Do you have fantasy ethnic groups to spice up your setting Veeky Forums?

Do you have fantasy ethnic groups to spice up your setting Veeky Forums?

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"Take the bait!"
"Take the bait!"
"Take the bait!"
"Take the bait!"

Wolof chick is hot.

I take a page from Goblin Punch and have no real-life skin colours.

Also dat slight smirk on guadeloupeans

I don't get what Haitians, Guadeloupans and Cape Verdians are on that list. They're very mixed, aren't they?
She's no Fula

not op but i am kind of curious about this. not that this thread will be about this.

Me on the left.

Is that Maeve from Westworld in the top middle?

i def have chillaxians like pf

How to tell a setting is bad
>orcs come in various shades of green and tan but never talk about it or show any discrimination towards one another
>alien races speak one racial language each and never have physical variety among them despite living on multiple planets and moons
>races are united under one government

Defending the orcs though you can say they are simplistic creatures and care more about size than color.

Arent orcs tribal as fuck? They hate each others guts.

Was the Ewe woman asked to give "come fuck me" eyes, or did she just go off book?

Most ethnic groups are mixed.

Goddamned BDSM Romans. For Liberty! For Andoran!


Is making all people look same-y because they were all created by THE ANCIENT ONES to look like that because they looked like that too clichéd?

>one government
W-well the provinces rule themselves basically! I mean, the central gov is far away and all, you know.
Going to rewrite it soon.

>orcs come in various shades of green
Greyish. Fucked it up too, innit.


They follow the real world ones for the cultures I shamelessly rip off and the similar geographical and climate locations they are found in.

I'm not imaginative but it seems to be working

Yes. It is less to spice up the setting and more to show that one character trait doesn't condition another.

There's a difference between old world mixing and importing people from all over the West coast of Africa and dumping them on an island

Not to the genes there isn't.

But there is?
Africa is hugely genetically diverse but what genes are found is very tied to the region.


Except for Dragonborn as they're all clones imbued with different elements.

> races are united under one governement
> racial tensions are tense as fuck

You stop caring as much about the ethnicities of your species when you not only have far more significant physical differences with another rival species but significant spiritual differences with them as well.

Black and white teaming up against green, so to speak.

You don't fool me, OP! That's the same woman in all pictures.

Yeah but the people in the world have a very medieval understanding of ethnicity. Anyways, as long as you believe in the right God you're cool.

History tell us other wise. If brown and grey bunnies hate each other, and the grey bunnies are losing, when the Red Cat empire comes knocking they will ally with them if they will wreck the Brownies. Like it happened in the Americas or African colonialism were member of another race and culture were helped be hundreds of people of a different race to kill people than shared genes, langauge and an only slightly different culture. case in point Tlaxcalans and Aztecs.

Yes, and I'm saying that the genes themselves don't care how they're intermixed, because they're not sentient things.

I mean, let's move away from humans. Do you think the genome of the Liger cares that lions and tigers are animals that are incredibly unlikely to naturally meet? No, because it doesn't matter, they're still two animals that fucked and now you've got a big as fuck cat to deal with. That cat's biological make up doesn't really know or care how it came to be.

Just like when you take a whole bunch of different cultures suffering diaspora and put them in one place and let them fuck each other, it doesn't really matter that it's not neighboring ethnic groups fucking each other.

This is also coincidentally why the way "Half-Elves" and "Half-Orcs" work in fantasy is stupid. They're treated closer to ligers than normal mixed race folk. Half the time when fantasy uses the term "race" they really mean species, even though different races are treated like different ethnicities. Then again, "race" is a really crappy concept that's outdated, and even species is vague. There's a ton of weird shit that defies the definitions (traditionally a species is a group of animals that can interbreed... except hybrids like the liger exist, showing that animals of different species can still interbreed).

