Player wants to play a bride who has her wedding interrupted and ends up going on an adventure instead of getting...

Player wants to play a bride who has her wedding interrupted and ends up going on an adventure instead of getting married.

What are some ways to accomplish this WITHOUT just ripping off Kill Bill?

Other urls found in this thread:

a couple of options...

>big bad kidnaps her husband to be

> runaway bride from an arranged marrage

>cold feet

> turns out she's the groom's long lost sister separated at birth

>groom is the big bad

...take your pick

wreck it ralph?

bandits attack the wedding party. Bride goes full bridezilla and beats them to death with a piece of decor.
discovers violence is fun, groom-to-be reacts disappointingly squeemish about murder.

Never saw it, explain?

This one has potential.

And here's to you, Mrs Robinson....

She and her groom ( another player ) were supposed to be married, to be then sacrificed by cultists, but they escaped together

I'd rather have the groom be amazed by it, but I suppose the wedding wouldn't end if the two decide to Bonny and Clyde 2: Electric Murder Boogaloo it up.

The bride's best friend interrupts the wedding to announce that her child belongs to the groom.

The wedding party is attacked by bandits and the groom dies defending his bride.

A group of cultists disrupts the wedding to announce that the child of the bride will destroy the world. The bride's father objects and is the first to die.

A witch turns the groom into a dog. He only changes back into a human on full moons.

A witch places a curse on the bride which will cause her to betray the one she loves most.

The party rescues a poor woman who was charmed and deceived by a sorcerer, just in time to stop their wedding.

A long time ago, the bride's true love set off on an adventure to become a worthy husband. He never returned and this is the bride's last chance to go search for him.

The groom is just a kid and they are being forced into an unhappy marriage for political reasons. The bride's handmaiden tells her an old friend is passing through town with his adventuring party and they can sneak her out of town safely.

Take one of the usual "bad things happen to interrupt the ceremony" things, but instead of canceling they just postpone because they really want to have their special day be perfect and it'll take a while to arrange everything again. She's adventuring to kill time while waiting for everything to be put back together.

Rip off Kill Six Billion Demons.

>A long time ago, the bride's true love set off on an adventure to become a worthy husband. He never returned and this is the bride's last chance to go search for him.
This seems promising. Not only does it provide an excuse for the bride to go out and adventure, but will undoubtedly provide character drama later after she finds him and her family still doesn't approve despite all he went through for her.
Does she abandon her true love out of duty to her family, or abandon her family to be with her true love?
To make it even better, have her come from a noble family, so if she chooses her true love she is also giving up a significant amount of social status.

monster bursts in, eats groom. So, it's like Kill Bill, but rather than wanting revenge on BIll, it's wanting revenge on Dragons in General or something.

>What are some ways to accomplish this WITHOUT just ripping off Kill Bill?
After exchanging their vows, the bride-to-be realizes she no longer has her husband's ring. After a short investigation she learns the BBEG, a highly jealous women who has had a crush on her husbando for decades, has stolen the ring in order to sabotage the wedding and swoop in to "save" the heartbroken man after being stood up by his would-be-wife. The bride-to-be embarks on an epic quest to regain her husband's wedding ring and get her fairy tail happy end.

>>cold feet
Bride gets cold feet, runs into the woods to unwind and is kidnapped by traveling bandits who think she's a princess. She gets away but they're already far from home and now has to return on her own means.

The BBEG kidnapped half of the country and brings it into his world to make a country in his own image. While walking down the isle, the entire world in front of her is ripped out of exsistance, and now she's there.

A witch places a curse on the bride which will cause her to betray the one she loves most.

After living a life of trying to never betray anyone, she relizes the witch was right all along. She had betrayed herself

Husband swapped with doppelganger after some seemingly worthless but vital family heirloom.

The "Something borrowed" turns out to be a cursed item and the bride must ride forth to solve a mystery and remove the curse.

Mid ceremony a dying paladin stumbles inside and with his dying breath entrusts his quest to the bride or the paladin's god/goddess finds the bride worthy etc

Man I've seen wreck it ralph and that still doesn't make any fucking sense to me why you would call it that. But it's not a bad idea.


