Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How do your characters prepare when winter is coming? Do your kitsune's fluffy tails get even fluffier and more molestable with winter coats?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Broken Shackles Playtest:
Creation Handbook Playtest:
Avowed Playtest:
Malefex Playtest:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread: Hunter D Pathfinder Supplement.pdf?dl=0

>In the underdark
What are you talking about friend? That sounds almost heretical. Do we need to bring you to one of the spider priestesses?

I despise you.

Is it O.K. to take parts off APs and modules for my own campaign if i'm having an inspiration draught?
Will i look like an half-assed GM?

It's fine. Half of the time when I'm working on my setting, I can pinpoint some other piece of fiction that inspired a given part of the setting. Hunter D Pathfinder Supplement.pdf?dl=0

Did you order the B&W version? I've got a color softcover copy.

I'm a publisher and I expect the change is because hardcover books are fucking EXPENSIVE

Thicker winter tails means a lot of shedding in summer. No thanks, that's bad enough without a tail.

I don't even MIND kitsuneposting most of the time, but shit, OP, you could at least keep it in your pants. Honestly, I wish the topic was more general and all the foxposting was reactive rather than this.

So lads, what do we know about the Nirmathas AP besides Crystal's working on it and the current concept sounds pretty cool, albeit wasted potential?

>vampire hunter class

>d8 HD
>full BAB
>6 base skill points

Is Paizo breaking their own rules for HD/BAB/base skill points now?

How does it feel to know this is a tier 3 martial, /pfg/?

Good? Could always use more martials, but the class concept is too fucking narrow.

Is that even an official product?
I don't think i ever saw a Vampire Hunter playtest post or so.

We could all just start reporting OP for this bullshit. Might lose a couple thread starters but after that things could back to some sort of decent topics.

What are the best ways to build a Tower Shield Specialist? I already have the Mobile Bulwark Style, but I don't think it's as effective to tank if i'm not being targeted. The DM houseruled magic armor and equipment, so I have a Tower Shield of Bashing. The only problem is getting people to attack me and not my team mates.

When rolling for a random background in the Ultimate Campaign book, if you are adopted do you roll for your real parents' professions or you roll for your adopted parents?

>if you are adopted do you roll for your real parents' professions or you roll for your adopted parents?

Your adopted parents, though you could certainly roll for your real parents if you want!

Antagonize feat and ranks in Intimidate.

Since this isn't 4e [/spoiler]and you're not playing a fucking videogame
You just have to role it up
Taunt enemies by insulting them, go full anime with the script.
Even Goblins would instantly ignore the guy with a shield taller than him
I also think there are some real slim actual mechanical taunts in the system, you just have to look for them

I have this in my RPG archive, idk where it's from, idk if it's any good and I also think it's for 3.5. Anyway, might give you some ideas for unique abilities you can work out with your DM

And I don't even remember how to spoiler, brb gotta kms

First time playing a caster here. What are the best feats to take for sorcerer? I just wanna blast dudes. Level 7 by the way.

You just wanna blast dudes but you either just ignore most of the spells you can take or end up having the power to carry the whole party

Traits:Metamagic Master(Fireball)
Crossblooded Orc/Draconic

Take Spell Focus(Evocation) at First level, so you can use the Blood Havoc Mutation.
Spell Focus Evocation
Empower Spell
Elemental Spell
Improved Initiative
Spell Penetration

Third party. Level 1 kickstarter reward for the new comic.

I just picked up that bigass Freeport book. Hope my PC's are cool staying in one town for like 10 levels.

How to fix Pathfinder 101:

> remove all full BAB classes and creature types
> highest BAB type is now 3/4ths level
> delete CMB and CMD
> any SoD spells cause severe backlash damage or force the caster to SoD himself
> characters get 1/2 level AC bonus, all AC-related magic items are removed
> full plate is removed
> highest armor bonus is like +5 or +6, not fucking +8
> deadly agility is a core feat
> combat expertise is back to what it was in 3.5
> power attack returned to its 3.5 levels
> delete / merge the feats that don't do anything
> point blank and far shot are completely separate and are chains related to close / far range archery
> point blank leads to precise, etc., whereas far shot leads to sniper shit
> remove spring attack and mobility, dodge instead leads to feats that let you burn hp (energy) to increase dodge bonus to AC
> weapon style feats so that there;s a reason to use shit like Scimitar and Flail.

