What's the closest to Magical Realm territory you've treaded in a non-erotic tabletop game?

What's the closest to Magical Realm territory you've treaded in a non-erotic tabletop game?

Infested Terrans in a starcraft game.

I made a tomboy character.

In another game, I had a GM and another player joke about that player's character being gay for my paladin. It made me uncomfortable, and not in a 'stoppit boner' sort of way.

Had a closet vorefag in one of my games once. He got really bummed when a purple wyrm failed to grapple and swallow his character.

Other than that, I usually stay away from most things that are part of my players magical realm.

My horror elements tend to be body horror and gross out stuff.

99% sure it's a fetish to some in my group. I fear I trained them to like it.

My group determined that air genasi can get pregnant from farts.

OP here. The most magical realm I've gotten was with a character that was extremely body-horror focused. They were essentially The Thing ability wise, and I literally flipped a coin to determine the gender of the first human form they would appear in, which ended up being female. But then there was an ultra-strict Templar in the party, so my character couldn't reveal their abominable nature, and was sort of stuck in the sexy rogue lady form, which combined with the extremely graphic bodily nature of the character, based on deception and entrapment, and a lot of carnal tension and a general uncomfortableness, meant things got a little closer to my personal fetishes than I anticipated.

I mean, it worked though. There was a lot of very sexually charged imagery and innuendo in the character, but in a very H R Geiger, horror movie-esque way. It dances on the border of seductive and disgusting, titillating and terrifying.

In a Dresden Files game, I went at one point with a half Naagloshi - semi-divine shapeshifters that are evil to the core for those who haven't read the books - and the big thing was that, mechanically, my character gave up a little power for a shitload of versatility, as she could essentiall shapeshift into anything she wanted to pretend to be.

The first comment I got about her was that she could have tits as big as she wanted without any problems. I wasn't really sure how to respond to that, but her being incredible in the bedroom became something of a running joke.

Are you saying you were a warwilf?

That zerg's got some great bubble butt going on.

Foot/muscle girl fetish I injected it when one player was playing a female Catachan who lost her boots somehow when we crashed landed in a Valkyrie so throughout the entire mission she had to struggle being barefoot in a warzone like getting cuts or having the bandage her feet.

I've always wondered how a character that was effectively the Thing with a conscience would pan out as a playable character race. I mean, it would be like being a changeling, except you instinctively see other people as food while consciously knowing otherwise. Reminds me of that Happy Meals on legs quote from Buffy.
It might justify your adventuring, too- find a legal (if not moral) way of sustaining your need for 'food' to imitate.

Well that doesn't surprise me. Zerg ARE known for their great asses.

My dick, user.

I... don't follow?

MST3K 903 - Werewolf

Wait, no, 904.

Well, I can explain the way I handled it, but I'll have to go into backstory a bit, but I'll try and keep it brief

So basically the background of the character, hundreds of years ago a group of cultists who worshipped the flesh went about trying to create a god, their god, a god of flesh and meat, of physical life. They basically transmuted a fuck ton of animals together, including one of their children, and created this amorphous monstrosity. The idea was that this new thing would consume all other life, incorporate their flesh into itself, and achieve godhood. But the creature, with little bits and pieces of memory of the lifeforms that had gone into it, lashed out at the cultists, killing them without integrating them.

So from that point on, this monster more or less goes into hiding, assuming the forms of humans, animals, anything. Getting involved in the personal affairs of various groups, more out of boredom and curiosity than anything, as well as an intrinsic desire to belong and relate to a society. But the creature's inherently other, and from it's perspective, a higher being. It is the amalgamation of countless lives, the embodiment of life itself. So it's gone around disguising itself amongst humans, wolves, dwarves, ants, spiders, fish, birds, sometimes just being solitary, sometimes playing a role in a society, sometimes just on it's own.

This would sort of repeat in a cycle of detached curiosity, from the point of view of being a pseudo-god interacting with lesser beings, then the instincts and urges of the life forms that make it up take over, and it starts to get emotionally caught up in it's fake identity, gets emotionally attached, and then starts to feel guilt. Part of it relates to these people around it, and sees itself as one of them, and that part sees the part of itself that's a horrible monster and is just leading these people along, people who would hate and fear it if they knew it's true nature, so it normally ends poorly.

That explains why i didn't get it. I haven't watched MST3K

As for eating and whatnot, I definitely didn't play the character as unwilling to eat people, but that's not to say completely detached either. The party was certainly not above killing, the world of the campaign was a pretty fucked up place, absolutely riddled with cultists and monsters and general unpleasant shit. Actually my first session, my character absolutely tore apart, terrified, and devoured a group of cultists that were kicking my parties asses, which ended up creating this situation where most of the party was honestly terrified of them themselves, except for the one Templar dude who remained oblivious.

