Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1192: Familial Rites and Fowl Sacrifices Edition

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What are you thankful for?

Hey, Innistrad question: What are Avacyn's powers and how powerful is she?

Opportunity, sapient decency and settings worth thinking about long after you're done with them.

I floss with Life Fibers. Every once in a while, a thug will fail to realize the threat I pose, and come at me with a knife. Catching and shattering said weapons with my teeth always makes for some picture-perfect reactions.

I also use my biokinesis to grow a second layer of teeth formed out of hardened Life Fibers (in front of my normal ones), but that doesn't sound as flippant as the floss bit and is nowhere near as much fun to say.

Really big guns.

Help me out with Life Fibers. Are they really that powerful? Would increasing the % of Life Fibers your body is composed of, either through some biomancy or Prototype-like consumption, be that beneficial? I thought Life Fibers were some fucked up parasite.

It's Thanksgiving in the US, and I'm hungry. What are the best eating perks, both for abilities and normal food, and what/who should I eat?

The answer to all these questions is Toriko.

>Not eating everything
>Not eating Gods.
but the answer is Toriko.

Dragon's Crown has a perk or two that's pretty great for that.

Toriko, plus that one perk from Cho Aniki that lets you store stuff you eat as protein energy.

Comparing standard Life Fibers to super-powered Sacculina would be apt, which would make anyone familiar with that species rightfully think twice (at least) about utilizing them. Hybridizing them with Human genetics seems to take some of the edge off, given Ryuuko and Senketsu. Even they fly off the handle a couple of times, though.

But looking at the climax, Senketsu Kisaragi must've been going Mach 23 (averaged out) to make the trip from the ground to the low-end of persistent satellite territory in the time he did, and Ragyo's regeneration is impressive even without Shinra Koketsu; pic related. Notice the hole through her head as it pans up, and how she doesn't even stop gloating at her attackers.

There's also the issue of purification, which the series doesn't really go into detail about. Ragyo boosted Satsuki through life-fiber assisted molestation, but Sanageyama and Nonon also gained superpowers even when divest of their uniforms (Sanageyama's blindsight and Nonon's sound manipulation she uses exactly once in episode 25). Looking at the blindsight situation for comparison, it's likely that stress+proximity to life fibers is all that's needed for purification and Ragyo just chose molestation because she liked it, not because it was the only way.

TL;DR: It's really, /really/ easy to fuck up Life Fiber cultivation and usage, but if you put effort into it you'll see serious returns.


So if you went Life Fiber Hybrid in the jump, and assume that you have a degree of fiat protection there, perhaps you could use your hybridized body as a template for how to successfully integrate them into a human host. Essential nature and biology are motherfuckers when it comes to jumpers, but does that sound about right?

Assuming you have access to Life Fibers, of course.

Jumpchain, Luck, Knowledge, and replenishing food supplies.


I took that perk from Highschool of the Dead. Dental. So my teeth are always in perfect condition and actually regrow if lost.

I guess I always kind of imagine them as carnivorous, ever since I took that perk. So, I dunno. Like a cat or something.
Honestly between Food Pressure and other "apex predator"-type perks, I tend to think of myself as one in more feral aspects.
I've got all these cute perks, and then just underneath there's a whirlwind of death waiting to lounge by a window and take a nap in the sun.

... Wait, that's not right.

> I thought Life Fibers were some fucked up parasite.
They are, but it might help you if you refer to them as a symbiote instead. In the series they are only ever referred to as parasites, as symbiote is not a term that exists.
I mean, they're dangerous and will totally murder your ass if you use so many that they overpower you. They're basically feral. But if you can control them they give a pretty impressive boost to your sparkly anime skills.

I mean, sure, that could work. Ragyo was doing experiments to integrate them into her kids, but she quit after Nui, who was supposedly a baby born directly by a womb of life fibers or something.
Her husband went the other direction and tried to make life fibers compatible with humans. He ended up getting killed by Nui.

> Spiral-kun attempts to explain Exalted to Konata.
> Slow zooming shot of Konata's face as white noise drowns out the speech.

Speaking of eating perks, what are the best food items?

