Reminder of $1 EOY

I hope you are accumulating anons

Just comfy waiting for that test net

No balls deep in QSP going to be a huge year for smart contracts

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

Eoy 2017 or 2018?

even 2018 $1 REQ would make me a very happy man


Eli5 what it does

$1 EOY gives it something like 68% of OMG’s market cap.

Pretty realistic.

If that goal isn’t met, some buildup around Great Wall will send it to at least $2.50.

Bear in mind: most YC startups amount to nothing though.

classic pasta. had forgotten about this.

This is next moon. 1$ EoY 2017

5-10$ EoY 2018 (depends on mainstream adaption)

I don't get says supported by Request...isnt it going for same thing?

You are forgetting one of their most successful startups


Lol yea, user name three companies. Probably 1% of y comb companies make it like a dropbox or airbnb

blahblahblah the list goes on. I'm sure I'm forgetting about plenty of other succesful startups Ycombinator funded.

Fact of the matter is Ycombinator the connections to make Request go boom.

>Hey Airbnb, this is Ycombinator here, you know how we funded you? Yeah well how about you implement The Request Network.

Dyor kid

But am I overlooking something here???
Coinbase is adding new coins 2018...why not REQ, the same company backing both?

Is the team behind this legit?

>literally not a single hentai of this coin



because based on average investments they likely only have a 7% stake in both. REQ isn't ready for Coinbase and Coinbase probably doesnt need Ycombinator to push them around anymore, no reason to listen to a small stakeholder at this point.
Note: that is not a reasom to FUD and Im bag holding. Just the armchair extrapolation from Veeky Forumsness men can be a bit much.

No they probably don't, but it's all about networking, and having the connections that Y comb has, and to have them lobbying for Req shouldn't be underestimated.

Veeky Forums does not extrapolate. We virtually throw darts at a drawing board.

$1 EOY sounds nice. How far do you guys think it can go? Will it go to $10? 100?

99% 9f ycombinator startups don't amount to shit. Req will not be the 1%

1$ is already overvalued af. This whole crypto world is so far away to get mass adopted, but since ratio doesn't count here....yeah $1000/REQ should be possible next year

>99% 9f ycombinator startups don't amount to shit. Req will
I hope you are prepared to eat your words.

> (You)

% 9f ycombinator startups don't amount to shit. Req will
>I hope you are prepared to eat your words.
Lol I hope I do. I hold REQ but I'm not delusional. I'm happy with a 2x on this

could you repeat that?

Charlie Lee literally worked at Coinbase and it took them YEARS to had his coin.