Really, reality is comprised of incredibly hard to define phenomena and we as humans do our best to describe it with the amazing but ultimately limited tool of language. So, like I said, with both fantastical races and real world races, the actual effects of genetic intermingling don't have anything to do with whether it's neighboring civilizations cross pollinating or importing people from all over the West coast of Africa and dumping them on an island. Genetics don't care, they just are. Ethnicities and genders and colours and nationalities and species are just how humans inadequately categorize the world and make fuzzy sets seem less fuzzy

And yet there are multitudes of Europeans who feel united and unified against the swarthy hordes of the Middle East.
I mean, even in America the divide between "White" and "Irish" has all but disappeared in favour of more racialized hatred against the people with different skin colours, whether that be Mexican, Arab, or black.

The Europeans have always been relatively connected ever since the Roman empire gave them a common background.
When the Muslim world asked for rescue against the invading devils that were the Mongols, who burned, raped and killed pretty much everything, the Europeans thought that was the perfect time for another crusade.
The Muslims were much closer to the Christians culturally speaking than the Mongols were to either of them.

>The Europeans have always been relatively connected ever since the Roman empire gave them a common background.
I already mentioned the whole "fuck the Irish" thing, but did you forget those World Wars? Hell, there were more than just two of them, even.

That's not what I'm talking about. I just meant it's much harder to show a typical Haitian than a typical Wolof.
You can get a typical liger but not a typical panthera genus mix you know?

I didn't mean to say they loved each other.
I just meant to say that they knew each other, cooperated on a general basis, had interbreeding nobility, shared one language in politics and science (Latin, later replaced by French, later replaced by English) and knew each other well enough to understand what was going on beyond the border (except English cuisine).

>People of different ethnicities
>This automatically means brown african people and only brown african people

Now THAT'S racist!

Yeah, but we're talking about several generations here. At that point I think a population is distinct enough. Then again, like I said, ethnicity is already a fuzzy set to begin with.

Actually, that reminds me of an interesting article about how sending humans to Mars will inevitably create a new ethnicity, much in the way that sending people to islands causes them to grow to be different from the original population.

Unfortunately, I can't find it. It was titled something like "the new aliens will be us" or something.

>Things OP never said or even implied

I've only detailed a few that are distinct from Earth's ethnicities.

>Long faces, especially forehead and chin
>Long necks
>Fair skinned, tan easily
>Thin wavy blonde, brown, or grey hair
>Blue, green, brown, or gold eyes
>Heterochromatia more common than in other races
>Long fluffy eyebrows
>Sparse facial and body hair
>Pointed ears (very rarely but not present in other races at all)

>Caucasian, but sometimes have epicanthic folds
>Short thick brown or black hair
>Balding extremely rare
>Dense eyebrows
>Blue or brown eyes
>Thin triangular noses
>Sharp facial features
>Clear and straight jawlines, particularly distinct on women
>Flat foreheads
>Sharp teeth
>Thick beards in men
>Small hips and breasts in women

>Long wavy black hair
>Blue, brown, pink, brick, or red eyes (haven't designed the genotypes yet)
>Prominent hooked noses
>High presence of body hair
>Sparse/no moustache
>Albinism more common than in other races

>Light freckled skin
>Somewhat flat and round faces
>Hair colored in rings or patches, brown+grey is most common
>Blue, green, brown, or gold eyes, gold eyes most common in this race
>Heterochromatia very common
>Sparse but long body hair

considering they're wrote into the standard setting, yes.

otherwise I don't really worry abou it. I have no idea how people on the sword coast are supposed to tell the difference between 3 different groups of white people, but Wizards makes damn sure to let you know on EVERY NPC.

>If you can't tell these apart you're RACIST

You can determinate if some one is nordic, slavic of mediterranean at a glance? We are very mixed but it's still very easy to tell.

not in a poly ethnic area like the sword coast. and especially without any notes on culture other than hair skin and eye colors, and a table of names.

That's something that could be worked on in a future book or homebrewed I guess.

