Hey Veeky Forums, can we all agree that Lamenters is the most awesome and cool space marine chapter?

Hey Veeky Forums, can we all agree that Lamenters is the most awesome and cool space marine chapter?

By The Emperor, they held off a fucking WAAAGH invasion on a planet just so they could try and save as many civilians as possible.

Veeky Forums has a hardon for the imperial armies that honestly are the most grimdark and sad the setting has to offer

See also

Death Korps of Kreig

They satisfy neither my fetish for Deus Veult like the Black Templars nor my base, instinctual desire to be a space Mongol like the White Scars
They don't even have a radical name like Space Sharks

So no, I do not agree. Not in the slightest.

Lamenters are the perfection of what a space marine should be: they protect the week and do everything in their power to save The Emperors subjects.

For gods sake, their war cry "FOR THOSE WE CHERISH, WE DIE IN GLORY" is the best war cry in 40K

They are what you would call, true heroes.

Veeky Forums mostly has a hard-on for the "bro marine" chapters who are baby faces, as opposed to the normal marines who are zealous warrior monks , affiliated with, but not technically beholden to an unwieldy empire of bloated religious bureaucracy, who often have their own self-interests at heart.


>hey guys, lets make a corpse of ladders so this old lady can get her cat
>whats that, wrong tree?
>w-woah... true heroes....

They're fucking idiots, and above all that, they're wasteful idiots.

eh Blood Ravens have a better war cry

Steal everything that isn't nailed down is a pretty good war cry.

I really hate Veeky Forums sometimes

Its like the Ultramarines arent actually a bad chapter its just the memes plaqued them.


If they were retards they would have been extinct as a chapter long ago.

They are legit good guys in a dark setting, just like salamanders, space wolfs and (hate to say it) ultramarines.

Not like flesh tearers who kill civilians left and right.
Also, lamenters is not cucked by the black rage or the red thirst so jokes on you.

So their only appeal is being discount Salamanders?
Hell, even Sisters pull that schtick better with their Order of the Silver Shroud seeing as they've got the hospitaller sisters to back it up rather than hust fly back to their home planet soon as the scrapping's done

Yes, they are, but try to paint their fucking sigil on their pauldrons. They would be much more popular if they just had a fucking heart and nothing else.

>If they were retards they would have been extinct a long time ago

>300 marines left
>lost in the warp

>flesh tearers
>400 marines

>legit good guys in the setting
>sided with the astral claws

>not like the flesh tearers, who kill civilians left and right

also wrong, stop getting your lore from 1d4chan, they've toned that down significantly and most of the imperium actually like them because gabriel seth has been ironing that flaw out by putting them in combat situations far from their allies

>not cucked by the black rage and red thirst
>The Apothecary department does operate like that of the Blood Angels, with a type of Sanguinary Priest referred to as a Calix existing as a senior officer. This Calix Priesthood has become more integral to the chapter in recent times as the curse of Sanguinius has manifested in the chapter, which in turn has resulted in the creation of a Death Company.[5a]

>want to run lamenters
>too shit of a painter to do their icon
that's the worst lament desu

Print some decals my man

The thing about the Lamenters is they have really bad luck. Otherwise they would be one of the more competent chapters in the Imperium. Hell, even Papa Smurf was impressed with the mass evacuation of those civilians and would granted them a medal but the Lamenters denied it because they did not save everyone.

I hate the Lamenters.


You know that as of their most recent piece of fluff the Black Rage started popping up in huge numbers?

Also, since they're on a penitent crusade, they're not allowed to recruit.

Doom Eagles are better. They still sacrifice themselves to save civilians but you never hear about how they lost 50% of their chapter to save a relatively small amount of Imperial civilians.


Their entire mentality is about being the most self-suffering fatalistic grim bastards possible, but all in the name of ensuring that mortal humans don't suffer like they do.

They all see themselves as being already dead and that suffering and pain is their lot in the universe and nothing will change that, so nothing can hold them back from fighting as hard as they can to protect the innocent and the faithful from feeling their suffering.

