How do you reconcile an unrelenting adherence to the law while still maintaining a functional party dynamic with those...

How do you reconcile an unrelenting adherence to the law while still maintaining a functional party dynamic with those less inclined to the tenets of justice?

0. All citizens are deserving of Justice. (Yes, this includes punishment as well). The idea that one group is more deserving of Justice than any other, combined with unrelenting adherence, will mean someone gets oppressed-which isn't a functional anything, much less party dynamic.

1. Law does not necessary match up to Justice. Have a constitutional means of amending the law-preferably one that's difficult to get through, and garners input from all involved-and make sure it can't itself be amended out of existence.

2.Constant vigilance and tweaking.

...Oh, I'm sorry, did you mean TTRPG party? Then I've got nothing.

Yeah. I really want to play like a Dredd/Rorschach-like character but the only way it seems to work is if a) you compromise, or b) the rest of your party is playing similar characters to yours.

You don't. It's a full Judge party or bust.

Of course, Dredd himself on many occasions worked with people who didn't have immovable rods up their asses. Reading the comics could help you make sense of that.

Those of a weaker moral persuasion in the party could be seen as better used as an aid to justice rather than outright arrested. Use the parties tendency to stick their nose where it doesn't belong to rile up baddies.

There's loads of ways you can do that. It's not hard.

- the situation is so extreme that it warrants turning a blind eye to certain behaviour (but once it's been rectified, the fist of the law hammers down, unless they escape somehow, or are granted immunity)
- the "bad guy" has been temporarily released from prison due to his expertise in such and such area, and is helping in return for a reduced sentence
- the person who's a bit wonky is, in fact, also a judge, their methods are just a bit more radical.
- the cop's gone rogue because the system has prevented him from solving such and such crime, and is now working illegaly to solve it.
- the cop's undercover or some shit

Discuss it with your DM.

What Dredd doesn't know won't hurt them.

You don't.

You don't; you either party with other lawfuls, or go bust.

Same user as before.
It actually sounds like an interesting dynamic as is, provided it doesn't tear the party apart IRL. Constant vigilance, my brother!

Also if you don't mind writing a storytime about it that'd be just swell thanks.

LN can be done.
Judge Dredd LN, not so much.

>unrelenting adherence
This here is the sticking point.
If any member of a party is completely unrelenting on any point, the party dynamic has to either follow that point to some degree or "manage" the unmoving PC like the "distract the paladin while the thief does his thing".

I don't. Even if I wanted to play a Judge Dredd type, I'm going to meliorate a little for the sake of party stability and making the game more fun for everyone.

This. Dredd's teamed up with criminals, morally grey characters, rough around the edges people and all sorts. Usually in the face of a greater threat or in areas outside of his jurisdiction though.

Rorschach and Judge Dredd are completely different characters.

For a start, Rorschach would respect Dredd for being a hardline authority figure, while Dredd would execute Rorschach for being a violent vigilante

>Dredd would execute Rorschach
Violent vigilantes like you do time in the cubes, creep.

Watch the remake and you'll see. Part of it is knowing that if you spin around and blink three times you'll find yourself face to face with another criminal. Obviously you won't ever condone breaking the law, but when it's clear that you can never make a meaningful difference in the world, it's a lot easier to settle for helping the people around you get by without being oppressed and exploited by the real criminals. Notice how Dredd (in the remake) never judged anyone for anything short of attempted murder and refused to execute a man on "only" 99% certainty.

Allies of convenience.
Do they obey the established order (assuming it is just)? Yes? Good enough!
Do they oppose or hamper your practice of absolute justice? No? Good enough!

It is not a remake of anything... New film based on.

I don't think Rorschach would go quietly, though he is arguably unarmed.

Dredd would break his legs, and that would make the day a bit better for him

The movie had this explained that there's more crime going on than Judges can realistically respond to, so the preferable procedure is to let small stuff slip and focus on serious crime only.

In the comics he cooperated with Judge Death at one point. You can't go more "allies of convenience" than that.

I think it would make for an interesting sort of cat-and-mouse dynamic.

Maybe Dredd would finally catch up to Rorschach during a riot or some other crisis, then the two would team up and go busting heads for a while.

>In the comics he cooperated with Judge Death at one point.
Judge Death and Mean Machine Angel, at the same time.