How smart is your character? Can she outsmart a bullet?
How smart is your character? Can she outsmart a bullet?
Bitch nigga I can outsmart the whole round
To outsmart bullet you must become bullet.
da tovarishch
My character is a 6 int barbarian.
Yeah she can outsmart a bullet, probably not the shooter though.
You believe shooter is of beings smarter than boolet, comrade? Nyet, shooter simply unleash boolet, like foolish facist unleashing russian rage when he is of breaking treaty with Mother Russia.
Yes. He's consistently bested(eight out of ten times) two ancient dragons in chess, simultaneously, where if either one won, they both won, but he had to defeat them both to win.
And he's an enchanter/engineer/weaponsmith, so not only will he outsmart bullet ,he will build smarter bullet and pouch that replenishes smart bullet.
Wizards, man.
But can he outsmart smarter bullet?
Character is inventor. Invents armor that fly and shoot lasers. Bullets do nothing to armor.
She outsmarts bullet.
>How smart is your character? Can she outsmart a bullet?
I don't believe such an act is possible.
Take note of If you can be smart enough to take precautions that render ballistics-based weaponry harmless to your person then you have outsmarted bullet.
Incredibly smart.
And he probably could outsmart the bullet long enough to kill the shooter since he also has mastery over time magic.
A simple application of ZA WARUDO and mathematics could allow him to set up a number of objects in the path of the bullet for it to ricochet around to kill the shooter.
Smart bullets have to have a target they can penetrate, or even weak spots to hit. Make the target bullet proof and without vulnerabilities and you've just outsmarted smart bullets.
>How smart is your character? Can she outsmart a bullet?
You don't NEED to outsmart a boollet, OP.
You just need YOUR boolet to outsmart your enemies BEFORE they can use their boolits to outsmart YOU.
And thus began a vicious arms race, of men outsmarting their projectiles, and creating newer, smarter replacements only to try and outsmart them.
I'm not a degenerate with gender dysphoria nor a virgin waifufag.
14 INT, but fluff it all in biological sciences and lucky guesses as to how psyche works. The answer is yes, but the bullet would have to be dumb enough to miss/hit a nonvital area before that happens.
He's just a touch smarter than your average bear, but he can punch and/or slash anything from arrows, to bullets, to cannonballs, even magic rays and siege fire out of the air.
Pretty okay.
This fucker has a name, but I can't remember for the life of me. He's just a silly dude in his eastern European nation's army
They're a Psion, though that might be a bit literal.
She can out magic the bullet. Not sure how smart turning intangible is though.
Doesnt he have a degree in Russian literature? He's probably the smartest guy in the team outside of the mad doctor and mad engineer.
The secret to outsmarting the bullet is never uncloaking, letting the arch militant take the bullet instead and secretly bankrupting your foe though back room trade deals.
After all that gun costs $400 000 to fire for 12 seconds.
Spy's supposed to be pretty well read as well.
Demoman isn't a slouch either when you get to it, he's just fairly narrow focused.
Pyro has the skillset to be the CEO of a major company and bring that company to greatness.
She's not smarter than a bullet, but she's wiser. She knows that all of her perception of reality is a trick her mind plays on her, so if she ignores the bullet hard enough, she will not feel the pain of the bullet and only suffer in however her ability to move was impacted by the wound left by it.
Unless that bullet kills her, of course.
>Bullets do nothing to armor.
What about armor piercing bullets?
Technically, no couldn't as INT hard-caps at 20(When 10 is einstein-level), so best he could do is match smartest bullet.
My character is a hyper-faithful cleric. She would and has walked into hazards fully confident that her God will protect her from harm. A bullet is just a test.
>All these idiots actually believe they can outsmart, out maneuver, or overpower a bullet
Yuo see comrades, boolets are of beings gods, able to see through time and space. They are of seeings the past and futures of not just our world, but all worlds.
You are wonderings how dinosaurs went extinct? Boolet. You are of wonderings how Julius Caesar was stabbed by friends? Boolet. You are of wonderings how Oswald was convinced to shoot JFK? Boolet. Yuo see comrade, you not outsmart, out maneuver, or overpower boolet, boolet simply choose not to take you that day.
>Everyone has a bullet with their name on it. It's simply a matter of being found by it.
But grenades have "To Whom It May Concern" on them.
Hi-ex outsmarts bullets every time.
Bes' way ta outzmart a bullet iz wiv lotsa bullets
Das how dakka workz!
>as INT hard-caps at 20
Entirely depends on edition, m8.
I used to think this too, but apparently she is the appropriate English pronoun for a specific person of unspecified gender, in the same way he is used for a non-specific but singular person.
Source: some other fa/tg/uy so take it with salt
Either are correct since English doesn't have a non gendered singular for a person.
I've noticed a lot of RPG books use "she" for whatever reason though.
Not too smart.
My next character, however, will soon come across a large supply of vodka, and thus he will awaken the third-eye of the slav.
Then he will be one with boolet
Bullets don't think, so yes.
Or do they?
No they don't. Quit being an idiot.
How do we know 4 sure?
It's gotten to the point where I can no longer tell if this is bait or it's how modern Veeky Forums operates.
She can fight her way around a pointy stick faster than you can say, "Poke.".
>outsmarting bullets
>not developing a cooperative working relationship with your munitions
I work to keep my arms stored safely and in working order, and they help keep me safe in return. I think it is a very good thing we have going on, and questions of who's smarter rarely enter into it.
They're inanimate objects made of metal.
You're being a fucking retard like most posters in this thread.
It's not fun or funny, Heavy Weapons Guy is an idiot.
Maybe thats what bullets want you to think
See Alternatively...
>Implying your not a feminine beta faggot in a fa/tg/uy's body.
You might have Asperger's.
But what is of happening when bigger boolet?
>my last character adds his intelligence bonus to his AC
On occasion, yeah actually.
>Heavy Weapons Guy is an idiot.
Heavy has a PhD. What do you have? Besides autism.
Ok, Female Vindicares are awesome, but why isn't she using Exitus Pistol?
I just don't find dumb jokes funny, and I don't humor trolls.
She's a savant hacker in a cyberpunk setting that has smart-guns and smart-munitions as everyday things, so...yeah, I guess she can a lot of the time.
She's dumb as a fucking brick but she actually does remember how to slap together shoddy underground guns from her last life so kind of?
>"I have yet to meet man who can outsmart bullet"
>Says the man who is best friends with the man who invented übercharge and therefore outsmarts bullets on a regular basis
Only you and one other guy in the thread have so much as mentioned the choice of pronoun. Don't be so easily triggered.
Then why'd you even post itt?
>Heavy is best buds with Medic because he is the first man he has met who can outsmart boolet
Deepest lore.
Well, he can't outsmart a bullet, but his smart (gun) can outbullet anything.
To ruin the wrong fun you're having.
Meet the Heavy happened before Meet the Medic.
Nah, Kruger won't outsmart anyone. He knows fightin' and minin', and only barely that last bit. Ain't more ya need in the Guard.
But, he might just see the bullet before the firer even pulled the trigger and step out of the way before the shooter even fires. And hope he doesn't explode in daemons.
Such is life for a wyrd in the Imperial Guard.
Int is 24 if you're wondering. Equivalent to about 80 IQ.
It's Anima. Every stat caps at 20, with peakest of human potential being 10.
Because that's the sidearm of Vindicares?
But you can't even outsmart a bullet, why should I trust your opinion on wrong fun?