Excuse me Commissar, if wars can be decided the moment the Imperial Navy engages in space to repel an invasion or bombard entire enemy armies with destructive macro-cannons from low orbit, why doesn't the Holy Imperium dedicate more resources to the fleet of warships instead of the Imperial Guard?
Excuse me Commissar...
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What makes you think that the Imperium doesn't? It's Navy is fucking huge, and easily out number the guard.
I'm gonna need citation on navy being the biggest military force.
the chief honcho has a hardon for pointless ww1 trench warfare.
now stop asking stupid questions guardsman!
>chief honcho
It's the "head honcho".
Why do you niggers keep making these threads? Do you really need to repeat every joke ad nauseam?
Why do you need to answer every single one of them and complain about it?
>just ignore the cancer dude, it'll go away
Yeah, look how that worked out for /v/. Or /a/. Or the majority of other boards
Dude, racism in 2016? Are you serious ... back to /pol/ Drumpfkin
Still haven't actually answered the question.
Haha, what a funny and original thread, I've never seen this joke before
Because there's no such thing as an engineer anymore in the 40K setting, so they can't actually build ships.
You know they make them just for you, right?
You, the user who's seeing the (You) because you're still lurking in this thread that you claim to despise.
They make these threads because you have turned yourself into a lolcow.
Why not though? You would think in the future people would focus on that kind of thing.
Is there an explanation for that? Seriously asking.
user, user, user, you're so naive.
The buttflustered guy IS the guy who is spamming all the "Excuse me Commissar" threads. Then he samefags and rants about them, to keep them going forever.
It's a brilliant system, actually.
Because, by and large, the 'resources' that the Imperium dedicates to the Guard is people which is it's most abundant resource. Ships, however, require much more effort to produce en masse. Also, bombing a planet from orbit is a way to destroy the planet and everything on it, not to (re)take it so that the resources and infrastructure is maintained.
There was an AI uprising a few thousand years ago, and everyone was so traumatized by it that it was made illegal to actually study technology (ignore the fact that this is the absolute stupidest response to technology turning evil possible, it was written back when 40K was a satire and wasn't meant to be taken seriously). Modern Imperium "engineering" is done entirely by rote with no understanding of the fundamental processes that underlie it, so they can repair and maintain but never actually create. Should there happen to be any surviving factories for the parts to make starships, they can in theory assemble new ships from those parts. But if those factories ever fail they're fucked, because they don't have the understanding needed to design new factories. This means that most Imperial starships in 40K are thousands of years old, and the supply is slowly but constantly dwindling. They started out with a huge amount, so it doesn't look like they're running out, but eventually they will. If nothing else kills the Imperium, just the fact that they won't be able to travel between star systems will eventually render it into a number of disconnected polities isolated to individual worlds.
>not to (re)take it so that the resources and infrastructure is maintained.
I almost believed you, but this is wrong. Just think about it.
Fuck, man, are the Adeptus Mechanidumbs really this incompetent?
Oh, i see. never actually cared to look into 40k (miniature collection isn't my thing, but i don't judge).
If they had another reason for being unable to manage the technology this setting would be pretty god damn solid.
When you said:
>the supply is slowly but constantly dwindling
it kinda sold me on at least scooping the RPG game to get a basic idea
Where should i start? The Codex or something?
They made it illegal to create AI, not study technology. Also, pic related
>Because there's no such thing as an engineer anymore in the 40K setting, so they can't actually build ships.
nigger what
They build ships all the fucking time. Feral worlds can produce ships with someone holding their hands.
Don't listen to him, he's just pulling that steaming pile of shit out of his ass. The Imperium builds ships fucking constantly because, guess what? They're fucking important to maintaining an Empire. Also, "Not allowed to reasearch technology"? Another steaming pile of shit. There's new tech being researched all the time by the Admech. Key portion here being, "by the Admech." See, while it IS illegal to research new tech, it's only illegal to Joe Nobody on Bumfuck Nowhere-III, who might acidentally summon a fucking demon while trying to improve his shit-tier tractor. The Admech on the other hand are, and have been, researching shit all the time. It's just that they're painfully slow about it due to aforementioned deamon summoning by Joe Nobody.
This is my favourite Veeky Forums meme just because of how mad it makes half of you.
What the ask a question guy? Or the inaccurate admech are absolutely retarded meme?
Repeat after me, because it is the answer to literally every question of of inconsistency or nonsense in the 40k universe
>because it's grimmer and derpier that way, and literally nothing in the 40k universe can be justified beyond that.
I agree.