DMC: Unlimited Pizza

Jump 7XX: German Hollow Quest (Preliminary build)

Sixty-Six Million, And I Love the Looks on your faces when I tell you that...
Total CP: 1800

Race: Fullbringer (free)
Origin: Drop In

Death Aspect (Spite) (100/1700)
A Guide Through the Inferno (200/1500)
Animal Physiology (Crocodile) (100/1400)
Actions Have Consequences (0/1400)
Everything Falls Into Place (100/1300)
Gone Full Kubo (200/1100)
The Divine Comedy (300/800)
Instinct (100/700)
Usurpador (400/300)

Hogyoku Treatment x6 (300/0)
Magic Plot-Rock (0/0)

Fullbringer Powers:
Total points: 400+300=700

Customized Look (free with Hogyoku Treatment)
Unique Power (free)
Merging (400/300)
Child Mode (+200/500)
Cero Feast (0/500)
Aspect Manifestation (500/0)

>I'm waiting 66 million years just to punch Hitler in the face again.
Not sure what my unique power is yet. Went for the crocodile animal because I figured having my animal go extinct would be a bit depressing. Not all worlds will have trilobites, but most worlds seem to have crocodiles. Almost went with sharks or horseshoe crabs: might still do once the final is out.
The Merging/Aspect Manifestation choice is pretty damn powerful, but does lock me out of any other nice capstones.
Decided spite was a better emotion than straight up anger and less self-damaging than despair, fear, sorrow, etc. but boy I'm going to piss everyone off.

Somewhat. The perk only provides basic functionality, so you'd need to leave the outline to get something like flight, and that's where they'd get you. Having a solid base to work from is invaluable, though.

Personally, I go Fiber Hybrid with Tailor, then import my Conservatively Dressed Kamui as my Symbiote (the web serial, not spiderman) in the next jump. That way, I've got a template, perk-backed skill, and my Kamui can use Bioprocessing to grow Life Fiber constructs within my body... which it is a natural hand at operating, because it spent its entire life up to that point /being/ one such construct. It also provides me with an inherent second opinion, who can retract any major changes the second problems show up.

>as symbiote is not a term that exists.
Aye. "Symbiont" is the actual term. Marvel did do a remarkable job overshadowing it to the point people think Symbiote's a word, though.
But parasite is correct in the case of 99.999% of the extant Life Fiber entities, in that most intend to ultimately kill their hosts. Only Isshin's works consider coexistence desirable.

my Jumper is thankful for his family, safety and security.

Ah I see with the plot armor of your decisions not biting you in the ass you've gone for the merging and Aspect Manifestation so that you can make up for the fact that you're a child. Am I anywhere near right?

Granted at seven hundred jumps you've got to be able to basically stare at things and kill them now.

Spite eh? I'm honestly waiting for the person who chooses to go with Salt! It'll be funny for a few minutes at least.

The new WIP!

Canon Companion (w/o Ring)

>Fiber Hybrid with Tailor, then import my Conservatively Dressed Kamui as my Symbiote (the web serial, not spiderman) in the next jump
That's kinda slick; I hadn't thought of that.

I've been wanting to make something approximating a Spawn costume, something that's smart enough to operate on its own but that's loyal to me. I'll have to look into that more.

What's that from?

Do we need Two Unique Powers and Aspect Manifestation plus Merging for that combo that keeps getting brought up or...?

In fact, what does the combo do even

Frankly I'm thinking I'll just fly off planet Earth and do some mega-engineering in outer space or turn the moon into a space dungeon or something where whatever I do will have no effect on history.
Even with the right perks to preserve humanity in the future, I'm spiritual chum in the water and fighting off prehistoric Hollows on such a constant basis seems slightly tedious.

It's an ability Symbiotes (again, the web serial variety) can learn. You can take perks to gain instant mastery in it (Synergized tree). Lets them do crazy stuff with your biology, from shapeshifting to producing diamonds. With the right perk combination (or a whole lot of learning time) you can make antimatter.

You still need mass/energy to make it happen (antimatter production kills in that regard), and there's a lot of waste heat. My R&D sessions consist mostly of sitting in a tub of ice water and eating lots of snacks.

If I make/find a magic item in a D&D jump that allows me to use a specific spell do I also need any material component or focus that the spell normally requires in order to use it?

If you're just importing the Kamui into USM, why bother with taking Life Fiber Tailor in KLK? Is it just to front load the knowledge of how LF work?

