/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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>Mage 2e Errata
This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Do you throw in any bizarre conspiracy theories or obscure myths in your games? (lizardmen controlling the world, Time Cube, Glycon etc...)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's a time cube?

>Do you throw in any bizarre conspiracy theories or obscure myths in your games?
I play mostly Mage. That shit is my bread and butter for developing new plot-hooks.

Chemtrails are a conspiracy by the panopticon to infect the oneiros of the people below, etc.

Hey, I know that cWoD is out of fashion but the scans in the second pastebin are kinda spotty. There's a lot of pages missing from the Times of Judgement one, does anyone have a different scan?

What about playable Lasombra antitribu or Assamite schismatics? If it's all Camarilla, all the time, I think it'd be cool to include all of the Camarilla's faces.

Reminder that Sin-Eaters, Beasts and Mummys are the trifecta of overpowered splats that need nerfs. None of those three should be able to beat an uratha one on one.

But which one is the strongest

Nobody plays them so it's academic.


Would anybody open-minded mind taking a look at my GM notes for a nWoD campaign I plan on running next year?

I've successfully DMed D&D and M&M before, but I'm rather new to the nWoD system, which is why I'm asking.

Actually an Uratha pack by far is the strongest splat. A demon going loud is second strongest.

Define 'open-minded' I'll critique your campaign if you want. But if you got a couple folders of werewolf fisting art ....

Drinking in furry tears since the 90s.

Oh, right, the open-minded bit.

It's a crossover game of Mage, Hunter, and Princess. And the setting is the humanized spin-off of the show that cannot be mentioned due to GR15.

That being said, if you want to rip into it, I would appreciate it.

Campaign Outline

Mission One Outline

Faction Outlines

Basically, I want to make sure I'm not being too D&D-y. Some people saw my 1st Mission outline last thread and said it was too railroady, but I know my players, so that's one issue I don't need to worry about it.

Also, werewolf fisting is gross.

But "normal mode of play" is dumb. Conflict drives a story, and the faction conflict of Bloodlines was poorly done, but far from where it went wrong.

A Chronicles of Darkness game instead. More consistent tone. I think a Telltale style game would be good. A lot of roleplaying games these days where you create your own character don't really NEED the run and gun style control scheme that they do. Mass Effect's story for instance, could be a lot better served by a different system, or completely minimizing the actual combat completely (which is what one of the people involved in Mass Effect suggested, but then again she was biased, since she was one of the writers).

I think a big focus on the actual roleplaying is the important part, but due to the problems with scale, a lot of games can't afford to make large expansive games.

Then again, Shadowrun Returns has been successful by scaling back. No sound, no cutscenes, relatively simple models. Lots of character choice and roleplaying (Dragonfall especially, though I hear Hong Kong is even better).
I wonder if there are any WoD modules for Shadowrun Returns...

>None of those three should be able to beat an uratha one on one.
Also, what about Demons or Prometheans, both of whom can beat a Uratha one on one? And even Frenzying Vampires?

TIL that Minds Eye Theater is the most commercially successful LARP (5:08, since Veeky Forums doesn't tend to embed timecodes)

Holy macaroni


Oh hey, here's the Drone rules that didn't make it into Hurt Locker.

Anybody can beat anybody given the right set of circumstances.

>A Chronicles of Darkness game instead.
Ew, why?

I also don't know about the Telltale thing; I've tried Telltale Batman and wasn't exactly impressed.

>liking oWoD

Don't get me wrong, I prefer nWoD for everything outside Vampire and Werewolf. But since I kind of gravitate to Vampire and Werewolf, the balance is tilted towards oWoD.


Mission outline looks fine. It's like those SAS stories they made. One thing I'll note is the the time stamps probably wouldn't be important unless you're a time chase or something. So I'd make it a bit more vague and open the the window. so you're not crunched. AS in: early evening late after noon midnightish witching hour. A general time frame so events can be moved around without too much trouble.

It would be easier to make a game like Bloodlines in Requiem - for one thing you have multiple sects that aren't automatically at each other's throats and you're not predisposed to one or another by clan, so the player walks in on a more nuanced political scene with meaningful sides to pick.

Fuck off, a freshly awakened Mummy should be a threat for a whole pack of Uratha. Having earthshaking powers when they're at their least human and reasonable is like their whole thing.

I haven't played Batman, but I... think I've played Walking Dead? I can't actually remember. I know I've seen it, at least, and I could have sworn I played episode one; it was a really good story.
I at least played something similar, even if I can't remember what it was. And I recently finished episode 1 of Life is Strange.

Also, Chronicles because I just overall feel it's a better setting, and a better place to set personal stories as opposed to stories that deal with the metaplot baggage like Bloodlines did. Also, like says, there's just a lot of things that make Requiem better for roleplaying.

