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Previous Thread: How do you handle long distance travel? As a DM, how do you do random encounters for the days which your players are traveling? Assume that you're traveling on horses for several days.

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First for I fucking forgot the title

pls respond


My sorcerer homebrew is halfway done with the initial over buff phase.

I'm sorry I stayed up late last night trying to finish my campaign even though I have work early

I'm also at work posting from fone

Holy shit, why do you need confirmation, do what you gotta do.

I don't, I just can't tell if people are actually against 8 Int casters for some reason. I don't get it.

> people around me only go for big damage
> they rushed sharpshooter, GWM before maxing out their STR/DEX.
> miss their attack half of the time

Not 8 INT caster. 8 INT Wizard.

I think the discussion was actually spark from a guy playing Greatsword Sorcerer with
16 STR 14 DEX 16 CON 8 INT 8 WIS and 10 CHA though.

Some days ago, there was a discussion about magic systems, on the worldbuilding general, if I recall correctly.
In one of the mentioned magic systems, one drew mana from around you, and you have a max mana, e.g. 10, and then you have a max amount of mana you can draw each round, a percentage, like 25%, for example.
I quite like this system. Wizards don't blow their load on the first round and it also adds a more tactical perspective to magic (do you want to use a minor spell now or save the mana for later?).

Anyways, I'd like to convert this to 5e, and would like some help as I'm poor at balancing. (and pretty much everything else)
What do you think about a lvl 1 spell needs 2 mana , and each lvl 1 spell slot grants 2 mana?

Maybe max_mana = x9 + x8 +x7 + x6 + x5 ... with x being the amount of spell slots and the numbers the level of the spell slot. What do you think about this?

What 'drawing percentage' should be default? Should it be static? Should you be able to draw over your percentage or mana limit; what occurs if you do?

inb4 >shit system
just make it less shittier, then.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 called. They said you're alright.

Unrelated to your topic, but that image was the inspiration for a campaign I'm currently building and I thank you for dredging it back up.

I had forgotten I played that game.

Damn...I am getting old...

Yep, I know. Any ideas on the 5e conversion?

>How do you handle long distance travel? As a DM, how do you do random encounters for the days which your players are traveling? Assume that you're traveling on horses for several days.
Most of the time with longer travel i'll have a few encounters along the way for the first time and then fade to black on subsequent visits.

You start with 5 magic points capacity, and gain one capacity per level.

When you roll initiative you start with a number of actual points equal to your casting stat modifier. At the start of each of your turns you gain points equal to your casting stat modifier up to the max.

To cast a spell, you have to spend a number of points equal to the cost of the spell as shown in the dmg spellpoints alternate rules.

so the BBEG for my current adventure is a warlock who struck a deal with his patron who he has faithfully served to create a devastating plague in return for scores of mortal sacrifices

how do I make a good "boss fight" with a warlock BBEG?

What type of warlock?

Story time:

>Relatively new players I DM for, two of note:
>The Half-Elf Paladin, who has a non-magical spear he's upgraded that he loves dearly.
>The Human Druid, who loves rats, stalks women and is a racist.
>They barely escape a burning circus tent whilst fighting off Fire Geists and trying to save NPC's.
>Paladin stabs his spear into a wooden platform and ties a rope to it so people won't die dropping the 30ft to the ground.
>He's the last out, everybody gets clear, cheers all round.
>Druid is the only one with an action left.
>Paladin: Druid, pull the rope and recover my spear, you know how much it means to me and the structure is about to collapse!
>Druid, to DM: what race is Paladin?
>Me: Half Elf
>Druid: I cast Speak with Animals, and ask him what he's hollering about.
>Me: The circus tent collapses, your spear claimed by the flames and falling debris.
>Screaming all round.

That is retarded.

That is hilarious and retarded and fun.

Daily reminder Scourge Aasimar Sun Soul Monk is wonderful even with your stats slightly behind the curve.

He is suffused by the energies of his patron and warped into a magical behemoth befitting his patron's kind.
A Fiend Warlock turns into some hulking demon-thing,
A Fey Warlock becomes a crazy elf-like creature with plants growing out of it,
And a GOOlock's limbs become akin to tentacles as the rest of his body is shrouded in an unpierceable black void, but for the eeriely-glowing 'heart' at its center

Give it multiple turns in the initiative order but remove its ability to multiattack (or fire its full number of eldritch blasts). This keeps up the same damage output over a round, which should be enough to be a threat, but allows it to escape CC and whatever other dogpile-y tactics the party might use without resorting to "lol legendary resistance, you're just wasting your time until i'm out of charges and then i'm just boned like anything else"

>posting in wrong thread
I wish my internet would work and not make me wait 2 hours to work.