I always imagine this guy snorting inside his helmet
>Excuse me Commissar, if wars can be decided the moment the air force engages to repel an invasion or bombard entire enemy armies, why doesn't the country dedicate more resources to the air force instead of the army?
>--Baron von Evilsatan
Hah, so that's why it reminded me of him! The first time 40k ever sounded non-retarded to me was when he was talking about this subject years ago. His take on Mars in 40k also has been making me think ever since that it would make for a great scifi ODnDish/roguelikeish dungeon diving setting.
Also because overall their dogma says that everyone who came before is right and you should just try to make their stuff instead of making your own. It also enforces that ritual is incredibly important, and so there are a lot of rules tying up the modification of technology because you have to preserve the sanctity. Which you usually can't, because you would have to go against the knowledge of the ancients who are supposed to be infallible.
This leads to them spending way more time cataloging and searching for old stuff. The Imperium is slowly regressing because the Machine Cult doesn't research faster than their archives become corrupted or they lose old technology to reverse engineer. They also have progressively lost world's with the machinery capable of manufacturing old stuff.
A lot of tanks, most large war ships, and a decent number of infantry scale weapons have been completely lost since the Great Crusade because the Mechanicus forgot how to make the machines that made them or weren't able to figure out how they actually worked.
The Imperium as a whole is kinda like Russia at the outset of World War 2. They're at a serious loss of materiel, but have huge numbers of troops. A battle cruiser is a huge highly labour and resource intensive task. There aren't as many worlds as you'd think able to make fully equipped STC compliant ships and all of them are tied up making new ones. The Imperium still generally loses them faster than they can replace them though.
Imperial Guardsmen on the other hand can be farmed from literally any world that gives tithes to the Golden Throne. A set of flak armor and a las rifle costs less than a single bolt on a space ship, and there are a lot more worlds capable of constructing them too.
And not die in the glorious service of our Lord The God Emperor of Mankind? That, dear guardsman, is heresy
>why doesn't the country dedicate more resources to the air force instead of the army?
>DoD budget.txt
Wow this is some bad writing, a huge pile of assumptions and just a general lack of scale and understanding
Budged per force has never been published.
Also, the fleet can not be everywhere. Space is absurdly big.
Actually it's better than the current admech codex fluff.
And on line with existing fluff prior to codex "lolsorandumbXD".
even if there are only the same number of vessels as guard regiments, the navy outguns the IG by an order of magnitude
because taking a city intact is more valuable than taking its ashes, you Russian cunt
>achieve FTL transportation
>create interstellar civilization that rivals older Eldar civilization to a point that nobody wants to fuck which each other
>create sentient AI
>nobody knows the term "redundancy"
>put ALL your knowledge into data banks on Mars
>no servers on other planets, everybody loves high ping connection to Sol
>AI rebels, all is lost
>but it is not
>civilization survives, nobody starts to think about making backup and writing down what they know in case of another cataclysm
>hundreds years latter nobody cleaned Mars because why spare the effort?
>elfs fuck up, FTL goes down civilization collapses
Entire WH40K is based upon the fact that before the Fall there was no other centre of science or industry other than Mars, because if there were it would probably build it own Empire while Emps started his crusade.
It is all because nobody in last 10k years of dark age of technology could not be bothered with making proper archive.
Also something as big as Empire can spare funds on research without losing a war it just don't do it because. They wouldn't have to do it from start. There are for sure a lot of scientific information available, it may be fragmented but it is. They only have to fill in the blank spots.
Or knowing what they are looking for they can build it from zero, Tau needed less than 10k years to do it, without knowing what are they looking for and having far smaller population. Humanity if not being retarded should be able to do it faster.
>new janitor is protecting his forced meme spam thread
Yeah why don't we just turn every tank factory into a shipyard because that makes sense you fucking retard. The imperium makes ships. It makes a ton of ships. It also makes other shit because there's only so many ships you can build. They require different resources, different skills, different facilities, and different administrations.
>bumping a forced meme thread
What a fag.
Because we need those planets back dumbass
This is why asking stupid questions gets you shot,now quiet fool and go die for the emperor clearly its the purpose you were born to serve considering the stupidity of this question in the first place.
Because boots are cheaper than ships. Now get in the fucking bag.
There's a reason not a single Excuse Me thread in existence has ever asked a question that wasn't retarded.
It might have something to do with the fact that people with brains don't make Excuse Me threads.
"When will the artificial gravity be fixed?" was a great one. "How did you get this fat on the ration bars?" was also damn good.
Please, just fuck off, you retarded piece of shit.