I'm trying to get a mental image of the look I want my elves to have as far as their physical appearance is concerned...

I'm trying to get a mental image of the look I want my elves to have as far as their physical appearance is concerned, trying to get away from the 'humans with pointy ears' trope which is why I liked how elves had their own distinct look in Dragon Age. Sorry if this post seems incoherent but i've had absolutely no sleep

TL;DR elf art thread

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OP that's TES not dragon age. There's one for each of the TES elves.

I know, but I couldn't be bothered to find a decent DA picture since the search result is filled with retarded fan art

They're SLENDER short humans with pointy ears.

Yeah, they're basically just humans...

>trying to get away from the 'humans with pointy ears'
>Dragon Age
I'm sorry, but aside from pointy ears and being really small, didn't they just look like humans?

bottom left is best girl, tits are bangin

The problem you run into op is elves are supposed to be beautiful and etherially attractive - make them look actually alien and you lose the effect. It's hard to do.

Eh, I can do some slow dump.

Accidentally found some Dragon Age.

Some descriptions of elves make it seem like their beauty comes from their graceful movement and considering what monstrous beings Veeky Forums would actually fuck I don't think that making them look a bit alien wouldn't make them fuckable. Also, you would not be able to achive their ethereal and otherworldy beauty by just making them good-looking humans. There must be something aside from pointy ears to distinguish them from us.


I will just post whatever.

>bottom left is best girl


Top Right
Top Left

>hates self
>hates you
>hates everything
>worships chaos demons
>might be a reverse-gender clone of an evil wizard
>deep smoky voice
How can other Mer even compete?






DA2 made them look more distinct, but you are sure to provoke some autistic rage every time you mention DA2


Did someone say DA2?

I think the changes to the appearance of the elves and the qunari were what DA2 did best.

Really love the whole "looks like living statues" thing the qunari had going for them. Sadly by Dragon Age: Cisquisition they had turned the qunari back to looking like normalish people again.

Elves still looked good.



should elves be taller or shorter than humen?

Depends on their mood.

Depends on the setting.

Probably doesn't works for you, but I have my mental image based on David Bowie and Benedict Cumberbatch. Both are handsome, yet there's something eerie and/or androgynous in their looks.

I have yet to find a female equivalent, though.


I prefer taller just because most standard fantasy races already have halflings and dwarves and gnomes as the "short" races for the Rogue-Melee-Magic triangle.


I love the TES look of the mer having the big eyes and sharp features.

Bosmer always looked kinda like deer to me


Claudia Black maybe?

Hell of a man jaw, strong chin and pronounced aquiline nose. None of these are features associated with being particularly feminine but she was responsible for more boners than playboy to those of us who watched Farscape.


It's the voice and the way she moves. And the chemistry with Browder, I suppose

The Styx Elves are also really good. Weird, alien and distinct while still fitting the beautiful aspect.



And then Elric was a 17th century duelist. Good stuff.



Floppy ears is best elf.

Hips and floppy ears are the only way to go


You have to remember that a lot of the time Veeky Forums is in fact lying when they say they'd fuck a squid with tits.

The problem with alien elves is that people always go too far and make them into monsters, which is wrong since the monstrous side of elves should be all internal.

Fucking France man.

Is this actually helping, OP?

>You have to remember that a lot of the time Veeky Forums is in fact lying
Don't do this to me, user.

hon hon! You silly american, thinking you can best even our 2D girls!


Personally i like the idea of Elves just being "human shaped"

Their facial features a mash of what is considered appealing to races in the area hung on a lithe frame.

Changelings really.




Tilda Swinton, watch Keanu Reeves' Constantine to see what I mean









>evil wizard
>implying Divayth wasn't the most bro-tier telvanni to ever live

There's no way that dude isn't half-orc

I like new warcraft version of mana junkie elves


and here is "healthy" version.

It does look better ingame, but for me it's perfect alien/monster elf look





Tilda Swinton seems like the obvious answer.


That animal is triggering me


Skinny Bowie is best elf

I like to imagine them as fairly...angular. Defined by lines, not curves. Haughty, yet sharply seductive. Their skin has something timeless and uncomfortably immutable about it - not the organic tautness of wood, but rather the hard stillness of pale stone. They look constructed, not born. A level of aesthetic perfection that brings with it that constant, knife-like air of smug superiority.

In short, a race of Patrick Nagel people.










left looks a bit like my pornfu jennifer white. should not fap.



I like my elves otherworldly and utterly alien, but still beautiful, just not in a sexual sense, but more like an animal can be.
They should be shrouded in mystery and basically act as a forest spirit / intelligent force of nature with alien morals and thought processes, not as a regular NPC race. They may come off as cruel or unreasonable. They should have the most powerful magic in the setting, maybe even a monopoly on magic.

I call bullshit.


Angular face, long, hollowed cheeks, more heartshaped face than oval. Eyes sit high on the face. Any proper pic of an elf I think and you notice that long angular face.

One option is to try and describe a pseudo-snout with the nose. Not a literal snout since that should involve the mouth, but how Mithra in FF14 have the nose more defined and pronounced but also shallow - it's not a hook nose or a giant shnoze but more steep. cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/fantasy/satyr--3 is a bit too broad but that idea

I always love that pic and how the female looks more masculine than the male.




