DnD Orc Evolution Thread

DnD Orc evolution, art, from 1974 to 2016

monitoring thread

Not OP but bumping once in case he comes back

Is it just D&D or is the GW ORK part of the evolution?

Great thread, OP.

Yea, I especially like the first of the one pictures that he posted.

tangentially related

Warcraft II was the start of the noble savage bullshit imo.

HoM&M 2 is best, as always

OP? Are you alright? Should we send help?

I'm assuming Orc's ate him

False, HoMM 5 all the way

>Want to paint lich
>Its a literal Jesus prophet

Technically, one could say that Jesus was a Lich.

He didn't have a Phylactery.

That is exactly what a liche wants you to think.


I didn't know ropers raged.

That's the sinister part, he doesn't have a static phylactery, he just phases out of existence unless someone is partaking of his "flesh" and "blood".

The moment there's people performing communions in all timezones is the moment he returns for his vengeance.

But he's fucked because atlantis got sunk.

Don't have anything from the 80s or early 90s, but here's 3rd Ed.

When did orcs get green?

When did goblins get green and how come d&d goblins never got green?

When did non-d&d trolls get blue?

>When did non-d&d trolls get blue?

He was a jew tho

Here's a bunch of 4e orcs.

AD&D orcs were lame.

HoMM V was a fun game, but design-wise it was basically Warcraft. 2 and 3 had a lot more personality.

>When did orcs get green?
Warhammer, I think, but it's probably worth noting the description in the 1E Monster Manual:
>Description: Orcs appear particularly disgusting because their coloration - brown or brownish green with a bluish sheen - highlights their pinkish snouts and ears. Their bristly hair is dark brown or black, sometimes with tan patches.
>brownish green

>When did goblins get green and how come d&d goblins never got green?
It ties them into green orcs in stuff that makes them related (cough Warhammer cough), but D&D's orcs aren't THAT green - they're usually more in the grey-ish green area. Also, D&D goblins are only related to orcs inasmuch as they're humanoids - they're in the same big group as kobolds, bugbears, gnolls, etc.

Some D&D goblins have been green, though - 4E had a brief stint with that, although they seem to have given up on that idea now for 5E. The Magic the Gathering goblins are generally green, so maybe they wanted to be able to reuse art assets or something, I dunno.

>When did non-d&d trolls get blue?
Warcraft 3, I suspect, but it's worth remembering that having them be stone-colored is an old standby and greyish-blue is a popular color there to liven things up a smidgen. Especially since having a blueish tint is semi-standard for dark scenes, and trolls not standing sunlight is an old idea.

Also, of course, D&D Trolls are some gaunt Three Hearts and Three Lions fuckers while most trolls in other fiction are more like the D&D Ogre - something Gygax noted explicitly in OD&D, if you're curious.

If only we could get a game with the graphics of 3, and the gameplay and story of 4...

>When did orcs get green?
>When did goblins get green and how come d&d goblins never got green?
Also warhamner, and I imagine d&d tries to define itself separate from it. d&d orcs never really got green either; they're always some greyish brown almost green but not quite
>When did non-d&d trolls get blue?


>Some D&D goblins have been green, though - 4E had a brief stint with that, although they seem to have given up on that idea now for 5E. The Magic the Gathering goblins are generally green, so maybe they wanted to be able to reuse art assets or something, I dunno.

MtG goblins are one of the few races that is present in almost all sets, and is different in design in each set. Saying that they are generally green is quite imprecise. Also, I don't think art has ever been reused between D&D and magic.

My least favourite D&D depiction of orcs. I could picture orcs being a little hairy, but never covered in fur.

this pic always makes me laugh. They look like they are all about to cry. I don't find them scary or threatening at all, I want to help them.

They kinda look like Bebop from TMNT.

Okay, these are pretty Goddamned adorable for orcs.