If Cadia does fall, will he have earned his arms back?

If Cadia does fall, will he have earned his arms back?

Abaddon the 'Armless will always need a hand when trying to defeat Cadia. The Black Crusades are just a cry for help.

He needs to be heavily armed to defeat Cadia.

He'll need a proper armada to take Cadia.


even if he gets a new model and has daddy GW blow up the setting he won't be able to erase that particular meme from existence

Damn, Khorne, lay off the sick burns.

He'll only get his arms back if he succeeds. Of course that will mean the end of the setting so....


No matter what bullshit GW tries to force down our throats about how super kewl he is, Abbadon and Chaos will always be the spoilt, whiny, little kids on the soccer team, who have to run back back to GeeDubs whenever they aren't being treat like the little special snowflake superstars GeeDubs keeps saying they are.

GW can make them win, but they can't make them be respected.

What if Abby takes over Cadia, only to find out it's really a new planetary Titan that is about to self destruct?

Only if he manages to not get blown the fuck out by the Imperial Navy again.

So why hasn't he been killed again?

Will any means of writing make it feel like they earned it?

It would be funny when the first picture from the new abaddon will show him without arms. someone should give GW a hint.

>Chaos Gods realize that if Abaddon wins, not only will the Black Crusades end but Abaddon's Black Imperium plan they don't like
>Abaddon will need to fight his very allies for his victory

no, because they've removed player agency

Sounds about right.

I imagine Kharn might do a little betraying at the last moment of hypothetical "victory" though.

The Entirity of Chaos is fluff is vague wanking about How Chaos is immortal and eternal and how there are infinite unkillable demons and how despite the fact that The Chaos Gods are a bunch of petty, capricious fucks with no attention spans, that one character flaw doesn't come into play to keep them from uniting.

Nothing Chaos has feels like they earned it.

>Abaddon realizes that he needs to get rid of Chaos gods to win
>Abaddon hears of the Harlequins' plans & makes his own version which destroys more than Slaanesh
>Abaddon, unrestrained, kills the Emprah
>Just as planned
>Emprah becomes a Chaos God
>Because Abby destroyed the others, he's the only one there
>Chaos wins but with the Emprah as Chaos

Basically from a narrative standpoint they are the spoiled villan sues, who thw writers visibly love more then the protagonists

I remember seeing this before but I can't place it

Please happen.

Cadia? I haven't heard that name in years... I remember the Eye of Terror campaign and I'll never forget St. Josmaine's Hope.

Works for me

>The Emprah has become insane after 10000 years of psychic torture
>He use his newfound powers of God to torture the souls of trillion of people

>Emprah becomes increasingly petty
>starts fucking with people in the weirdest of ways
>Snotlings are the top of the Orkish foodchain, Orks become the lowest
>Eldar start to murderfuck each other now that Slaanesh is gone but Emprah pretends to be Slaanesh just to fuck with them
>Squats return
>Necrons & C'Tan are made fully aware but without any control & given to the Mechanicus to be researched/molested
>Tyranids become the tastiest & weakest race in the Galaxy without the Hivemind noticing, world hunger is cured
>Tau discover an old Terran anime named Mobile Suit Gundam

10/10 analogy

No, but he get's a Snek Waifu out of pity.

>>Emprah becomes a Chaos God
>>Because Abby destroyed the others, he's the only one there
>>Chaos wins but with the Emprah as Chaos
>>Eldar start to murderfuck each other now that Slaanesh is gone but Emprah pretends to be Slaanesh just to fuck with them
...But is he a woman then?

>Chaos is immortal and eternal
> The Chaos Gods are a bunch of petty, capricious fucks with no attention spans
This could be cool. The idea of utterly inhuman, alien other-dimensional almost all powerful disembodied space gods equating to basically bored kids with adhd and super powers work. Geedubs manages to turn it into shit somehow though.

>Snek Waifu

Is this supposed to be a thing

It's because having them be Lovecraftian Elder God Wannabees who eventually destroy everything seemed more "poetic" and "deep" to them than actually having them be a balanced and likable faction fluffwise that actually embodies the Chaotic nature of the Warp in stead of just vaguely encapsulating some vague metaphor about mankind being destroyed by it's sins.

GW writing is hit or miss, with a giant block of lead leaning things towards "miss".

But that metaphor falls flat because humans as a whole are not garbage, and it also doesn't account for the alien races, or even the fact that the Necrons and Old ones are more responcible for it then humanity

You're preaching to the Choir user.

I'm trying to understand the though process that leads one to think "inevitable doom at the hands of your "collective sins" is deep

By the emperor, those digits!

nothing can cover up the fact that chaos has failed to conquer the imperium for over ten thousand years.

someone have the screencap about men holding off demons for ten thousand years and the demons have no excuse?

You want Exterminatus Carlos? Because that's how you get Exterminatus.

LOL! Is this a new meme?

This can be said about literally any faction's fans.

Chaos has already won. The emperor rots on his corpse throne. If he ever dies he would ascend to a higher plane of existence.