But if you made the item, the cost of any exceptional material components or focuses increases the cost of making the item in the first place.

Typically no. You will need the components when you need to recharge the item in question but one of the benefits of magic items in a vancian setting is that they bypass the need for material components when being used.

...I just said the web serial variety, not the Spiderman one.

The combo people are bring up grants the ability to possess/consume a spiritual being (Shinigami/Hollow/etc.) and then bring forward it's powers through Aspect Manipulation. That's all part of the base powers, which interact in that way because that's how they did so in canon. Unique Power Aspect Manifestation is able to train up from the point that you Consumed/Possessed someone at, scaling up to your spiritual energy. Basically some anons are really into the fact that they can be bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Aaroniero_Arruruerie.

You've got seven hundred Jumps under your belt so I'm sure you've got a way to do that. I, and this is only my personal opinion here, feel it's a bit of a cop out but if your Jump-Chan is willing to let you who am I to argue.

Which jump is the web serial?

It's just called "Symbiote." Drive link:

Huh. I didn't know this was a thing, thanks for clarifying. So, back to my question, why Tailor if you're just going to import?

Scooby-Doo has a bottomless stomach perk.
HSotD has 401(k), which let's you store a limitless amount of food/water/air/rest for later purposes.
Minecraft has a perk that let's you eat meals in seconds flat.

Ah, that explains your confusion then. Symbiote (web serial) Bioprocessing is limited by technical knowledge. If I don't know which Life Fiber layouts are safe, everything is trial and error. I /could/ get away with it if I was careful, but since my jumper specializes in this combo there's really no point in pinching pennies there of all places.

Also, Bioprocessing lets me extrude raw fibers from my body for harvesting, so Tailor helps equip any allies I may have.

Has anyone ever recreated/cloned a character you've met in a previous jump, just because they were unavailable to bring along?


So if you import your Kamui as a Symbiote, do it still remain separate and distinct in some form? I'd still like to be able to import it using the various clothing / armor upgrade sections in the appropriate jumps.

At the end of the jump, you have the option of splitting it off or leaving it in you. The former defeats the purpose of my combo, and the latter isn't well-explained in regards to imported companions.

Is their merged symbiote state an altform they can switch in and out of? Do they still count against the companion limit? Can they be imported into later jumps?

Fanwank something.

Would using a Spell Points or other such alternate magic system in a d&d jump be considered Kosher?

There is precedence for things such as Spell to power Erudite in the forgotten realms jump specifically,but I do not believe you can do that in the other D&D jumps. however, homebrew is not allowed.

How would it invalidate your combo? Wouldn't the Kamui retain the abilities and host-synergy it had as a Symbiote? Are we getting into fankwank territory, it seems like we're getting into fanwank territory.

Aspect Manifestation only works of same type as us, so if we use it SOMEHOW while in another alt form we can get stuff of same type as said alt form?

What if... we take Aspect Manifestation, 66 million, look on faces, then EAT the hollow that actually had Merging







oh yeah, I gotta get in on this!

If the Kamui is a separate entity, it isn't going to be doing the bioproccessing in my body, /I/ will be. Which means if there's a screw up and I get mindbent into full Ragyo mode by the grown Fibers I won't have a copilot to put me back on track.

That failsafe may not be very glamorous in comparison to the other combo benefits, but it's certainly important. You never want to go full Ragyo.

SCP has a collection of four: adaptive, limitless pizza box; interdimensional vending machine (may produce antimatter, living food, or otherwise inedible food); interdimensional drink dispenser (don't ask for a cup of rage or death, or for the 'perfect drink'); and an ice cream truck with a random menu (it will kill you if you don't pay).

There's also an option for a menu that you can order off of by phone that teleports food near you.
The meat in said food comes from endangered animals. Just a little from each, though.

And though it's not available for purchase in-jump, there's also a sack of infinite potatoes.
The sack is actually a portal to a parallel world, completely overrun by potatoes. Maybe the entire universe, who knows.
The potatoes reproduce ex nihilo to fill any space unless completely destroyed.
For the love of Jumpchan, never turn the sack upside down.

>Aspect Manifestation only works of same type as us, so if we use it SOMEHOW while in another alt form we can get stuff of same type as said alt form?
You're only able to manifest the lowest form of powers outside the Hollow/Fullbringer form you have, it's noted in my newest WIP of the power supplement.

