We all know certain factions such as the Inquisition, some Space Marines (Wolfs)...

We all know certain factions such as the Inquisition, some Space Marines (Wolfs), and Custodes will often recruit regular Guardsmen to serve alongside them in some mission, or as serfs, or even as full-blown members.

We also know the Deathwatch is the grimdark equivalent of the Delta Force, as in, several Space Marines from different chapters, cross-trained together to fullfill a special assignment (Spec-Ops).

What I want to know, and I have been searching all over for it, if is there any "Special Ops" regiment for the Imperial Guardsmen. I wonder if there is such a thing, how could I incorporate it into a game, and if such a thing would fit with the cannon. Spec-Ops as in: "There are Guardsmen from several different regiments, who performed excellently and survived situations not even a more speciallized agent could. Let's band them together and send them on dangerous assignments.".

I'm pretty sure this idea didn't originate from my head, I read something along those lines here before.

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Stormtroopers? Tempestus Scions? Inquisitorial Acolytes?

Yes, they are called acolytes.

Having Space Marines/Inquisitors/Assassins kinds of defeats the purpose of having a special unit of guardsmen, simply because any of the first ones would do a much better job than the latter. I mean, if you need a Hulk cleansed, send in the Deathwatch. If you need someone dead, send in an Assassin. If a relic needs recovering, send in the Inquisitor

A special group of Guardsmen would only take whatever mission is deemed too wastefull to deploy the Space Marines/Inquisitor/Assassins, but too risky to send in regular humans. But then again, the Imperium will usually fix those problems by throwing endless hordes of Guardsmen at that issue until it's resolved, or escalated to the point it warrants getting the special groups.

So I can't really see that happening. I can imagine exceptional Guardsmen would be drafted into the Inquisition or maybe the Imperial Assassins, or an really, really, really exceptional individual waking up to find himself being augmented to become a Custodes

well rulewise you can use imperial guard (astra militarum) veteran squads to give them an edge in abilities and equipment over normal guardsmen.

Lorewise some planets like Cadia have their own units, like kasrkin. Others have special formations (Armageddon Ork Hunters for example).

no lorewise stormtroopers are drawn from schola cadets therefore your normal guardsman cannot enter

I mean the following situation:

> Catachan Guardsman is the only survivor of his entire regiment. Sole survivor of a Nid invasion.
> Tempestus Scion sole survivor of a campaign agaisnt a Khornate raid
> Several other individual guardsmen who are sole survivors.
> "Let's band them together and send them on suicide missions."

There was this one IG regimanet they made by using the genes of all the imperium's greatest heroes. Can't remember if they're vat grown or inhected with the genes. Didn't really work out. They have pale skin and really creep out other regiments. They're above average but not much else.

A Kill Team? That's canonically a Deathwatch term, though.

you'd run into the situations I detailed above


This. Those guys get picked up by the inquisition and sent out to deal with xenos heretics and deamons.

>no lorewise stormtroopers are drawn from schola cadets
That's the Tempestus Militarum. Some planets have their own stormtroopers like the Cadian Kasrkin.

The closest thing in official lore is probably the Tempestus Scions. All scions are drawn from the Schola Progenium, but any 2 members of a scion squad are probably from different planets.

There arent specifically spec op regiments there are however regiments that can do the same stuff as spec ops. Elysians spring to mind. Cadians are also extremely professional and one of the best armies around.

If there is a specific task that needs to be completed then they can combine veteran regiments.

That's them. Speaking of stuff release by white dwarf, what are the guidelines for those? Can I still use those rules even if it was back in 5th edition?


My nigger. Also, don't forget the First and Only.

Did the faq still have the "sure, use outdated rules" A when it was published?

That's basically how Inquisitors find acolytes. They gather up all the on-off badasses and freak survivors they come across and use them as more competent grunt labor. Those that do particularly well might get promoted to Interrogator and eventually become an Inquisitor themselves.

I wonder what an Inquisitor from Krieg would be like

literally these guys

>Dat pic
Even in the year 40,000, humans still gesticulate when talking on the phone.

Isn't the 'special forces' of the regular guard basically just each regiment's grenadier battalion/company? Guard regiments seem to be pretty self-contained units and the expense of interstellar travel would make forming a special forces regiment drawing recruits for many different regiments very difficult.

I figure they seem to operate along vaguely Napoléonic lines, where each regiment has a light company for skirmishing and a grenadier company as shock troops, so the best men in any guard regiment end up in their grenadier company, get better training, rations and equipment and get picked for all the shit jobs that involve kicking down the front door of a suspected genestealer cult HQ.