Yes, but it doesn't come up much since the campaign I ran took place entirely on a singe archipelago.

No, everyone's white.

It's been 8 or 10 generations since new slaves were still being brought to Haiti. That's not quite enough to become really distinct, considering the sheer number of genes humans have.
Sounds like a cool article BTW, I'll check it out

Cheekbones, foreheads, brows, chins, and noses.

>History tells us otherwise
how do you explain pic related then

It's a fucking leaf.

I think it's supposed to be all the Afro-Caribbean peoples, i.e. the groups where most of the slaves used in the sugar plantations came from and the descendants of those slaves.

Well I can't find the article is the problem. Typing "the new alien martian is us" into Google only gives stupid bullshit.

And you'd be surprised how fast an ethnic group can form.

>She's no Fula
This. Fula girl wins.

>White people
>Black people
>Eastern Asian people
>Southeast Asian people
Yep. I'm good. That's all the ethnicities I'm gonna bother with.

I like to take the Doug/EqG route and use fictional ethnic groups with impossible colors.

>I'm not saying there's a single organized group of Blues controlling the banks and media, but most of the people in control have really Bluish-sounding names.

those all look the same

The Fula girl with the Ewe girl's "fuck me eyes" and the Kongo girl's hair.

Note the cheekbone and jaw shapes.

Well, my character is from an orb weaver ethnic group. In the multi-ethnic empire he was born in, it would have make part of some sort of artisan middle class. Ethnicity and social classes are strongly linked there, though there are additional internal classes (with little mobility): an orb weaver may be anything from lower class worker to royal advisor, but only a Mygalomorphae can reign, be a knight or high ranking military.
Salticidae are usually lower class.

However many among any ethnicity, but mostly Mesothelae, can also be found outside the empire in a semi savage state since they are rarely spontaneously sociable. Until now, only the rather strict cast system of the empire managed to give them a semblance of civilisation.

Surely you want the Guadeloupian's knowing smirk, too?

Fuck I missed that. Good catch user.

OP here, posting full article for Veeky Forums's viewing pleasure. Right now I have one ethnic group for one nation in my setting, aside from a few more developed areas. Japanese/greeks with viking tendencies, red haired barbarians that worship angelic mushroom peoples.


Yea, wtf? Orcs *do* hate each other, it's just that they're only a damn threat when some warlord unites them, from LOTR to Warcraft to Wesnoth

>Go on...

>Multiple ethnicities of Orcs
I've actually got them ranging from coal black to bluish gray to sandy green to orange red. They all hate each other because orcs are xenophobic and jingoistic. My favorite are the reds because white warpaint looks badass on red skin.

I hate unified governments as much as I hate "Everyone here is a dwarf" stuff. Splintered governments whose boundaries don't quite align with racial, religious, and linguistic boundaries are the way to go.

>TFW no aliens in your setting

>I have no idea how people on the sword coast are supposed to tell the difference between 3 different groups of white people
You've never played spot the German?

Is that an actual game? I know my friends and I used to play "Spot the Native without FAS" in highschool. It was a pretty challenging game.

I'm a player in a scifi setting that specifically subverts the two last tropes.

Humanity (and other races) have been uplifted by an older alien race that existed and conquered worlds long before they had faster-than-light travel. As a consequence, they're vastly more heterogenous in culture and physical appearance than even humans are. These aliens actually have separate 'castes' that are genetically different even within one of their 'sub-races'. The GM justifies this by the fact that they had already much greater sexual dimorphism than humans, so further variation isn't that much of a stretch.

At the same time, most human players are not born in earth anymore, so the cultural heritages of characters are played to exaggeration much like americans exaggerate their heritages.

I like this twist. The alien society doesn't seem like a cut-out that's the same everywhere and the human-characters can be played for laughs. The GM had us face a company of "ex-yugo" mercenaries, since he was sure that no matter what happened in the universe, you could count on the balkan people being ready for a good fight.