>What if... we take Aspect Manifestation, 66 million, look on faces, then EAT the hollow that actually had Merging
Fanwank but the canon answer to that is you gain the combo that Aaroniero Arruruerie had.

Huh. I thought the Red Science was something to do with Vital Energy. Or am I thinking of something else?

...well time to combine Red Science with the Correspondence to create some sort of eldritch algebra that operates at room temperature.

>You're only able to manifest the lowest form of powers outside the Hollow/Fullbringer form you have, it's noted in my newest WIP of the power supplement.
What about Final Form? I'm not even talking about the eating people for powers combo, I wasn't even going to get that. I just don't feel like bothering with it if there's no way to really access our abilities without being in pure Hollow form.

Why not treat bioprocessing as a non-discrete process? It doesn't happen unless both parts, the Kamui and the Jumper, are fuzed. When fuzed, provided you have sufficient control over your own biology and that of the Kamui, you could push the actual manufacturing / processing into the physical space the Kamui occupies. The Jumper side could be like a enzyme producing organelle, it makes the stop and start flags and basically controls what's going on in the Kamui.

>What about Final Form?
I have no authority on Final Form, it does as it says it does.

>I'm not even talking about the eating people for powers combo, I wasn't even going to get that. I just don't feel like bothering with it if there's no way to really access our abilities without being in pure Hollow form.
Ah you can just at it's very base level. Basically think of when the Shinigami are in Gigai, like that.

What does being math entail?

The post-jump split gives the Symbiote a body of its own and fiats any gained Symbiote powers into the jumper. I could implement such a system, but there wouldn't be any way to enforce it if I hop a train to crazytown (and problems wouldn't show up until the created fibers were attached to my nervous system, anyway).

Not entirely clear, but I'm sure it'll all add up in the end.

Why not at least let Fullbringers always access their powers? They're in meatsuits anyway.

Right. So your options are either go the route you're going, which is safer, admittedly, or hope that Will and I Am Me perks stave off the Ragyo-levels of insanity.

You can as long as you aren't in some other alt-form.

I think they still need to be currently Fullbringing to manifest their advanced powers, so you could use your bringer light but not your ability to control fire (or whatever you picked up).

Hmm. From what I remember of the Flukes' lore, they come from a planet that's really close to a star which is part of why they bargained with the Bazaar to come here in the first place. And their technology is said to break the Chain, so it would stand to reason at some point they harnessed it to survive. They certainly use it to transform from bigass sea urchins into squid-people.

I think the proper term is vital ESSENCE though, which is also referred to in the Flint storyline in reference to the Mountain of Light's blood. So I think vital essence is something that permeates law-derived living things, but their technology uses the Red Science to manipulate it.

On the one hand, this stuff seems to be defined as the antithesis of the Correspondence-which is what the Judgements' laws are written in, the storylet goes on about how what the science does is skew it wildly to make stuff happen.

On the other hand, this sounds like a job for the capstone-boosted Twice As Bright from Boktai

It's...not quite clear if they're energies per se, or conceptual symbols that generate light/cold. Might be both, though, given sunlight at least is the Sun's law shining upon the Earth.

Well, it's a bunch of equations that give humans a splitting headache to look at because they inherently don't make sense. They can be manipulated by a massive sentient machine built from eternally burning hell-brass and possibly more exotic components, though. That would be the Persona machine

Though it's worth noting that by contrast, the Correspondence itself is a language. And interestingly, when I asked the machine what it wants, other than improving itself it also wants to mathematically manipulate London into becoming more efficient, rather like the Dawn Machine

Uh, powers supplement?

Currently under maintenance.

Could you write what we need to evolve in to next level of Menos? And if we don't take Dino hollow then could we archive power level of Marr?

Aye. That alternative disturbs me philosophically, though.

Will/Inviolate Self perks tend to gloss over identity's nature as a process, defending it regardless of whether it needs such or not. Maybe you're wrong about something, and that makes you act like a jerk. If you don't like being told you're wrong about things and your will/self is bumped up to fiat levels, do you just ignore the information gained when you're corrected in such a situation?

