How would you go about playing an interesting vampire PC without being an edgelord or snowflake (or both?)

How would you go about playing an interesting vampire PC without being an edgelord or snowflake (or both?)

Have you ever played one before? How did it turn out?

VtM. I played Hobo Jezus (malk). He tried to help out whomever he could. Didn't survive very long. Got eaten by another PC.

Someone seeking a cure? (Assuming one exists within your setting?)

But vampire PCs in games not designed around them ARE snowflakes.

Maybe some kind of scientist or archaeologist?

He could have decided to become a vampire in order to expand his lifespan, so that he can do more research.

>Dress like a normal person
>Don't be brooding
>Don't kill people just 'cause, but also: don't deny you need the blood
>In other words: be ok with your vampirism, but don't revel in it
>Don't use a katana
>Don't use blood magic
>Have some companions and/or friends
>Have a laugh when you can
>Shed a tear when moved to
>Be a normie

Also: be a Bard

Yes. The important thing is to reek of desperation. Wild-eyed desperation. Desperation is never edgy, especially if you behave like a guy who's caught in a trap and is desperately seeking a way out. Jump at every chance at a cure.

I played a vampire once. It's pretty hard to get around the edgy when you have to sneak into bedrooms to drink blood. I just played him as a honestly good guy who was eccentric and more than a little grandiose as well as being behind the times who never drank enough blood to kill anyone.

>party meets another vampire that's killing people
>it was all about him having to feed due to a greater curse so he was literally draining people
>they call him a liar and accuse him of doing it for pleasure because they know from me that the blood has to be from a pure and beautiful maiden
>my face the entire time

The solution to your dilemma came to me long ago, OP. It was when I discovered three fourths of my hospital staff were vampires.

Thank you Dwarf Fortress.

So ... play a doctor. Just have a care with talking shop, and who you mouth off to.

Unfortunately, we've passed the media saturation singularity past which every attempt to play a character is cliche and every attempt to play it differently is the cliche of trying to avoid the cliche. The only way to do it is to play them as a completely normal, boring person, but that's also the cliche of trying to avoid cliches.

Take a look at Regis from the Witcher 3. Very good example if you're looking for interesting without edge

you've just gave me an excuse to post this

Based Devlin

that actually reminded me of that one time Stalker had a "vampire" who turns out he had a blood addiction and started murdering other stalkers to drink their blood. He was a doctor that disappeared after you met him for a while

I think you need to take a break from roleplaying games

Took a hefty amount of inspiration from Horst Cabal. Turned out pretty okay.

Play them like the characters of What do We do in the Shadows

I made it absolutely hammy

Just be like this guy

I'm way too casual for DF, but I always enjoy reading the stories about it.