What part of Long War don't you understand?

I'm not talking about the fanbase, I'm talking about the actual faction itself.

So let me get this straight
-You're backed by infinitely respawning hell demons that are strong enough to tank pretty much everything in the setting
-You have unrestrained access to psychic powers
-You're all "blessed" by chaos to have all sorts of crazy powers
-You've got pretty much all of your traitor primarchs still around
-Time and space have literally no meaning to you
-have giant plot armor
-fighting against what is best described as human wave tactics
-infinite ammo

And it took you how many thousands of years to take 1 planet?

The crusades were not all against Cadia. Most had other goals like obtaining MacGuffins. Read the fluff.


Don't worry Cadia, everything is fine

GW posted this on one of their blogs

The ORKS will save the galaxy!

>Squats return
>Implying they haven't already

>abbadon didn't lose those 12 other times, he was only pretending

Sure, GW.

Chaoswank is even worse than Tauwank. They should wank factions that deserve it, like Orks or Nids.

Go back to fapping to Grey Sues and muh "Imperial Guards are normal humans fighting vs monsters!!11!1".

You imperial fags are such insufferable pricks.

Oh, you're just trolling.

No. Chaos (as a faction) has no goddamn stakes. It's all either "EXACTLY AS PLANNED" or "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET, NEEEXXXTTT TIIIMMEE!".

There's no fucking tension there. It's shit writing, even by the (already low) standard I hold GW's writing to.

>Daily reminder that FFG lost license

That would imply that the plot advances and that doesnt' happen in 40k

Hey, faggot, you do know Eye of Terror was retconned because Chaos kicked the Imperial asses so much that Order crybabies whinged until they retconned it.The Chaos players dominated nearly every battlefield and had the Order by the robes.

This is how you know that EVERY single Imperialfag is a entitled faggot. They won't even acknowledged that GW is biased towards them,.

Ynnead exploded

Wrong, read the fluff. Start with the Black Legion supplement or play Battlefleet Gothic game.

OP postulated an if. So yes, your post is correct.

Here, have a cookie?

Aun'Va was killed.

>Nope, in fact in the campaign the Imperium didn't actually meet ANY of its objectives. The only "Good Guy" faction that DID win its objectives were the Eldar, and their reward for their effort was Eldrad being killed off and devoured by a Demon of Slannesh.

>It wasn't that the Imperium "won" space, its that Chaos did get that specific objective, the only one they failed. But that wasn't even the objective of the Imperium, they needed to hold select worlds and destroy the Blackstone Fortresses before they reached Cadia, all of which they failed.

>Chaos basically won everything, with every major planet under contest being dominated utterly by chaos, including Chaos.

>The story was retcon'd for two main reasons:

>1) There was an outcry by the rather large eldar player base, who felt completely betrayed by their reward for being the only competent faction on their side being losing one of their only important characters, creating bad press.

>2) They released a new Chaos Codex, expecting a more fair fight for chaos with the buff. But Chaos 3.5 was probably the best codex ever released in GW history, combinding fluff with in game mechanics to create SOLID armies that felt fantastic. This threw increadible support for Chaos by players rushing out and buying new chaos armies, abandoning the Imperial Side for Chaos, then playing the strongest codex in the game at the time. The Imperial side got annihilated utterly, and the story significance would have limited releases by GW as they originally expected a real stalemate, not one-sided slaughter.

>So knowing this, GW ret-con'd the Black Crusade in the next official book, pushing it back to minute to midnight.

>It wasn't retconed because Chaos lost, its because Chaos won too hard in 40k at the time due to a recent solid codex release and fanfare by the players.

>Again, context people...

An user from a previous thread explained it quite well.

So you see ladies and gentlemen, GW coddles the Imperialfags and favors them. Deleting their losses from history so the little bitches won't get offended .

So when a cunt like this claims that Chaos are spoiled children who have GW shoring their backs, U get triggered. History revision at its WORSE application. FUCK!

Come on, you losers, I want you name a SINGLE GW campaign book series where the Imperials lost. You fucking can't. Because GW has an Imperial bias and always did. You are the spoiled children who throw tantrums when other factions get a bone thrown to them.

Imperialsfags KYS! *Mic drop*.

Magnus returned


Ended with the Imperials nuking the planet the Tau invested so much resources and sacrifices in taking turning the Tau victory into a disastrous tragedy because NO ONE gets to win a clean victory over the Imperium. That would cause the Imperial fans to cry and we don't want that.

Seriously, Imperialfags are the cancer tharts killing the narrative. They cannot accept their faction suffering any defeats.

>I want you name a SINGLE GW campaign book series where the Imperials lost.
Every single IA book.
>b-but GW isn't FW
Yes it is.

I said GW as in GW design studio.

FW is made by a whole different team and nobody gives a damn about their 40K books.

Wait, are you saying imperials are coddled because chaos got overpowered books? That seems to be your argument.