>how fast an ethnic group can form
Well yeah, because ethnicity is also about language and culture and whatnot. Appearance is quite low on the list
Yeah, that makes sense

>include different ethnic groups
>players start getting upset if they are portrayed as any different in values from one another
>end up making them all perfect noble savage cultures and placing metropolitan ethnicities as snobbish villains all the time.

No. If you're human you're human and if you want to be a different color human you can put it in the description but nobody can see it so we don't give a shit.

I have 22 different human subraces. And that doesn't even take into account nationality, which is generally more important.

Dude, everyone is mixed. Iceland, for instance, has a genetic profile of their whole population, and it found the men are 75% Norwegian (by Y chromosomes) and the women are 65% of Scottish ancestry.


I couldn't before, but now I want to find Guadeloupean porn.

>>races are united under one government

Thats is one thing I LITERALLY dont get.

Everytime someone use the word new world order at internet, someone call him stupid, "where your tinfoil hat", "go back to pol....." and etc......, like if believed in magic, vampires, or whateaver
BUT..... on an extreme amount of Scifi Books you have One world Government systems.

The planetary governments that appear in sci-fi series are official, open ruling bodies, like any country but on a larger scale.
New World Order stuff is the suggestion that the world is run in secret by a shadowy cabal of people, and that the governments you see are actually puppets.
They aren't the same concept at all.

She is, but the Cape Verdean is even more hot

traditionally a species is a group of animals that can interbreed... except hybrids like the liger exist, showing that animals of different species can still interbreed.

Technically, a specie is a group of animals that can produce fertile offspring. Ligers (and tions) are infertile, keeping with the definition.

>Ligers (and tions) are infertile, keeping with the definition.
>"I look at the term species as one arbitrarily given for the sake of convenience to a set of individuals closely resembling each other ... It does not essentially differ from the word variety, which is given to less distinct and more fluctuating forms. The term variety, again, in comparison with mere individual differences, is also applied arbitrarily, and for convenience sake."
There's also this

Just saying, "species" is a fuzzy term. So is ethnicity, colour, gender, and so on. These aren't real things, they're nominal, not noumenal.


It is. Though I actually meant sex, which I'm sure is more likely to get you dipping into reaction images. Gender is essentially personal feelings about the self, so by definition that's about as nominal as you can get.

But sex is also nominal. Science is well aware of this fact. Not only are there a myriad of chromosomal expressions outside of the typical XY and XX, there's also the simple fact that not all males and not all females have the same characteristics, whether it comes down to hormones or neurological architecture (the primary component in gender, it seems), or even bone structure. Biology is not a rigid discipline. It's squishy.

Also, gender/sex is always the one that triggers people. No one ever debates that colours are only nominal. Most people don't even question ethnicity, and only a few question species. But without fail if you mention sex or gender as not being rigid binaries, someone will always get pissed.

Nah that's not it anymore. It used to be but since attention-seeking cunts decided to twist it it's now "No, fuck you. They're now the same thing and gender is now deprecated, fucking freak"

> Do you have fantasy ethnic groups to spice up your setting Veeky Forums?
You mean High Elves, Wood Elves, Elf Elves and Drow?
>b-but I meant human only subraces!
Too little, too late, my little knifeear.

That's not even remotely true. The people you're calling "attention-seeking cunts" generally are the ones pointing out that sex and gender are different to people posting images of a Y chromosome captioned "let's see you reassign this". Those people also aren't seeking attention, they're trying to feel comfortable with themselves, and generally stick to tiny little out of the way blogs that you have to track down if you want to make fun of them.

As one of those horrible SJWs you've no doubt heard totally 100% true for reals things about, I don't know anyone who says sex and gender are the same.

>50 different elf subspecies with widly different racial traits
>Maybe three dwarves
>Human ethnicities just get minor skill differences
Elf subspecies trigger me. Especially when it's shit like Aquatic Elves and Snow Elves.
Fucking Eladrin, Elves, and Drow are literally different races.

