Fml I'm going broke sell sell sell selling low bought 50k worth at ath 370 kill me now

I want to die just lost like 10 grand in 24 hours

You will never forget the lesson you learned though, and that's worth more than any coin.

>buying at the all time high


Ah man think of if you had been smart and bought some at $30 like us

Be patient man.

No. let him sell, more for us,


buy at ATH and then panic sell the dips, that's the Veeky Forums way

>tfw bought during the complete disaster that the panic was yesterday night
>up 20%
can't complain about this silver fucker

Just fucking HODL and be rewarded... It's not that fucking hard. The coinbase coins will continue up for a while with some corrections along the way.

Iron hand.

LTC will be 2,600 by february.

cap it.

Its overbought man, get out. I made 10K on it, but once I saw the sellwalls and the orders yesterday I knew we had reached it.

Normies are flying in and it may very well reach $400 but there is a massive correction for this and we all know the investments are coming from normies looking for BTC level gains from 2009.

Get out while its above the current $300 floor or run the risk of a massive dump.

just wait until the inevitable 400 by eoy you pussy. you mean to tell me it wont go up at all within the next 15 days?

These retarded gooks held the buying wall for too long, fucking piece of shit fat asses, they can't get enough of all these coins.

or maybe 500

that's what I thougt when bc was 40, and when it was 200, and when it was 700...

yeah get out so this retard can buy cheap litecoin.

PUMP ETH and make back your gains

Fking hodl

>Buyng at the ATH

Pink wojacks incoming

Be fucking patient. Sometimes you'll have to wait a little. It's the nature of the game - don't be a panicky bag dropper and sell at a loss unless it's a garbage shitcoin. I bought at 150, sold at 370, bought again at 380 because I let my emotions get the best of me. Sucks but I'm still up and holding until the next spike. If you sell now you'll miss it.
