WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>In the face of death, I shall have no remorse.

Other urls found in this thread:


We're already a 100+ replies deep at but that OP forgot the name. We can use this one afterwards.

Lookin for input, this was just a tester so it's a bit sloppy, main focus was getting the green down, used underhive ash as a light dry brush, curious what people think.


Skin's done right

Working on my BB team, the Mordheim Mon-Stars. Any suggestions for colors to go with the purple?

woke up early yesterday morning feeling inspired, so i just started kitbashing a model for Bran Redmaw. didnt really have a plan for him and nowhere near being done. will definitely make a werewulfen form for him tho!

looks like a gay dad

that a bad thing?

If the point is a simple tabletop the job's a goodun.

Is there a place one can buy highish quality prepainted minis? Every single one on eBay is complete shit and I only want one for my desk.

Commission painters often have some finished products on their website for sale to anybody. If there's something specific, just have a commission painter do exactly what you want.

drop me an email at [email protected] maybe I can do one for ya

Current WIP of dung beetle knight from Kingdom Death

my only real complaint would be the skull is too clean

Neurothrope just got a manicure. It'll look like the other Zoanthropes by the time it's done.

It's a sports team so you gotta go vibrant. I'd suggest gold or orange.

Damn. Is the thread dead tonight or what?

i found a commisar i thought i had stolen. hidden in a bookshelf. also one of the first models i painted. well, within about two months of starting.

As in you thought you stole it? Or you thought that the model was stolen?

a few months ago we were having open homes (my family rents) with lots of prospective buyers coming through. i had to work one day, and while i had family home and the real estate were present, that night i realised i couldnt find the model, which at the time was the pride of my collection and my only model of any value. somehow he got four shelves lower than where i was displaying him, and behind a row of books.

Well it's good that you found him. He's a little dusty, but still looking good.

Hey, are there any Dark Elf niggas in here that could suggest me a helmet to use for a Malekith Conversion?

Never mind, Im a retard, waste of dubs,

Any tips on removing cured greenstuff? i recently got some free time on my hands and looking back at some work i did before the break i'd like to redo it or at least remove the greenstuff.

Should just peel away as it is non-adhesive. Get a fresh scalpel blade under it and lift I away from the model, it should just pop off in mostly one piece.

really is dead tonight.

what do you guys think of my edge highlighting? i think it might be a bit heavy.

>Dismembered head


There actually is another WIP up but OP didn't bother to make it searchable

Hey /wip/, I'm painting my DEldar basically like pic related, but with a darker bronze weapon and purple highlights, but I don't like the skin loincloth so I'm looking for suggestions for what colour to do it. I'm thinking green, for meme magic, but I'm not sure.

Also no pic of my model because of potato phone

Just got a little box from the friendly chinaman Z.
This was the first time i ordered from them and i'm really surprised how good the quality is. I expected less. Well worth the $3 + 3 for shipping.

Delivery time took 11 days from China to Europe btw.

Fun fact: I'm not sure if they use real GW bases or if they recast them as well.. if they do, they even copied the little "GW 2003" tag on the bottom of it.

I'm done with my first sentinel which is also my first vehicle since I came back to the hobby a month ago. I'm really happy about how it turned out, too bad I can't take pictures for shit, this pic is missing a lot of details...

I've been on the fence about ordering a lot of stuff him for years but it looks like his quality has drastically improved. Nice! No weird smells I hope?

Z has problems occasionally, I haven't had a single order from him where I haven't had to get a significant amount of it replaced (missing parts, broken bits etc.) Still, nice and cheap though. CCON would be your best choice if you wanted the best quality, however he has far less to choose from and his shipping takes a while longer.

Just finished this little guy. Still need work in the base, tho. Any thoughts?

Some of your highlighting is a little sloppy, like on the groin and fingers. A little more water mixed in would help smooth the application. And the highlight colour looks strange since the base is metallic and the highlight isn't.

Thank you user. I must admit I´m terrible at highlighting, but I am trying to improve my skills. The problem with the colour is that I haven´t found yet another blue metallic color, and highlighting with silver or so looks absolutely horrifying.

Mix a bit of your blue metallic with a bit of runefang steel and you'd probably have a lighter metallic blue.

Hail Hydra Dominus.

Anyone tried to make convert a standard Sentinel into a Powerlifter?

Forge World doesn't sell this sweet kit anymore :(

Vallejo metallic medium


Why is Duncan so fucking based?

Based, washed, shaded, and highlighted, more like.

Always remember to thin your weights. And apply 2 sets for a nice strong finish.

Remember to mix your blood with a little water to get the oxygen flowing smoothly.




An' yer workout is finished!
An' you should notice tha results in no time at all.

Always remebah to do multiple light reps instead of one heavy one. Otherwise you may hurt yerself an' could damage the miniature.

Hey guys. Andy here.

What side of a brush do I use to paint my Eldar?

>Not going ass to grass on those squats.

Maybe you should have applied two lighter sets instead of one heavy one, Duncan. Otherwise you'll damage those miniatures you call your quads.

I can't wait for the next one

>"Andy's come back to the studio with his Eldar army today and wants to know how to get the lid off of a pot of Citadel paint!"

An' always rememba to do three thin posts ratha than one thick one


"Whoops I messed the formatting on that post up. I'll just delete it and try again."

"Fuck! I messed it up again! Oh well. Third time's the charm right?"

Also that filename lol

in certain parts of the world (maybe in 40k universe as well, IDK) that could get you stoned i suppose?

Anyone fluent in Korean here? I found this sculptor guy on Twitch and there's a bust that looks like Big Boss. I just don't know if it's just a prototype or can you build them from somewhere or something.

