Does Dawn of War III deserve all the hate its getting?

Does Dawn of War III deserve all the hate its getting?

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All? No. Most? Yes.

When you discredit fan criticism as "being silly" you deserve the shit people throw at you.

mostly yes.

Cartoony animations and color palette.
starcraft 2 graphics and scale
silly as fuck and mediocre art direction.
Gabriel angelos looks like a fucking popeye.

No matter the amount of hate it will sell more than the pity 20k units of dawn 2

Dawn of War 2 was number one on US, UK, Aussie, French, German, and Spanish sales charts on release in 09, and though I can't find an exact citation for units sold, I sincerely doubt that adds up to 20k units. Got a source for that figure?

But i thought people wanted to go back to dow 1?

Some people wanted base building and larger armies. What we're getting is a stripped down version of base building and maybe armies that are on par with DoW1. But DoW1 has better mechanics in every field than this abomination of an RTS will have.

Also I sure hope that people like not knowing what the fuck is happening on screen because the devs have kindly decided to overload the game with clarity effects.

The only gimmick that made DoW a secent game was sync-kills, imo.

Taking it way leaves nothing unique about the games.

wish they would make more turn based 40k games for pc.

too old for fast spamming units, plus I like to chill and think about tactics.

>Stripped down base building

Mother fucker did you see the Ork video? Base building is in full swing, stop trying to spread fear about stuff you don't know shit about my dude.


>Base building is in full swing

Literally in the ork's case.

Also you want to know something that's confirmed missing? Defensive. Structures.


I played the space marine mission they've shown around at PAX West and it was a lot of fun. feels like the best parts of DoW1 and DoW2 without the horrendous pathfinding issues

>Defensive. Structures.
static defense in an RTS is for retards. are you a retard?

the better question is, does Veeky Forums hate everything more than /tv/ or /v/ or Veeky Forums? I can't really decide these days but its dam close.

Tell me where that is confirmed, first of all. Besides, as a DoW 1 fan, I don't see the problem with that. The only defense structure in that was a turret you could only build a few of, and was useless late game.

>spit shit that never happened without source
>Ask for source


Are you really that thin skinned? Do other people's opinions on Deathwing hurt your fanboy heart too?

Not really. The art style is a non-issue, base building is back, and an RTS game that has semi-large armies and base building is literally all I require of an RTS.

Dawn of War 2 was a good game in its own right and they should have done more to emulate that style of gameplay with certain aspects taken from Dawn of War 1 that make it more, not less, complex.

Dawn of War 2's cover system is far better than 1's, as is its core gameplay mechanics (suppression, hard counters etc.). Dawn of War 1 had larger armies and base building that should have been the only two things they should have copied wholesale from the original games. Instead they're making a style of game that, while it worked in the early 2000's, now looks cringeworthy in 2016 when we can implement much more elegant ways of representing core gameplay mechanics.

It deserves some of it

Now please cite some sales figures.

>asking for predictions about the future

How can anyone say without playing it first?

I like them a lot, but sync-kills has little to no effect on actual gameplay.

They'd be fucking sick, but I'd prefer they make a good game and then tack sync-kills on later as polish. Maybe they will - people have complained a lot about it.

Not all, but their marketing team should be fired for that first video and first information outlet. They practically tricked everyone into thinking DoW3 would be a moba.

It fails to do anything to improve upon it's predecessors, and is in many ways a step back.
There is no reason to play it over either DoW 1 or 2.

>building his opinion based on pre-sale critiques

It was in one of the relic streams. I can't really find it unfortunately. It was something along the lines that the only defenses that you can build is around control points.

But personally? I prefer the Total Annihilation / Supcom & Derivatives - style game. In those defenses are actually good & neede as you can't really run back with your armies.

Still DoW3 has stripped down mechanics everywhere, cover, movement, animation ect. You can't deny that.

