Sisters of battle players

>Sisters of battle players

Do they all look like this?

That's the Warhammer community in general.

>mfw i see this guy posting on the sisters fb group and his name eventually changes to a female version

truly a stunning and brave 21st Century leftist

Some of us actually have vaginas and weigh under 150lbs

I've noticed most Sisters players tend to be scrawny as fuck with a patchy beard and short hair.

No, most Sister players I know can paint in the lines unlike this guy. Hopefully I never see how he cocks up his paint jobs on things smaller than 1:1.

Jesus Christ I feel like I've seen this exact response and overall thread at least a few times before.

Am I going insane?

Nah, you're just a program in the matrix that everybody forgets to shut down

I want it to stop

sure are projecting your worldview outside your head a lot there, bucko

Why all the Sisters hate? The more armies the merrier right?

just sudo kill yourself

Sister players getting something cut many people of their schadenfreude fix.

Only sisters player I know is a grumpy old vet who walks with a limp, can't tell if he's more bitter about sisters or the war

>it's a shame because he's a really solid player, just plays a shit army

I've seen this person online a few times. Consistently wearing unfinished costumes. I am disappoint.

Some are a little bit of alright

>consistently unfinished armies

It's a theme.

>weigh under 150lbs


Me too man.

It's machine washable and comes in a can.

>not getting the full tube


I'm like 99 percent sure I've seen this person IRL, he's on the same train line as me. Goes to every game in some kinda cosplay, seems like.

Pretty sure that's also my FLGS although I've never seen this person there, I guess because I don't go for 40k.

If this guy can't even properly paint something as big as that gun then may the Emperor help his models

Looks like CWC