Do Orks have any means, tactics or qualities that'd allow them to cleanse the daemons off of a daemon infested world?

Do Orks have any means, tactics or qualities that'd allow them to cleanse the daemons off of a daemon infested world?

Suppose it was just a planet of orks. Could a Daemon prince and those underlings beneath them ever possibly be conquored by orks, turned back into the materium?

The Imperium uses holy symbols, sigils and geometry on their armor and weapons to act as banes, they have psykers that are trained to fight them. But what weaponry or special tools would orks have to punch daemons so hard they couldn't rematerialize on that planet?

Orks, as far as I know, have never tried to prevent daemons from materializing.
They jyst krump 'em when they show up.

Repeated krumpinz

A never ending hellscape of daemons invading seems like ork heaven

Orks are stupid and anyone that likes these xenos filth should be cleansed.

This answer is as helpful to answering the questions as it is witty.

Didn't that actually happen?

spawn camp till they give up

It was the other way around, an Ork waagh tried to invade the eye of terror.

which then Khorne sent the orks to a pocket dimension of a never ending battle where orks die then come back again the next day to fight

if a ork iz big enuff 'e can krump jussabout anyfing an if 'e ain't biggah 'e can jus uze more dakka until itz krumped up gud

>any means, tactics or qualities

Fightin and winnin

>But what weaponry or special tools would orks have to punch daemons so hard they couldn't rematerialize on that planet?
will is power, lack of will equals lack of power, the trick is punching them so hard they don't WANT to come back.
Orkish psyche is utterly retarded even to the daemons to the point they don't like them; possessions, for example, are rare and is considered bad by both the possessed and the possessing entity trapped in the ork.

Even for khornates? You'd think demons of Khorne would revel in Orks.

The Orks are actually a very psychic race. Almost on par with the Eldar.

For example; Ork 'technology' doesn't actually function. The only reason it does is because if enough orks believe something to be true, it becomes true. They believe a red truck goes faster than any other color truck, and so it does.

the gathered psychic might of a waaagh would be enough to overpower any daemon.

Other than infesting a deamon world with enough spore through fighting it becomes their world?

Also shootas and choppas are the means which orks cleanse a deamon world.

While we're on the subject of Daemons, are there any novels featuring lots of Daemons? I'm not talking about a big Chaos cult summoning some prince or just a couple of Daemons, I mean a fight against a full on incursion.


Literaly what

Now you'z lizzen 'ere ya 'umie git, Da orkz is plenty ta-tac-Smartz about da fightin'. Ya see we'z go in and smash da gits 'n if we dun smash em da firs' toime we'z come back fer annuva go. Dat's proppa finkin' dat iz.

The Beast was an Ork boss of bosses that literally made the clans.

He had an ork diplomat that spoke in High Gothic that visited Terra and gave them terms of surrender to follow.

>The Beast

pls no

>Ork 'technology' doesn't actually function.
Some does, some doesn't.

Posting Tuska's story since it's been mentioned.

And the follow-up in the Daemons codex.

And now something really old, unconnected but still relevant.