Twitch user's name is songlineart

maybe he speaks english too, or at least can read it? or just type a google translate 'where can you get big boss bust'

his stream is set to Korean only

also there are bunch of Big Boss busts available online but I've not seen the one in his videos. Very possible that he just sculpted that one for himself and not for a company.

There is a first time painter on twitch right now... its kinda adorable how he tries to get drybrushing right.

god fucking damnit duncan, squat to depth you limey fuck

Since OP is a faggot who won't post links: twitch DOT tv/agseven

Give him tips, fellow nerds.

Well, there are like 5 guys online and he has "first time painting" in his title.. i figured you might find him yourself if you are interested.

This is Veeky Forums, the land of neckbeards and/or basement dwellers. I demand that you hand everything to me on a silver platter, you La La Homo Man.

So frustrating

still working on big n red. he has extremely detailed skin.

Working on this singular sister still. Does the red gun look ok? How is the contrast on the cloth?
It's the first time I've tried true metallic metals too, I don't think its been super successful but it looks ok. Not sure how to improve it really though as I don't know what I've done wrong yet!

are you sure he's not sculpting those on stream?

please give me tips on thinning my paints for edge highlighting it always too runny or not watered enough

Thin with glaze medium, use a synthetic brush and wipe off all excess paint. You want non-runny, transparent paint. Don't try to do a highlight in one stroke, do multiple thin layers so you can control how opaque the highlight is.

hmm that banshee looks pretty good to me

You are watching a different guy. The beginner was doing Tyranids but he stopped.

Anyone have any experience painting Emperor's Shadows? They're the weeb overload chapter but damn they look so cool. And they're canon.

Yellow is a contrasting colour to purple, hence why the light yellowish metal has been chosen for the guns.
If you're going for a darker bronze (which has more red), I would definitely go for a more yellow loincloth.

It's what I speculated in my earlier posts. Which just adds to the frustration because if it's a custom I can't get one myself.

slowly basing my sylvaneths



>basing before painting
>or even before priming
You dun goofed, son.

What's the go to supplier of basing accessories? My guess would go to army painter but I'm hearing (mixed) lots about gale force nine.

>not using Vallejo pumice paste
>not basing before priming

I noticed that the line between an okayish paintjob and a great one is that dirty, blurred look okayish ones have. I assume that this is due to adding too much wash, but what makes the great ones look so neat, smooth and sleek?

>subtly incorporated

I guess GW doesn't know the meaning of the word "subtle."

Just took a sip of my mug of painting water instead of my nice hot chocolate.

How's everyone's evening going? What are you working on?

Hey folks, newish painter here: any recommendations on bloodied or soaked fabric? I'd love to paint Skitarii robes to appear as gauze with blood soaked through in places, but I'm assuming throwing on red wash would look pretty silly.

Not drinking liquid plastic for a start. I once dreamed I had just taken a big gulp of the muddy and swampy thing in the cup I use for my painting water and woke up coughing my lungs out.
It's been a nice day. I'm currently painting my Cold One Riders. The Cold Ones themselves are painted and this will probably be my last unit of GW miniatures, so I'm going slow and trying not to rush it or make a mistake.

I've done that. Never a good feeling.
I'm working on trying to make my sisters look less boring while improving their previous paint job. This one is 90% done, just the bags and some of the details to do. I tried to do the pupils for the eyes but not sure how it'll come through in pictures. They aren't wonky looking at it straight on though.
Thinking about hair colour and wondering if I should do them all ginger for the contrast or keep the hair realistic browns/blacks/blonde

Ran by the FLGS earlier to pick up part of my secret santa loot and get some new paint, and learned they have a Miniatures Market this Saturday in time for me to be off work.
So, pretty good. Fantastic if I didn't have to clock in in...16 minutes.

taking a few days off from work but stressed out anyway

I'm cleaning and assembling horses for my marauders

I avoid drinking my paint water by using special cups that I never ever use for drinking.

>Not drinking liquid plastic for a start.
butanone glue can kill you user please stay safe

I spat it out before I had actually consumed any which was handy. Any reason for moving away from GW stuff?

Like the scheme, that's some lovely highlighting on the red. Could imagine those sisters fighting on an ice world. Pupils look decent to me, not too big.

I feel ya, I need to head to bed soon to wake up for work tomorrow...

I never use this cup for drinking anything, that's whats annoyed me. Its literally my special water cup.

they're not really famous for it no

Overall im happy with how it came out, I'm still getting the hang of faces.

thicc, uneven coats. nice scheme, though.

Yeah im an absolute retard when it comes to even coats. At tabletop distance my minis look their best. I plan on switching to airbrush soon so I can get those nice even base coats.
Or colored spray primer, whatever works best.

Paint noob here, how do I achieve this plasma? And would it look good with a green glaze.

its alright, it all comes with practice. airbrush is best for even basecoats but you'll need to practice with that as well.

I use calgar blue for plasma then do a heavy wash of drakenhof nightsade for my plasma guns. Gives it a glossy-glowing effect and looks nice. Might do it with a brighter shade of blue but calgar blue gets the job done well.

I don't know about that exact shade, but Duncan did two plasma effect tutorials, one for the plasma gun, and one for the Skitarii Arc Rifle. Check them out!

I'll go gold, wouldn't want my team to have the clemsux colors

I didn't know about the arc rifle one. I;ll check that. The plasma tutorial didn't produce good results in my hands.

Thanks, I might try a white base with teclis blue instead.

Teclis blue is a great choice too.

Does Z usually take smaller orders from new clients? I'd hop right in if I could get just a few models, but I can't really spend $300 to get added to china mans trusted list