EDH/Commander General

Unhinged/Unglued Edition

Previous: >Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Only Unhinged legendaries are blue and white

>tfw my playgroup will never let me play Super Secret Tech

Ok, so, I want to become a Commander expert. Are there any documents I can read, preferably for offline reading?

We need a legendary creature that's Staying Power on a stick. But it'd have to be much more expensive than 3CC to justify the absurd shit you can do with this card.

>just got this thing and nugrenzo
>zada goblins
are fun times ahead /edhg/?

>mono red
More like you're asking for suffering.

Just read commander general all day everyday. If it is moving slow then check out EDHREC and look at decks. I got a lot better by googling "X primer" where x is a commander i am interested about. That will run through what a deck does and how i t is suppose to interact with other decks.

I just cruise forums for ideas and theory, and listen to The Command Zone podcast.

Honestly the best you can do is just know a fuckton of cards. The ideas will come after that.

"Is the answer to this question the same as the answer to the question "Will you concede when my Precombat Main Phase begins?""

Of course if you engage in such knights and knaves shenanigans, "Mu" becomes an acceptable answer in my book.

I know the feel. My group gets super fucking pissed when I R&B + Ashnod's coupon

Is Purphoros + Gobbos a good/fun deck for multiplayer? I want a deck that forces faster matches by killing everyone simultaneously, my turns don't take too long, and is somewhat resilient to hate.


No that'll be monowhite.

That guy in the previous thread that was listing goblins forgot to mention krenko exists.

Any tips for this dude? I posted it last thread and got some nice input (changed mnemonic for archaeomancer), but I still wanna hear more.
Since I can't play him in EDH tables (my playgroup just arranges a peace treaty to get me out of the table), I'm trying to make it into a duel commander, but I'm not sure if talrand's the right guy for the job, mainly because I don't know if I can count on my drakes.
Any tips appreciated, and yes, changing commanders is a valid tip.


I think I'm in love, guys.

Yeah it's very good in multiplayer but be prepared to get hated off the game. He is really good at making you into an archenemy. Your build is different compared to mine. Yours has more goblin lords.sword of the paruns works really well with krenko when ashnod's altar is on the field. Have fun pissing people off!

I remember when everybody said she was so bad in the spoilers and I laffed

You have already written some of the cards i was going to suggest. I rarely play blue so i don't know what else to say besides playtesting the deck.

I need some help with sending cards back into the deck for my jalira to work with those big fucking creatures. And since sensei's divining top is banned in duel, I'm completely lost.

Jalira is bad just skip her

Are there any Temur generals that are any good for spellslinging strategies?
I've been thinking about building Edric shittery but I just keep paging past all my red and blue spell support and I ache a little, but the playgroup already has so many samey UR spellcastin decks already

Grixis might be better suited for your needs. Sure, Riku can copy your spells, but Temur generals tend to draw a ton of hate.

I don't think you need jalira at all. But cards like elixir of immortality could help. Also walking atlas, terrain generator, thawing glaciers, and scrying sheets (replace islands with snow islands) could help you ramp cause you need mana for those counter spells. You need a lot of untapped lands to ensure you can do things on both you turn and your opponent's turn.

Proper Temur generals are deeply limited. Kydele+(somebody who gives that red. Kraum?) could work well if you use a lot of cantrips. If you don't mind a 4th color you could do Kydele/Vial Smasher.

Building better decks is simple: just build them. Lurk here every day, read edhrec and make sure you keep your eye out for spicy tech. The only way to be an expert is to play, build and discuss things whenever possible. After about 6 months you'll be much better.

This guy can work.

Thanks, I was thinking about dropping jalira since she was giving me so much trouble. Also, your ideas for ramp are pretty good , will take a look into them.

Oh, and by the way, which cards should I remove from the deck to open the space needed for the cards in my description?

Any good ways besides torpor orb to counter Purphoros or Prossh + Purphoros in UR? I'm recently losing quite a lot to it.

If you want to win sure, but not really if you want to do interesting things, or do a lot in the game. Usually you win turn 3-4 or you die, simple as that.

