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Rate me continued.

1500 points if you can't into maths

10/10 would play against and most likely obliterate. Pic related it's what my 1500 points looks like

Why are DE HQs so useless after the new Dex?
I miss Duke and Vect so much

--- Dark Eldar - 2000pts ---
-- Realspace Raiders --
Succubus; Archite Glaive, Armour of Misery - 110

5x Warriors; Blaster - 55
[Venom; Splinter Cannon - 65]
5x Warriors; Blaster - 55
[Venom; Splinter Cannon - 65]

3x Incubi: Klaivex - 70
[Venom; Splinter Cannon - 65]
5x Trueborn: 3x Blaster, 2x Splinter Cannon - 130
[Venom; Splinter Cannon - 65]
5x Trueborn: 3x Blaster, 2x Splinter Cannon - 130
[Venom; Splinter Cannon - 65]

>Fast Attack
Razorwing Jet; 2x Dark Lance, Splinter Cannon - 150
Razorwing Jet; 2x Dark Lance, Splinter Cannon - 150
5x Scourges; 4x Blaster - 140

-- Corpsethief Claw --
5x Talos - 5x Haywire, 3x Chain Flails, 2x Ichor Injectors - 685

As do I brother, as do I. A point of note is if you don't want a archon haemonculus or succubus tax you can take a 10 point Llamean as your Warlord and HQ slot of choice, saving you 100+ points.

Are you asking for advice and critique on that list?

Looking at making a world map for my campaign, however I have no idea were to start. Does anyone know the best way to do it?

Sure, Dawn of War 1 games.

Yeah i know you can take a Lahmaen as a HQ, i just think it's crap desu
Feedback would be super, it was the list i made and was planning to build until the faq hit about jink

But now it's changed back and, i think, i could stomach playing venom spam

Google Dawn of War Campaign map, steal

Why are the editions going so fast

That looks fun.

Spiral Staircase




A lot more people these days.

I agree that taking a sole Llamean is lame but having seen my archon fail look out sirs, shadow field and FNP one after another before getting into combat I'm loathe to take him as a Warlord, likewise with the Succubus. I prefer to run a blaster archon with 4 sslyth in a venom like a suped up warrior squad with plenty of bodies to cover him and majority toughness 5.

From an unbiased point of view having 3 units in reserve (assuming deepstriking scourges) can really cripple your turn 1 alpha especially with so much invested in a slow moving formation like corpse thief. Good number of venoms, Incubi aren't great IMO since the removal of lots of rules and no grenades but I'd your succubus need bodyguards that's cool. I don't think you need the splinter cannons on the trueborn as 5 venoms pumps out enough poison, an extra blaster each can really help. I'd also consider liquefiers on a few talos instead of ichor injector (you're gonna rip through most things anyway with str 7 ap 2) and it helps with overwatch and softening targets.

Personally I hate scourges as they've mishapped every game I've played them or arrived late and been too little too late, same with flyers the 2 dark lance aren't great due to low number of shots and I've never landed a direct hit with missiles; seems redundant when you've got so much poison.


It was pretty fun vs eldar yeah, tabled him turn 3

>yfw 8th edition is just the current rule book + faq

>Can't wait to see the horrendous paintjobs Magnus The Red will recieve edition

Does anyone run 5 man Space Marine squads?
Are they just to fill out troop slots or do they actually make decent impact in the game?

Only if I need to fill a troop tax for a formation. 5 marines with a plascannon is a decent backline objective camper.

It was bad enough with Nagash.

But people try their best, we shouldn't denigrate their efforts my dear.

Thanks for typing that reply user, appreciate the effort
I'll definatily look into that Blaster Archon + Snakes squad, sounds cool fluff wise
I'm a big lover of flyers though, so it saddens me to lose them
I'll see if i've got more blasters lying around and see if i can replace those Trueborn Cannons for blasters

May all your saving rolls be 6s

Like 10% of the units in the game make any decent impact in the game. Then there is casual and fun play where it's not so strict.

I sometimes take 5-man marine squads to fill out a demi-company, they can contribute by taking objectives and people tend to ignore them.

>people complaining about how rubrics werent made super powerful
>I always played them anyway and now they are better with a few new toys
>have enough to run a lot of the new formations already
This is gonna be a good Christmas boys




Slaaneshi picture.

If it doesn't have 2+ invuln and t8 with fnp 3+ and iwnd and 4 wounds with ap2 72" range weapon and ws9 with fear and fearless and twin linked...then its an Ork boy to some people.