Eventually the rest of the party started to be slowly won over, trusting the character despite being an abomination that ate people alive and otherwise committed truly terrifying body horror shit, and the Templar ended up falling in love with the human guise. This culminated in a session where they were in some weird magic pocket-dimension trap where some creepy mask queen was trying to find a marriage partner. Tensions came to a head, my character realized just how serious the Templar had gotten, how hurt he would be when he really didn't deserve it, how this could fuck up the party as a whole, and ended up convincing the others to leave while staying in the pocket dimension with the creepy queen hypnotist magic lady.

Though I'm a bit sad we didn't get to see Templar/Abomination romance proper. Though I admit, having another PC in love with mine felt pretty weird, that definitely wasn't my idea, and I don't know if I would have liked going through with it, but I admit from a narrative perspective it worked really well.

Werewolf has a werewolf that's supposedly a yee naaldlooshi (or however you want to spell it), and a Polish woman who can't pronounce 'werewolf'. Google 'Paul, you is a warwilf' if you want to hear her try.

The party met an alchemist who figured out how to create life. His first and most wonderful creation that he brought to show was his family, which included a wife and a daughter.

Someone asked which was which.

Poles don't have "werewolf" they have "wukodlak"

While, as a little bit of a footfag myself I admit, while not full magical realm, this definitely dips it's toes into that territory. But at the same time, that set up could be a pretty good source of comic relief, and add an interesting angle to a mission/battle.

If I'm reading this right, and they were both alchemic creations of him, wouldn't they technically be both?

wait shit no, an alchemically created daughter wouldn't be his wife, no, why did I think that.

But if he created a wife for himself through alchemy, wouldn't she technically be his daughter as well though is my point?

I mean, techinically.

Consider, though, what would prompt the question in the first place.

If it helps, I'm not a footfag and I'd have done the same thing if someone lost their boots in the wilderness. Shit hurts

References to children being enslaved and subject to unpleasant things.

This is actually something I run into a lot when planning settings/stories.

Like, not necessarily this specifically, but stuff like this. Sometimes when I'm making settings, particularly based on historical settings, which I do a lot, you run into things like slavery and harems and prostitution and eunuchs and child exploitation and all of that stuff that was so common. And not every setting based on something historical needs to feature that stuff, but a lot of the time I want to make a more gritty and truthful, while still fantastical, setting, and want to include the darker aspects of history. But it can be hard to draw the line at what your party would be comfortable with.

How would your party react to rape? Is your party cool with slavery being a thing in your setting? And not some big evil force to be fought, just as an ambient thing that's everywhere and widely practiced? How about sex slavory? Child slavory? Most aren't willing to deal with child sex slavory, even though that was pretty common throughout history. But where do you draw the line at child? What's considered underage today, or then? Will your group be comfortable with 14 year old prostitutes and harem members? How about 12 years old?

There's not a hardline right answer, it's whatever your group's comfortable with, but it's something I often run into as a roadblock, because I'm never exactly sure where my parties would draw the line, and it's always better to play it safe with stuff like this. I know that I'm personally much more okay with it than most players and GMs are, I'm too much of a history nerd to not have a stomach for that sort of thing, but I respect that others aren't, but they're all at different levels, and it's really hard to find where.

Oh that's easy. Just imagine a world free of suffering.

I had a mags that worked flesh into runic magic powered abominations. Most where just single-purpose creatures, some were more complex like town guards made from deer instead of entirely hand crafted.

The thing that got magic realm was the female he turned into a flesh generation machine in the basement that got so intertwined with the building and so large she sort of was spread out all over the walls of this dungeon and even the doors were fleshy bits. Then her "main" body was a blubbery mess chained to a bed complete with sores and shit from not moving and not being well taken care of.

There were also attractive women combined with feline features that worked as his servants and maids and cooks. They were not used for concubines or anything, but they were there just to play on cat-girls and to make the one furry-leaning player uncomfortable.

I played a kitsune once. That was fun. My magical realms are pretty tame in a fantasy world. I like being a condescending dick and tricking people to do stupid things.

