Tau and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today

Tau and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today

Tau,Sigmar players and FW are the only things keeping your precious hobby alive faget

>tfw ork

So... we already had that huge argument about the Interracial Gay couple in Magic.

And the Caster Supremacy thread is still going.

Also another thread hating on Dwarves

Not to mention the thread that got 404'd on Anime ruining RPGs.

Can you guys stop arguing about stupid shit and admit that very few of you actually play Traditional Games often enough to actually care about these trivial matters? I mean you're all just Salty about not having a group, or you're not happy unless you're pissed about something and have a Scapegoat for it.

At least /pol/ is consistent in who they blame.

>tfw I haven't played any miniatures games since about 2012
>tfw I bitch about them daily here
>tfw I play board games about once or twice a year, but keep buying them

If you haven't noticed, this is pretty much all gamers in general. Self entitled faggots who think the world owes them a living. Seriously, go on a proper forum like dakka and see if you don't throw up within 15 minutes at the sheer amount of degenerates there.

I rest my case. This is what's wrong with Veeky Forums. Not anything like Quests being banned, the mods, or guys not jacking off before posting.

Just... nobody is playing games, and they're angry about it.

I say we put the Game Finder Threads into overdrive, and start a Local Game finder thread, basically telling Fa/tg/uys about resources and Social Media that can help them find a group.

There are more options than Roll20, XMage is awesome for Magic. There's plenty of resources to play games like Axis and Allies using Custom Maps online.

> And the Caster Supremacy thread is still going.

I like how, 2 full editions later, Veeky Forums is still bitching about DnD 3.5.

Sure, the topic may START about another game or setting or whatever, but by post 100 or so its pretty clear everyone is really talking about 3.5.

The wounds must run pretty deep.

Like the fact people say 40k has a Chaos bias

Then an Imperial Bias

And sometimes a Tau bias

Or the fact if you eat to talk about 40k lore you have to purposely make the threads OP be bait so instead of "Let's talk about Catachans" it has to be "lol Catachans are fucking gay why are they good again" it has been proven that people barely go to normal OPs anymore

>the Hobby(tm)
Found the Redshirt.

That's because PF is still alive

Play 40k for the models and army building/your dudes or play a better competitive game, numbnuts. Simple as that.

>Each of them is huge
I don't understand

I used to love 'em, but I find myself going off them since GW decided "Hey, these guys aren't grimdark enough. How about we make them secretly evil! And have everyone who joins them brain washed, and lets chop off their dicks too!" Not everything has to be grimderp GW, just leave them be as a faction who, although nice, are kinda blissfully ignorant, and are just trying to advance in the galaxy. Plus Hammerheads are just so good.

I'm building an 1850 list that's literally just 2 OSC detachments and a Riptide Wing. It's gonna be hilarious.

Their entire society has been Brave New World 5.0 since they were released, they're a stratified caste system where every life is subsumed in the organism of the greater society and the concept of individualism is a mental disorder.

>letting lore piss you off that much
you are a faggot

I got into Tau when I was about 9 because everyone else was collecting Space Marines. I like their aesthetic.

I feel like that is part of the reason that I want to get a tau army. Simply because it seems like everyone is space marines to some degree

It was Relic that started chopping dicks off, not GW.

Not letting lore piss you off is wrong. Why cant we have both.

They were Plato's Republic, not BNW.

Wait, whats all this about dicks?

Human sterilization and reeducation camps

Chem-gelding is not chopping dicks. It's closer to vasectomy or RISUG.

A non-canon ending about a non-canon game said the t'au sterelized a human population after rebelling twice.
Of course Imperial mouth breathers considered that this is the tau standard way of dealing with humans.
The same retards that consider tau military doctrine is based around napoleonic infantry lines instead of mechanized infantry.

They're miniatures of huge things. What's not to understand?

The GW fluff says that the Tau are in a desperate need for manpower because their wars and industry of progress and expansion are draining them almost dry to the bone.