They're one of the only chapters that manages to be both very grimdark and very sympathetic about protecting regular humans, without those two sides of their mentality conflicting.

>All of creation suffers, young ones. Only in accepting our own mortality can we make a difference. Only in bearing the burden of our failures can we find the strength to go on. Only in detachment from glory, or honour, or jealousy... from life itself can we hope to spare others from grief.
>We are Doom Eagles. And we are dead already.

They're Salamanders except more obscure and scrubbed clean of anything even remotely silly or over the top. So they're sort of the perfect chapter for Veeky Forums.

>comically bad luck
>not silly and over the top

How is their bad luck comical? Is there some short story I'm unaware of where the chapter master slips on a space banana peel? And Veeky Forums fucking loves wangst

>"FOR THOSE WE CHERISH, WE DIE IN GLORY" is the best war cry in 40K
no? it's terrible as a war cry

War cries have to be punchy and quick. Dawn of War's got most of the good ones, largely because they can be barked out quickly by a unit in the middle of a fight.

I think people hate ultra cucks because they're the poster boys for all marines

Lamenterfag here

We would get a lot less hate if some of our fellow fans quite spamming the fucking board all the goddamn time.

You should know better, seeing as one of the biggest lore moments they have is when they turned down an Iron Halo from the ultramarines because they felt they shouldn't be celebrating their heroics when so many innocents died. Sitting online bragging "hurr durr we the greatest" kind of defeats that.

0/10 user, lemartes would be disappointed.

I will say they're one of my favorites, but they're hardly the only interesting chapter out there in 40k, hell they're not even the only chapter that actually gives a shit about civilians. Their only really unique point is their absolutely horrendous luck, and the fact that they still try to do good even in spite of it.

>Also, lamenters is not cucked by the black rage or the red thirst so jokes on you.

uhhh.... I've got some bad news for you user

You can actually get really nice shoulder pads on shapeways. They're a dollar a pad but as a lamenters player I will tell you half the time I spend painting a marine is the damn shoulder, and I'm not even that great at it.

War cries either need to be punchy and quick or elaborate and psychotic. I always imagine my templars shouting fire and brimstone rhetoric on the battle field.

>the enemy is upon us!
>let forth the sound of your righteous bolter fire!
>drown the enemy in their benevolent chorus!
>sing brothers! SING!
>*rapid fire intensifies*

I wouldn't mind them being poster boys if they weren't so damn generic. I get that they're supposed to be well rounded and basic, but there's ways to do that and still give them some character. The amount of attention they get only serves to make the problem all the more obvious. The boringness of their lore is only exceeded by how much of it there is. It's like reading Malazan.

I don't care for the DKoK. I prefer Vostroyans fighting for the glory of the motherland. Even converted some cossack style rough riders for my Vostroyans

I think people want to like edgelord shit, but they're insecure and edgelord shit is very stigmatized, so they settle for [MAXIMUM OVERTRAGEDY] instead.

They are SHIT space marines who stupidly care about civilians that are going to die anyway. Heroics have no place in Warhammer, a single space marine takes the sacrifice of about a thousand men to make. Unless a single marine is dying to save billions, it isn't worth it. Hell, no civilian population is really worth the sacrifice of a marine, with only officers of the Imperium mattering. IE, Inquisitors, Magos, departmento staff, etc.

The Lamenters dying in droves to save a small amount of people who will suffer horrible lives as refugees on a new world (and automatically be reduced to the lowest possible class) is nothing short of retardation.

I prefer sensible Chapters who GET SHIT DONE without dying over pointless heroics. Space Marines aren't fucking heroes, they're Angels of Death.

Posting real Space Marine Chapters who get shit done without being emotion filled dipshits who think they're Superman.

You're totally right, which is why the Lamenters aren't an average chapter and they should always be seen as a goofball, an anomaly among the Astartes.
Still, you have to hand it to them that they're really romantic, white knight type, about people who try to do the right thing and always suffer for this, but do it anyway because they feel like it is their duty.


Shittiest namechange in GW history, except maybe Astra Millitarum

The Lamenters are shit

The Salamanders do the entire save human life thing better Veeky Forums jacks off to them since they are just major failures of marines.