A game where you're given multiple factions and have to balance all of them is a lot more interesting than a game where you choose one.

In my experience they rarely can. Its hard to deal with heals all damage at the start of every round

Onyx Path must have stole this from the new Mummy movie

if they know how werewolves work it's easy enough for a lot of supers to stay out of reach until the Gauru timer ticks down.

>World of Darkness took an idea from a Universal monster movie

>the Gauru timer ticks down.
I don't think *you* know how werewolves work.

Really? What can mummys do? Never played that splat.

Time stamps are there because a) my players can get carried away with the most minor details (what time is it now? What is the security guard wearing? How many steps does the staircase has? etc) but also because I want the first leg of the campaign to conclude on Halloween/Nightmare Night.

Other than that, any issues with the factions? The aura I want to create about the town of Twin Lakes is that all of a sudden, all the supernatural factions are interested in it, because there's a portal to an entirely new world there.

New Mummy 2e Utterance: the ability to turn off background music.

ok so you kind of got a time chase you need to players to end up at.

As far as the Campaigen outline. You've got a good skeleton. You've got a line that maps to their theme that works and can be built when the players interest turn to it. I would create another line about what the singular groups basic goal is. If they have one.

I'm more interested in the mood and theme. You trying for Halloween town or 30days of night?

And if you don't particularly want to dive too deep into all the political day to day city stuff. The shortcut and legend with the groups seems fine

I always like Cheiron as a Team Rocketish villains.

What set up you using? roll20? skype? Discord?

you caught me, I haven't even looked at Forsaken 2e

The two campaign ideas are:
I) Fate of Two Worlds
II) Everybody is moving in.

Basically, the setting is that. of Equestria girls, but with a more realistic approach to stuff. So stuff like injuries and cursing will happen. Death... possible but very unlikely, at least for the Mortals. At the same time, it's meant to invoke the kind of "weird mystery" feeling, a la Twin Peaks, only with the main characters being able to push back a bit.

The first part will be the local crime family making a deal with the Darkspawn of Princess (who are actually Abyssal intruders) so that they can strike back against the Vampires and Seers muscling in on their own turf. That is the backdrop. The actual stuff for the players is that they need to find the main Portal to the Shadow, and shut it down. However, this leg will culminate with the invasion of the Canterlot University for Gifted Individuals.

Another source of inspiration for me was the Secret World.

Yeah, the Cheiron are bad guys, because they're "icky" enough to not fit into the EQG universe. We're gonna be using Discord and Roll20.

Even in 1e, the timer isn't until they suddenly stop being able to be a murder machine. It's where they stop being able to control themselves. And generally by the time they get to the point where they're on a timer, you're already crippled and trapped.

That is the ugliest werewolf I've seen in AGES.

>Do you throw in any bizarre conspiracy theories or obscure myths in your games? (lizardmen controlling the world, Time Cube, Glycon etc...)

I'm currently running a game where the Guardians have a Labyrinth based on OOPARTS. They base it on the fact that such things can genuinely be remnants of the Time Before.
The people are still nuts, but enlightened and useful nuts.

If we assume equal XP:
Physical combat? Vampires
Hax-based combat? Mages.

Fun fact, regarding the OP picture; Jim Butcher has mentioned being open to a Dresden Files adventure game in the style of the Telltale ones.

I want this. Give me a source.

No Shame Mate I ran that game. It was great

Mage building her cult makes a bargain with a dream spirit to help her failing school. enter the main six infighting of the first movie. Discord spirit feeding off the mutual hatred being spread around by the traitor

Discord Trent #6675

Fuck.. he mentioned it in a Q&A back around the Skin Game promo tour.
Someone asked him if he were open to Dresden Files or Codex Alera video games. He said he was, and then elaborated that he'd love to see "One of those Telltale-style game, where it turns out a choice you made at the start inevitably led Chtulhu to eat you by the end."

Or something along those lines. He might've said "like the Wolf Among Us" or something like that. I am CERTAIN about the Chtulhu part though.

> Obligatory request to share Secrets of the Covenants (and hearty thank you for Hurt Locker)

Mummies should be able to beat anything one-on-one, at least when it first wakes up. The whole trope with the mummy is "disturbing its rest means you are irrevocably fucked".

Uratha also aren't one-on-one fighters; their whole deal revolves around how well the pack works as a unit.

If you're figuring out how powerful werewolves are based on a strict one-on-one fight you're already approaching it wrong.

>But "normal mode of play" is dumb. Conflict drives a story, and the faction conflict of Bloodlines was poorly done, but far from where it went wrong.
Are you implying a "standard" Vampire: the Masquerade game is free of conflict?

Do you understand how Vampires work?

Any time you have more than one Vampire in a room you have conflict.

One thing that weirds me out with mummies is... Well. Starting characters are still weak, even at newly awakened.

There were only two good telltale movies. Walking Dead season 1 and The Wolf Among Us.