I have never inched any amount of magical realm into my games and neither have any of my players

I have a blessed gaming existence

So far, it has not gone farther than "Playing someone I've found attractive."
No shenanigans involving shrinking or growing or giants or pixies or shapeshifting or polymorhping...despite having (very briefly) played a halfling and having DMed for a couple changelings, absolutely nothing has come close to tickling the ol' funny bone yet.
I still have a heavy leaning towards playing characters I find fuckable, though any time I wind up actually being able to play for an extended time I wind up with someone who isn't. They're still fun to play, but lack that extra dimension.

I sort of left out how I was playing an Elysian medic who got to bandage her feet

I don't get very many chances to play any TTRPG, so when I do I get really excited to play. My most recent game I decided to play a bard (pathfinder) inspired by Indiana Jones. So, of course, I used a whip. Now, I always play humans, so I switched it up and played a half orc, because they get extra rounds of bardic music a day. I finish my character and decide to change one more thing from how I usually play. I make my bard female. So now I'm playing a female half orc bard who uses a whip. Who frequently forgets is a female, so acts like a man most of the time.

Not really my thing but I can respect how hot that is to the right person.

Personally though, I can relate to making a character, and slowly having them transform into something magical realmsy by accident, I've had that happen.

Is it weird, that as a DM I don't care about magical realm characters as long as it doesn't dominate the game? I've had players make characters I'm fairly sure fell within their magical realm, that turned out to be great characters.

Am I alone in this?

Had a player sever a woman's spinal cord while she was unconscious.

She was a River Tam ripoff Npc who was leading a group of bandits occupying a ruined hospital in a post apocalyptic game. They defeated her and instead of killing her or holding her prisoner one player severed her spinal cord.

They threw her in the back of a truck then later put her on a wheelchair. One of the other characters took care of her, pushed her around, cleaned up after her. She played the helpless innocent teen girl,card for the time being but she is plotting revenge. Even after the character who crippled her gave her a folded note saying he was sorry for what he did to her (???)

They did keep her alive at risk to themselves, and fought to keep her out of the hands of a Jonestown cult that wanted to use her subtle psychic powers to help resummon their god.

They brought her back to their village and found out she is dying from a spinal infection. Now said character wants to save her, even though "only a miracle,could save her now" (not sure if any of them,picked up on the meaning behind that statement). But he also had planned to give her a "new life" in the village. As a crippled girl who can't do physical,work and is a huge burden in a world,without any labor surplus to speak of. Yeah....

The thing is I really doubt the guy was going to use her as a rape slave.he just ain't that type,of person. But at the same time, I feel like if the bandit leader had been a man, he wouldn't have done the same thing.

you're definitely not alone. It's part of human psychology to create characters that appeal to them in some way; a lot of the time, that appeal is sexual.

but, it's like a girl with huge tits. As long as she's not rubbing people's faces in them, it's not disrupting things, and that means it's fine that it happens to be there. People enjoy themselves with the situation, people have fun, and life goes on. It's the people that mock others for magical realm stuff, or conversely try to rub other people's noses in said magical realm that create a problem.

Nah. Characters can be great despite falling within people's magical realms, and if handled well, sexuality can really add to a character. You just have to make sure you're not making other people at the table uncomfortable, and the sexuality should be an aspect that adds to the character, not the point of the character.

It's when something happens only for titillation that it's weird and obnoxious.

I see your point.

If it had been with a man I think it would have been much more played off for comic relief, the captive being furious at them, but helpless to stop them, and being lugged around like cargo.

A sexy enchantress eating out a succubus to establish dominance or something.


>Tfw despite a million different fetishes, the only one I care about at the game table isInteracting with the game through my character actions and my imagination

This is actually worse than the typical magical realm because I often end up unintentionally hogging the spotlight because I'm the only guy who actually cares about exploring the streets of generic town [x] or seeing what would happen if I tried to solve a non-problem creatively and see what I can get away with doing. I wish it was possible to play these sorts of games without imposing upon other people who clearly don't share my interests.

Every fetishfag says that about their particular fetish.
>bare feet are comedic/innocent!
>a caste of exclusively prepubescent male sex slaves dressed as women just flesh out the setting!
>getting swallowed alive by giant monster women just enhances the danger!
>the girlcock adds character!

He's not wrong though, it could add to that angle.

As long as it doesn't piss off the group, it can be a good thing. Because the players are making a character they actually care about, and if they have a lick of sense, they'll try to make them work with the world.

And it never, ever does when fetishfags are involved.

Just ask Dan Schneider

The trick is that the differentiation between fetishfags and normal players, who do in fact have fetishes and likely try inserting them quietly without pushing them onto other people.

Having a character you find sexy isn't an issue. It's the disruption of making other people aware that it's your fetish that causes the problems.