Let's not forget, they're basically special forces. You don't send in the Green Berets to build wells or give out food to earthquake victims. Being nice isn't in the job description. It's not like there aren't already organizations in 40k whose job it is to do those things, who do them far better than the Lamenters.



Marines Malevolent pls go and stay go, this thread is for heroes.

I really hope you and those salamander fanboys get your dicks lodged in each other throats and die.

Space marines arent heroes

They are genetic monsters breed only for killing

>getting heated over toy army men

Smh senpai desu



I don't have to be heated to wish people were dead. I wish most people were dead and I don't even know them.

>Posting daemons

Pretty heretical if you ask me senpai.

>Heroics have no place in Warhammer
>Space Marines aren't fucking heroes
Marneus "Walking Genocide" Augustus "God of War" Calgar disagrees.

You just need to also get the job done. Heroism for its own sake is wasted effort.

>being this edgy unironically
That stopped being cool 15 years ago senpai

The Highlords told me "Sanguinus' Sadboiz" were at it again.

You remember how it works right?
"Give me your fleet or taste my meat."
I got plenty of time for you guys to "polish my spear" after if you choose the first option though.

I think my favorite part was if the phrase wasn't already, shall we say, in use it would have made a pretty decent battle cry.

This is why you do a quick Google search before you name ANYTHING. You laugh at the guy's mistake, but it could easily happen to you.


My niggas The Mentors don't get nearly enough mentions.



Fuck off, moron - Lamenters are free of the curse; and Flesh Tearers are still idiots. Quoting bad writing by shit writers won't save you.

They have such bad luck that painting their chapter symbol is super difficult because of the checkered pattern so people hardly play them. So sad.

We don't deserve them

Look a new copypasta.

>being this upset
>having no counterargument beyond "n-not canon"

case in point

thanks for the (you)s lamenterfags, stay mad

What have you done in the lore? Oh yeah! Nothing.
Have fun with that.

Here's a real hero.

>I-I was only p-pretending to be s-stupid
>s-stay m-mad, f-fags...!...
>I'm cool, right? I p-posted laffing grills.....


what was your endgame with that post user

were you making fun of yourself?

user actually has a point. In this weird world of modern 40k, Azrael actually has become a nice guy.

>Respects a regiment of hardass Catachans who have been fighting Abaddon for over a year and holding out to command themselves
>Cares for them and doesn't want them to die or get screwed by the Grey Knights
>BTFO's Typhus in a duel, Typhus runs away like a bitch to survive
>Azrael regrets every decision he makes for the Chapter to keep the Fallen a secret, it weighs heavily upon his soul and gives him much grief. Worries about what will happen if a fuckwit like Asmodai takes over, politically supports calmer, more reserved members of the Legion.

>nigh-irriplacable space marines dying to protect civilians in an empire spanning trillions o scrubs
>those space marines arent there later for the actually important battles
The lives they saved will always be outnumbered by those who die because the lamenters weren't there to help them, because they were busy being dead

I amdit they are also cool as fuck and is on pair with lamenters when it comes to heroism and being good.

We must ad knowledge their deeds brother.

>Minatours, cucked forever by high lords of terra

You will never be as cool as the real heros of the imperium

Have you ever considered that your social problems might not be everyone else's fault?

>BTFO's Typhus in a duel, Typhus runs away like a bitch to survive
>Azrael regrets every decision he makes for the Chapter to keep the Fallen a secret, it weighs heavily upon his soul and gives him much grief

Sounds like a Mary Sue to me.

He was cool in Trials of Azrael. Fought Kharn, fucked with a Lord of Change, snubbed Kaldor Draigo

How the fuck is he a mary sue? He's struggling to keep his chapter together with Asmodai being a zealous fuckwit destabilizing shit that he can't fully control, because even as Supreme Grand Master he only has so much political power.

For all the shit people fling at it the Legacy of Caliban trilogy was really a good serie for the intricacies of the Chapter, plus some good details, like how it FEELS to be in a Terminator armor for a newbie, Conservators getting some action, one guy having the Emperor as a chat buddy when he's so fucked up he has to be put in a Dread, and a Terminator going through stairs (he must have read the idea on Veeky Forums).

