Once the bad guy is dead and the day is saved...

Once the bad guy is dead and the day is saved, do you let your PCs retire and start families or do you force them back into the action once more?

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They retire, they always retire.

I don't see the point in them getting back on the road once they've done what they set out to do.

Depends what they want to do. Some want to retire and settle down, others know that they'll never be able to settle down for one reason or another and live the rest of their lives on the road

there must always be a bad guy

They retire.

Then about a year later the evil's offspring rises in power and the old veterans are forced back into action for one last mission

>the evil's offspring rises in power
>not passing the torch to the old heroes' successors
One job

>Implying by that point the veteran adventurers haven't taken too many blasts of elemental evil/magic radiation to the family jewels to have a kid.

Haven't really had the chance to do so, but should my Totally-Not-Guts expy somehow not die like a bitch or while more or less giving someone the finger, I'll probably have him more or less say to the gods "Fuck you, bitches, I'm still alive, and I'm gonna enjoy my retirement!", though perhaps put a bit more eloquently. Maybe have him make a school for swordsmen, maybe start up a mercenary company, or maybe some odd mix of both.

He'll probably die alone on his bed, his techniques that he passed down his only legacy (unless he did something really impressive along the way), yet he'll probably have a shit eating grin that he managed to live so long without dying horribly.

Who knows, I haven't really had the chance to play the character; maybe he'll get over his saltiness towards the gods for not helping him sooner as a kid, hell, maybe he'll actually take up a diety to worship.
tl;dr, Will most likely die like a bitch, but will probably be the head of a mercenary group should he not die.

I appreciate that this gets tossed around a lot but could you guys start using the updated version?

Worked my ass of on it.

And yes, they usually retire to their buxom maidens and whathaveyou once the fucking dragon is slain or whatever.

But a GOOD party will become the new villains!

Depends on the campaign, my PC started as a lawful good dude traveling to see more of the world before he returned to a cushy position as a lord's advisor. But he's seen some shit and if the DM is willing to keep running it, his life goals may shift from, "go home and have a good life" to exterminating the mind flayers.

There is another thing to solve. Retirement is for pussies.

t. millennial who never performed a physically and mentally stressful role

Eh, current PC have very little to for her own, aside from her own personnal quest... Should she succeed, she'll probably settle and raise a family, but considering how her life went until then she'll probably just die before that.

Of the 3 campaigns I've actually completed that didn't spun off into other campaigns, one pc opened a shop, one married and settled down,
The third joined the city guard and got mired down in bureaucracy and red tape. After being used to a life where he could dynamically solve problems and go after master criminals, he became deeply and chronically depressed, and ultimately died alone, a bitter hardened alcoholic, who was once a hero.

I prefer the original. Your text is longer and sillier, and those massive nipples are idiotic.
Her face and hair are a slight improvement.

When the time came to pick up the pieces, it seemed like everyone had what they wanted: The bad guy was dead, his corporation in ruins, and his plan in ashes. Fortunately, someone had the foresight to short all the stock they had in said corp, so the team got a healthy payout to boot. Enough to hang it all up and leave the shadows forever.

A year later, all the money was gone and everyone was getting back together to find the next score.

Successor doesn't neccessarily mean descendant. Also you don't have and raise kids in a year if you're not, like, a goblin or something.

>that image
does plagueofgripes ever post on Veeky Forums? He did on /co/ at some point

Not sure if just a faggot but this might have been him.

>not fucking ashley

Gotta say that Leo made a smart choice there, even with earplugs you would probably suffer permanent hearing damage by doing so.

Depends on the character. Some never wanted to go on an adventure at all, others can't settle into a normal life and would rather die on the road.
For me there's been nearly a 50/50 split.

My grandfather always used to say that he'd die if he stopped working.
He died shortly after getting too ill to stop working.

I spent too much time as a NEET to wish it upon my characters.

If the players want to continue with those characters, I'll whip some new adventure up for them. If they want them retired, they'll be retired.

I agree with this more or less, eve if you "retire" an adventurer, these aren't usually the kind to just sit on their asses and do nothing. The fighter or wizard might open up a school for their respective art, the warlock might become a politician. The specifics depend on your character, but their ride off into the sunset generally shouldn't feel like they're finding a comfortable way to wait for death.

Do you get any cool perks for being the president's son-in-law?

The only think I liked about Ashley, is when she's wearing the knight outfit.

