Let's say the whole "Emperor destroys Monarchia" shitshow, and as such the Horus Heresy, never happened...

Let's say the whole "Emperor destroys Monarchia" shitshow, and as such the Horus Heresy, never happened. Which primarch would then most likely become the arch-heretic?


There are 5 candidates.

-Roboute Guilliman
-Rogal Dorn
-Leman Russ
-Ferrus Manus

All of these Primarchs were the most likely to turn traitor if the HORUS Heresy hadn't happened. This is canon and can not be refuted.

>All of these Primarchs were the most likely to turn traitor if the HORUS Heresy hadn't happened.
>Any of those ever falling before Angron or Curze.
Explain your reasoning.

They were all part of a group called "The Dauntless Few" who Guilliman said were the most dependable. Therefore by BL logic they would all be the most likely to betray the Emperor.

i see one flaw in this meta logic: the story BL would melt down, rehash and stamp a 40k logo on. like, what wolf betrayal story is out there for leman yif?

>Therefore by BL logic they would all be the most likely to betray the Emperor.
This is the opposite of logic. This is bassless slander. This is what having fun-wrong looks like.

Just joking, but seriously support your arguement that makes no sense

It makes no sense because you're either too new or too stupid to understand it.
You know bl stands for black library, yes?

>It makes no sense because you're either too new or too stupid to understand it.
Wow youre a pleb.

>My arguement is right
>No I don't have to explain my reasoning to you
>I know I'm right

His argument is that BL is shit which they are.

BL being shit is an entirely different arguement from the 5 Primarchs his listed falling first if not for the HH.

>BL said they were friends so like theyd totally fall first.
Wtf kind of reasoning is that?

I was just being humorous but to be real there is a case to be made that Guilliman and Sanguinius would've become the arch-traitors and revolt against the Emperor. There's the whole Imperium Secundus fiasco with Guilliman and I think there might've been some hints in the lore that he was plotting against the Emperor. Then with Sanguinius his legion was afflicted by awful mutation which he hide from his father. If Horus becomes the arch-traitor because of self doubt then Sanguinius would definitely have a reason to rebel against the emperor and go rogue.

Also if Guilliman was plotting against the Emperor, I find it suspicious that he listed these legions and their Primarchs as the ones he found most "dependable". I think that Guilliman might have enough in common with these Primarchs ideologically that he could manipulate them to join his cause.

I think the thing that you are forgetting is why Horus was the only one who could be the Arch-Traitor.

No-one else could have manipulated events to get another 8 legions to fall with him. His position as Warmarster was key in this. But no-one else was as deserving of this position then him either and thats why Chaos went after him. He was the most successful and most charismatic of the Primarchs. He had his Fathers love and respect as well as that of most of his brothers. This is important because no-one else would have survived for so long standing in front of the Emperor who only held back out of love for Horus.

Could other legions have fallen? Yes easily. But it would have been entirely different form the HH in long term effects.

>If Horus becomes the arch-traitor because of self doubt
Horus has more doubts about the Emperor then about himself. About the future role of the Astartes in the Imperium and the worth of humanity.

Sanguinius, Rowboat or Wolfman Wolf.
In order from least to most but these are the only three candidates in my mind.

OP reminded me of this. Saw this a while back

betty bewd primarch profiles

ONLY Horus or Sanguinius could have turned into a Warmaster capable of leading multiple legions in an organized rebellion against the Emperor.

Angron and Curze were probably inevitable traitors but were too broken and crazy to lead any galaxy-wide resistance.

Fulgrim, Magnus, Mortarion, and Perturabo were semi-inevitable betrayals but weren't charismatic (Mort/Pert), rational (Magnus), or focused (Fulgrim) enough to be an effective warmaster

Alpharius can't lead anything with the way he fights

Khan and Lion were too introverted to lead anything

Guilliman, Dorn, Ferrus, and Russ were simply too loyal to ever turn no matter what circumstance.

Lorgar would have fanatically fought and died for the Emperor had Monarchia not happened

Vulkan and Corax could have potentially turned but were too humanitarian and insular respectively.

Even if Monarchia hadn't happen, the Emperor would probably still chastise Lorgar about not conquering worlds fast enough given the size and might of his legion.

I think Dorn and Russ were pretty much uncorruptable. This is in fact canon. Fabius notes that Dorn's genes are closest to "the source" IE the Big E and captured IF's he fucks with still retain their sanity and intelligence when the other legions experimented on (he didn't get a chance to fuck with them all) devolved into chaos spawn.

as for Russ it's noted that the Space Wolfs wolf out rather than succumb to chaos' influence.

>no Lion El'Jonson

>the Space Wolfs wolf out rather than succumb to chaos' influence.
>What are the Wolf Brothers
Stop denying your future heretic. We wont complain if you fight the Inquisition again, or kill more Grey Knights.

Wolf Brothers were purged for severe mutation of their new initiates not for treason.

though some did turn traitor after the purge they were not purged for being traitor

>were purged for severe mutation of their new initiates not for treason.
Sounds familiar... Anyways doesnt matter they were welcome here in the Eye.

>Wolf Brothers were purged
>Implying the didnt just up an run away with half the Space Wolves stuff
There's a reason some of them allied with the Thousand Sons user.

Hey, at least his music is sweet.

>The most loyal of the Emperor's sons
>Rowboat Girlyman
>Not too autistic to think that chaos is even an option
>The Emperor's lapdog

The only way this list could be worse is if you switched Ferrus Manus with Vulkan.

Wow, is this an UNBIASED primarch chart on Veeky Forums that actually describes them objectives?


No one would've followed anyone of them.
While Angron, Curze, Perty and Morti had some serious problem with the emperor even before Lorgar started having them too, no one would follow them. So they would suck as Arch-traitors.
Lorgar has the same problem - he's not respected/liked by his brothers. Even Magnus had a better standing.

To fuck shit up someone who can lead people astray is needed.

>it doesn't mean boys love

One thing I find interesting about Perturabo that's often overlooked is his inherent nature with the warp and possibly chaos itself. Ever since he was born he always had visions of the Eye of Terror with it constantly watching him. Whenever he tried talking about it to other people like Ferrus Manus they just brashed it aside which lead Perturabo to having a huge paranoia and insecurity problem. That just makes me wonder about Perturabo's character since it's comparable to the foresight of Curze and Sanguinius. It leaves a lot of room for speculation about Perturabo's destiny and possibly the untapped powers of all the Primarchs in general.

Huh, I just realized something. The lost primarchs were rediscovered near the start and end of the Crusade: 3rd and 19th. I doubt it has any meaning, but it might be why Russ was the one to kill one of the lost legions; it was either him or Daddy's favorite.