Consider this stolen

I read those as if they were all part of the same story at first

I think that's the backstory of the blond Gears of War woman.

>fairy tail

Could even combine the first and the last.

Paladin on the trail of doppelganger busts in just before the ceremony and accidentally kills the doppelganger while attempting to apprehend it, bride vows to help find out what happened to the groom.

Bride decided she wanted to 'sow her wild oats', as it were, and so paid for a long-term time-stop spell to freeze the ceremony and go adventuring for a while.

>bride is teleported somewhere else and is trying to get back, gets sidetracked.
>bride runs off with a mysterious man from childhood, later the husband joins
Thanks Doctor Who!

> Leave her man at the altar to have a life of high adventure...

This is some pretty weapon's grade women's wish fulfilment OP.

It's a yellow flag, she sounds like she could be that girl.

>A long time ago, the bride's true love set off on an adventure to become a worthy husband. He never returned and this is the bride's last chance to go search for him.
By any chance, is the bride meeting a thoroughly admiral Prince?

>Leave her man at the altar

That seems more like your assumption. All we know is that the player wanted the bride's wedding to be interrupted in a way that forces her to adventure. As many of the suggestions in this thread show, leaving the groom at the altar is not the only way to accomplish this.

You don't understand women do you?

The marriage *has* to be interrupted by an outside influence, she can't escape from matrimony out of her own personal decision. It has to be because the big bad or her true love came into the picture at the last moment.

For the woman to call the marriage off her self, would require her to accept personal responsibility.

When the priest asks if anyone objects to the union, the statue representing the local divinity comes alive and declares that he/she has fallen in love with the bride. The church won't go against the word of their god, and instead forcefully take her to a far away abbey so she'll stay pure for their god, from which she either escapes or actually status a while to learn a religious class. Her mission is now to find a way to make that god stop bothering her with failed attempts at seduction, which he/she does a lot and increasingly desperately though never directly harming her.

And yes, "he/she" because quite honestly I think it gets more hilarious if the god is actually a goddess and the character AND the church are totally weirded out by discovering the goddess is into that. But I guess it's also more fetishy. The important bit is the recurring gag of a character rejecting an increasingly desperate divinity's approaches despite the massive power gap between them.

Considering most the marriage and sex lives of most classical gods, I doubt they would bat an eye to it.

Well yes but the premise snaps if they're a classical god simply because the classical gods do not ask, they take. And that is not fun for any of the involved parties except the god!

CAPTCHA: Court potholes

It's spelled plot holes, CAPTCHA, but I get what you mean.

You're also assuming a female player and starting to get /r9k/, so hey.

Why are you switching the argument from the woman leaving on her own terms ("leaving the man at the altar" in the initial post) to her needing an external influence? While implying both are inherently bad things?

Maybe I don't understand, but you seem to pulling a lot of conclusions from very little information.

Rip off donkey Kong.
A big ass gorilla breaks in steals the groom, and the bride must save her husband, bonus points if the bride is a jumpomancer.

>jumping over barrels in a wedding gown to stop an evil gorilla

When I wrote that, I actually thought to myself "come on, don't misspell this". This wasn't a mistake, I was actively thinking about how to spell it. I thought wrong.

Brb committing sudoku.

Good news, your inability to score with girls isn't the fault of society at large.

source please?
Reverse search is useless and I can always do with more minigirl smut in my life.

Wedding ring is cursed, when groom slips it on her finger she is teleported to a far away adventure.

Ancient ancestor of one of them comes as a ghost to interrupt the ceremony because the other person is part of a hated family at his time, from another country, or another race entirely. And to get his permission to marry she has to go on some stupid quest he made off the top of his head.

I really like this one.


Because I have the ability to read between the lines.

Pulling things out of your ass is not the same as reading between the lines. I felt like you needed to know that.

