What would be things you wouldn't expect about living in a flat world?

What would be things you wouldn't expect about living in a flat world?

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That we'd all be slowly forgotten by our creator

You can use a telescope to spy on other continents.

Sunset wouldn't be a thing and you couldn't navigate by the starts


You mean other than the obvious astronomical concerns?

Round earthers.

There is another world on the other side of the coin, but sailing to it is impossible. You can get there, you you have to DIG you way there and hope to go you don't hit one of their oceans.

Alternatively, while rare and hard to navigate their might be caves and tunnels that already lead there, either naturally formed or built by long past civilizations. The Otherside is basically your world's version of Faery, in that occasionally people get lost and show up there, or Othersiders pop up and steal away your kids.

That model fails to account for the extended day and night cycles in northern Alaska and other Arctic/Antarctic regions.

What prevents the oceans from flowing out to space?

It also fails to account for sunlight not working that way.

Those are faked by the government to perpetuate their ridiculous 'round planet' myth. That's why there is no recorded instance of extended night/day cycles prior to 1953.

The Russians didn't report anything like that, and they owned Alaska before we did. You'd think they would have noticed, huh?

Is what I would say if I was a batshit crazy conspiracy nut.

Flat Earthers are the worst. I hate them so much since you can't visit any astronomy related website without running into them.


Why? The sun obviously descends into a cavern beneath the earth, only to re-emerge on the other side come morning. And if the stars were fixed by the gods, then all you need is one pole star to navigate by, and you're ready for early age of sail.

(OP's gif is obviously ridiculous, only an incompetent deity would try to build his flat earth like that.)

Flat Earthers are the worst because they can't even explain why we're supposedly being deceived. For all the flaws in conspiracy theories surrounding JFK, the moon landing and 9/11, at least those fuckers can present plausible motives.

A bbeg wanting to play earth as a vinyl disc

Explains gravity on a flat world.

This is an important question in Exalted, where the world actually is flat. But the game devs never talk about the effects of this. If you're on a ship in the ocean you can see everything else. The higher your mast is the more you can see. There's no curvature of the earth to hide your ship. If you're on a mountain you can see forever.


Exactly. Not only does it throw out thousands of years of collective knowledge but it also makes no goddammit sense.

>The world is a circle surrounded by a gigantic wall of ice. There is a centuries old conspiracy amongst all world leaders and scientific organizations to keep us from figuring this out because reasons.

>no horizon

Some days you can't even see across the straights of gibraltar tho. Maybe on some perfect weathered days you could see pretty fucking far but that wouldn't be very common



That doesn't apply much to Exalted since easily-accessible magic lets you see past all those problems

What problems? Math?

Yes, in fact. Exalted has powers that let you ignore such things as physics whenever you feel like it.

That there ISN'T magic like radiation everywhere, and oh-so-funny-when-they-were-new fantasy tropes being toyed with.

I assume he's suggesting that magic lets you somehow overcome perspective. Which, admittedly, is easy if you can literally leap higher than the tallest thing in the world.

>What prevents the oceans from flowing out to space?

OP's map clearly shows the fuck huge dam of dirt and ice that keeps it in.

The Flat World has many habitable "ponds" that are separated by huge areas of ice. Each pond-world has very different lifeforms, civilizations and technology/magic.
Only the most resilient beings can traverse the huge ice wastes on foot. Otherwise, different beings dig huge tunnels between the worlds.

Sometimes entire populations can be transplanted in a different world and they forget they ever came from another world, but have myths about ancient lands which they don't even realize actually exist somewhere on the flat plane.

The world is flat, but is located on a mobius strip in higher dimensions you eventually work your way back where you started

hmmmm, well either the world would have an edge you could jump off of, and see what's holding it up.

Or it's just simply infinite. More seas, landmass, territory, wilderness, people, other nations, everything. Just forever.

holy shit
this sounds so incredibly rad
please make a choice game for this

If the world were flat, what'd be on the bottom?

The fact that they always say the earth spins at '1000 mph' grinds my gears.

No, it rotates at pi/43200 radians per second.

hmmm, So there are no more satellites.

Presumably there's some cosmic force pushing stuff down. So there's still that layer of atmosphere. Although it's not a sphere anymore. And.... you can't really get above that. A rocket will send you up, but it's going to come back down.

Which means you need sort of alternative explainantion for just WTF the sun, moon, stars, comets, and meteors are. Because they can't be chunks of rock.

...Unless there's some property of physics let lets large fireballs and chunks of rock to float.

Fusion produces lift? But that doesn't explain the moon.

The motion of the sun? Jesus... OP's picture is full of shit. You'd still see the sun even if it was low and far away. Fucker doesn't understand how motherfucking bright it is.

The phases of the moon are also really hard to explain. And OP's picture is double bullshit as we can often see the moon during the day you numbnuts.

The stars.... are.... pinpricks in a cosmic filament? other suns whose lift raised them way above the surface?

