I'm bored, Veeky Forums. Let's design a god/church. First post ending in 4 decides the god's name...

I'm bored, Veeky Forums. Let's design a god/church. First post ending in 4 decides the god's name. Second post ending in 4 decides the god's alignment. Third post ending in 4 decides the god's favored weapon. Fourth through seventh posts ending in four decide the god's associated domains/portfolio. Any post ending in double 4's spawn a schism where one of the previously decided aspects of the god is determined to be heretical.

Steve the god





The Fondle Bear

The Fondle Bear's alignment is Scruffy Gentleman.


Alright we're building the First Church of the Fondle Bear. What will our god's alignment be?

Chaotic Rapist

Chaotic good

Lawful Sleezy

The Fondle Bear is of a lawful sleezy (LS) alignment. What weapon does he favor, Veeky Forums?

Sword-chucks, yo!


Double yo-yo's.


Unarmed fondling.

A giant, magic needle and thread. Can transform clothes into lewd & childsized versions, transforming the bodies of those wearing them into children.

Uncomfortable stares.

A "sword". A thick and biggest one.

A giant pair of scissors.

A string of sausages.

Why, a table lamp, of course.