Has you group roleplayed a family? Like group consists of Adventure mom and dad and children?

Has you group roleplayed a family? Like group consists of Adventure mom and dad and children?

Well, uh... Technically, nah.

One of my friends and I played an Efrit and his daughter he had with another of my characters. So kind of.
Sometimes it was fabulous.

Geralt and Ciri?

Yes actually.

Me and a buddy played brother and sister bards. Aasimar and Tiefling. Because their dad was a bard too.

They bro'd it up the entire time and then nearly everybody other than them died to werewolves at level 3 because our DM forgot how CR worked

Friendly reminder that Future Trunks and his waifu are now in a timeline where they've never met any of their friends and their friends don't remember them because they never formed a resistance and grew closer to eachother.

Friendly reminder that all of their real friends have been utterly destroyed, even depraved of the chance to rest peacefully in the afterlife.

Friendly reminder that they are now shoehorned into a universe where another Trunks and another Mai already exist, making this new Trunks and new Mai utterly redundant as well as making everything horribly confusing, which will inevitably lead to some sort of mental crisis for all four of them.

Friendly reminder that Toriyama considers this a happy end.

Friendly reminder that it would've been better in every single conceivable way if Future Trunks and Future Mai remained in the "main" timeline of the story, where people already know them and care for them and where it's easy to tell the difference between them and the Trunks and Mai originally belonging to that timeline.

Friendly reminder that they brought back the best Dragonball character only to fuck him over.

A lot of shounen manga authors don't know what it feels like to love.

Fraternal twins who were very close intimately but no sex. Like Leto II and His sistrt Ghanima. They bath together and even nuzzle.

Two rat folk characters who set out adventuring from the same metropolitan Warren. They each chose rat folk independently of one another for their own reasons and decided to be brothers.

The sad part is that one tends to get bored of his characters and will likely abandon the concept after a few sessions.


I haven't, but I kind of want to now.

Brothers Undecided. A portion of a larger family whose name is Undecided. Much like the Harpels, each brother had a horrible quirk that many people dislike.

When one of the brother's dies, we make a new undecided relative (an aunt, or uncle) and continue from there.
The Undecideds are Undecided because when it came around the time people started using last names, our family couldn't think of a good one so we decided to not decide on one until the entire family could agree.

Every five years, the family congregates and tries to decide on a name. If one puts out an incredibly bad name, they are executed. Many people do not attempt to put out a name, as it must be unanimous.

My friend played an Undecided whose goal was to be admired by all and never have a spec of dust on him (glamoured armor and all) while my character was a pimp who walked around with numerous prostitutes and whose sole motivation was to create the best and most diverse brother in existence.

Fun time.

ast time I did this I was running it. It was a game of Manifest Dwarfstiny. All the dwarves were members of a single family that were gifted lands and titles in exchange with being charged with the task of securing a pass through those DAMN MOUNTAINS.

asshole mountains. Always needing securing.

The mountains were full of undead. The entire game was spent telling a family of royal ghouls to go fuck themselves. Also the fact Hill Giants are bastards. Also werewolves aren't as bad but they can also go fuck themselves. Also dire bats can go fuck themselves. Also troglodytes are pretty ok as long as they keep their demon worship to themselves.

Does ERP count?

Slimes can eat a dick. Literally, they'll eat that dick and the rest of you.

And dragons! Fuckers think all the shiny is theirs.

Displacer beasts? Rare, but their arms make a good gravy.

Fucking villagers and their stupid bullshit. The capital can go fuck themselves with their auditors. Carnivorous trees can go fuck themselves, we mobilized the army and burned down their grove. Goblins can all go fucking die with their stupid 'kiss the rat game'. Fucking super brothels and their stupid fucking harboring assassins. Spies are a bunch of fuck heads. Fucking jesus christ.

>tfw DM tricked me into my character marrying his mom

Rat bastard.

God damn the wilderness is as fucked up as the city. Mimics? Holy fuck why is it my cup?

For real though, why is every king a fucking a shape-shifter?

How come Paladins are totally fine executing someone for crossing his path but won't go on a fucking crusade against some asshole cabal murdering peasants in the wilderness?

Don't even get me started on all the rogue's with a heart of gold. Solid gold. They cut it out of all the poor bastards and dip that shit in their molten ill-gotten gains!

Watch out for that guy, next time he might make your character kill his father. Or perhaps he already did, you just haven't found out yet.

Once, I played a oneshot where we played a dragon family. It ended badly to That Guy shenanigans.

No! Don't suggest such a thing! No murders here!


I once played a family of
In true dwarven style, the mother used her kid as a shield. A vicious, bloodthirsty shield.