Ashley a best
Ada a shit

Once the bad guy is dead and the day is saved, I start on those plans our group had to replace the monarchy with a liberal democracy and legalize same-sex marriage. You know, before we realized dealing with the lich was a little more pressing.

Also her panties being down. Don't forget that.

Why would you post the low-res version Plague?

Your kids get admited into ivy league schools right away and the secret service does your laundry for you

That's hot.

I'd assume that the characters were actually doing things in their lives before Adventure!! happened. So they should go back to that.

That wasn't an improvement so I didn't mention it.

>not an improvement

Playing two characters in a Final Fantasy flavored 4e campaign.

First was a wandering Red Mage who heeded the call of his home nation's military when their king was kidnapped.

Second is a priestess/White Mage of the Church of Phoenix that went on a pilgrimage to save six other priestesses who are scattered in different locations of the world, while also doing what she can to promote peace and unity between peoples of the different faiths in the world.

The former's not the type to settle down and start a family, though it's not impossible. More than likely he would go back to wandering the world for the experience, and trying to pick up chicks from the different nations. Slight chance he might rejoin the church that raised him, but he's more of a free spirit.

The latter is more likely to start a family, but she's very duty focused, so she would more than likely return to the Church and take her place as High Priestess after her pilgrimage, though any of her other focuses would probably depend on how her current journey goes.

draw Plain Doll lewds, creepy farm guy

Doll is not for lewds!
Doll is for cute!

On the other hand, that kindly old farmer that lives quietly just on the edge of town seriousling up and slaughtering an orc warband with nothing but a garden hoe is extremely badass.

Into the action they go.
The ride never ends!

But, but

>even the doll, should it please you

Ada is one of the worst characters in the franchise, the 'romantic' subplot between her and Leon is simply awful


They'll most likely retire, but they have the option of being made into the physical avatars of the godlings they're helping. The point of our campaign is to keep the BBEG from even waking up by sending shards of power that make up said godlings' power back to the Astral Plane, so if they succeed, they'll be offered the role of avatars.

Probably only one of them will go for it, because he's a fiend pact Warlock who fully sold his soul to save the party at one point and is plotting to help mold one of the godlings into a lawful neutral deity with a domain over knowledge so he can figure out how to get out of his pact.

Everyone else will go home or fulfill their silly dreams.

Let them settle down, start families if they wish, have a good life. For a couple of weeks.

And then the horrific event caused by the tertiary plot hook they missed at the beginning of the game happens but now it's too late for them to do anything about it.


No-one cares about that image, dumbass.

You never retire - profits never grow in trees and the righteous always be ready.

If you retire you're defeated.

Investing in farmland and letting profit grow in the ground while you sit in your shiny new estate or castle seems viable, though.

Actually, my very first character made it to the end of three different campaigns; First as a young starry-eyed adventurer, second as a middle-aged warrior come out of retirement, and third as an old man who decided to pick up the sword one last time. The next time we played in that setting, I played one of his descendants.

Good times, still something my group talks about today. I could storytime if anyone wants, but it'd take a while to type up.

I do.

It depends on if the villain was their goal or led to their goal.

There's no rest for the best.

I'm interested. Storytiem it.

>would you guys please use my special unique objectively worse version of a joke?

Fucking kill yourself. I can't believe this is what this site has come to: losers begging pity posts of stupid shit they've made.

Since I'm not a fan of those retarded nipples, why are you suprised I'm not a fan of her ridiculous taking-off-her-panties?
It's just dumb.

Better not to risk it IMO

awesome, replacing my old black and white version

>not knowing plague

Who are those character and what's the context of this scene?

You feel the need to ask?

Resident evil 4. Haven't actually played the game but I'm guessing Ashley schlicks herself to the protagonist, and he has no sexuality/he knows she's underage.
Yep, only in America is that girl underage.

Ashley constantly makes hints and come-ons to Leon but Leon is generic emotionless protagonist man who reacts to everything with resounding stoic silence.

She's also the President's daughter

If I was the DM there I think I'd just let her reach the ledge with Skywalk. Just seems douchy to be that hard on the rules with first time players, doubly so when they're children.

Okay, with these information in mind, I'm rooting for her to get what she's after. Repeatedly.

She's in college.

>Leon is generic emotionless protagonist man who reacts to everything with resounding stoic silence
No he isn't, he's a sarcastic prick with a smug streak. He just doesn't want to bang Ashley because she's his boss' daughter, his boss happens to be POTUS.

Probably go back to taking care of his graveyard. Maybe hunt undead.