Impartial Necron/Tau player here:

That's already been leaked, and it basically just says "Magnus loses, but keikakus and is fine because daemon."

1000 points GSC/Nids. Watcha guys think?

++ Unbound Army (Faction) (Genestealer Cults - Codex v2002) (499pts) ++
+ HQ (95pts) +
Patriarch (95pts) [Familiars (5pts), Mastery Level 1]
+ Elites (252pts) +
-Purestrain Genestealers (126pts) [9x Purestrain Genestealer (126pts)]
-Purestrain Genestealers (126pts) [9x Purestrain Genestealer (126pts)]

+ Troops (152pts) +
-Neophyte Hybrids (76pts) [8x Neophyte Hybrid (Autogun) (40pts)]
Neophyte Hybrid w/ Heavy Weapon (10pts) [Heavy Stubber (5pts)]
Neophyte Hybrid w/ Special Weapon (10pts) [Flamer (5pts)]
Neophyte Leader (16pts) [Bolt Pistol (1pts), Close Combat Weapon]
-Neophyte Hybrids (76pts) [8x Neophyte Hybrid (Autogun) (40pts)]
Neophyte Hybrid w/ Heavy Weapon (10pts) [Heavy Stubber (5pts)]
Neophyte Hybrid w/ Special Weapon (10pts) [Flamer (5pts)]
Neophyte Leader (16pts) [Bolt Pistol (1pts), Close Combat Weapon]

++ Allied Detachment (Tyranids: Codex (2014) v2002) (500pts) ++
+ HQ (215pts) +
Hive Tyrant (215pts) [Heavy Venom Cannon (20pts), Lash Whip & Bonesword (20pts), Prehensile Pincer Tail (10pts)]
+ Troops (90pts) +
Tyranid Warrior Brood (90pts)
Tyranid Warrior (30pts) [Devourer, Scything Talons]
Tyranid Warrior (30pts) [Devourer, Scything Talons]
Tyranid Warrior (30pts) [Devourer, Scything Talons]
+ Heavy Support (195pts) +
Carnifex Brood (195pts)
Carnifex (195pts) [Adrenal Glands (15pts), Heavy Venom Cannon (20pts), Regeneration (30pts), Scything Talons, Thresher Scythe (10pts)]

I like you.

Would you like to play a game against my footslogging plague marines.

we could hold hands after

Why are the Daemon Primarchs throwing their support behind some upstart loser Astartes trying to claim the legacy of their dead brother?

Weird thing about durability is that even with something with those saves all you need to do is roll a 6 on the D table.

So it's all a bit of a crapshoot.

At this point m80 you're best off going GSC with 2 flying hive tyrants. Don't know if you can fit the Insurrection formation into 1000 points but it's strong for turn one charging people and bullying

>tfw your army is so far from competitive you don't even need to care about optimising lists, and just field whatever stuff you want

I'm actually going to field a unit of Sanguinary Guard. It's happening.

Abby is made man backed by gods. If all those loser daemon primarchs wants to stay as daemon primarchs they better not try to mess with the gods. If that rustles your jimmies, you should have chosen your side better. Now bend over.

They have no free will of their own, they're basically eldritch robots now.

You're welcome! I'd say if you like your flyers so much, drop the scourges and take a 3rd in one of the formations for bonuses and hope you get Labyrinthine Cunning Warlord trait and reroll reserves

>Loses in personal combat against.
>Gets kicked of Fenris again
>Yiffs survive and go to Cadia
Magnus wins?

I like to run 5 man CSM squads with a plasma gun and a power weapon champion. They aren't the most useful. but I always have a lot of fun doing it.

Maybe if I had 2 flyrants but NEET poorfag
I've always really liked the Nid monstrous creatures and Genestealers, but really nothing else in the whole nid army, so GSC is actually a dope as fuck development. This seemed like a good way to have a cool fluffy army that also has most bases covered for 1000 points

ABD is in love with Abaddon and has taken Chaos fluff to fanfic tier levels of incompetence.

Daemon Primarchs are like body guards to Justin Bieber; The body guards are the one with a lot of strength and power but the gods tell them what to do out of fear of losing that power / job.

no one is surprised at this

>MSU Venoms/Reavers/Scourges with DA

My nigga
But I'm planning on running Raider gunboats again after the recent FAQ change

Abaddon is their superior.