The Tau took to targeting Imperial Hive Worlds because they represent a wealth of a much needed resource. Gue'la workers and fighters. The Tau are literally funnelling millions of humans from liberated worlds into the deeper parts of their empire and then settling them there as new productive citizens.

In the light of this lore, the idea that the Tau would sabotage a resource that they want badly is stupid.

Well I played dark crusade again not so long ago and I can say tau military doctrine is based around driving your opponent mad with stealth and then infinite drones spam while your gunline snipe him from ridiculous range.
Totally canon.

>tfw Veeky Forums is slowly turning into /v/

I miss when we didn't argue like idiots over stupid shit.

It used to be constructive arguments over stupid shit

Fuck off

Take those faggot glasses off and welcome to the new world order

Be it 40k or RPGs we will still do what we do while oldfags complain and do nothing about it

when Traditional game generals get there own board it will be the final nail in the coffin for this shit board

>I miss when we didn't argue like idiots over stupid shit.
Veeky Forums has been arguing like idiots over stupid shit since its inception.

4th edition D&D came out near NINE years ago.

40k canon is pretty... fluid. The Tau in particular are practically schizophrenic as GW flipflops between which identity they should have.

>the t'au sterelized a human population after rebelling twice
That's still a pretty humane response compared to every other faction that would kill and/or torture the rebels in question.

Those were Paizo shills. Even an elementary level of experience with 4e meant you could blow their arguments straight to hell and be countered with "LOL YOU FUCKING SALTY?"

The method of sterilization is not specified.

I always found Tau being outright good guys kind off dull, the 40k setting works better with Heroic individuals or groups but no outright Heroes, and the shady shit under the veneer of Utopia is way more interesting and adds something new amoung the "we're blatant dicks" factions.

*Heroic Factions

the grimdarkness of Tau comes not from themselves but their environtment. they are hopelessly naive good guys that only exist because others have more important things to do than play with them.

there will be a time when they realize that they are completely fugd

40k and its playerbase embody everything wrong with the Tau today

Same. I'm building a Heralds of Ruin Kill Team for just this purpose. The cheese is less potent and the Your Dudes aspect is cranked to 11.

Then clearly they are doing something right, I've never played a caster in PF and have enjoyed every game of it I've played, could just be a good group though

I like you, I pick my modles because I like them in looks and fluff, especially if I can customize them

>(Faction I hate) and their playerbase embody everything wrong with (Game I hate)
0/10, try again

Ok, ok, Farsight Eight Man Band is a terrible army and anyone playing it seriously should feel bad, but it's so goofy to play as a giant pile of super robots and nothing else.

This would actually be one of the coolest fucking things if their rules weren't straight retarded
>make them vehicles
>make overcharging etc more risky

I'm gonna build a Tau GunDumb list but avoid Stormsurge like the Plague. Might have one Riptide for 1500+

>Tau and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today
In what way? On the one hand, yeah bullshit formations are bullshit, and that's dumb, but on the other hand, 40k needs a little damn levity, and the Orks alone are not enough to maintain it.

I have a WH40k group, 2 rpg groups, a few freinds i play MTG with and i go to board games events monthly. Am i true enough for you or do i need to replace my balls with d20s?

It's Veeky Forums, what do you expect. People only come to Veeky Forums to troll and shit on other people's hobbies, just like people only come to Veeky Forums to trick you into reading bad books.

We had an outlet for the nogames with quests.
Sadly, that era is over, and no games have risen in their place.

imperial guard and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today
fucking autistic sperglords with their krieg memes

If you don't play Guard, yer a faggot and a heretic in my book


>So... we already had that huge argument about the Interracial Gay couple in Magic

Why couldn't they be disabled transexuals? Magic is so problematic it needs to be banned from progressive safe spaces like Veeky Forums.

>heretics who don't play Sisters with no allies

You will burn for this.

Everything wrong with 40k?