Stifle the prossh trigger
Bounce purph in response
Counter purph in the first place
Chaos warp purph in response

Don't listen to this fag

For the lands, temple of the forgotten and/or islands. Temple has fucked me over a lot in non-green decks. For the atlas, one counterspell that doesn't work or a big creature that doesn't work.

Also like i said, playtesting the work would help decide what to take off

Counterspell. You're in UR, seriously. If he's on the field, Boomerang in response. There are plenty of similars to either. If he reached board uncounterable with Hexproof and Prossh comes uncountrable... son you are having a bad time and should have blown Apocalypse.

So I have decided that this is going to be the general for my first edh deck.

>favorite colour combination
>legendary from my favorite block

other than mycosynth lattice and some tutors are there any cards I absolutely need?

Strionic Resonator.
Ways of making infinite mana(Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith)
Artifact recursion.

When did dis nigga get so expensive? Are people playing him outside of EDH?

Time Sieve+Thopter Assembly
Strionic Resonator
Mycosynth Golem
Chromatic Lantern
Unwinding Clock
Noxious Gearhulk
Any artifact recursion

Run Sydri, Galvanic Genius instead. Your first commander games will teach you how the game is played: playing Sen Triplets will teach you how lame it feels to have your commander removed the instant you play it.

If you insist on running Sen Triplets, Celestial Dawn and Chromatic Lantern will allow you to cast the stuff in other peoples' hands and ensure they target you for the rest of the game unless they have Homeward Path out

Of course not. Some cards just get like that due to being casual allstars (also speculators).

>Don't play this mildly annoying commander, you'll get hated out of the game!
>Instead play this commander that enables multiple infinite combos, then you won't be targeted.
edhg is a great source of advice as always.

Alright, I'll get those, thanks.

thopter foundry + ashnods altar + sword of the meek with time sieve would be infinite turns right?

Well, I've already done a game with the preconstructed grouphug deck but still..

I will try celestial dawn and chromatic lantern. Might add some sort of politics so people don't jump me right away. I was also thinking about stuff like isochron scepter + counterspell.

Good? Yes
Fun? No

All you do is shit out tokens and deal damage, not fun to play or play against. Dont get me wrong, its a strong deck, but get ready to draw a fuckton of hate.

You will either win by turn 6 or get hated right off the table.

Mike makes more sense for being so expensive though. He's almost 5 years old, he's a mythic, and pretty much every black EDH deck runs him and Trike as their main win condition unless their commander is part of their win condition (ex. Sidisi Ad Nauseam). Teferi barely sees any play when he's not the commander outside of maybe shitty Superfriends decks.


So.. This guy's gonna be my commander in a straight forward Fatty Stompy deck. Planning on including a lot of Behemoth cards and other Fatties, especially stuff like Craterhoof. What else do I need to make this work?

All you really need for Xenagod is ramp, fatties, and ways to refill your hand when you run out of cards. It's not a complex deck.

Extra combat phases.

I'm also thinking of going Beast Tribal, but from what I've seen there's not much reason to go explicitly Beast Tribal, just a lot of "Creatures you control" abilities on Beast creatures.

On a scale from 1-10 in EDH deckbuilding skills, where would you put yourself?

I've gotten to the point where half my playgroup asks me to build my decks for them, or at least asks me for input as they build it, which can get really tedious at times, but mostly I try to help out.

Those cards that let you draw cards or do something cool whenever a fatty comes into play. With Garruks Pack leader you can play fatties for days.


Teferi is top tier general.

4. I can create a deck that runs pretty reliably, but there are levels upon levels of tryhard above me and I usually do research and access resources to do what I do.

Oh, shit... thanks for the win-condition

I know, but there's other top tier generals that are just as old as Teferi if not older that haven't been reprinted either that are less expensive (Jeleva, Yisan, Prossh, etc.).

He's 3 yuros on MCM, dunno where that 20 bucks comes from.

In my experience, you have pay more for the same cards in burger land then in other places for some reason.

Not the one who suggested it, but mix this beauty with a rogue's passage and see everyone crying

also blade of selves and trample enablers :^)

That's a cool angle to go with. There's lots of cards from Onslaught block that you could run to make the deck more fun.