90% are seeking attention, 9% don't care, .99% care a little, .01% revolve their lives around it.

So make like a tranny and kys

Continue being dumb and butthurt.

I'd pump her Fula demi-Fulas IYKWIM...

Are we thinking the same thing? That had Orcs?

Cape veterans only acceptable on this list. Rest belongs to cotton fields.

Africa is sadly very inbred.
They have the highest number of albinism cases among humans (and kill them for magic rituals).

The second on that list are Arabs and other Semites.

Then Hindus and SE Asians.

Then Inuit (yes the group living on the north pole is somehow less inbred).

American natives.

East Asians.

And the LEAST inbred are the people of Europe..... Go figure.

Ethnostates? Was /Pol right!?

"Let's go on an adventure"

The "I don't like this, shit's gonna go down" look

Protect muh people complex, probably a minor antagonist

The big bad. She's pulling those strings and is going to dick you over

Standard cookie cut protagonist, I swear she has a personality beyond righteousness

She's had a tough life so she's had to learn how to survive on the streets, she's gentle, timid and quite; very quiet. Sneaky quiet. Could be the loli love interest or the one you couldn't save from the cruelty of the world

Look at that face, that face has seen some shit. And rightly so, your mentor has been through a whole lot of shit. Avenge her.

The q:t action heroine whom you ultimately have to save to her heritage in the plot. The classic love interest or just firm friends, you can save her on this pan-African-American adventure

Absolute Vegeta.

If you're thinking the turnbased strategy game then maybe.

>it found the men are 75% Norwegian (by Y chromosomes) and the women are 65% of Scottish ancestry.
That's impossible. Unless they've just recently let in a whole new load of Scottish/Norwegian immigrants of just one gender, the men and women will have the same % ancestry.

I fucking love ethnic groups in races.
Both subtle, like Elves or a lot more noticeable like Goblins or Orcs.

The ethnic group or genetic makeup of a race can change an entire perspective on them in my books. Especially elves.

>>alien races speak one racial language each and never have physical variety among them despite living on multiple planets and moons

>Ayy lamos who can get to live on different planets
>Not having mandatory genetic purity councils that make sure that the race stays a single race and doesn't speciate

Even if others in the thread don't, I get what you are saying senpai, biology is still unfortunately dealing with all the holdovers from it's past when we had less complete understanding of genetics and shit. I mean hell just a year ago they refactored the tree of life again due to genetic sequencing showing how little we knew from our days of comparative biology.

He doesn't understand Y-chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA

Oh boy, I love me some fantasy racial diversity

>Some humans of the southern deserts have dark skin, broad faces and bright yellow hair, which they believe is a product of the sun god's blessing upon them. In the past they were subjugated by a slightly lighter skinned but darker haired people due to conflicting religious views. In modern day, the situation is reversed.

>Most dwarven populations worldwide have predominantly red hair, and it's believed that color entered the genepool of humans through ancient intermixing, though nowadays the two races tend to keep themselves segregated.

>There is an ethnicity of goliath with pale white skin that lacks the patterns and marking of other goliath. Since goliath believe the markings tell one's fate, people of this ethnicity tend to tattoo their bodies, essentially giving themselves the fates they desire. These people are considered outcasts by other goliath.

>Goblins have a bunch of varied ethnicities, being scattered across the world though fairly isolated from each other. They develop differing heights, skin colors, markings, eye and hair color, facial structures, hair growth patterns, etc, and do so rapidly, possibly as a product of their short life spans and tendency to segregate into caste based societies.

>Orcs had an ethnic cleansing ages ago, slaughtering the men but taking the women of the conquered subraces. Record of the act only survives as metaphorical myth, built into the now dominant religion



I love this sort of thing, but I don't like demihumans. Just humans and more exotic creatures. It's limiting.


But user, we've always had demihumans
I rppied dwarves as the origin of red hair from irl human and neanderthal interbreeding