And even TWAU fell apart towards the end, it only earns a top spot because playing scumbag Bigby is one of the most rewarding things in a telltale game. Fuck those weirdos obsessed with Clem, being a corrupt sheriff with a penchant for kicking the shit out of people is much more rewarding.

TWAU also earned top marks for me because I really like werewolves.

So, one of my players suggested "Sanctity of Humanity", that is, you get refunded the xp that it costs to buy it up when you fall. (Also applies to Integrity).
The argument here is that he doesn't want it to be punishing to spend XP to raise it.
I just feel it feels a bit iffy. It feels like rewarding people for acting monstrous.

>two good telltale movies
Calling them "movies" tells quite a lot about their quality as a game.

Yeah if you dont like the story you're going to hate them because thats all they have going for them, and is also why they're so easy to cock up because there just isnt any other selling point to fall back on like with other games.

This would work in the instance that you tightly control how and when he CAN buy it up. I do something similar where my players get back half the xp they spent on integrity if they fall within a few sessions, but it's a hunter game and after integrity 3 or so you cant buy it up without doing something to strongly reaffirm your connection to the "sane" world.

Yeah. We were talking about doing stuff like Mage's "Must take Raise Wisdom as Obsession".

The big thing I worry about isn't buying back up though, it's players acting deliberately monstrous to free up XP.

I wouldn't allow that. There is a reason why they scratched starting with lower Humanity in exchange for exp.

>There is a reason why they scratched starting with lower Humanity in exchange for exp.

Eh, I'm certain I saw that mentioned in a sidebar somewhere in 2e...

Ahh, I mean. I would question if you think your players are that shitty as to act out of character to get some XP

I'd say give them half if anything, acting shitty is it's own reward.

I don't THINK they would, but I wouldn't want to encourage shitty behaviour.

What about cute Samedi sluts?

Another reason why not allow it is double dipping. One already gets beats for breaking points, why should you get even more exp for failing them?

>Eh, I'm certain I saw that mentioned in a sidebar somewhere in 2e...
You are wrong.

Don't they die of age? I thought that's what user meant.

>Calling them "movies" tells quite a lot about their quality as a game.
No, it tells a lot about how dismissive people are when it comes to interaction that isn't so instant and direct.

No, he clearly meant playing keep-away, which is silly when you're talking about creatures that can smell the invisible and throw cars.

user, telltale games arent games, they're visual novels with qtes. Theres no shame in it, but calling them games is laughable.

I can see Cappadocians being able to pull off the Corpse Bride look, maybe, but the Samedi are too rotten for it.

>Hating on literaly dust
I don't know why I actually like their discipline.

This guy gets it.

Why does everyone hate ravnos?Not talking about in-lore.What's your opinion about them?
I swear the ST's here hate them more than the players too

No it isn't. It's a story that uses the language of games and the platform of games to tell that story. It's a game.

Let's put aside that they're based on actual racial stereotypes.
Their Clan Flaw is literally "must be an annoying asshole".

Why do you think people would hate them.

Well, "racist caricatures" and "literally compelled by the Beast into dickery" are both fairly damning.

Ravnos are basically vampire kender, minus the developer shilling.

No it isnt. The qtes are superfluous just like they were in heavy rain and the actual dialogue choices have been done plenty of times in VAs before.

Hell the overly simplistic, vestigial point and click gameplay, the only part that 'uses the platform of games' adds nothing to the experience. Calling it a point and click is an insult to point and clicks.

The XP freed up can only be spend on raising Humanity/Integrity back up. Problem fixed.

>There’s a Style Merit for drone piloting, but we didn’t detail any drones. There were a few reasons for that. One was space. Another was that the drone style just sort of came out of a writer’s idea pile, but we didn’t really make room to elaborate. We figured people would take those ideas and run with them a bit.
>But, it’s the holiday season, I’m feeling generous
>Feeling generous
Holy fuck. Way to not admit it was a dumb fuck move of you to not include drone rules in the first place

Added to that, the drone control style was stupid as fuck.

I find it funny that there were sections about Ableism and how to use Online Harassment, but drones, actual weapons, had to be taken out for additional space.

The entire post was about how it was a dumb move. Do you really need it spelled out?

It's almost as if people have different values and focus than you do.
Also, bitching about the Online Harassment part is stupid when that's part of a larger section about how to use each and every skill for violence and abuse. Drones weren't taken out, Drone Control was created without drones actually being a thing.

>It's almost as if people have different values and focus than you do.

It's almost like I bought a book about violence to expand the violent options in my games. But fuck me, right?

>The entire post was about how it was a dumb move. Do you really need it spelled out?
Have you read the blog-post. That is definitely not the tone taken by Hill. It is far from apologetic.

Then why are you complaining that it gave you exactly that?