Contested Cliffs and Krosan Warchief are obvious.
The Amplify beasts can be good if you can keep your hand reasonably full.
Ravenous Baloth can be a good way to dodge exile or tuck effects or get extra reach against aggressive decks.
Berserk Murdolont, Bloodstoke Howler, Krosan Groundshaker, and Snarling Undorak all pump other beasts.
Shaleskin Bruiser gets pumped by other beasts.
Thunder of Hooves can potentially be a good board wipe.
Aether Charge can be a good way to get around Propaganda effects.
Wirewood Savage draws you cards off beasts.
If there's a goblin deck in your playgroup you should consider Skirk Outrider. Wait until they play their Goblin King and you'll have a 10/10 with mountainwalk.

That's all I could find. Also, make sure your playgroup doesn't find out about Frenetic Raptor.

>3 Euro=20 USD
Thanks Obama.

Any secret tech for Braveheart?

Other than Gratuitous Violence of course.

+133.7% price increase since last week according to mtgstocks. Something must have happened, but now idea what. Probably something dumb.

Violence is good but any damage doubler goes stupid. Furnace, Twin Gods, and Gisela are great.

For a fun time try Myriad. Blade of Selves on something evasive can really nuke victim #1

Her lore is so fucking good.
10 years to complete a monument to her murdered clan, then bam!
Back to the war.

Love it.

Hydra omnivore

Eh, I'm building this for a digital one-off, so it'll be fine. However, I am looking for some sexy mana ramp. What's the essential RG ramp, and is there any reason not to include Animist's Awakening?

Also, if I were to include a planeswalker, which Garruk should I use?

The reason not to include animists awakening is that it's absolute dogshit?

>UG player next to you untaps and wins on the spot, "thanks"

I think you might need to read Animist's Awakening again.

I don't see where it says every player does that.

Playing a commander that "enables" something doesn't mean you have to run those things, you flaming dipshit
I have a Brago deck that certainly COULD be stax that I instead built as "flicker geist-honored monk for many ghosts"

And yeah, Sen Triplets is a fucking annoying card. It's not as annoying as a mindslaver effect, but yes, stealing peoples cards from their hands is going to give them the bad fee fees. If you don't give a shit, fine. If you do, don't play Sen Triplets. That's all I'm saying.

t. illiterate

Oh my bad, I somehow thought it was Collective Voyage.

Art is pretty much exactly the fucking same.

Still a pretty bad ramp card though.

>which Garruk should I use?

As for ramp:

Ancient Tomb
Blighted Woodland
Dryad Arbor (only with Green Sun's Zenith)
Gaea's Cradle
Mana Crypt
Birds of Paradise
Joraga Treespeaker
Carpet of Flowers (maybe)
Orcish Lumberjack (maybe)
Sol Ring
Bloom Tender (maybe)
Lotus Cobra
Gruul Signet
Rampant Growth
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Gyre Sage
Nature's Lore
Three Visits
Talisman of Impulse
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Druid's Repository
Kodama's Reach
Omnath, Locus of Mana
Selvala, Heart of the Wild
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Explosive Vegetation
Oracle of Mul Daya
Skyshroud Claim
Treasonous Ogre

Obviously you shouldn't run all of these, but a subset of about half of them should work fine.

Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, but if you have enough artifacts to support it you can run the best beast ever printed - Arcbound Ravager.

Wow, that art really is very similar.

But... Collective Voyage is also good.
Just because it helps your opponents nominally doesn't mean you can't use it to help yourself more. It's like saying hat Wrath effects are bad because they also blow up YOUR creatures. There are ways to make your lands better than other players', especially in EDH.

Yes, it's pretty good if you have a way to untap your own lands and win on the spot. Which makes it more of a combo card than anything else.

Is Collective Voyage+Rude Awakening (or whatever) even all that good? I'd rather just play Boundless Realms most of the time for the same effect.

It's not even that good of a combo card. The political nature of it means that once you combo with it once, nobody will ever Join Forces again.

and no, ramping everyone X lands is NOT "nominally", that's fucking gamechanging and in my playgroup usually ends the game within one full round, or at least puts someone in a board position where they will win shortly.