I assume it's only one level in barbarian.

It's fine metagame-wise if that's the case.

Dwarfs do it all the time, so it's perfectly acceptable that they do the same except making up for small size with dex.
Like a really annoying giant hornet.

Shield+rapier won't look awfully cool for him though.

twenty-fifth for kobold dragon-hunting party
session 1 boss is a lv3 fighter

just stand back and spam ranged

circle around him if he brings something for cover

If you're going to do this, only give it to sorcerer so it's a buff.

It's been talked about before. You'd have to limit high level spells, however.

Also, even if you had a level 9 spell, it'll probably not use more than 25% of your 'mana'.
Yet, a level 1 spell at level 1 will use 50% of your mana if converted normally.

just use spell points my man

But Speak with animals is an action. The druid still has object interaction left.

demons are to evil as angels are to good,
what title would give to the neutral creature that fits that similar archtype


Meh, maybe later.
Daeva? Nephilim?

I basically told him: you have enough time to do one thing.

It was in the middle of a huge chaotic exploding cinematic escape sequence, combat was over.

Wow, this is stupid on multiple levels.

Are you ok user

So you deliberately set up for the loss of PC item. It's a low blow.

I hope that you at least set him on a new quest to resurrect that spear.

He also allowed the other player to play a massive racist cunt that would gleefully fuck over another party member.


Is pretending to be racist against a pretend thing only pretend bad is it actually real bad?

is the mod team becoming senile?

He could easily have used an action to recover the spear - I thought he would desu. Instead he played to character and it was funny.

Do you remember laughter user?
Do you remember fun?

Trying-to-run-a-lighthouse-dungeon-user here, just watched the new Death Stranding trailer: and it's fucking great.
I've always wanted to include a great mass of black oil that seeps into creatures and parasitizes them, seeking more hosts; their organs and internal structures liquify.
It spreads its putrescence by literally weeping and oozing from every orifice, and tries to splash this onto other creatures.

It's bad. People might act like "they are okay" with it, but they will definitely be bother by it.

Give the paladin a magic item that let's him cast spiritual weapon a couple times a day that conjures a spear. Bonus points if you let him divine smite off his ghostly spear.

I remember when the golden rule of RPGs was not fucking over a party member for no reason.

sake, lads, afterwards he prayed at the temple and saw a spear that a legendary paladin used a dozen miles away in a cave beneath a waterfall.

> being juvenile racist is "fun" and worth a laugh
Now I'm worried about the environment that you grew up with user. Maybe you should seek help.

What's wrong with you?

His face when it's an exact but magical copy of his spear with strange time altering magic related phenomena around it and a faded mural of himself looking a bit older.

Did the user who lost his dear spear have fun with it? if no, fuck off

instead of going neutral, fill the archtype with lawful or chaotic entities

Justicars, Archons

>i literally cannot handle lighthearted banter in my dice rolling games
Ok user, thanks for joining

Yep. The kingsguard gave him a replacement without the upgrade after and he thought it was hilarious. We're all very good friends out of game.

It was going to be a straight upgrade because he's been very devout and his gods want to reward him but this could also be interesting af, thanks user

>stats slightly behind the curve
What did he mean with this?

I like sci-fi, mystery, horror in games, bro.

That's the problem user. You think racist is lighthearted. I won't start shouting "privilege white male" and stuff at you, but you should really know that there is something wrong with that sentence.

oh my god who the hell cares?

the game is built on math and assumptions about your math, user.

Fey. Titans. Modrons.

This thread got to a good start.

Keep doing what you're doing Iguess.

Oh Yeah because +1/2 would really chance that

So, as you might know, racism in fantasy is an age old trope. Dwarves stereotyping elves, elves thinking of everyone else as inferior and humans being humans. Guess what, it's Tolkien. Guess what else, sometimes it's fucking funny.

titan really fits in terms of the pop factor the word has, has recognition and feels as powerful as angel and demon sounds.

although i like fey as well, it just seems more subdued. And fey comes in alot of alignment flavors.

Modrons were fun to read about but they dont have that mythic power factor, at least to me

reckless attack is the shit

I'm not sure you're on the correct website bruh

What type of homebrew would you like to see more of?

Most common ones IMO:
> Class Archetypes that are way too specific
> Classes that are way to convoluted mechanically, and restrictive thematically
> Magic Items

Traps, riddles, puzzles. Cant get enough of them and I'm shit at coming up with them myself.

You're going to get people saying "fuck off, this isn't for you fetishy PF shits who want system bloat".

> "privilege white male"

Is reddit still down or something?


>playing to your character
Oh shit you triggered Veeky Forums user

I feel like those are universal enough to pull from literally EVERYWHERE else.