Then what exactly, should I build my current opinion on the game on?
My views on the game are based on what the devs have released about it, and nothing they have released me has in any way, impressed me or convinced me that DOW 3 will be a more fun game to play than either DoW 1 or 2.

Protip: Base it on the experience you gain, while playing it you genius.

At least before judging it based on some reviews before you´ve gotten your hands on it.

What are you? A lemming that believes what he reads and sees on JewTube? We all know, that game mechanics can change drastically before launch.

Anyway, just repeat what your sources tell you, retard...

Yes, I do deny that. It's not stripped down, it's DoW1 style, it looks amazingly similar to that game. Through cover, movement, mechanics, and as for animation, it's in pre alpha, so I don't expect them to have all animations done just yet. Stop parroting opinions you didn't come up with yourself to sound smart.

When all the info about the game that has been released makes it look and sound completely unappealing to me, why the hell would I buy it in the first place?

They took those out? Damn

Popeye looks good however.

Not him but just pirate it so you don't waste any money if the game sucks

Might do that, once the game is released.

Veeky Forums isn't nearly as bad, I think you're just a thin-skinned fuckboy


Nigga please...

Some. Not all of it, but some of the marketing has turned longtime fans against this sequel, which is a pretty painful thing to see.

Well you really should watch some relic stream & read their q&as then you'll realize that this is it.

Vidya fans are usually a pretty painful thing to see tbph

enjoy denuvo nigga

Not mentioning that this shit got outmaneuvered a long time ago, but keep on crying and paying, bitchass...

>clogging up choke points with cheap static defences and effectively keep the enemy off huge swathes of the map while you focus your attention and ressources elsewhere

In a lot of RTS game, having Mobile units performing as cost effectively as static defenses will require some level of micromanagement.

Static defences are the shit.

C'mon dude if you have that little to say then just admit that you didn't research your shit and are just parroting opinions. This is a sequel to DoW1, which is what me and a lot of other people wanted. You're just like all the people on /v/ who want to bandwagon hate a game for the sake of being contrarian.

So far it looks they done a royal fuckup and are fucking it up even more. But we should wait and see, you never know...

I personally would like to see Warhammer 40K done as Wargame: Red Dragon (minus the ships) but GeeDub will never do that because that would be a better version of their tabletop game...

Why are you unimpressed, user?

No, Veeky Forums will never ever be as shit as /tv/. I regret every time I went there to talk about Star wars.

>Also you want to know something that's confirmed missing? Defensive. Structures.

Waaagh banners are in you mongoloid ape.
They shoot at stuff.

>Eldar and Space Marines don't play tower defense.
Boo fucking hoo. Next you're going to complain about Tyranids being numerous.
Fucking retard.

Are you blackshirt IDF for GW IP? I know we have more than one blackshirt on Veeky Forums and I've seen some extremely defensive posters for 40k related games. Your /v/ comparison is piss poor if not outright pathetic.

Legend says that Relic's prototype mimicked the tabletop very closely. GW didn't like that so we ended up with this

My dude, it's spot on. When we first started getting threads for this, I was excited, and /v/ was in full lets fuck this game up mode. Now that cancer has spread to Veeky Forums, where no one is examining it, and just parroting shit like 'STAR CRAFT 2, THE ANIMATIONS, BASE BUILDING IS SHIT, WE WANTED IT TO BE ANOTHER CALL OF HEROES CLONE!"

> other, more realistic opinion
> has to be a conspiracy

Enjoy your ´tism, boy

Post without green text next time

>Waaagh banners
Well I guess it's now my turn to as for sauce on that?

>space marines don't play tower defense

Ever heard of the Imperial Fists? They are famous for being awesome at destroying & manning defenses.

Well, I was mildly excited at first but dumb animations, visuals and focus on big huge awesome imperial knight to push more sales killed it fast. I haven't seen anything to sustain my initial enthusiasm so far.

>Defensive. Structures.

Blood Ravens call down defensive structures, you're fucking dumb.