Blam them. Sole survivor my ass. Too suspicious.

Inquisitors often seem to be 'unique' individuals, very driven and charismatic, often mavericks or exceptional in many ways.

I don't think Krieg could produce someone like that. They'd probably be executed for moral deviancy at a very young age for daring to think outside the box during a training exercise.

He'd have to survive a long time to become an Inquisitor. Kriegers aren't especially good at self-preservation, nor are they the kinds of independent free-thinkers who survive in that kind of environment.

This too be honest.

He's an engineer of war in the finest of ways. He's not about hatred, though he does hate. He's nit about eastong lives, but he does spend them. He's the only puritan who will stay monodominant puritan his entire career. You might see him on the battlefieldn but a life in the inquisition that while his life may be spent, it certainly does have value above the average trooper. His acolytes are chosen for their devotion, and they all know they may will eventually be sent to their deaths by him.

Man I laughed a lot because of this comment, I don't even know why. I was just picturing the situation and it was too funny. Good for a short story

>Good for a short story
Isn't that par of the course in the Imperium? Oh, you guys survived the war against those chaos cultists? Well, good job, now why don't you line up before that concrete wall over there, yeah? So, you served in the inquisitorial stormtroopers and your squad was wiped out by some xenos monstrosity? Why don't you relax a little in that incinera- I mean restroom over there? Kind of like that

Rainbow 6 Imperial Guard when?

>The best of the best from each IG regiment is recruited

>By the books Karsikin
>Comedic relief Catachan with an explosives fetish
>Mechanical whizz Steel Legionnaire
>Prim and proper Praetorian
>Deadpan Korpsman medic

Isn't that just the dirty dozen in space though? That's really not quite the same as op's question.

If they ever fix the Scion lore then id see them being tacticool operator role

>Rag tag light infantry regiment
>Regularly kill Space Marines, Blood pact, and chaos dreadnoughts
How the fuck would Abnett write Cadians?

>guardsmen who are either questionable survivors or convicted of offences, with skills that mean they aren't immediately shot
a penal legion is basically the only scenario in the guard where you'd get a mixed-regiment commando unit

There's always inquisitorial gangs, but those are the low hanging fruit.

You forget how one guy knew the space irish kung fu of using a knife taped onto the end of a fucking stick

To be fair, it was a good sized knife. Furthermore one should never underestimate Irish ninjas.

Redemption Corps is about an elite stormtrooper unit that draws from various sources, including schola cadets and veteran troopers. There is mention of a mordian, a valhalan, and an elysian, among others as members of the unit.

If nothing else, the book proves the aRainbow 6-esque Imperial Guard units exist in the cannon (though the book was written before stormtroopers were called tempestus scions).

Huh interesting

I hope they continue on this one day

>if is there any "Special Ops" regiment for the Imperial Guardsmen.

Stormtrooper regiments, most worlds have their own version of grizzled veterans or a cadre of excellent soldiers trained to the peak of their condition and given the best they can be given. Cadia has the Kasrkin, Scholas make Scions, Catachan makes Catachan Devils, Elysians have the D-99 and you can make up your own regiment of Spec-Ops because the precedent for Stormtrooper equivalents in any Imperial Guard army is there.

Really wish they made scions these super black ops IG would honestly make the lore a bit better

old and new storm trooper lore was always lacking

Unless you had a Krueger who had this mindset and played the very, very, very long game.

Theres a bit of a difference there.
Scions Stormtroopers are secret squirrel Schola soldiers.

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers are the same.

Imperial Guard 'Stormtroopers' or 'Grenadiers' typically exist based on the doctrine of the Guard planet, ranging from Korps Grenadiers to Kasrkins to Devil Squads. They're not the same as Veterans.

D-99 isn't one of those, it's the remnants of a formation that's been seconded to the Inquisition and had a bunch of genetic enhancement, no longer inder Elysian command. so in terms of being ragged survivors pressganged into Inquisitorial service, they're the closest.

Lore does state that many Inquisitors draw their retinues or warbands from hardened survivors and remarkable individuals tho, so I rly don't see why an all-guardsman warband wouldn't fit.

No, Schaeffer recruits hundreds or even thousands of convicts, and drags them through war zones until only the best of the best (of the worst) are left alive, and then he hand picks from that group the members he needs for the real mission.

Inquisitorial Acolytes, Stormtroopers and some cases of Guard Veterans could be called SpecOps. As for entire regiments you have stuff like the Elysian Droop Troopers and Cadian Karskins who take on a more elite role but your best bet would be Stormtroopers. One could also make the argument that Arbites are kinda SpecOps like but they're a bit more like SWAT in that they're cops.