It is just like the Path of Eldar in that regard, a great story if you want to learn more about the subject matter. Thorpe did a fantastic job at fleshing g out life on a Craft world with that, and Legacy of Caliban is basically a must read for DA fans now.

>part of a chapter that lobotomises every recruit that fails the training just to keep muh secrets hidden from public.

Nice try user.

Try comparing him to ANY FW marine character, who doesn't just randomly duel faggots like Typhus and win. Just because "oh woe is me Asmodai is a jerk" doesn't mean he isn't a faggot Sue.

So uh

Whatcha guys talking about anyway?

Dark angels always seems to anger people

>part of a chapter that lobotomizes every failed recruit

user every chapter does that

where do you think servitors come from

Its very long and very dumb stories

I thought they became serfs?

Hey, we try save (flay) civilians too.

POWs, criminals, clones breed in tubs.

No other chapter does this as far as I know.

Hey guys sorry were late can we get on the best chapter arguments.

He isn't one of those guys though from some no-nothing Forge World Chapter. As Supreme Grand Master he is one of THE big four, and commands either the most or second most powerful force in the entire galaxy, with his counterpart being Marneus Calgar in the east. Azrael is one of the Imperium's super legendary space marine heroes, equal to the Chaos Champions like how Dante and Calgar are equals too.

Azrael also isn't invincible. He fought Kharn, but was hopelessly outmatched and escaped by shooting his way through the floor with a plasma pistol and running the fuck away. So we know now that

Typhus < Azrael < Kharn


Correct, all other chapters make them serves but the dark angels have to be evil because muh secrets.

Would be serf to these guys anytime.

What are you 2 bickering about

The Forge World Chapters all are some random guys from successors, or even successors of successors. Besides the Minotaurs, they don't wield much actual power.

Azrael, Dante, Logan Grimnar, and Marneus Calgar are the heads of THE Big Four. The primogenitor chapters, and the most powerful of them. They kick ass because it's in their job description. It's the reason why Logan Grimnar defeated Magnus in battle, and Calgar BTFO M'kar so hard he perma died.

I just popped in at "no-nothing" being used unironically and not as part of some variant of the "doggy dog world" copypasta.

I mean, it's not like FW pet toys are better sometimes. Loon at Red Scorpions that FOUR (4) models for the same chapter master.
1 Sargent
1 captain
1 Chapter Master
1 Leviathan Dreadnought (Red Scropions get all the toys, because reasons. I could understand Minotaurs being well supplied but them?)

Where my Templars at

Oh, nevermind then, it was just some gibberish I threw in. I thought you were claiming that Primogenitor Chapter Masters should be like more modest FW ones, when FW's are far less powerful Chapters that represent the 991 successors.

Well they are Emperor's Children.

the crimson fists do it, and it's implied blood angel recruits who fail the vigil are taken away and made into servitors

>son of Lion El'Jonson
>is the one who gets punched in the face (by Draigo)

>The creation mysteries for Servitors vary from Chapter to Chapter. Some are grown from human gene-cells in artificial nutrient. Others are failed neophytes, civilian criminals or fugitives from Chapter law who have been mind-wiped and lobotomised so that their flesh may serve anew.

>Prospective Space Marines must always be chosen as youths, before they become too mature to accept the gene-seed organs that turn them into superhuman warriors. Worthy Aspirants whose bodies reject the implants are, at best, destined to spend the rest of their lives as Chapter serfs or Servitor-menials; at worst, a painful and ignominious death awaits them.

Through completely superficial evidence that is vague enough to have been caused post-founding.

I was gonna get into Templars!

Until their codex got squatted.

>tfw the same thing happened to me for Ogres, Tomb Kings, Oldcrons, Nids-before-shitdex, so on so forth

Honestly? By now, I'm glad Black Templars are just a vanilla Space Marines force. It means they can't be really fucked with.

You do realise that they are going to be under the spotlight for FoC right? Might even get some new models.

It is canon though.