You talk about the knight as though super units that received lots of focus and won battles didn't exist in DoW1, or even 2 for that matter. Baneblades, Avatars of Kain, Greater Daemons, c'mon dude.

They weren't pushed as much. They required lots of resources and time to built. Games were often decided before they appeared on the field.

But hey kids look how this awesome giant mecha shoots down crowds of dumb Eldar, go buy real model in the nearest GW™ store.

>it looks amazingly similar to that game
doesnt even remotely look similar.

if anything it still looks similar to dow2 ,especially the orks look pretty much the same

We've never had any Warhammer 40k game with Supcom-type defenses.

Unfortunately for those like me, you're right.

>Well I guess it's now my turn to as for sauce on that?

Ork reveal trailer write-ups.
Also can be seen in the video itself, left of the Ork base.
A big face on the tower, gretchin with a twin-linked shoota on top.


>no nids


Why is Gabriel like 20 feet tall?

Well from the article you linked it's not a defensive structure but a resource one that just happens to have a gun on top of it.

So it's exactly like in DoW1.

It's not a listening post turret, you can build as many as you fucking want and wherever the heck you fucking please.
Apart from looking a tiny bit sturdier than its predecessor (which was a tech+pop upgrader structure), it's exactly the same.

No it doesn't. Everyone freaked out because of the first """gameplay""" video, thinking the game would be a MOBA, and some people don't like the artstyle, but the gameplay looks solid and that's what I expect from an RTS

Also: I really like that shooty-klaw it could be a great addition to TT Ork codex.
What should it do? Allow a Boss to grab a character at 12" and force him to duel? Maybe just an attack S-user(x2) from 12" ?

Well I'm gonna give a go, newest gameplay vids are lookin fun.

Not gonna lie though, I'm still gutted about the old voice cast not returning, but that's nostalgia for you.

Hey,guys...what if we actualy wait for it to come out and see ... its a wild concept i know


I agree.
Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing why Gorgutz is a Bad Moon instead of an Evil Sun now.
I know it isn't important, especially to Gorgutz's character, but I think it might be significant for him, even if it's just to show a slight change in his outlook.

Im guessing it'll probably work like the ol' mag grab from the old blood angels dreadnought

He became less concerned with Speed and more with gubinz? His whole thing was putting his enemies heads on his pole. Thats pretty flash.

Well, one of the game's cinematics has him saying "I want it ALL" so that's probably part of it.
Maybe his fixation with showing off bits of his defeated foes has extended to fortresses, strongholds, planets etc. and that's made him focused on conquest? And yeah, the flashness of showing off your kills would've probably fed the clan change.

He never seemed concerned with speed in DoW1, though. Maybe that's part of the decision from the writers' end - if he doesn't act like an Evil Sun, why make him one?

Wait, there aren't even sync kills?
Jesus, I thought it couldn't get worse.

his armor looks great but his face looks awful, he needs that bionic eye thingy, otherwise he is fucking popeye.

the ork buildings looked like they came out of a cartoon, their whole thing looks cartooney and out of SC2, you just cant compare it to DOW 1/2 art direction at all.

you must be the retarded here, such buildings where very important in DOW 1 and they acted a key role.

>the ork buildings looked like they came out of a cartoon,

...they are orks. Orks always looked like they came out of the cartoon adaptation of mad max.

I think it looks pretty fun. The big blobs of shoota boyz and the stomps looked sweet to me. I'm just glad it's moved away from DW2, I didn't like that much at all.

Art style I think is fine, graphics look fine also. Maybe too much explosiony shit going on hard to tell without playing it myself.

Glad dow2 cover system is gone, hope they keep the morale system though. Sync kills, I dunno ... While they were cool and I would defo prefer they were included it's not mandatory i don't think. Wait and see, never know with modern vidya anymore. I don't get my hopes up about anything anymore.

Why worry about it now, when it can be perfectly FUBAR later!

Yes. Because it forces them to actually think about what they're doing. If they have intelligent people in charge, they'll be able to pick out the good criticisms from the bad. Speaking of which...