Oh man, and I have no idea what it looks like if you keep digging. Dirt, rock, magna, iron of course like usual. But after that? I don't know. Not that we can actually dig even close to that.

>Presumably there's some cosmic force pushing stuff down.

Or the disc-earth could be accelerating upwards.

As long as you ignore all the mathematical and physical consequences of that.

Joos did it.

Or that the moon doesn't just sit there directly across from the sun.

Dude, the north pole being in perpetual twilight sounds like an excellent place to have a doom fortress.

That reminds me of D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun, a game for the Master System.

The world was a series of valleys surrounded by ridiculously tall cliffs. There's no climbing over them, but tunnels exist between the habitats.

Yes, habitats. That world was the gods zoo.

A flat earth could be cool if you throw out logic and above some suspension of disbelief in there.

Could come up with some cool weather shit

4 elephants atop a giant turtle.


But what if we're the othersides and we're stealing their kids?

This sound awesome. I wish somebody made setting like that.

mother fucker its turtles all the way down

Also if the sun was that retarded we would be able to see it from any point on earth at any given time, but fuck logic right

What the fuck is supposed to happen to water in a flat earth though? Doesn't it drain off and never come back? Gravity needs to be a universal downward force at every point on the top surface for flat worlds, so it can't be something that would pull lost water back around and up.

Yeah it's drained away. but it's replaced by rain.

turtles need to drink too.

heliocentric roundearthers

Depending on how big your disc world is, As it roatates the further you go out towards the edge the more 'slanted' Gravity would be from your perspective.


You'd be 'walking' up what feels like an endless mountain, the atmosphere would be contained by this edge if you design it right, But you would need gigantic wall at the center, assuming you have a hole in the center for the sun to go through as it wobbles back and forth, rising and setting for both sides of the disk in 24 hours or so.

Hollow Earth version of that:
The World is made of solid matter with many spherical hollows, each with it's own sun in the middle. Smaller worlds have dimmer and colder suns. Tunnels connect the worlds, there exist multi-world empires in places where hollows are relatively close to each other.

is there a 'surface' of this universal sphere? how does gravity 'work' ? does it pull towards the most mass? so the area between worlds? maybe the hallows are areas of anti-gravity, pushing material away from the center? Maybe an energy white hole? An influx from the aetherial plane?

I like the idea of having subterranian vehicles instead of spacecraft, In this world. And the interesting prospect of the deep dark between the hollows having a sort of Zero G as you enter the high density 'center of gravity' zones away from the hollows, where every direction is down once more.

>The stars.... are.... pinpricks in a cosmic filament? other suns whose lift raised them way above the surface?

Depending on your brand of flat earth conspiracy stars are either part of the biblical firmament so they're part of an indestructible hemisphere that separates Earth from Heaven. Or mini suns that rotate above the earth in circular patterns around the north pole.

Generally they explain their floating as just being part of their nature. Stars hang above the Earth because that's where we see them. They wouldn't be stars if they didn't.

Sort of like the setting of We Are the Dwarves, where astronauts are people who dig upwards into and endless void of rock and stone?

Suns seem to be the source of anti-gravity as it is proportional to their size, and bigger hollows form around bigger suns. Smallest hollows don't have any light at all, only weak anti-gravity. Creatures living there adapted to darkness and weak gravity, they thrive in Zero G enviroment between worlds and spread by digging new tunnels.

He seems yo have missed the point. He calculated the angle at which your line of sight intersects the Earth, when really people are interested in the distance. There would be a horizon on a flat Earth and it would be at almost the same angle, but it would be at infinity.

Midnight at the Well of Souls.

Lack of justice.

Yeah, I'd mean. I if I had a way to get to another world and come back, I would probably steal one of their weird ass antler kids to prove I really was there.

Sounds like cavemen who don't know it better. There's this lights up there, every night. Must be how they roll.

Gonna post this here for you guys, sempais.

Oh and I dunno if it would matter over these distances, but you should keep coherent scatter in mind when talking about seeing over continental distances.

now that's a new one, or... well, new to me.

I like the gumption of the author.

That's what the Aztecs really thought, right? Or maybe it was the Mayans. Cool shit either way.

Another world, counter-rotating for gyroscopic stability. Duh.

>"Send 25 Cents to the Author, Prof Orlando Ferguson for a book explaining this Square and Stationary Earth. It Knocks the Globe Theory Clean Out. It will Teach You How to Foretell Eclipses. It is Worth Its Weight in Gold."
>And Patreon supporters can download a PDF explaining everything...
The more things change, the more they stay the same

Anything, since there is apparently no gravity and reality as we know it doesn't exist.

>People ITT unironically think our world is a globe


Other effects are also quite feasible - remote viewing from an animal - which is admittedly only possible with magic irrespective of geography, particularly, a magically focused water-lens acting as a huge telescope would be more effective on a flat world, particularly combined with a good vantage point - say, Indian Rope Trick?