doesn't belong in its social context
As the saying goes - even broken clock is right twice a day.

All of them.

INT = Smart
WIS = Savvy

Unless the clock is broken in such a way that its hands haven't stopped moving, but are just offset from the actual time, in which case it's never correct.

Profession: Cooking skill at work.

Hey, Veeky Forums isn't that long a travel from the realms of Veeky Forums.


If you don't think your senses and memory are important, have fun burning yourself over and over, and getting hit by traffic.

It's basically more elaborate explanation of

>he can get hurt by physical objects
Non-ascended plebshitters get off my board.

Which is the exact same thing.

So chili?

>Low Wisdom, Low Intelligence
I found some mushrooms in the forest, lets eat
>High Wisdom, Low Intelligence
I don't know what these mushrooms are so we better not eat them
>High Wisdom, High Intelligence
These mushrooms are highly poisonous, I wouldn't recommend eating them
>Low Wisdom, High Intelligence
These mushrooms are highly poisonous, lets eat

It doesn't have to be moral fags. It's the difference between understanding complex things or understanding that some complexities shouldnt be meddled with for your own good. Not necessarily for morals.

>sensing the motivations of others
>noticing shit that's out of place
>having an intuitive feel for an activity that you can't necessarily explain

It has its uses.

Everything should be meddled with, no exceptions.

A tribal shaman can't read but he knows how to make a herbal remedy passed down for generations.

Like wise a mage can be increadibly intellegent and understands all the intricacies of the Arcane Arts, but if he's dumb enough to dabble in magic best left untouched than he's going to pay for it.

>Could I drink a bottle of vinegar?
>Could I eat an entire salt shaker of salt?
>Could I eat an entire package of breath strips?
>Could I eat a spoonful of ghost pepper sauce?
I may have a low wisdom score.

Well, can you? You'll never know for sure until you try.



Int is knowing tomato is a fruit
Wis is knowing not to put tomatos in fruit salad
Cha is selling a tomato-based fruit salad

Maybe try the ghost pepper sauce first, then go for the pack of breath mints.

Yes to all of those things the results as follows.
>Terrible vomiting, very watery since there was no actual food in my belly
>A lot of drooling, like a huge amount of drooling tongue shriveled up a bit
>A lot of drooling, could smell my breath from 20 feet away, could taste mint for the rest of the day, made me feel nauseous
>Gut pain, when I drank milk to calm the pain I vomited up 15 hot wings I had eaten earlier into a sink, and then onto a floor, and then into another different sink

Intelligence is shit you learn from rote memorization, critical thinking, and general logic.

Wisdom is shit you learn from observation, actually fucking paying attention, and the realization that actions have consequences.

Jack Vance's Cugel the Clever is a great example of a high Int, low Wis character. He actually does some pretty smart stuff, but he fails to really think ahead and his clever plans almost invariably end up biting him in the ass.

I'm just happy that this website keeps the Nazis of today busy enough that they just get to shittalk everyone who looks or acts different than them, and encourages them to be so fucking lazy that nobody actually gets hurt.

Cugel is more like average Int, average Wis, high Cha. He's not really foolish as much as he is a selfish asshole.

I disagree. I think he's got some ingenuity. He just doesn't think past step 2 of his plan to consider the repercussions, which is a lack of wisdom thing (not thinking things through). Also, as much as he cons other people, he's actually rather gullible, himself, and when confronted with evidence that somebody else might be getting the better of him, he dismisses it because that would indicate that he's not as clever as he thinks.

Hey about you fuck off with your Facebook bullshit and read the fucking thread before repeating stupid responses like a goddamn retard?

How about you make me a fruit salad?

Int is ability of elaboration (often through study)
Wis is efficiency of elaboration (often through experience)

Wisdom is having a room of valuable items.

Intelligence is having a room full of money.

>Can someone tell me the difference between wisdom and intelligence?

Wisdom is knowing the difference between wisdom and intelligence.

Intelligence is knowing not to ask this question.

Intelligence determines how many languages you know, and serves as the prime requisite for magic-users.
Wisdom adds a bonus to saving throws and serves as the prime requisite for clerics.

Intelligence determines skill points, bonus languages, and affects spells and class features for a number of classes.
Wisdom determines Will saves and affects spells and class features for a number of classes.

Intelligence is about acquiring new knowledge, wisdom is about applying old knowledge. Human babies are intelligent creatures, but due to inexperience have no wisdom to speak of. Old people may be wise even if they're not good at picking up new things anymore.

Basically Int coming up with smart stuff yourself and Wis is remembering smart stuff.

Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless).

As I started playing BRP before DnD, I'm interpreting as such: INT = knowledge, memory, logic, WIS = willpower, magic affinity.

A scientist would must have high INT, but not necessarily high WIS. A wizard needs high INT and WIS. A paladin doesn't require high INT, but high WIS surely helps.

That said, DnD sucks.

You might be intelligent OP but you're certainly not wise.

Spotted the stemfags.

Nonsense. Are your trying to say philosophy isn't full Int?

Nobody in this thread has high WIS.

Few of them have high INT either.

I always preffered to think that Inteleggence is ability to process data, Wisdom is ability to process clues.

Let's take two high schoolers with an arrogant asshole of a teacher.
>wise but non-intelligent
Knows what teacher doesn't like being interrupted or contradicted, so by being careful, smiling and nodding get's through classes w/o much issue despite being soso at the subject.
or vice-versa
Knows the book but fails to see that teacher doesn't care all that much about subject of class, but still get's through because despite pissing off the teacher still passes standardised tests.

Intelligence is ability to figure things out that you've never seen before.
Wisdom is vastness of previous knowledge.

Go back to the cancer ward Furious Pete

Intelligence is how well your brain can process, big part of math skills.
Wisdom are life experiences.
Going to school increases wisdom.
Aging increases intelligence.

Intelligence is knowing how to program a little girl's underwear in a video game intended for younger audiences.
Wisdom is knowing you shouldn't.
Charisma is getting away with it anyway.

Intelligence = knowledge.
Wisdom = decision-making.

High Wis low Int : Forrest Gump
High int low Wis: Dr. Frankenstein

Int is knowing that Frankenstein wasn't the Monster
Wis is knowing that Frankenstein was the Monster

Knowing that a tomato is a fruit is Intelligence.
Not putting it in a fruit salad is wisdom.

Looking at 5e as a specific example, the same basic concept applies to most editions. High INT means you are good at Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, and Investigation checks. You are well-educated, thorough, and good at finding connections between disparate information when given time to sit down and analyze things carefully. You are also good at casting spells as a Wizard. So there's a unified theme here. High INT characters are well-educated and good at processing information.

High WIS means you are good at Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival. You're also good at Cleric or Druid casting, and you are resistant to lots of mind-affecting spells. This is a list that involves being able to pick up on subtle social cues, being able to see or hear things that are well-hidden or far away, being educated (formally or otherwise) in a skilled profession, and also you're woodsy. Finding a common ground between any two of these four disparate abilities (not counting spellcasting which, being magic, can work however the fuck it wants) is difficult.

This guy has a pretty good summary of what difference there *could* be, but in practice Wisdom is a nonsense stat that does whatever the Hell the designers say it does today.

>He never wanked to Selphie's panties in Kingdom Hearts

Knowing that joke is Int
Not repeating that joke a bajillion times is Wis

Int is knowing that Frankenstein ISN'T the monster.
Wis is knowing what you meant anyway.

Hey fuck you, tomatoes go well in fruit salads.