Which setting is the best setting?

Which setting is the best setting?

My setting. Your setting.


There is no objective best setting, only people's favourites.


I'm pretty fond of Uresia, but I'm pretty sure that's a question without a right answer, OP.

The setting that is yet to be written.

EVE Online has a pretty good setting

The setting which best enables the story you're trying to tell

depends on the setting

Sword of Truth.

RIFTS Earth is pretty fun, even if the system shows its age. Post-apoc tech and magic with dimensional refugees and horrors from beyond.

>good setting

The Rifts setting is incoherent garbage. A lot of fun to play, but literally open any book and you get shit like, "The Coalition, which owns a small part of the old USA, but somehow has a hyper-advanced arcology that covers the entirety of Chicago and fleets of advanced intercontinental bombers that are larger than the current US military."

None of it works if you apply a minute of thought to it, you just need to look past it all and think about how much megadamage you do.

Licensed settings? For D&D?

Eberron. It's unique, original, lets you play your race/class combo however you want, has a rich lore you can use or ignore as you please, and all the books and games are non-canonical, and the timeline doesn't progress beyond what the DM does with it. Magic has become industrialized to some degree, so it actually makes sense, unlike Generic Fantasy Land #43 Side A.

I prefer high fantasy for rule of cool and lots of fun.
Also goblins, orcs, demons, knights and all other fun stuff.

The setting that you enjoy most.

For me it's probably one of The Elder Scrolls, Malazan Book of the Fallen, and Ivalice.

But I can't really decide on one.


When it comes to "official" fantasy worlds and world-building, I honestly have to say that the only ones I ever cared outside of Tolkien's world were Elder Scrolls, Dune and to a limited degree, the world of original Homeworld, the game.
Otherwise, I find most game and traditional game related world-building pretty dreary for the most part.


Oh no you don't. I've been on this Ruse Cruise before.

I was going to say Tolkien's Middle-earth, but I don't really play many games set in it besides the LOTRSBG.

So probably 40K for playing games in, but Middle-earth for reading.

Somebody please explain the stories of Icewind Dale 1 & 2.
Or where can I find them? The wikis are shit and not detailed enough.
Is there something like the Imperial Library's description of old TES stories?

Talislanta is one of neatest small-niche settings out there.

Based on the weird fantasy works of Clark Ashton Smith, Jack Vance and others, it has some really neat exotic cultures and magic styles.