Would it be even remotely possible to have an EVE Online based game...

Would it be even remotely possible to have an EVE Online based game? Not necessarily space wizard floating in a piss capsule either.
Been doing some reading and the setting has a ton of great shit man.

Other urls found in this thread:


>space setting

Rogue trader

Maybe Eclipse Phase would work?

How was the first suggestion not Traveller?


EVE Online itself is barely a game.



>Would it be even remotely possible to have an EVE Online based game


Traveller, GURPS, maybe Rogue Trader, hell, even Battletech: A Time of War could work.

Hardest bit, I think, would be if you decided to have it contemporary to the real-time game setting, managing to keep up with what's going on there. Set it a little earlier and it could work easier. .

>All those bubbles

What do you do in EVE user when you play it?


play war thunder while logged in to a VOIP client waiting for someone else to tell me I need to log in.

anyone got any eve stories? love hearing about this game

>I was there.

I've got a couple worth telling, I'll type them up when I get home.

Yeah, easily. I ran a short game a while back using Traveler. It worked ok, the group started off on a space station at the edge of low sec right at the outset of faction warfare, got their hands on an old Kestrel frigate and started searching for an abandoned pirate outpost they heard rumors about. Game fizzled due to my job offering me lots of money to take a promotion that fucked my schedule. Shit was fun while it lasted.

>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Goons on fire off the shoulder of the fortizar.

Sounds like it'd be fun, the setting's so good I'm surprised there's not a pnp game dedicated to it.

I got some stories.

Way back when I first started playing the game, my corporation was living in Amarr highsec space. We had some jumping-off points into lowsec and also declared war on people to get fights.

Anyways, there was this one guy who lived in our system. For some reason I don't remember, he started shit-talking our corp. Being miffed at this and eager to prove our superiority to the carebear peasants, our CEO demanded that this guy's CEO kick him from their corp. Other CEO said no, so we blew up a few of their starbases until they complied.

Even after he got kicked, though, this guy would just be a shitter in local chat non-stop. We ended up getting him kicked from the next corp he joined, too.

The cherry on top was, right before we moved out of the region to go fuck around in Caldari lowsec, we set a trap for him. One of our guys had a kill right for him on another character, and we managed to get him to join someone's fleet to go "run a mission."

Of course, we actually just warped him out to deadspace, turned on the killright, and murdered him. The salt was high-quality.

Remember that story about a guy who stole 13000$ worth of money out of the bank his guild owned, spent half of it on the biggest baddest spaceship he could buy, and the other half on a bounty on his own head?

Fun fact: that's not the only (or not even the biggest) story of that nature in EVE.


It's a great scifi setting, unfortunately it's not well known and the majority of players pay zero attention to the story and don't go digging into the lore.

Alright, taking requests for first story
>user almost wrecks a Nightmare
>Flight of the lolnado
>user starts a war

>user starts a war

Well there's your problem. If you just wait for someone else to make your fun, you are gonna have a bad time.

I guess it's time to read up on Traveler then.
What is or how do you find a good corp anyhow?

Was this guy named Yorlock by chance?

No, Raven Madder IIRC.

This is an old one, maybe 5 or 6 years back.
>user Starts A War
>Late evening my time, the alliance aussies are just getting on.
>Hanging out in lowsec on the edge of Syndicate. Keeping half an eye on alliance chat, something is up but as it doesn't directly concern me at the moment I'm not paying too much attention.
>Decide to go looking for trouble, I'm bored and may have been drinking a bit.
>Talk a bro into coming with me, and off we go.
>Lowsec is surprisingly dead that evening, turn towards Syndicate.
>Boost into position and spin up the mods.
>Four ships decloaked and align towards the gate we just came from. We got this.
>Targets called, jammers active, guns live!
>Manage to pop three of the ship, the fourth breaks the scrambles and get away.
>High five and laughter, start looking the wrecks.
>Suddenly dragged into officer voice channel.
>Informed that I just shot up the diplomats who alliance lead had invited out to finalize a deal.
>Words were had.
>War were declared.

So yeah, instead of bringing another combat focused Corp into the alliance I kicked off a war. If your out there Khar, information would have been nice.

how to shot corp 101:

>they're not /pol/acks or shitters
>they don't live in highsec, or if they do, they are killing people regularly
>they focus on doing one general area of the game (if a corp says "we do a little of everything, wow so casual and fun!" they suck, don't bother)
>the leadership are experienced

Talk to people. Start networking. Figure out what it is you want to do in game and start making friends who do the same.

Damn. I ran into a guy by that name a long time ago who did pretty much the same thing, talked shit in local and got left high and dry by his corp, which prompted more shit talking. Only guy I've ever seen alienate himself from so many people so quickly.