>Cartoony animations and color palette.
I honestly think relic is spreading this argument as part of a marketing campaign to make most criticisms of the game appear retarded by association.

It'll sell more than Dawn of War 2 for the following reasons:

1. It will not have Games for Windows Live forced down everyone's throats
2. It will actually run on people's computers, as opposed to GFWL not working correctly, preventing them from playing the game and causing people to refund
3. They haven't yet run a beta and then promptly ignored and banned betatesters for criticizing gameplay or design choices
4. Nor have they yet implemented sweeping game-breaking balance changes literally the day before going gold

Dawn of War 2 failed because Relic was staffed by incompetents. It's very likely the current staff at relic are very different from the group that did Dawn of War 2. We'll see how it goes.

All I want from DoW 3 is decent RTT gameplay where map control matters and there's no such thing as turtling or autism forts.

Fuck the RTS peasants that want to sit in a base all day.

That's a Deff dread.

No decent RTS player turtles, in any RTS that's actually worth playing.

I think what he wants is an actual lore accurate scenario, where "base building" is second to the forces moving out, taking parts of the terrain and such.

What about Space Marines proportions? I know a lot of people couldn't stand them. Opinions?

Veeky Forums is just tsundere towards the things it loves.

They're closer to actual tall human proportions, but Space Marines were supposed to be horrendously bulky super-humans.

thats not the point, everithing about how sm is supposed to look is absurdly stylised, anatomy has no meaning or baring on it, but the main goal, even with the old beakies, was usualy to make them look bulky, rounded and 'heavy', you know like, heroic high-testosterone look

this new slender crap looks like theyre wearing tights or something

It's true scale rather than heroic scale. I think it was just for the cinematic trailer anyway.

they do look like dyel marines though, they took it way too fucking far.

And then there's this sperg.

Properly proportioned space marines always look so weird. I think my eyes have gone retarded from being accustomed to the completely unproportional miniatures.

don't know about it and can't find any info either (my google-fu may be weaker than I thought)
care to elaborate?

the official reason is bionics. He lost two legs and an arm on a lava planet pic related
Another reason used by Relic is that it makes him more noticeable on the battlefield. But I think his skin is distinctive enough and they could tune down his height a little bit, if only to appease the worst autists a bit

Looks bad and probably plays like a dumbed down version of DoW I. Not what people wanted at all. Not to mention the devs should all be shot for the bullshit they spew
>we barely improved the graphics because we want it to be more accesible, but at the same time we cranked up particle effects
>obviously the different silhouttes and squad markers are not enough to differiantate between units, we added retarded, but unique walking animations to each unit because that is how most players recognize units, by their walking animations (also ignore the fact that every little movement for some reason produces particle trails or explosions that cover the screen and obscure the units)
>Angelos is doing backflips and twirling his hammer because 40k lore is retarded haha, but we chose this horrible color pallete because it's 100% lore accurate
>one of the reasons the retreat button has been removed is because SM retreating is retarded in the lore, oh and every Eldar unit now has a personal magic shield while lascanons fire a continious beam
>we put great care in bringing the units to life and all, that's why the heroes are prancing around like weeb shit while other units are lifeless blobs where the only animation is their gun slightly shaking
>oh you can't criticize the artstyle we've shown in the first gameplay reveal, it only looks retarded because it's an ice level

>squad based combat system.
>different weapon loadouts for squads.
yeah. small potatoes compared to sync kills.

>CoH2 player goes to relic for casting their tourney.
>ask him on chat on how the game is shaping up to be.
>says that it's surprisingly like CoH2 in the good ways.
well fuck.

I don't see the total warhammer torrents.

>3 races

They deserve all shittalk. Seriously, they could at least make chapters/dark eldars via reskin and minor changes. But nope, better copy Starcraft and eventually jew with DLC.

you need to collect a lot of resources to build them in the first place. Did you not see the actual gameplay?