Yes. You make it the worst wedding day of her life. You make the most improbably, awful, inexplicable things happen from the time she wakes to the last minutes before she has to reach the altar. Don't kill the groom or other bride - just make the distance between them grow bigger and bigger.

And then you have that final improbability drag her far, far away from the church, by some series of events and happenstances that make no sense, and have return be very hard or prolonged by the adventure itself.

So one day, at the very end, she can finally walk up to the altar, throw down her ring, say "I do", and walk back out with sword over shoulder and god knows how many campaigns well behind her.

Or if you want something dog simple, they stole the ring her lover proposed with, because it was a special ring or something. She wants it fucking back.

What am I pulling out of my ass?

The player said that they wanted their character's wedding to be interrupted by an external force that ends with their character becoming an adventurer.

She can't just say that she has second thoughts or leave quietly, which would serve the same end. Instead, she'd rather someone else take the decision making process outside of her control so she gets all the benefits of her decision without the responsibility or consequences of leaving her fiancee standing at the alter.

I don't even see why you're this butthurt over my analysis unless it bothers you how right I am.

No, it's just that.
>I have second thoughts and decided to just leave
is far less interesting than
>My wedding was attacked by monsters and my fiancee killed.

The asspull lies in the motives you ascribe to the character and the player. Try not to be so obviously stupid next time, hon.

I guess that explains why you seemed so upset. So tell me, did he leave you or did you leave him for options that didn't really pan out the way you'd hoped?

Change the interrupting party. It's not a squad of hitmen, it's a shark.

You're a funny dude, herr. Tell me, does my adoption of the German honorific make me a German? There must be a whole world inside your asshole that you can pull things out of.

You're getting pretty worked-up over the perceived motivations of a fictional character.


How are either of us "winning" this "argument"?
You should not be so serious, dude. This is less of a debate (in other words, something you can win) and more like careless shit-flinging. But go on, keep believing that I'm a German girl. It's honestly funny.

And you're getting extremely worked up over some anonymous faggot calling out some skank for being wishy-washy bitch whose too chickenshit to just end the fucking wedding.

You seem to have a personal stake in this argument, SeƱor. I suggest that you take a few deep breaths, turn off the computer, and then come back when whatever's ailing you has subsided.

>Missing the point
>Still insisting she's a dude
Face it, you exposed yourself. Do us both a favor and admit to it, it's less embarrassing than attempting damage control of this magnitude.

Sirrah, I have no quarrel with you. I suggest you drop the tough-guy persona (which is quite admittedly, poorly-performed and transparent) and just let fall the tears. Go on, user, cry. I won't judge you.

Whoa, literally first time I've posted here all day

Time to take a break from the Internet, sport.

>He saw through my shitty ruse
>"y-you must b-be s-s-sad :'("

Would the three of you just fuck already!

>"c-calm down, you're h-h-h-hurting my delicate fee-fees :'("
If you don't like what I have to say then just leave. Lord forbid you actually learn something on this shitty site for once.

Do not run away from your emotions, user.
Brother, I probably would. Were I not sure that at least one of us was a complete emotional wreck, that is.
I am telling him to calm down because of genuine concern for his well-being. While I'm not sure if you and him are the same person or not, may I suggest a good talk therapist? You may learn how to actually bond with other people.

Also, I maintain that you should leave if you find my mere presence to be so antithetical to your happiness. It's a two-way street, user.

>Do not run away from your emotions, user.
I'm not a woman so I actually have control of my emotions slag. If anything, you're the one who got triggered so maybe you should follow your own advice.

>I actually have control of my emotions
Could have fooled me

It's not my fault you're too emotional to accept truth and too much of a sheltered slag to accept criticism.

Y'know what, it's obvious that you're too emotional to continue this conversation so get back to me when you're off your period m'kay?

>I'm not a woman so I actually have control of my emotions slag.
You, my friend, quite frankly sound delusional. Because you really don't have control of your emotions, not if you sincerely act in any way like this. If you're merely trolling, as it were, I am probably getting far more enjoyment out of this than you are.

>If anything, you're the one who got triggered so maybe you should follow your own advice.