> Complete lack of balance
> Cost
> Lore inconsistency
> Aesthetic inconsistency
> Terrible, terrible rules

>he didn't read the post
The 'stupid shit' part was never the issue, he's just lamenting that the arguments themselves were higher quality.

Getting rid of the Tau improves 4 out of 5 of your points.

Who's that in the middle?

The rules are ok for the most part, it's the stats of the abilities of the units that throw it off.

An imperial INQUISITOR just so they can take some fucking servo skulls to stop infiltrators.

Ironically enough they're using the model of one of the most badass Ordo Xenos inquisitors.

this picture triggers me on so many levels.

He's tried to pose them in such a retarded way - one of them is just pointing his fucking gun in the air. But for some reason they ALL have exactly the fucking same leg pose.

>Not shooting down planes and spacecraft
>Not posing dynamically


>huge argument about the Interracial Gay couple in Magic.

Fuck you man, supergays are probably the best C16 deck

You're everything wrong with Veeky Forums.

Screw you, the Catachan thread is going great now, and we're having an actual discussion, even OP admitted to doing bait to have (You)s and people to talk about Cats.

I'll prove you wrong, I'll make a thread about IG without baiting or whatnot and it'll go just fine!
I hope.

tfw: Weekly gaming group, minimum attend 3 shows a year, minimum 3 tournaments a year, run own yearly sold out tournament

Feels good bro, honestly feel sorry for people that dont get regular games

The rules of 40k embody everything wrong with 40k today.
The corporate attitude of GW embodies everything wrong with 40k today.

I haven't seen much wrong with Tau yet other than the undercosted price of the Riptide points wise.

I find a lot of the people complaining about the Stormsurge are just belly aching for no good reason.

This is a sad reality.

I haven't had an opponent or a good LGS since 3rd edition. I still miss those days.

They're not as nice as BNW. There, if your conditioning fails they ship you off to a special island full of people just like you to hang out and talk about whatever. In Tau society, they'd forcibly recondition you, and if that still failed they'd kill you.

I just wanted a multi-species xenos empire that relies on complimentary auxillaries to deal with more powerful factions as a way to represent the background races that are never really developed in the lore.

Instead, we get endless down syndrome gundams.

To be honest, I was kind of looking forward to the machines of war races like the Demiurg could bring to the table.

The Auxillaries have to have something that's worth contributing to the war effort other than infantry.

Exactly my take on it. I am building a HoR kill team because it lets me field cool guys that I can customize to not be a sea of the same pose infantry to fill out the tax. Also skirmish40k ftw.

>machines of war races like the Demiurg could bring to the table

Like maybe a large walker or something with a bunch of Ion Cannons.

I do believe it said the Demiurg are the ones who sold the Tau Ion Cannon technology.

>fuckton of tau players or peple who also has them
>skilled painters that do cool conversions and completely fluff up theyr armies
>they only go full riptide during tournaments that i will never even dare touch cause im a full on fluff rp player

feels good frequenting normal humans instead of autistic waacfags

>The rules are ok for the most part
>it's the rules that throw it off.

Tau are openly evil. They're basically Communists.


>openly evil
>society is based around the idea of the Greater GOOD, constant reaffirming of the message/sharing it with other races
>only race to attempt diplomacy outside of extraordinary circumstances in the 41st millennium, has an entire caste focused on diplomacy/trade/generally peaceful endeavours with other empires
>only race to peacefully integrate other races inside them, only non-Imperial faction to tolerate Emperor worshippers inside them
>even if all the worst tau theories are true, still only about as controlling of their populace as the imperials

You could maybe argue for them being secretly evil, but it'd be shaky. Openly evil is just silly.


Kek, it still probably looks better than your grey tide

>the arguments themselves were higher quality
Thing is, they weren't. Time just dulls the mind to how fucking retarded those arguments could get.

No, in Tau society, if you can't be conditioned, they ship you off to labour camps so that you can still contribute to the greater good. They only kill you if you actively hinder or undermine the greater good.