If you go through hundreds of jumps and remain "yourself" at the end, you're probably insane. Tons of experience that you're not able to identify with, because it might be threatening to your worldview. Because fuck you world, I'm /me/, or something. What is a man?

I'll do that in the notes sure. Also yeah.

Jumpchain mostly.

>If you don't like being told you're wrong about things and your will/self is bumped up to fiat levels, do you just ignore the information gained when you're corrected in such a situation?
Depends on the perk, though the best identity-protection perks allow for emotional growth while just defending against overwhelming change. I like to think of that kind as a benevolent editor for my mind, that permits what change will be good for me while blocking the rest, so that I become a better person without losing touch with what the me of the past would have wanted. I might not want the same things as old me did, but I'll be able to recognize why they wanted them and view them as part of the continuum of my existence rather than as a different person entirely. To use your identity as a process idea, they just make it so that if you were to chart that process there would be no discontinuities on the graph.

As someone who keeps Existentialism in his Pragmatic toolkit, I agree in part. Existence precedes essence and, as such, who you are is what you do. However, I am a fan of inviolate self perks, love that term by the way. I approach them like cuisine: Italian is always Italian.

You can do Italian-fusion. You can do classical Italian. You can do post-modern Italian. Italian can be fine dinning as much as it can be peasant food. At the end of the day, though, there are certain flavor profiles, ingredients, and techniques that are always and undeniably Italian. In order for a meal to be an Italian meal, with respect to cuisine, it has to have some of those elements, ingredients, flavors, and or techniques, that we identify as Italian.

As such, while there is room for Italian cuisine to grow and adapt, Italian cuisine will always be its own separate and distinct thing.

Damn user, that is well put.

Hey Gaunlet, could you answer my question here ?

I might be wrong, but I think you're making those perks cover a boarder spectrum then they really do.
Take most "you are still you" perks with one of the earliest examples being "user, it's you!" from Robocop.
That perks is based off of a guy who was violently killed and brought back as a cyborg NOT to bring him to life but to use his flesh components has hardware. By all intents, the guy should be dead or at least be a zombie of himself. Yet somehow he came through.
He was different though. He was a lot quieter, less cheerful, and was pretty vengeful for a little while. But he was still himself and not a servitor.

...what said.

Sure enough man.

Aizen is a shinigami, meaning he was once human, so if you've changed the human race so it's different he'll inherit that. If you donate your genes to the pool he'll be the one a thousand person who had all of your genetic factors be dominate and thus give a boost like that. If in your helping humans you gave them access to something then he'll have access to it. Basically if it benefits them then it benefits him.

That aside he plans around really powerful beings like what you'll likely be. So unless you're in super hiding like then it's likly he knows about you.

GHQ Aizen has a Bankai, just noteing this here.

...I think I'm going to have to seriously reconsider taking those perks now because of this comparison. This is a good comparison. Keep being awesome, user.

Also fuck you, now I've got a hunger for Italian. On Thanksgiving, no less.

Not the user who asked, but I'd also like to know the answer to this:

First rise of Yawach. It is only thing that force me to take normal hollow. I want to jump in GHQ in my first 20 jumps. Taking 66 milion drawback make it nearly impossible if you won't jump Worm for Spanner perk and I want jump Worm much later.

Was he once human? I thought Aizen was one of the native-born of Soul Society, meaning he was never actually "alive".

There's a similar perk in Half-Life, that makes it so that people overlook you and the threat you pose. Combine it with some anti-precognition or destiny perks (Terminator has a great one, actually, probably my favorite) and you won't need Spanner In The Works.

So I just finished sleeping off a turkey coma and had some time to think. I think I'm actually going to start posting my catboy chain, since that's the one I'm having the most fun with so far.

Lemme just turn my outlines into assorted writefaggotry and I will proceed to drop it into thread. Sound good to yall?


I'm going to say yes, but only whilst you are manifesting their Aspect.

You know what I hadn't even thought of that. This is a good point, never the less the drawback makes it so.

Also I was chatting with some friends earlier and got this little quote for you guys:
"There are only two kinds of people who are going to Jump GHQ [Gaunlet]. People who wanna punch Aizen in the dick and People who wanna punch Hitler in the dick."