Because I'd rather they give me more of what I bought the book for than anything else. I purchased this book with the understanding it would be all about violence rather than some kind of disability politics.

The fact that most angers me isn't that there is some form of political writing within (even one I agree with). It disturbs me that game mechanics were cut from a game book while other things were not. Why put in the style merits for drones, and then not include any drones?

Someone had to make a tough editorial decision, user: include rules that would make the mechanical options in the book actually nonsensical... Or provide a platform for some Social Justice Warrior to preach to the choir about how they still aren't just quite tolerant enough.

The choice was clear.

Seriously people. If you hate OPP as much as you seem to do, why do you continue playing their games?
Ah, of course. No one here actually plays any games. I almost forgot.

No, I don't want to talk about the Ableism section, which I feel is important as part of that broader section. I want to know why you're complaining about the Online Harassment rules (especially when you're not also complaining about the Offline Harassment rules), which is... a way to expand the violent options in your games.
You're complaining that the game gave you something you wanted it to give you. You're also complaining about the game giving *other* people what they want the games to give them.

As for "why cut drones", it doesn't seem like drone rules actually existed to begin with, and it was more of a spur of the moment "throw it in for kicks" sort of thing.

>wah wah, those SJWs ruin everything
Complaining about Onyx Path being too SJW is like complaining that MYFAROG is too nationalist. If that's your complaint, you're really playing the wrong game.

So, I've just red the Deadpan merit's description...


Does that mean that Sleepwalkers can be completely immune to the Beast's powers?

>(even one I agree with)
This is what bugs me when Aspel or other like minded people argue. I consider myself a progressive and can understand a lot of what these little sidebars or paragraphs are saying. But that doesn't mean its not distracting and annoying.
When I get a game book all I want are the rules and information about the setting. That's it. Everything else just feels like wasted space and time.

And yet I've never gotten butthurt about a sidebar, including sidebars that literally dismiss my views.
>When I get a game book all I want are the rules and information about the setting. That's it. Everything else just feels like wasted space and time.
You need to understand that you are not the sole audience. For other people, they are interested in things that go beyond the mechanics and setting. For instance, I'm going to make the assumption that you skip the chapter fiction. I mean, I generally do. Sometimes I read it, but honestly I think Promethean 2e is where I read the most, because The Great Work and the Rambles were interesting. Most of the time? Eh, take it or leave it. Wouldn't really bother me if the chapter fictions didn't exist.
But I still understand why they're there. I don't go complaining about their existence. Because I understand that they're not for me.

Any of them that rely solely on causing them fear. I'd say that most Nightmares still happen, since they're all about causing hallucinations as opposed to just go "you're afraid now" (same with the Nightmare Discipline), but they'd be treated as +2 Composure.
Deadpan won't save you against rending claws or fire breath.

>For instance, I'm going to make the assumption that you skip the chapter fiction.
Like the little stories they have at the start of chapters? That shit is always awesome. Or atleast I don't remember reading a bad one.

That's stupid. I'm not the guy you're replying to, but you're wrong.

Because complaining about this sort of shit is what gets devs and crap to pay attention and fix their mistakes. Meaning that if you want to see more of the stuff YOU like you need to complain about stuff you don't and praise the stuff you do.

Granted, probably not on Veeky Forums, but on the White Wolf forums, but that's a different story.

That's just an example, I know a lot of people do. My point still stands: the books are written for multiple people with multiple wants.

>Meaning that if you want to see more of the stuff YOU like you need to complain about stuff you don't and praise the stuff you do.
First off, no one here praises anything.
Second off, I think it's pretty clear that Onyx Path are not interested in listening to people going "stop being so SJW". I have as much chance of convincing Varg Vikernes to stop trying to use his own reinterpretations of Norse Paganism to advocate white supremecy and nationalism than user has of convincing OPP to stop being "SJW".

Third: I told Hill last night that we didn't have drone rules (and droned on about the Vampire Banes). I also like sections about Ableism and how Mages are privileged rich people and how the True Fae are a good metaphor not for victimizers but for the social systems that create and protect them.

The game is "SJW" and it turns out some people aren't gnashing their teeth at that.
The fact that so many people can't seem to deal with that but still want to devote their time to bitching about it boggles my mind. But then again, like the other user said... >Ah, of course. No one here actually plays any games. I almost forgot.

>how the True Fae are a good metaphor not for victimizers but for the social systems that create and protect them.
And here I thought it was just a cool twist on old school Faerie tales. But no everything has to be a fucking metaphor. Well good thing I can just ignore it.


Both vampires are cool, shut up.

It's not like you two play all that often either, so it's not really a burn as much as it is a common ground.

Also congrats on your new upcoming OPP freelance job, Aspel.

It's the closest thing there is to a Nasuverse RPG. That's literally the only reason.

Anyone willing to share the Tome of Secrets for V20/VDA20?