If you disagree with these changes, you are what is wrong with Pathfinder community these days.



>full plate is removed

Ask your Gm if you can use 3.5e elemental spell, because it had a +0 spell modifier. Rhis is i portant, because PF elemental spell is retarded.


I feel your approach is a bit like suturing a handsome actor'a face to a stitched horror, what the game needs is a complete overhaul.

>remove full plate
Give it the max +6 AC you talked earlier about and adjust everything else accordingly. Or are you just trolling?

Skill points aren't lined up with BAB/HD. HD and BAB are lined up, in that 1/2 BAB is d6 HD, 3/4 BAB is d8, and full BAB is d10, except for Barbarian where it's d12. Path of War follows the same rules, except for Warder who gets d12.

Full plate is a +9.

>How to fix Pathfinder 101:
>step one: play another game

FTFY. Pathfinder is not fixable.


cry even harder 5e faggot

What full BAB classes have 6 base skill points?

Yes it is. It is fixed by playing 5e, realizing 5e is three good ideas mixed with a port-a-potty full of shit, then shoving the 5e book up Meral's ass then deleting all the PDFs from your computer, and relazing Pathfinder COULD be fixed if the devs would take their heads out of their asses. Basically if SKR and the other devs all get cancer (which they deserve to have) and die, and a new team of fa/tg/uys picks up PF development, we can create PF 2.0 which would catch a lot of notice and might draw in 5fags who will realize that it is infinitely better than the AD&D / 4e cuckfest that 5th edition was / is.

TLDR: Fuck your defeatist logic.

Slayer and Ranger, offhand. Avenger specialization Vigilante as well.


ranger, you sutpid fuck

Hey, I LIKE Pathfinder, it's still a broken fucking game with a ton of holes.

Legend went so poorly no-one felt up for it after that.

That's called FantasyCraft, and no-one plays it anymore.

Yeah because fantasyCRAP was a stupid game that had nothing going for it, it also threw in a bunch of dumb mechanics that nobody wanted.

I am talking a complete overhaul in the game that still lets you build your character. Maybe even making attack bonuses the same as save bonuses, almost like proficiency. But not the shitty numbers 5e has where you only get +4 more by 20th level than 1st. Fuck that shit.

You're talking about something that either sucks, is completely unrecognisable as Pathfinder, or more likely both.

Full BAB: Fighter, 2. Barbarian, 4. Ranger, 6.
3/4 BAB: Cleric, 2. Druid, 4. Bard, 6.

Your question should have been "What 1/2 BAB classes have more than 2 base skill points?"


How did you get that array with 25 points?

I have something similar (Swap Strength and Dex), but I had to dump my Int and Wisdom (two things I'd rather not do).

Cheating, starting at a level past 4, or not mentioning that they dumped Wis to 7 and Int to 9.

Even with Aasimar's floating score increase, they're at 27, yeah.

Svana prepares for winter by growing out her fur and killing animals to make a big fluffy fur coat.

They're at 30. Pre-racials would be 14/16/14/10/10/16, which is +5/+10/+5/+0/+0/+10.

floating bonus, the one you can pick instead of the SLA, into one of those 14s. one of them is a 12 with a +2.

The campaign takes place in the not!Mediterranean, so they avoid traveling due to wetter roads.

They probably assumed they could trade their SLA for another +2 to an ability score, from the d% table. That would give 3 14's and a 16 pre-racial

Ah, Okay. Drat, was kinda hoping there was some shenanigans, or we were actually using 30 point buy.

Question - which should I dump lower, INT or WIS? I get CHA to will saves, so Wis isn't super important.

it's still 27

>only takes one when the chart clearly lets you take two

Do you even minmax?

Wait, can we?

WIS, because it's fun!

do you want 1 more skill, or do you want better perception/sense motive

Hwat, no it's not. 3 14's would be 15pb, the 16 is 10pb, they're an Aasimar so no -2.

top kek
try again

Fuck if I know, I assume not and never asked, because Aasimar are retarded as-is. I would only want it on a tiefling so I could mitigate the penalty, IMO, but fuck doing that shit on aasimar.