There's no such thing as a turkey coma, Heavens. The sleepiness actually comes from the other things you ate spiking your blood glucose levels, if you only ate turkey you could eat as much as you wanted to and just get uncomfortably full.

Sometimes overwhelming change is needed, though. I mean, I'd agree that change for it's own sake is not desirable, but- to steal the metaphor -maybe you'll eventually decide you like Polish food more than Italian. Maybe you only ever ate Italian, and didn't realize there was other types of food out there that would suit you better.

Having it selectively guard you requires a value judgment, but who is making that call? You? Is that you-as-you-are-now? Some other you? An outside entity?

It's not that the idea has no merit, it's just that it isn't usually given the attention and thought needed for the topic, making the use of fanwank workarounds necessary.

Then its explanation is really, /really/ shit.
>No matter what happens to you, no matter what you become, you will always be you. You could just be a brain in a jar and you would still have everything you need to be 'human'.
Textbook example of the aforementioned problem.

Doesn't consuming them from inside make them part of you without "manifesting" them? How would that work?

Would that also include mental compulsions and weaknesses like being unable to lie?

>"There are only two kinds of people who are going to Jump GHQ [Gaunlet]. People who wanna punch Aizen in the dick and People who wanna punch Hitler in the dick."
Implying they're not the same person.

>You know what I hadn't even thought of that. This is a good point, never the less the drawback makes it so.
Alright, that's fine. Honestly, I have no problem with just ignoring the whole "people in the land of the dead can reproduce" thing entirely. Really, it only makes things weird and vaguely creepy. Also makes the Shinigami killing the Quincy super hypocritical. "Oh, we can't have Hollows dying on the human side of the barrier, that would imbalance the flow of soul energy. Never mind that between souls coming to our world from yours, souls being naturally born in our world, rising populations and therefore death rates, and the fact that it takes a thousand years for a soul to reincarnate we already have way more soul energy on this side than could ever be accumulated on Earth. Stop trying to unbalance the universe, you evil Quincy."

I see a difference between overwhelming change and rapid change. Like I said, it protects against discontinuities on the graph. A very high slope is not the same thing as a discontinuity. So long as there is a continuous line between one mental state and the other, it would allow it. It's when it shifts between two states completely that there's a problem.

>Doesn't consuming them from inside make them part of you without "manifesting" them?
Nope you still have to Manifest their Aspect.

>How would that work?
You'd have their form permanently and count as having eaten them.

Up to you.


Yeah it was kinda strange...

>You'd have their form permanently and count as having eaten them.
Wait, so does Aspect Manifestation by itself only give you their form temporarily?

>it isn’t usually given the attention and thought needed for the topic
Now that I’ll grant you.

Thanks for the back and forth, this was fun.

Thanks everyone. Happy Thanksgiving, /jc/.

Just bought it and, as promised, I’m working on it. I’m looking to release a jumpable imaged .9 version in mid-late December.

My bust, mean to hit you up in my thanks post. Here, have another Kubo.

Are there any ways for a jumper to become a proper reality warper?
inb4 Conjoined Conjures + all the magic systems.

No, it just means that this is no longer true: archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/50300147/#50307016

Were you there? The shitposter made a pretty convincing argument?

When you manifest an Aspect you kinda turn into the person who you ate, like how Aaroniero does as Rukia's old friend.

Once the Infernals jump is out, get Constructive Convergence of Principles and find a way to boost your dice pool for it to ridiculous sizes.

So he has all my genes? Well, considering that I'm about to reach 500 jumps and I have been absorbing and reorganizing my genes for a long long time... This is very, very bad. Like most X-Genes ever, Kryptonians/Martian hybrid among many other things.

I mean, I could probably still taking him out in a fight thanks to magic.

I really wanted that 66 millions years to train.. But I don't think that it would actually benefit me in the long run.

Although I could also simply craft epic spells and artifacts and have Aizen parents explode/make him explode as a baby just as he is born or something like that.

It was never true in the first place, user. That guy's phrasing was just unclear, so Gaunlet answered to the best of his ability.

I cheat + Dark Wisdom + Conjoined Conjures + Noble Eightfold path would be better.

Alternatively, get Self-Molecular Manipulation, the genetic perks of Jurassic Park and Power Copying from Heroes. Go to Marvel and copy any reality warping mutant.

Or just wish for the genie to make you a free genie.