Elves are Wind

>Elves are Wind
>Dwarves are Earth

Who's Water and Fire?

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Merfolk for the first
My mixtape for the second

Elves are water, though.

Humans are fire, Prometheus and all that.
Dunno about water though.

>Greek Myth

Humans are Earth, made from clay originally, and then later from stone.
Humans are Wind, animated by breath.

Humans and Orcs are Fire, while Elves can be either Air or Water without issue. Gnomes are also Earth.

If Elves are Water, Halflings are Air.
If Elves are Air, Lizardfolk are Water.

>Mesopotamian myth
user pls, fire is what defined humans as a species without fire we are nothing.

Humans are all fucking four

And heart


Humanity's hallmark is our adaptability and ambition; Humans are water. You pour water into anything and it fits, same thing with humans.

Also I'd think elves would be wood, not wind.

So it's
>Elves Wood
>Dwarves Metal
>Humans Water
>Teiflings Fire
>Hobbits Earth

Other races aren't people, or are at best half-people.

This desu

over 60% of human body is water.

water is really just oxygen and hydrogen tho which is air, and fire is also gasses that are entering in an exothermic chemical reaction, so fire is air too. 6% of the human body is elements that could be considered part of earth minerals and metals +18% is carbon also could be considered earth.

That's not an element

>Who's Water, Fire, Wood and Metal?

I say Elves are Wood. And dorfs are Metal. Which leaves Fire, Earth and Water up for taking.

Oh, so it's already adressed. Cool

humans, hobbits and merfolk

>light-framed, adept archers with keen hearing who idolize freedom and being outdoors

I think that's pretty wind there, mate.

>Wood, Metal, Fire, Earth, Water
>Not Sky, Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water Mountain, Earth

Humans are water. They spread evenly everywhere and are overwhelming, but also flexible, light or tough under certain conditions.

Humans could also be fire, short lived, but their entire life is violent and energetic and always leave long living embers after you put them out. That or orcs are fire because of WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!

Humans are water, the water representing their adaptability that tabletop RPGs like to emphasize.

Orcs are fire. temperamental, violent, destructive.

Humans are water. Many human civilizations begin and end next to bodies of water.

Humans are fire, short lived but powerful driven by their motivation they are spark that engulfs and changes the world.

>Elves are Earth, nestled among the trees and boughs.
>Dwarves are Air, high on their mountain peaks and gryhpon mounts.

Other than that,
>The seas team with life, but in this realm the amphibeous lizardfolk know the water's ebb and flow best. They know when to slink in the currents, and when to swim against the tide, and how best to thrive in the rise and fall of the flood waters.

>The bird folk on the highest spire, though one would first think they owe allegiance to the wind on which they soar, truly understand and worship the sun. Their colder climes would kill them without its warmth, and their mirrored fortress turns foes away with the burning glare of the sun itself, directed, refocused, and empowered by their understanding of the burning lights above. Those who dare stand against them do so only from the shadows and darkness below, or on the night of the new moons; starlight alone might not turn back an army, but it is more than enough for those ill prepared to strike up against the avian lords of the sky.

Humans are also likely to utilize fire and fire based weapons more than other races. Though Dwarves do that too given that they often work with smelting, do smithing and wield firearms just like humans.


Humans are water, earth, air, and fire united.

All other races typify one element only.

Goblins are fire.
Humans are water, sailors and all.
Its canon.

Fuck off hfyfag.

humans are water because they're 70% of everything. Orcs are fire cause that's all they fucking do.

>Orcs are fire cause that's all they fucking do.
Get fired?

You're both wrong.

Elves have their own cycle, among the different subraces. Your high elves are wind, flighty and impulsive and stuck up as fuck. Wood elves and dark elves are both earth -- really just the same subrace in two different earth-heavy environments, the dökkálfar, or "dusky elves" (so named because earth is a dark-colored element, and their high affinity for it turns their skin a darker hue). Then you've got the seafaring elves, which of course align with water, and the nomadic elves, whose warlike tendencies clearly evidence an affinity for fire.

Then among the other major races, dwarves are of course earth. Halflings are air, being pretty much the sanguine temperament personified. Merfolk, naturally, are water. And orcs are fire.

Trolls are water.

I don't recall OP mentioning Chinese elements so cool your jets, pedant.


Also Djinn/Efreet

Just like water, humans can fuck absolutely any species out there and produce offspring.

It's that all lakes and oceans are known for.

Humans are Water; fickle, prone to change, not worth much on their own, but more than willing to crash down on their enemies with the force of numbers, wearing them down over time.

Humans are water, fitting and changing like water, dissolving others into half-breeds
Orcs are fire because.

Orcs are fire, as it's the elemelnt associated to aggressiveness, war and destruction
Humans are water as they adapt to every environment, like water takes the shape of his container and they flow everywhere


Holy shit, how did I miss that?

Humans are obviously fire as we are destructive consumers.

don't forget 80% of the humanity lives by the coast

The coast is the human racial terrain like forest for elves and a filthy stinking pit in the ground for dorfs.

>filthy stinking pit
Someone doesn't know about some caves having microclimates.

>Not plant, water, fire, ground, rock, dragon, steel, fairy, normal, bug, flying, electric, dark, ghost, ice, poison, psychic, fighting and whatever else I forgot.

>Elves are aether
>Dwarfs are earth
>Humies are water
>Dragons are air + water

>Western 4 elements

Elves/Fey are tied to the land so they are Earth.

Dwarves are Fire cause muh forge/also they are dark elves in norse myth and reside in a ''realm of icy flames''.

Orcs are insubstantial and destructive so Wind.

Humans are water cause unpredictable and adaptable.

>Chinese 5 elemets

Everyone has 4 elements and one that they don't have except humans get them all.

>Orc don't get Earth (they can't into clay)
>Elves don't get Fire cause they innately despise destruction
>Dwarves can't into Wood cause they are little shits who live underground.

no brother we are not because we dominate them all,we are not a element we use the elements to our benefit

Actually, humanity is wood, if you know what I mean.

grass not plant but other than that you got them all

unless you count "???" or bird

>not counting fug type

user, the aquatic ape hypothesis is discredited.

>Not wind, rain, shadow, wood, sword, thunder, power, sleep

>elves are water
>orks are fire
>humans are the Avatar

>not earth, water, fire, wind, lightning, star, vacuum, light, darkness, void