It's sort of depressing that "They picked Abaddon because he's just good enough to cause a bloody, entertaining mess without actually being competent enough to suceed and break the beneficial status quo" is the -least- lame possible interpretation, because everything else leads to the same boring, wasteful "Lol chaos eats the universe" ending fantasy got.

Aaron bemski-dowden?

Run what you wanna run then buddy! Just from my experience and that of my pals (all been tabled mid game by GSC) the Insurrection turn 1 assault spam is the way to go for wins, I find assault based armies boring AF though because of how bland combat is, especially vs fearless/marines.

This is what BL fags actually believe.

And what the fluff states now

Feels bad man

Likewise! That was just what I played with earlier today. Looking forward to the rerolling 15 standard, 23 rapid fire poison shots of raider barges! Just give us back the Duke and I'll be the happiest deldar player around. Also gonna run raiders filled with grots instead of Dark Artisan in the future

Except Abby's sword daemon was powerful enough to solo the Emperor. Abby could rape any Primarch if he so wished.

So it looks like the best way to field a small unit is long range objective campers.

I really like the idea of doing something like this in a fluffy sense. Since I'll have two squads I might give both a shot and see who does best

Such a lust for knowledge
>not even a rerolling save
shit unit
Sure, you sound like a fun person to play against
And maybe we could hold more than hands

Fuck off Carnac.

It's always been the case. Primarchfags just live in a world of delusion and wank, not realising what the mark of Chaos Ascendant means.

So for Chaos Space Marines, are raptors/helltalons viable at all? I was considering building a tactical squad as melee troops, with chainswords and pistols, but I decided against it at the last minute.

I've heard that khorne berzerkers are too overcosted: What's the premier melee unit for CSM?

>steal the sword
>release the daemon within
>have it lead the crusade

Hey folks, can you still sign up to secret santa?

>Also gonna run raiders filled with grots instead of Dark Artisan in the future

Why not both? :^) (Actually a serious question though. The main answer I can think of is that it's hard to find points to run both while still having sufficient MSU to distract people and still having enough anti-tank)

Going daemon means losing your free will forever. The whole slave to darkness thing. If the gods want you to suck abaddon's taint you're going to be doing that whether you like it or not.

It was always sort of implicit even all the way back in 2nd edition. What's new is abaddon going around and beating them all up to show how "definitely not a joke" he is.

Because what 40k really needs is more focus on single manchild powerfantasy characters instead of the wider wars.

It's wonky as shit.

They go to all this effort to make primarchs -retardedly- more powerful than a marine, to absolute masturbatory levels. Like, in the one Heresy novel I could bear to read cover to cover it was painful to -look- at Lorgar, even before his corruption. Centuries old Astartes were overwhelmed by his mere physical presence. Then you have shit like Magnus fist-fighting a fucking Titan, again pre-daemonhood.

And despite all this, despite the inane wankery about their ultra-super-mega-superiority, Abaddon is somehow special enough to be better than them with no explanation beyond "Well uh he has all four marks".

Fuck off Carnac.

Youre becoming too obvious these days mate.

>Abby could rape any Primarch if he so wished.
Good thing I'm not a Primarch. And, Abby, your debt has gotten a wee bit too high, and I have come to collect. There are two ways we can do this: the easy way or the Scoria way. The Scoria way involves me speaking a curse in binary that targets your armor, and you fighting me naked. It'll be much easier to shove my specter where the sun doesn't shine that way. So what are you going to do? Be a man and pay up for all of those daemon engines I gave you out of the kindness of my bionic heart, or are you going to fight?

My brother. I'm in the same boat, though I don't have that many units I can still safely run a Grand Coven with the Core choice and a bit extra. I get all the nice rules.

I can't wait for the book. I need to know for certain about 3 things:
1) Does the TS legion tactics allow Sorcs to roll for an extra power as if they had an extra mastery level or purely MANIFEST one extra?
2) Are Rubric Sorcs allowed to take a spell familiar?
3) If I follow the restrictions to make a CSM formation or detachment "TS" so they have access to the rules.. are they allowed to take items from the TS wargear/artefacts?

He has the favour of the four great gods. A primarch pales before that power.

Not really. That guy isn't me. This is my first post in this bread.

Traitor Primarchs and things more powerful than them were defeated by marines.

When will Be'lakor preform his master stroke?

What is most disciplined chaos force? I'm thinking about some cold professionals instead of "le mad cultists xD"

The daemon is basically an animal. It cannot lead anyone nor does it want to, It hunts alone.

probably the iron warriors

Iron Warriors and Death Guard.

Why so many blasters?