This is exactly why I'm too afraid to mess around

Oops meant to reply to for the second point.

It was dumb, bad luck. Of all the jump gates in the region we just happened to cross paths. Also my fault for not paying more attention to what was happening in alliance chat. And drinking. Never play Eve while drinking it has never ended well for me.

Eh, that's how the fun starts. If nobody ever fucked up, nothing would happen.

Eve capsuleers are on such a different level from everyone else in universe.

I think a few ISK is more money than most normal people make in a lifetime in universe.

Have played it straight off of rouge trader, players loved it.

1 ISK = average yearly family income. Or that's how it was in old fluff.

There's a short story of a capsuleer contacting a planet, going to the governor and basically saying "hi I'll be landing my factories and bases all up on your shit in about ten minutes, best start that evac" and the governor can do fuck all about it.

I think the major empires have titans in deep space so large they can't come near planets due to having their own gravitational pull

Yep, the Iapetan Titans. They used to have in-game models.

Sounds like being a normal person sucks major balls

True. Very, very true.

>Nice planet. I'll take it.

If they do that's a new bit of lore they've come out with since I stopped playing. Last I knew the empires were starting to panic because the power of the capsuleer factions was starting to eclipse their own both economic and military.

I've never heard of these. Explain.

>Major Empires are being eclipsed by corporations led by autistics and sperglords

Eve is clearly the greatest universe

Well I guess capsuleers are more or less immortal and backed by Jove technology in some way, utopian ancap capsuleer state when?

Isn't this the game dominated by the massive faggot from SA? Why the fuck would you play a game run by goons?

Goons got pooped on hard earlier this year

Goons got run out of the north and are laying low and rebuilding in the southwest


Some low level Goon or Goon ally corp pissed off a banker from some isk gambling website. Dude used his trillions of isk to fund a war against them.

>Sperglords control more territory and all the resources there in than the empires. Also the rare shit needed to mass produce tech 2 and 3 hardware/ships.

>Autists have immortal ship captains with ships packing enough firepower to exterminatus planets under their command.

I'd be worried too.

>major empires
Everyone in eve has titans, even the fucking mining corps.

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on that empires of eve book?

top kek, good to hear

They got shit on so hard it's hilarious

Oh man that's awesome, anywhere I can find the full story?

I only play EVE while drinking.
Then again I'm a dirty rando pirate with no aspirations beyond piloting cheap cruisers and ruining people's day.

>You will never be an ultra rich galactic banker who can fund a massive multi star-system war against one of the most powerful factions in the galaxy because someone in it pissed you off
Feels bad man.

It's already really popular, it's called Microsoft Excel


>He approached a band called Mercenary Coalition and suggested “taking on the Goons”. One of their leaders, Sabre A – a man in a leather jacket with a small 100,000 ISK bounty on his head – told him it was “impossible.” The Goons had been a force of nature within New Eden for as long as anyone could remember. Lenny rephrased his question for the mercenary. How much would it take to go after the Goons?

>Sabre plucked a made-up number out of the air, thinking it didn’t matter. Something like six or seven trillion ISK, he said.

>“Okay,” said Lenny, “I have that.”

It's like something out of a fucking space opera

That was my modus for the first two years I was playing the game, then I realized that I had the skills trained to fly the big expensive shit. I kind of miss not giving a fuck.

Are they as bad or worse than the Jove?

This right here. This is what I love about the game. I'm reactivating my account in the morning.

What's the largest ship I can get on my lonesome in EVE? Are battleships in my reach or are they too expensive for a solo player?

Titans are personal assets so a single BS is pretty easy to get. Probably a battlecruiser is the biggest I'd go for a new player

Battleships are easy. It'll take about a year before you're really ready to fly one, though.

Carriers can feasibly be run solo, but to learn the ropes you'd need to start off with an experienced group.

Supers and Titans would be basically impossible to keep safe or ever actually use unless you were personal friends with the PL hunting squads or smth.

>Titans would be basically impossible to keep safe or ever actually use unless you were personal friends with the PL hunting squads or smth.
I knew this much from Scott Manley's video.

When will EVE Online History be a college course?

If gender studies can be, I don't see why this can't be.

not entirely true, but it definitely helps to be part of some sort of super blob. Just be smart about using them and you should be fine

Makes me actually want to start playing.

Is it likely to run on my six-year-old potato laptop?

The Moneybadger Coalition is the best thing to happen to lowsec in years. Its been so much fucking fun.

The fact that the Goon Emperor of Shittery lost not because of some unstoppable foe or sudden strategic shift- but because he pissed off a gambling tycoon is fucking hilarious.

