Monk art that doesn't have the eastern ascetic look but more cure or sexually titilating...

Monk art that doesn't have the eastern ascetic look but more cure or sexually titilating? I mean that's the best thing about armorless specialty classes right?

*cute or sexually titlating

Anime is shit.

Agreed. Let's obsess over it and binge everything.

Welcome to Veeky Forums.

OP, is English not your first language?

Dunno if I'd call it eastern, but you might find this to suit your tastes.

Depends, what do you consider sexy?

Your waifu a shit.


Oh, OP. We can make everything cute and sexually titillating. Cloth, leather, metal, it doesn't matter. We can - and do - clumsily shoehorn sex into everything, because if my eyes aren't beholding something that sexually arouses me at every second of the day I'll probably suffer a mental breakdown of some kind. Porn of any flavor you can imagine is more easily accessible than it's ever been but it's never enough. I'd literally put titties on the fucking sun if I could. That's how it works, right?

Here's a cute monk for you.

So you just want a Monk cheesecake thread.

I don't think OP denied that


>OP pic is a slave
>OMG so cuuuuute!

Get help

I got u senpai








One of the best characters in the entire show and she gets relegated to "useless sidekick character" like a third of the way through the manga. Such a shame.






>implying that slaves can't be cute

that enough sexy monk types?

Needs more magical rings being used as nipple rings.




"....gods, I want to rip this asshole's arm off and shove it up his ass...."


Power down version.

Magi was, when it started at least, a pretty brutal anime that tackled heavy issues like slavery.

Then it devolved into generic shonen morality-preaching shit.






that we can tell characters apart from visuals alone.

Sorry weebshit, some of us don't spend all day watching mongolian puppet shows. There was nothing in that image implying slavery.

These are not "monks".

These are sluts, strippers or prostitutes posing in speciality outfits

Are you saying you can't look good while kicking ten kinds of ass? How pathetic are you? he for-real cutting out her tongue?

>tackled heavy issues
user, it didn't tackle a wet turd. It just provided plenty of fetish fuel for you to feel edgy while masturbating.

Post BnS, you incel!


Bearded fighters are underrated.

Have some thighs.

It's worth noting this is from Pixiv Fantasia's Wizard and Knight, so our horn headed martial artist is likely a wizard.

No. Can't have an eventual "main character" (heavy quotes, because as another user mentioned she becomes useless sidekick bait later on) who doesn't talk, as cool as a character concept as that might be.

Oh look, it's That Guy who thinks any ideas from media that isn't Tolkien are automatic magical-realm. 2/10, got me to reply I guess.



















Correction. I think that any ideas from anime are automatic magical realm, and a very pretentious as well.
Anime is all about glorified, normalised masturbation - mostly on pedobait moeblobs, but occasionally on something else.





I'm sorry you're so clouded by your pre-concieved biases that you're missing potentially good ideas simply because you want to broad-stroke an entire form of media as one thing.

That being said, as someone who does like anime, I do have to concede that 98% of it is complete and utter shit. I'm just more willing to give the 2% thats good a chance to inspire me... and sometimes even the bad stuff, because even bad things can have salvageable ideas sometimes.








>These are sluts, strippers or prostitutes posing in speciality outfits

That being said, you'd totally do them, would you not?

>I do have to concede that 98% of it is complete and utter shit
And how does that not apply to everything?
I give credit to manga for having a larger working base compared to comics; you can literally find a manga for just about any interest, topic or fanbase, while the comics industry has to jump thru hoops to have outlier things make it to print.


Why can't they be both?

Monk's gotta eat, too.




>I mean that's the best thing about armorless specialty classes right
No, it isn't.





I don't mind martial artist girls in skimpy, even sexual, outfits, but martial artists with gynormous boobies is really something I have a hard time tolerating.

