Read this book

Don't mind me, just posting one of the best 40k books there is.

Read it boys, it's fucking great.
Honestly, it's everything a book about an unknown chapter should be. Good characters, simple yet compelling story, IG kick ass in it, there's only the epilogue that's a wee bit disappointing, but really a damn good book.

And it's not being sold by GW because of legal shenanigans so you won't have many chances to get it!

Well it's not the Horus heresy so I'll take a stab at it

You better.

Here's another taste: Their Master of the Forge dates back to the HH, in a Dreadnought. And he's a grumpy based granpa. From what I understood from the book, he never got deactivated, since he was not crippled before being interned, but rather went into a Dread willingly, because they lacked techmarines and needed a way to preserve him from battle.

Why wasn't it published?

Willingly getting into a dreadnought? That's pretty interesting.

How terrible is warhammer "literature" when compared to the real deal?

awful awful except for "inquisitor" and "space marine" by Ian Watson

Basically another serie called Dark Hunters, that had nothing to do with 40k, was published at the time.
Because the name was already taken, and GW was unable/unwilling to do anything about it, the book was taken of the electronic shelves a mere 2 weeks before it was meant to be released.

About 2 years ago, when I talking about this aborted book with another user here, he told me it was findable on torrents even though it never got sold (I presume thanks to Kearney himself, not wanting to see his work wasted, I mean, a novel not sold at the last minute, something that took you so long to write? You'd want it at least to be accessible to the public)
I did find it on torrents, read it, and finally got around converting it into a pdf today since people were talking about a potential Chapter using chameleoline on their armor, something the DH actually do. Hence I remembered I had the epub, converted it, and posted it in the thread then made this thread to share it.

I mean, you're asking something like "How is Picass's painting compared to the 'Eavy Metal models?"

It's not really comparable. Especially when just saying "literature" and not precising which kind.

Ian Watson's written better stuff. Try his Kalevala trilogy.


We have been in a drought for good books while the Horus Heresy takes up almost fucking everything.

40k has some really good short stories though

reading priests of mars right now. I love how they depict the different factions of the imperium and how they are working together und what they think of each other.

>white scars with Ultramarines colors
Is it just me or is that slightly heretical? Just slightly.

They're a wee bit darker.
Even more so if you consider that the cameleoline on their armor make them blend in the shadows.

You rock, awesome user!

My pleasure, the book deserves it.

>Calls something terrible literature
>Proposes Kafka instead

Are you fucking retarded kid?

i think the eisenhorn omnibus has some of the best character development iv ever read. i wouldnt risk reading anything else so its also the only 40k book iv read

It's like comparing an action movie that makes shit tons of money but the critics all hate and gets like 10% on rotten tomatoes.

It's terrible, but if you find one that interests you, you will enjoy it. It barely qualifies as literature though.

Always up for original chapter fiction. Thanks, OP.

could be lying, he's had 10,000 years to fix the records if there are any left...

>not liking Kafka


There are 300+ books. So it varies

I thought The First Heretic was really good despite dragging a bit in the middle.

So glad someone else digs this book. Can and will recommend to people.

>"A'rabik" inspired chapter.
>Awesome icy home planet.
>Top level bants from a dreadnought who is also the Forge Master.

And i'm only 20 pages in. This book is shaping up to be a good read. Thanks for the upload OP.