Got to admit, I'm not liking Kanela very much at all.

See cockgobbling retard. I know what the PB costs are, Aasimar are +2/+2/-0, so the eztra 2 pb don't exist anywhere but in your imagination.
>Don't even care if it's bait.jpg

I took Fiendish Heritage once, the feat that lets you Roll 3 take the one you prefer on chart; wound up getting the +2 Wisdom on an Oni Blooded Tiefling, had PowerPoints for days on muh Psiwar.

>still ignoring the floating +2 option

hey look, a retard


With Azata-Blooded and Immortal Spark, that's 25 points.

the other fetish bait post that rivals Amalthea in shitty that-guyness, even for a /pfg/ pseudo-erp game

New character posted by that Espangnoll guy who makes a bunch of core only PF games that apparently explode super quick.

Except I'm not, because it was literally just stated that the floating +2 was a thing. Having 3 +2's lets you get that person's statline in 25pb. What even is the argument.

a) you can't get immortal spark, you used your SLA for an extra +2
b) even with that extra +2 you're still at 27 pb, try again

link, i must see

Dude, Amalthea is a sweetie but can you please post these in a pastebin or the Roll20 thread rather than here?

>doubling up on a stat with the SLA float option

that's beyond the fucking pale.

Wherr's the fucking extra 2 PB coming from you fucking moron. I'm looking at the numbers and they do not add up to the bullshit you're spewing.

He's already picked an Aasimar might as well be a gigantic fucking faggot

That's not what Immortal Spark is. What they're talking about is Variant Aasimar Ability 20, +2 racial bonus to dexterity, or VAA 90, +2 racial bonus to charisma.

No, they're not. Musetouched for +2 CHA/DEX, VAA 20 for +2 DEX.

Pre-racial 14/14/14/10/10/16, +5/+5/+5/+0/+0/+10.

Just toss the character in the trash and try again. You can masturbate when you're not at a table with other players.

NG Musetouched Aasimar Witch/Oracle with some seriously shitty fetish bait art and story.
It's *slightly* better, but still really bad. Better than Kanela though.

>look at espangnoll's picture

Jesus fuck every day we drift further from god's light.

I have to say I want to thank you all for restoring my faith in my own writing ability cause holy fuck

>putting aasimar's floating racial bonus on another racial bonus
>thinking this is okay

top kek /pfg/ you did it again

>mfw SwimmingEagle recommends an editing pass
>mfw his character isn't any better

Why would you bring that up? The original question was how you would get an array of 14/18/14/10/10/18, and that's exactly how to do it.

let's take a looksee...

i think espagnoll's makes me hurl less

equally shit.

>Read Amalthea and Kanelas stories
I uh
I think you guys should change some things.

Lilin is an aasimar...

A-am I the faggot /pfg/?

>Unironically playing an aasimar
>Expecting the player to not be at least a little bit of a faggot

I like some of the Aasimar characters that were posted, but the race is fucking stupid and gets too many things.

No, you're perfect the way you are!

yes but you can modulate your faggotry.

honestly this has restored my faith in my own ability to write.

Godbless you horrible fetish monsters.

did you cheese her floating bonus to double up on one of your main stats.


i think you're okay.


What's wrong with their backstories? I might just be looking at this from the wrong angle, but Amalthea's is a racy but fairly solid "Mother of God" deal while Kanela is... Okay, Kanela needs some work but Amalthea seems fine.

Could definitely tone down on the lust for pregnancy, though! Not saying it should go away - far from it in fact, the pregnancy bits work well for the concept and the kink - but emphasizing it the way the backstory does is a little much.

If you want my opinion (which I know you do) I'd put the "hyper-fertile" bits as Notes on her character sheet while keeping the "vessel for souls" thing and how she's had more than a couple kids.

Amalthea's is utter shite.

I think you should take your character circle jerking to another thread.

Oh boy, I'm only a little bit of a faggot!

She still has Alter Self 1/day. Should I keep that for lewds or change it to the variant number 67 for Scarlet Throne strikes?