>Be DM
>4 players.
>2 girls, 2 guys
>In order, cute girl with daddy issues, fat girl who likes tumblr shit, Lit major friend, younger guy who thinks he's soooo fucking funny.
>"funny" guy plays womanizer, constantly using terrible innuendo. Very close to what he actually is in real life.
>At bar in game
>Sexy robot bartender with great big silicone jugs
>"I wanna fuck it!"
>"It doesn't have a lower body, it's a torso on an articulated robotic arm."
>"Yeah, well, I wanna fuck [Cute girl's name]. You can't always get what you want."

Funny thing is that I ended up actually getting what I wanted. And regretting it.

My Ventrue was fucked by a Nosferatu. GM really took his time with Seductive Beasr lashing out.

I've honestly wondered if that's a good way to get out of getting your soul taken.

>>a caste of exclusively prepubescent male sex slaves dressed as women just flesh out the setting!
That's hot though, and it gives my character a reason to join whatever funky ass cult or backwards desert culture this stuff comes from.

>have fetishes and likely try inserting them quietly
That's a fetishfag

In that case, you're the asshole for dragging them into the open. Pull your head out of your ass.

What system was this? Body horror monstrosities are my non sexual but sometimes sexual fetish

You're the one putting your sexual deviances on full display and trying to call it character depth, you self-absorbed freak.

Actually, I'm not. I never said anything of the sort. I've never claimed that sort of thing is character depth, if you go back through the post chain. Also, ad hominem.

It's not as interesting as it sounds and desu I Alt tabbed out for most of that session and was mostly just annoyed that they didn't take it to PMs or the forums

I have many fetishes, but most of them would be far too obvious to put in my games. The times I've been close are:
>I had a female Orc gladiator challenge the PCs to combat, because I like stronk girls.
>I had a crazy rogue lady attack the party because her evil boyfriend told her to. I like... damaged goods I guess.
>A friendly deaf half-elf is a recurring character and one of the PCs wants to hook up with her.

I've only once been called out for Magical Realm shenanigans, because I had a bad guy that owned a harem of women, all of which were pregnant. That actually isn't one of my fetishes, I just put it in the game to shock the players and add drama.

dungeon world. I know.

The class is 'metamorph' if you can find it. Fun class.

and *DESU* I

You're defending the practice of subjecting others to your private sexual perversions because "it's okay if it's done on the sly", which is a skeevy as fuck thing to do that shows your utter disrespect of everyone around as you attempt to force them to play out your private fantasies.
>muh ad hominem!
That only applies if my insult IS my argument rather than an addendum to it, reddit-kun.

what fresh hell is this

Oh what am I thinking, I just remembered I have the pdf saved.

Never looked at that system. Time to remedy that. Thanks, man

You know what? Keep making friction in your gaming groups. I'm sure everybody appreciates you doing that when you could instead be enjoying the game and basically just letting people have their own fun too.

But here and now, we've both said our piece, and I don't really have anything to add, aside from that you misunderstand the fallacy, as well as evidently your own post.

I hope you have a good night, user. i won't be responding to you further on this topic.

I really like some bioweapon type things, characters that fight with corruptions of their bodies, sort of. Crona from Soul Eater, Nightmare's arm from Soul Calibur, Symbiotes, Parasites from Skullgirls... But it's more of a "cool" obsession, a childlike appreciation for it just because it's "AWESOME!"

I'm currently playing what is basically a loli?

I didn't even realise I was doing this until another player brought it up. I'm playing a 16 year old merfolk sorceress that is 5'0" (maybe a little tall for a loli?) while fins to feat is active. She has no breasts what so ever so looks like a cute little fish girl that is almost always nude because they don't really have clothes underwater due to lack of ability to(or need to?) make cloth underwater.

I think user was saying his wife looked young enough to be his daughter.

It's one of the more disliked system here, partially deservedly, partially not.

I have a lot of fun with it at least, though I have some major gripes. But it's fast, easy to set up, very flexible, and strikes just the right amount of rules light/rules heavy for me.

By far the best thing about it though is the classes imo. There's just a ton of them out there, with a lot of really interesting moves and options. Balance isn't great, which is what happens when hundreds of different people make add on content, but it's not that big a deal. Metamorph is one of my favorites though.

Off the top of my head, there's a Drider class out there I really like, an Oni one, a Reptilian. Just a ton.

Though as word of warning, some of them are mechanically kind of broken. Like, the moves can combine in such a way that makes you way more powerful than they really intended. Sometimes it's a matter of interpretation, like, depending on how these buffs stack it COULD be really insane, or not, but sometimes stuff is just unavoidably overpowered.

