Character Art Thread: Fish/Reptile People

For my campaign I plan on using a species of ocean-based humanoids as villains and later allies for the players against a greater threat.
I want to describe them as humanoid with reptilian and fish qualities. According to their origin myth they descended from water dragons.
So pictures of humanoids with features of both would be very much appreciated. But you can post any fish or reptile people you have,

I start dumping what I have so far.




Why is the last picture sideways? I don't know. Maybe because I took it with my phone during a con.










A higher resolution version of this shark captain would be cool.







And that's all I've got.

Awesome dump, user. Does anyone have anything where the fish/lizard people have a more developed or sophisticated culture than just "primitive hunter with a spear"?








I am about to start playing Tyranny, and I am looking for a custom portrait to use.

My character idea in general is the stereotypical Strong man. Big, muscly, bald, and with a glorious mustache (or mutton chops).

Do any of you happen to have anything like that? I'd be eternally grateful.



mermaids count right







Post young looking male mages. The posher the better.



No Lustly Argonian Maid?

>mermaid booty
Sweet christmas





This probably won't fit the setting but I hope you like it

Looking for swordsmen/mages wearing flashy colors like bright yellows and reds but I'll take anything you've got with bright colors.



Looking for pictures of modern roguish type who looks like they're South American, female only.

Here, have pink cats

>war dolphins
Clearly, these are evil-merpeople.