I am saying that they are coddled because GW would never allow the Imperials to lose ever in any campaign. Nobody gets a clear victory over the Imperium. And if they do, GW fixes it.

It sounds to me more like GWs balls were exposed on stream when it was shown what an unbalanced pile of shit their game was, and scrubbed the tourney to keep it from getting too obvious.

Though I am biased against chaosfags as liars in the first place after they were shown to be lying about their own fluff in several crossover threads.

Prove it imperial faget

Spoiled piece of Mary sue bullshit

I don't even play warhammer, chaosbaby.

I am just pointing out your scenario says more about gw's pile of shit game than any one faction. Though it does seem to show some chaos favoritism for apparently being super overpowered.

And that chaosfags are habitual liars.

Proof that we lie dammit

At that scale he has the same proportions as the 40k model? Is it supposed to be canon that his head and torso were the same size?

Look up the rexent power level thread that ended in carmen sandiego victory.

The guy there was shown to be lying about his own sources and proceeded to get blown out repeatedly by people who actually read the sources he posted.

This happens any time chaos shows up to those things, and has become something of a running joke in those threads.

You are making no sense, faggot.

Campaign books are biased towards Imperials regardless of who is involved. For example, Death Masque which featured Deathwatch vs Eldar. As we know, the Eldar are the most broken army at the moment but they are the most shafted army when it comes to the fluff. Death Masque was no different.

In Death Masque GW literally murdered the Eldar race and dashed to dust TEN FUCKING YEARS of story of the Eldar story build up just to hype their new Deathwatch release and character.

>Crossover threads

Threads that I never visit because they are cancerous so you just admit to be living cancer.

That goes against the whole "chaos was so overpowered they blew out the tourney" shit you were talking about earlier.

No, it doesn't. Being overpowered on the TT means jackshit when it comes to writing about the lore. Case in the point, the Eldar.

In writing the lore, the bias is towards the Imperium.

You just admitted that you don't play warhammer so you don't know what the hell I am saying.

Yeah, and as an outsider it sounds like chaos bias from being hugely overpowered and having their fluff beat eldar's.

You really not reading my posts or too, are you? Or you are so dumb that you don't understand what's being said. I'll just leave you stew here until someone with a grasp on warhammer has something worthy while to say.


>>Fleeing the Black Crusade, swarms of refugee ships pile into the system in unheard of numbers, followed variously by pirates, chaos warbands, and various imperial forces assuming to protect their people.
>>Orks are increasingly distracted in their conflict with each other and grow frustrated at the constant (and disappointingly dull) interruptions
>>In an unprecedented move, the two warbosses call a truce in order to stomp the humies who started this mess and interrupted their fight
>>Galaxy's biggest waaaaugh ever forms, hell bent on taking Cadia, all because the Orks want to fight amongst themselves

>Chaosfag gets all pissy when refuted
This is what one comes to expect from chaos players when confronted with information they don't like.

You refuted nothing and provided no information. From your post it looks like you are simply baiting.

So here is homework for you. Cite single recent campaign series where the Imperium lost.

GW campaign series, mind you.

You mean that one you were just talking about because chaos won hard?
And then you were whining about it because nothing of import happened, because nothing ever happens in 40k?

Eh, fuck this guy and his 13 failures in a row.Lufgt's somali crew has been doing more damage to the Empirium than this twat of a warmaster

Not really.

>Eye of Terror

Stop dodging the question. Where is the citation? Where is the reputation? Where is the information?


phoneposting sucks!

I cited you, user. The things you were just talking about.

Your own arguments are self defeating when put next to each other. Here you are going on about how chaos never wins, where before you were going on about how chaos won everything.

Nope, you cited nothing. And too dumb to understand the context. I asked in my posts for anyone to provide a single recent GW campaign book series where the Imperium lost. You continue to fail to provide.

>>One Ultramarine company atak the biggest waaaaugh
>>Win and lost only 1 guy who heroically sacrifice himself to kill the warbos

Ive already got one, by your own admission.

Nope, Eye of Terror isn't recent nor was it GW controlled.

Try again.

>Order Crybabies
Get the fuck back to Age of Sigmar.

Newfag, Eye of Terror factions were broken to two groups

Order : Imperium, Eldar, Tau

Disorder : Necrons, Nids, Dark Eldar, Chaos.

I've got enough data points I think, as 100% of the tourneys i've heard of or that were discussed are chaos victories.


Eye of Terror wasn't a tourney and you are bullshitting because I have see the results of plenty of warham tournaments

As someone who doesn't give a shit about warhammer, all I have to go on is you going on about how op chaos was for a tourney, and how them being overpowered somehow meant another faction was coddled.

Which proves you know nothing about what's being discussed and should leave the warhammer 40K fans discuss their setting rather than butting it like clueless moron.

Im gonna butt in when the whiniest group of 40k fans tries to claim anyone else is whinier. Imperialfags are more annoying, sure, but chaosfags whine way more.

This is a setting where the good gus winning is actually unexpected, so honestly a hero victory would be nice