It's like if Nazi Germany was beaten by mobsters hiring mercenaries

IIRC, that's actually what happened. During the War, the Mafia gave information to the Allies because the Dictator at the time was going after them hard. While Italy wasn't exactly a great partner, it gave the Allies that much more room to deploy and maneuver and fewer enemies to deal with.

You're the hotshot pilot who turned from his life of petty crime and piracy to make a legitimate life for himself in industry. But the void calls you, and you miss your old life. Life in the corp is so predictable, so route. No real danger.

Pretty soon some old friends are going to come calling with a deal that's too good to pass up. Its near suicidal. It likely wont work. Might start/end a war. And it will rekindle the fire from your carefree days as a pirate. You couldn't refuse if you tried, and you will, but its in your blood.

Godspeed to you, you glorious bastard.

Other fun related stuff is that CCP kept up with the war making Scope "news reports" from an in game perspective.

Or that there were these alleged leaked chat logs that had the leader of the goons basically saying that their junior alliance members didn't matter and were basically to be used as speed bumps in the war, this coming out right after he gave a speech on how the solidarity of the goons is what kept them together so long.

There was some amazing propaganda to come out of that "war"

The best stories in eve always come about after the end of someone else's.

Yeah if you're willing to deal with worse graphics

CO2's defection was a fantastic twist on the war. Goon fucking crumbled after that.

Thanks for the advice, right now I'm flying for Brave but I kind of want to branch out. Getting pretty tired of mass suiciding in frigates.

That's surprisingly well made

Is it really the ANCAP memery it is made out to be? Seems like a murderhobo heaven

Sit around shooting the shit until it's time to start shooting shit.

been doing it since 2007

I think I'm going to start writing up an Eve PnP based off Traveler. Evelopedia is dead, which makes things a pain, but hopefully I'll have something to share with everyone in a month or two. Stay tuned.

>I couldn't refuse if I tried.
Well I resubed last night and the first old face I got in touch with was from my pirate days. I'm loading up throw away cruisers and heading back to lowsec tomorrow evening to relearn how to gank. -10.0 security rating, here I come.

>the setting has a ton of great shit man
Could you give some examples, please?

community.eveonline.com/backstory/chronicles/gallente-caldari-war-the-breakout/ is one I like in particular

CCP has poured a lot of work into developing the world, a lot of rich back story and is populated by some really fun, I testing groups.

On the player side of things
>World War Bee
>Bloodbath at B-5R
>Eve Investment Bank scandal
>Great Northern War
>Fall OF Bob
>Curse Wars
>the rise and fall of Ascended Frontiers
Here's a blast from the past for everyone
That's just off the top of my half asleep head from what I've seen in my time in game

EVE Chronicles is a great place to start exploring the cluster.

They are for all intent and purpose immortal.

This brings a huge disconnect between them and their actions, something that's focused on heavily in some of the books (which are well worth a read).

The best way to play an eve RPG would be at the corporate level, almost every facet of Eve life is corporate controllers one way or another and the corp fighting has ballonned out onto what is a quietly sanctioned war, even if both corps are from the same empire.

Turns out when you have xx trillion people, the lives of a few billion seem paltry.

Its superb, EvE lore is only one step beneath WoWs when it comes to a living, fleshed out universe

Honestly it's above imo, but that's personal taste.


Too bad DUST 514 fell flat before they were put in.

Post it here whence you do, I've been after a fleshed out eve TT RPG for an age.

Story time
>Dust 514 just came out, room mate decides to try it out
>It's not terrible, he plays it for a while because why not
>I'm playing Eve on my laptop, Corp chat is quiet not a lot going on I'm exploring dead space sites because why not
>Suddenly "user get your ass to (system name)
>Haul ass to market hub, load up a minmatar destroyer with OB hardware
>Park in orbit, link up with his Dust team
>"Target incoming"
>Lock target, give it a burst
>Turn around in time to see my shells hit on the TV screen
>Enemy team caught out in the open, so much death
>Men were not meant to know such joy

That's the plan user.

How is the war, currently?

Done. Goons got shit on hard.

It is that much and more.

And it's ____fun

>Goons got shit on hard.
Don't they still have most of their fleet? And what will happen since the war is over?


Some light reading for you.

wait what

what are PL hunting squads?

Thank you all folks.

EVE is connected to Dust 541, a F2P PS3 shooter. You can call in orbital bombardments in Dust and then have a ship in EVE fly to the planet where you're fighting and blast your target to the stone age.

Pandemic Legion, one of the player groups, loves to go out and hunt supercapital ships. And I mean hunt: they'll spy on you for weeks or months trying to suss out your main hangouts and alts until they're sure they can catch you with your pants down and no backup.