What means is: WRITE STORY.


Tbf fucking ms. ballistics would probably lower his chances of boning hannigan.

fair enough

You know, that's sort of what he wants now.

He joined the Guard to fight the good fight and give some meaning to the senseless violence instead of fighting a useless fight for a sociopath leader who sees his men as tools to be thrown when worn down.

In hindsight, that was kind of shit and he'd rather settle somewhere nice and get a family, but he can't see that far into the future. Yet.

>does plagueofgripes ever post on Veeky Forums?
'course he does. he even ran HUGE Quest back in the day.

They can do what they like, within the possibilities of the setting. Once they do retire though, they stay retired until either they or the world are changed enough that it makes sense.

Why cheapen a thing like hanging up your gear and settling down? It also makes no sense to bring them back without a significant transformation of their role in the setting that engages them with their new mission; without this you run the danger of not overcoming motivational inertia, both IC and OOC.

I don't know, I've never been involved in a campaign that got to that point.

In a game I GMed one of the characters decided to retire as a researcher once they found a lost library, though.

He made a animated version of it as well!


Nice priorities, good job.

My hero likely didn't live long enough to enjoy retirement, due to a large list of powerful people who wanted the crazy sorcerer murdered.

>caring about e-celebs

>not caring about artfags

I want my characters to retire into luxury, become a merchant or just live a beggar's life at the end of a campaign.

Alas, my DM switches systems and adventures every other week.

I play Dark Heresy. You retire when you die.
Anything else is only fit for heretics.

Games these days, treating the players like pussies... It's over when the GM wins and all of yours heads explode before getting eaten by daemons!
Now, I'm going back to Dwarf Fortress.


Don't let them claim credit. Have them be blamed for the problem so they have to move on.

What makes you think the day is saved once the bad guy is dead?

Once the bad guy is dead, they're usually busy dealing with the aftermath and all the mess that was caused bringing him down.

It was half the thread at the time I posted that, retard.

What's up with her legs?

I think her bottom half is snake, or something.

It was from the part where Mat and Pat are discussing what type of Mer person you would want to have sex with. Top human and bottom fish, or top fish and bottom human.


Most older people I've met are super pissed about forced retirement and attempt to do as much work as they can still.

The text in both is pretty terrible.

Also, I've never been in a finished campaign, so I wouldn't know.

Same here. Mostly because state pension does not keep up with the inflation, so it's either working past retirement age or living on a pittance.

Why are you desperate for attention you fucking weirdo? Mid-life crisis much?
Calm down because nobody cares.

Magda was raised by farmers.
Magda never left green brook.
Magda was a hardy woman. Square shouldered, broad, healthy. She would have been a good fighter.
Magda was a farmer.

Every day she tilled the field with her ox.
She hated the field. She hated the ox. She hated tilling. She hated her life. She hated the lord she paid tithes too. She hated the church that preached farming was the only thing she should do.

Magdas neighbor, however liked her ox. Liked her field. Liked her till. Liked her land.

So magdas neighbor called her a witch.

Magda wasn't a pretty woman and dumber women could have guessed where she would have ended up.

Found guilty, pelted with filth, hung, then in a gibbot.

But Magda was a hardy woman. She was square shouldered, broad, healthy. And so late one night she broke apart her plow and made a metal shield to go with the old, weathered axe she used to fell branches, let her ox go free, shooed away her chickens and set off on the road.

It's been 13 years and so many lands. She's been Magda the green, Magda the lost, Magda the Pirate, Magda the queens guard. But Magda never stuck to one place for very long.

Undead, dragons, elven godkings, forgotten monsters, foul demons, metal men, savage orcs and many more have brought her close to death, but in the end she and her band of warriors have always triumphed. Hell, somewhere out there she has a daughter, left with the priestesses of urd. She'd be a young woman now..So very far away. Magda thought about her often. But Magda can't go back now.

Magda will stop when she dies.

The long text makes it better because she's building up how much she wants to get fucked

Then Leon calls her a fag

Magda should fucking kill herself, and so should her player.

Was plague the original artist? I feel like this image has been around for at least 5 years but maybe I'm wrong.

>start families
I always play female characters that end up getting enough trauma to their midsections to put them in "no babies for you" territory.
So when they retire they open up a library, an orphanage or a brothel depending on their race&class.

Why? That sounds like a cool character to me.

Ashley is great with her childish innocence, her big dumbo ears and her massive tits.