This does not seem to be sinking in, so instead I'll speak your own vernacular. Perhaps this will allow you to grok what I'm trying to say:


Imagine that. He has attempted to copy my own attitude, desperately trying to maintain his fragile ego. I feel like I've seen this before...

When the groom slips it on she's teleported to another world.

Now her, her maid of honor secretly in love with her spouse, one of the groomsmen secretly in love with her, and the flower girl whose just pissed off she left her 3ds behind must adventure to get back to their own world

It's fucking tinkerbell.
Fucking search for it yourselves.

Rip off Wreck 'Em Ralph.

>The bride's ex stumbles in drunk during the ceremony saying some Elliot Rodger quote or whatever
>Then he opens a portal by vomiting on the floor and releasing the plot monsters

>tfw my character's wedding hasn't happened yet
>there is a strong chance something will disrupt it even though I'm trying to take as many precautions as possible
>possibly BECAUSE I'm taking so many precautions
For once, I'm expecting the Inquisition.

One of the setting's gods suddenly reaches out to the bride and tells her she must abandon the wedding immediately and go on a holy quest... or so the bride says.

If you want some inspiration for this campaign, watch the movie "Krull".

Have the wedding crashed by minions and agents of the BBEG; A Demon/Devil/Aberration from the stars that takes the Groom because he possesses a power that it desires. Most of the wedding party is slaughtered except for the Bride and a few of the adventuring party who were invited, who then set out to find the BBEG's lair; A teleporting fortress that changes locations at sunset. Along away, they meet up with other characters, forming the complete adventuring party. The Bride also acquires an enchanted weapon that may help slay the BBEG. The party takes on some side quests to determine the location of the Fortress, all the while fighting the minions and agents of the BBEG who are sent to stop the Bride. Meanwhile the BBEG tries to sway/torture/corrupt the Groom so it can take his special power; A power that could destroy the BBEG but it can only be given to another.

Have fun!!

That's happened to me more times than I'd like to admit


Her sister is also in love with the same man and due to some royal decree will only be able to marry him if the PC sister is dead. So has been trying to kill PC through assassins, corrupt guards and whatever opportunities arise.

PC has escaped the latest attempt where she was almost drowned and is on the run, but is also searching for some means to subdue her sister's rage and return to marry her fiancee. Play as a bard character if you want to make the reference obvious.

Unknown to either party, each family owns a half of a valuable artifact. On the day of the wedding, a paladin bursts through the doors claiming he knows one of the people in the church is a doppleganger seeking to steal a valuable artifact. The groom panics and is revealed to be a doppelganger. In the confusion, the bride slips out of the church. Unbeknownst to everyone at the ceremony, the bride was also a doppelganger seeking wealth, and it was she that the paladin sought. Her mission is now twofold: find out who the other doppelganger was as well as how he knew about her half of the artifact and figure out how the paladin discovered her plan.

You'd think, but no. Political marriages between two religious sects (one of which has taken great pains to nearly eradicate the other over the period of several centuries) is fraught with such dangers.

I would probably pay to read/watch this. Anybody got something similar?

Rip off Brave?

>Because it's the players idea OOC for a potential hook to start the game with, it's automatically the characters idea.

FUCK YEAH, thats what im talking about. The Pc's are the bride maids and groomsmen or in some way related to the wedding.

> Druid is a the flower person whose all fuck no and rage.
> Best bro Paly, Chad Supudworth who's still hungover from the NOT! Vegas bachelor party
> Little sister rogue, maid of honor and natural born killer
> Cleric is literally just the dude they had asked to perform the ceremony
> Warlock is the awkward goth cousin who wont stop wearing the tuxedo t-shirt
> Barbarian is your drunk uncle

I dont know how, but im going to make this happen

If you've made a whole bunch of plans then something is definitely going to disrupt the wedding. Because of how storytelling works the more detailed and exhaustive your plan is the more likely something is to go horribly wrong with it.

Well, many of the plans hinge on getting the groom's parents' approval. That's currently the major obstacle.