Like I said, lots of different content creators, so stuff like that varies a lot.

>Late teens
>only 6 inches away from average female height
>Fish thing

Getotta here ya bum.

Cute. Highly doable. Unless 16 is underaged in whatever specific region, in which case no, just cute.

Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at with "non-sexual fetish."

>Keep making friction in your gaming groups.
I'm not the one trying to use them as a vessel to jack off.

>i won't be responding to you further on this topic.

'to be honest' gets turned into desu, where have you been? 'Family' gets turned into sempai, and there's one more. I think it's 'shake my head' getting turned into baka? Lets test. baka

haven't felt like posting much in the past few months

>Dresden Files

Not really.I've had literal sex robots in a sci fi campaign as comic relief.

Yeah that what I though. either way thats the closest I've personally come to magical realm. good I don't want to be magical realm unless I'm the only one that knows it is. otherwise things get awkward. I did once have a character that got his gender swapped which I was totally ok with happening.

closest I've been is literally every other party member gang banging each other. which is again not really THAT magical realm just players fapping under to table to their OC's getting laid like they never will.

That's nothing new. Sex bots are great for humor.

Doesn't stop me from masterbating to them later though. Every time.

>made a tomboy character

Probably gonna try and do one myself without my dick exploding.


Played a witch wed to a demon.

I literally make every long-term NPC my parties go to for information, supplies, etc, really hot for no reason.

The guy giving your MIB dudes their gear? Hot twentysomething hipster guy.

The mechanic who oversees the post-apocalyptic Gastown commune's hotrods? A sun-kissed blonde in patchy overalls and NOTHING ELSE.

It goes on and on.

Mostly because making them hot means I have to describe them more, and the players feel somewhat invested in keeping them alive.

As a player my DM "made me" fuck a dragon once. She was in human form, and had been very lonely since she had been trapped for a few decades in the ruins of a forgotten city. We ended up dating, and I was going to appoint her as the leader of a city we took over. I have a thing for transformation, and saving princesses.

Turned a (male) fat slob satyr who was trying to corrupt everyone in the party into a cute dryad girl and took her on dates.

She continued to attempt to corrupt everyone, although she also seemed to think she was doing it for our benefit.

My character in particular.

It was good.

and though it hasn't come up yet my merfolk will be into fairly rough sex. Bondage, rough anal, being choked, ect., you know. There are currently two character pining for my characters attention (one player, other NPC). Should either one of actually manage to win my character over then they will learn that.

However they will most likely never learn that mostly for out character reasons, front and foremost being sex that goes into any more detail then *fade to black with rough explanation, if any* or whatever has always felt really weird for me in these kinds of games.

>plan a slime dungeon for the first session because it's simple and straightforward
>decide that the slimes melt down organic matter to produce more slimes, figure it would add a cool horror element if one of the players gets knocked down and helpless
>friend asks me what we're doing for the fist session and I tell him killing slimes
>he asks me if it's slime girls
>make it so to spite him
>first session ends up being slimegirl transformation dungeon
It went pretty well

>closest I've been is literally every other party member gang banging each other. which is again not really THAT magical realm just players fapping under to table to their OC's getting laid

>Dominance and predicament fetishes

Honestly, its more like when am I *not* in a magical realm.

In one of my games the DM tried pairing up my cleric with an incredibly thirsty wizard girl. Of course my cleric (who I play as a paladin) rejected her, declaring that the realm is still in danger and work comes before pleasure. His answer was pretty much "maybe later, we have to save the entire fucking continent first". Naturally she got pissy about it. At about this point I came to terms with the fact that I'll never understand women (even though the DM is male).

It could happen. A femme fatale evil sorceress isn't exactly the most uncommon BBEG type.

That's interesting. I wrote something a little like that for DnD 5th edition, although quite a bit more limited when it came to abilities. It did have an option to specialize in crafting and controlling minions made from your flesh instead of turning into the Thing, though, if you wanted to do that instead.

The Stand: RPG edition?

When I rolled on "cursed magic item effects" and changed the gender of the half-elven paladin.

Futher than that, I quess some of my npcs wear armsgloves and kneesocks alot.

Character got married to the daughter of some grand wizard...

She had a lot of clone bodies that she controlled through her own personal hivemind.

That's what makes Giger and Alien work, and a certain type of body horror in general.
Sexual imagery and tension that is perverted to horror. Lust and fear are very primal emotions so mixing sex and horror usually unsettles if done well.