I was assuming you spent all of the mana yourself, nobody with any brain would pay mana for it. But yeah, it's not a good card.

The only niche it has it against extremely tryhard playgroups that play only 1-3 basics.

>Boundless Realms also makes the lands come in untapped
No it doesn't.

Comparing "destroy all creatures" to "give everyone 10 lands" is fucking ridiculous.

Not only do you cast Wraths when you are BEHIND on the board, which makes your entire fucking argument fall flat on its face on its own merit, but ALL EDH decks are built to use mana. There's extremely few situations where giving everyone lands is a good idea, especially when you have so many other good ramp spells.

>Yes, it's pretty good if you have a way to untap your own lands and win on the spot.
But this argument also applies to Wrath of God, which can win you the game if you have a way to make your creatures indestructible. It's valuable in other situations though as well, for example if you're trying to come back from behind.

Boundless Realms also makes the lands come in tapped, like Collective Voyage. The difference is that Collective Voyage costs 1 to Boundless Realms' 7cmc. I deleted my previous post to correct that.

>once you combo with it once, nobody will ever Join Forces again
I've heard many anecdotal accounts in here that contradict that. People can be pretty shortsighted about combos, especially ones that help them.

>Which Garruk should I use?

Caller of Beasts user, any other answer is wrong.

>equipping Blade of Selves on a Massacre Wurm

Only trouble I have with Myriad is that this is going to be a 1v1 deck.

The correct answer is to run every Garruk in your color identity because they're all great.

Wildspeaker is great because he ramps. That doesn't sound like a huge deal but when you have Gaea's Cradle, Nykthos, or even Karoos, it really is.

Primal Hunter is great because he draws plenty of cards right away. He's basically green's version of Tidings, only better because he has utility outside of that.

Caller of Beasts is great because he both draws cards and cheats things into play. His only drawback is that he's expensive compared to the other two, but that doesn't mean the other two aren't worth running.

Only the BG Garruks are bad, and even they can have situational usefulness.

>1v1 Saskia deck
What the fuck are you doing?

>Comparing "destroy all creatures" to "give everyone 10 lands" is fucking ridiculous.
I disagree. Wraths hurt everyone's board, but they mostly hurt people who have more creatures. Collective Voyage helps everyone's board, but they mostly help people who are behind on lands or who have ways to take advantage of basic lands. Mirari's Wake, for example, or Zendikar Resurgent, or Cabal Coffers in black.

>I was assuming you spent all of the mana yourself, nobody with any brain would pay mana for it.
I don't really have a retort for this other than anecdotal evidence that Collective Voyaging for G and letting everyone else pay the costs works in some groups. It's pretty frustrating to be the only guy who doesn't pay, but it happens every time. At least I get the lands from it.

Oh, no, I'm the Xenagos guy.

I just noticed the new artwork for Temple in C16. That shit's goddamn gorgeous.

Nah, the old one is better.

Me too, mostly because I can see what it is
the duel deck art just kinda looks like a big mysterious zuggarat

>guy who has normal land count
>goes to INSANE land count

>guy who has low land count
>goes to normal/abuve normal land count
>is pulled back in the game

Both of these are REALLY BAD for you.

>YOU are far behind
>cast voyage
>people dont want to help you
>almost nothing happens
>help everyone else get ahead just as much
>still far behind

Voyage is only good if you plan on untapping it all and abusing a huge number of basics, like omnath.

Animist's Awakening with spell mastery, and Amulet of Vigor is a really cute combo thats worth taking a look at if your deck has a fair bit of ramp.
I like Awakening. Everyone in my group says it's a bad card, but I don't think they realise that when I cast it I ever have nothing to do with the mana that turn, or I'm wanting to increase the chance the top card of my library is a land

Is this good? I like it, but it might mean revealing half your shit to your opponents

>when I cast it I ever have nothing to do with the mana that turn
It's actually a bad card and that right there is the reason you're paying a bad deck.

I've had good luck with it. Its interaction with Sylvan Library is bonkers, too.

It's fucking amazing.