Actually now that I think about it, the restrictions to make CSM count as TS says "If a psyker, you MAY roll your powers from the Tzeentch discipline".

It never states you HAVE to, it just allows access to the discipline. If any of these 3 possibilities is true, than Rubric Sorcs become more useful than just an extra wound for your Soulreaper Cannon guy.

Chaos Ultramarines.

I feel cheesy taking more than 1 Formation with a CAD/Detachment unless I'm running full coven. But yeah at 2000 I'd run both or corpse thief and Grotesquery!

>Traitor Primarchs and things more powerful than them were defeated by marines.

Then by that logic, why are Primarchs wanked up so far in the first place?

Why couldn't they just be pretty much the first and by reputation and legend greatest leaders of their legion/chapter?

I mean yeah you get references prior to the black library heresy novels of shit like Sanguinius beating down a bloodthirster... But I mean come on, there has to have been plenty of times a marine has killed a bloodthirster over the years.


Eh, can't be that bad. He's a winner. I'm with the daemon animal dude. #makechaosgreatagain

>Death Guard

They don't even have the decency to poop inside their suits. They're covered in shit. That's not very disciplined. They're the India of CSM.

I'm not sure what you are asking exactly, but read the list of qualifications for taking a CSM Detachment as a TSons Detachment. Some of the list is "you must" (you must take a Tzeentch mark if you can); the rest is optional.

Any examples from their lores?

Oh, I derped and didn't realize you meant a full Grotesquerie. I thought you meant just a single unit in a regular DE CAD, which is significantly worse. I wouldn't feel bad about taking that with the DA.

>why are Primarchs wanked up so far in the first place?

Fans are stupid.
GW has always show that the Primarchs aren't all that.

>Death Guard.
user, they're fully devoted to Nurgle and they let their gear become worse on purpose.

Thousand Sons. Perfectly obedient.

GW themselves have been some of the worst contenders for overwanking Primarchs. Have you read a BL heresy novel? Have you seen their statlines in the 30k game?

Yeah but they use space magic to make sure when they become worse they actually become better.

They're still disciplined when it comes to fighting. Just slowly advancing on their target with stupid amounts of bolter fire.

The CSM player at my shop wants to paint hiis skin a light blue with silver armor.

His other models are alright but it will be an interesting scheme to see if and when he does it.

Not him but more is better, once you've got 4-6 venoms worth of poison you want anti mech and blasters being 1 shot are liable to miss or not wound frequently so massing them helps offset that. I would argue he should have haywire on the scourges but hey ho

Yes you're right, but I'm asking if a TS-ised CSM detachment is granted access to the armoury (like AP3 bolters for example) or the artefacts.

the "If a psyker, you MAY roll your powers from the Tzeentch discipline" gives me a bit of hope that they removed the "must roll at least 1 power from the god table" bit.

what the fuck is wrong with youre tyranid detachment?

here, just do all genestealers and only give upgrades to the metamorphs
put them all in units of atleast 8

then the tyranid allies should look more like tis

CAD (500 pts)
Hive tyrant (240)
-WINGS, 2 twin linked devourers w/ brainleech worms, electroshock grubs
Hive tyrant (230)
-WINGS, 2 twin linked devourers w/ brainleech worms
Mucolid spore (15)
Mucolid Spore (15)

remember the rule BOYS OVER TOYS, upgrade your units to get ONE job done well

*flyrants are kinda the exception to this rule, but you can into that discussion later

Aha yeah I should have made it clear it was a Grotesquery, coven grots are just so much better

>Fans are stupid.
your forgot to add, BL is full of fans-turned-authors

>Any examples from their lores?

I have. In BL products Primarchs have almost died to as little as 10 Marines. In 40k proper they have even been soloed. FW gives them good stats, but they are far from unbeatable.

Here's my bucket list:
1.Ground Magus
2.Charge some unit nearby with stormsurge
3.Stomp Magus to death
4.Have a toast when my robotic walk...I mean gargantuan creature just slew MUH DEMIGOD OF UNTOLD POWER
5.Get (you)'s because someone takes this obvious bait

gold guys with daunte in stormravens
they only do 1 thing, but they do it fuckin well

Yes, they are greater daemons and have the statlines to prove it.
That said, a titan, or even a knight/leviathan dread, can splat a primarch outright, or gun them down with impunity. Hell, a tooled up elite unit can take down a primarch unless they have bodies to soak it.
You are too amazed at big numbers and not looking at how they are actually used on the table.

Thanks m8