You probably meant brothel, but I'm quite taken by the idea of forcing one of your parents sire only the best of siblings. Not sure how to promote diversity though, maybe crossbreed various whores/giggolos (they are a pimp) and hope one parent is still alive to make sure that the resulting child is indeed your (step) brother.

Yea I meant Brothel.

Our adventures were pretty funny, to us anyways, and I tried to take at least one or two women (of any race at all) to add to my group. Our "down-time" was spent returning my whores to my brothel in town and then going out on new adventures.

I cant remember the name of the race, but I had one winged humanoid race, a few goblins, three air gnomes, and a few other weird races in my concubine group.

We didnt roleplay sex or anything, we arn't that homo, but it was pretty funny marching into a town with a gloriously armored brother (draped in all manor of fine trinkets) followed by a hoard of hookers.

Diplomacy rolls be crazy.

Incestuous tiefling urchin twins, but never anything intergenerational.

Reposting ancient screencap


Nah, but the current party are all siblings.

We're being super melodramatic about it and shouting 'BROTHERRRRR' constantly and I think the DM is getting annoyed

they still have the time machine it's not like they can't go back to the "main" universe

that said i like to imagine that they ended up in the online/xenoverse universe and trunks joins the time patrol

a friend once ran a game where all the players were siblings competing for their father's inheritance as king. it was a fun idea but sadly the family tie didn't get played up enough by nearly enough of the party. I was playing the pompous prettyboy sibling and I had a thing about teasing the timid wizard, and the big sis surrogate mom cleric just babied everyone, that was it.

First campaign, my best friend and I played brothers.

Short lived online campaign, me and two guys played three sisters. I was the serious and responsible middle sister. Pic related.

In a campaign with my brother my dad and a some randos, me and my brother played as Brothers, our dad played as a Priest - so we addressed him in game as "Father". I made a Rogue, brother made an enchanter.

One family has had a ton of member appearances, and some of them don't even know they're related.
>Male Fighter, former player character, died, had a wife and four children (all of whom are alive), now an NPC of sorts
>Male Warlock, the 'heavy' villain of the campaign, adoptive uncle of the Fighter, also died
>Female Bard/Fighter, dead wife of Fighter and mother of his children, had a child in the past before they were married that was kidnapped from her, an NPC of sorts like her husband
>Male Fighter/Ranger, brother of Fighter, doesn't know their true relationship but they were allies, alive
>Female daughter of Fighter, kidnapped/adopted and raised by Warlock in secret, knows nothing of her true bloodline and thinks her 'Father' the Warlock is the best person ever, alive
>Twin daughters of Fighter, adopted by paladins in secret after Fighter and Bard/Fighter were killed, too young to know their heritage, alive
>Male son of Fighter, doesn't know about any of his sisters, generally a conniving little shit with high awareness and an ego larger than most blimps, minor neutral character, concealing his identity, alive
>Female Cleric, biological daughter of warlock, didn't like him, raised by Warlock's much more Good brother, adoptive mother of Fighter and Fighter/Ranger, alive
It's really weird and deserves its own gnarled-ass family tree.
As the DM, I love it.

We had a traveller campaign where we were a family who crewed a tramp freighter. It was both our livelihood, and our home. Passengers were treated to a very bed & breakfast sort of experience when they traveled with us. The ship even had a fireplace (with holographic flames) in the main room.

The dad was an ex naval officer who was the pilot and navigator. The mother was an ex-merchant type with excellent broker skills and handled getting cargo/jobs. There were two daughters, a girly intellectual who doubled as medic and mechanic, and a tomboy troublemaker with some rogue-like skills.

Later we picked up a soldier who was keen on one of the daughters.

Was a pretty good campaign.

I had one group where two of the players had decided to be cousins. And engaged to each other. In a supernatural high school game.


I desperately want to.

Also, current game sort of. My character is adventuring and his mom is going along with him (or more like after him), though she's not an actual PC but is controlled by another player.

This is the best option

A joke with my character is that, to every non-elf, his gender-bent self looks exactly like his mother. This makes it even weirder when 'he' says stuff like "Damn, I'm HOT! Would you do me? I'd do me."

Of course naturally when all elves have pretty faces, they're able to tell the minute differences between each other, so my character has no idea why everyone starts looking at him funny when he starts being vain. Don't they know elves are full of themselves?

Players in my game kind of have. One PC adopted a kid after knowing her all campaign and asking another NPC to help surrogate her together. Turned into a quiet but very substantial plot impact, and a sort of redemptive deal around other events the PC ascended to a Holy Knight shortly after.

Not in an RPG setting

Fuck you man I'd love to be in a timeline with two of me and my lover. Mai knew exactly what she was agreeing to when she said it was ok.