> Grimtooth's Traps
> Literal actual riddle books

D&D specific puzzles might be rarer / more specific, but also kind of fall into the above categories or are universal enough to be stolen from other games.

The Norns of Norse mythology fill that role pretty well. They were the most powerful creatures in the universe, but were either neutral or so high above humanity that their morality was inscrutable

If you're not mature enough to consider something that has had huge prevalence in history in the context of a piece of fiction, are you sure you're qualified to try and solve it in the real world?
user's story isn't glorifying it, merely displaying how it lead to interesting (and thereby fun) conflict between PCs in his game, and has further presented an opportunity for storytelling as the GM has given him a hook in the form of a new weapon.

Rules for horror adventures.
Haunts, scenarios, creatures.

>Paladins God gives him a thematically appropriate replacement spear for being selfless as fuck

Demogorgon user here, building a mega dungeon where each hall / floor is a shrine to other Demon Lords, and each one features of Champion of that Demon Lord. The idea is that every other Demon Lord pitched in to seal away old Demogorgon.

Suggestions on how to flesh that out, and trick the players into releasing it? How many is too many shrines (Was thinking 4~6)? The players are currently being guided by a sentient sword, which acts as a Key to the final "Lock/Seal".

Why the fuck are you shits still arguing about this?
Fuck off.

It can be stronger, but it has to be obvious that the spear is the same one he used

I'd say titans if you mean 'devils and demons in general'

Demons are not to evil what angels are to good. Devils are to evil what angels are, as they're both lawful hierarchy societies, only one is good and one is evil.

Modrons would fit in the 'devils-angels' part, except they're generally not powerful enough unless you put in low-ranking angels. Then again, there are plenty of low-ranking devils. I think modrons would work there.


Working on a Water Domain for clerics. How do these sound for domain spells?
>1st Create or Destroy Water, Fog Cloud^
>3rd Calm Emotions, Misty Step^
>5th Water Walk, Water Breathing^, Tidalwave*^
>7th Control Water, Freedom of Movement
>9th Maelstrom*^, Greater Restoration
Where * denotes EEPC spells and ^ is a spell not on the cleric spell list.
Which spell should I trim for 5th level? Can't decide on which of the three to keep.

I think titans feel best, its a neutral title in itself really, and it feels powerful

Trim Water Walk

And that was the day the angels and the devils all got together, had a picnic and declared 'Screw racism! We're going to stop fighting, eat, drink and be merry and nothing interesting will ever happen in D&D again.'
From that day fowards, no conflict ever happened and races all interbred until each had no special stats with regards to each other and were essentially all non-variant humans.

Everybody lived peacefully and happily ever after in their utopia, marxism was instated and players now must de-level themselves in order to not oppress the masses and they all became bakers without any special powers, and enjoyed their time contributing to healthy society.

add greater water control to control any liquid subtance that has any trace of water ie

found the powergamer, what do I win?

One (1) free sodomizing by no less than eight (8) ogres. Redeemable at your leisure before year's end.

I'm leaning towards this. It's unfortunate, I struggled to find thematic 2nd level spells, but all 3 of those are very fitting. But then the cleric could just prepare Water Walk from their spell list.
Why would a cleric of a benevolent ocean deity, or protector of a river, or shepherd in the desert be a bloodbender?

because its cool as fuck

In Planescape the planar creatures who were neither good nor evil (modrons, slaad, and rilmani) were known as cordians. It wasn't a term that came up much because you seldom need to refer to those three races at the same time.

Just play a Death Domain cleric and say it's Blood domain. Pretty sure damaging someone by rupturing their internals would count as necrotic anyways.

Because you're a faggot.

well I figure there arent any aligned classes, or any aligned abilities or spells. Its up to the user to decide how they use it and if its morally just according to them. I figure a bloodbending water domain cleric could use greater water control to perhaps alleviate a blood disease, or reduce swelling, pop zits, i wasnt limited the use of it to combat

water walk (water, mud and snow only, range of self) as ribbon-ish class feature
jesus wasn't giving free rides in the water

Why would a farmer even leave his farm to pick up adventuring?

>Given holy domain and power over the life giving ichor by the lord of the oceans which dominate our planet, the stuff which permeates the ground and the skies and our own bodies
>Use it to pop zits
Sounds EXACTLY like a thing a PC would do.

Haha, you're acting all defensive and shitting on everything. You're literally unwanted here.

>implying nothing bad ever happens to farms
>implying most farmers even own their own land and aren't completely at the mercy of their lords

> Hunting
> Fishing
> Working their asses of sun up until sun down
> Braving the elements
> Laboring with their hands day in and day out

Farmers are more of an adventurer than you'll ever be.